C O L O S S U S THE "STATE OF THE ART" BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE FOR THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER COPYRIGHT, 1985 BY THE FORBIN PROJECT & DAN P. PLUNKETT NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 1.2 DISCLAIMER 1 1.3 COPYRIGHT NOTICE 2 1.4 CREDITS 2 2.0 COLOSSUS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 2 2.1 MODEMS 2 2.2 MODEM SWITCHES 3 2.3 NUMERIC RESULT CODES 3 3.0 COLOSSUS FILES 3 3.1 SYSTEM FILES 3 3.2 HELP FILES 4 3.3 MENU FILES 4 3.4 MESSAGE FILES 5 3.5 WELCOME FILES 5 3.6 BULLETIN FILES 5 3.7 OTHER SUPPORT FILES 6 4.0 THE COMMAND LINE 6 4.1 DEFINITIONS 7 4.2 EXAMPLES 9 4.3 BATCH FILES 10 5.0 GETTING STARTED 10 5.1 DEFAULT DRIVE 10 5.2 CONFIG.SYS FILE REQUIRED 10 5.3 RUNNING COLOSSUS THE FIRST TIME 11 5.4 SETTING UP THE SYSTEM FILES 12 6.0 USING THE QUESTIONNAIRE 14 7.0 COLOSSUS NETWORKING 16 7.1 NET-MAIL DESCRIPTION 16 7.2 GETTING A NET/NODE NUMBER ASSIGNED 18 7.3 HOW IS THE NET/NODE SYSTEM ORGANIZED? 18 7.4 NET-MAIL OPERATION 19 8.0 THE FUNCTION KEYS 20 8.1 DEFINITIONS: 20 9.0 THE ALT KEYS 22 9.1 AVAILABLE KEYS 22 9.2 DEFINITIONS 22 10.0 MAIN MENU EXPLAINED 27 10.1 MAIN MENU EXAMPLE 27 10.2 EXPLANATION 27 11.0 MESSAGE MENU (MMS) EXPLAINED 29 11.1 MESSAGE MENU EXAMPLE 29 11.2 EXPLANATION 29 COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 12.0 FILE MENU EXPLAINED 30 12.1 FILE MENU EXAMPLE 30 12.2 EXPLANATION 30 13.0 SYSOP MENU EXPLAINED 31 13.1 SYSOP MENU EXAMPLE 32 13.2 EXPLANATION 32 14.0 THE SYSOP'S "UPDATE MENU" EXPLAINED 34 14.1 UPDATE MENU EXAMPLE 34 14.2 EXPLANATION 34 15.0 COLOSSUS TECHNICAL REFERENCE INFORMATION 36 15.1 RECORD STRUCTURE FOR "USERS.BBS" 36 16.0 LATEST COLOSSUS UPDATES 36 16.1 COLOSSUS PROGRAM UPDATES 36 COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 1.0 INTRODUCTION Colossus is a bulletin board program written in Borland's Turbo Pascal. Designed on an IBM Personal Computer, Colossus is compatible with the IBM PCjr and other IBM "Compatibles" like the Tandy 1000. Colossus is distributed under the "Userware" concept. You are encouraged to distribute this software to others as long as you DO NOT charge, in any shape or form, for this program. 1.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Thank you for taking the time and expense of obtaining Colossus. We're sure after you've had a chance to look Colossus over, you'll agree it is a powerful bulletin board program which combines both speed and finesse. This program, like many others is distributed under the "Userware" concept. Since Colossus is not a program which appeals to a mass market, like a communications program for example, we depend on you --- the lonely Sysop --- to support our undertaking. It's important to note that in all actually very few users of Public Domain programs ever send the author their registration or donation. Being a Sysop, your rewards for running your board are often a simple "Thanks". I hope after you've used Colossus, and have chosen it over the many other programs available, you'll show your support by a simple donation. We could of offered gimmicks like full documentation, telephone support, etc.. for registration. We didn't, instead we're depending on you, the sysops', to help keep our program growing by showing your support by sending in your registration. Many of you will have Colossus running 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. This is more than other program you'll use, during this use we're confident we'll earn your support. Registration is easy. Send a $50.00 (or more) donation to the author: Mr. Dan Plunkett 9526 Ashbourn Drive Burke, VA 22015 In either case feel free to distribute Colossus freely and send us any comments or suggestion via net mail. 1.2 DISCLAIMER The Forbin Project and all other authors associated with the writing or evolution of Colossus are not responsible for any damage done to hardware/software/other peripherals by Colossus during running. All responsibility lies with the operator. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 1.3 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Colossus is a Copyright of The Forbin Project and Dan P. Plunkett. Colossus and affiliate programs distributed with it are not to be modified or distributed without the expressed written consent of The Forbin Project or Dan P. Plunkett. Colossus is NOT to be sold or used for or with illegal intentions under the penalty of law. 1.4 CREDITS Many hours have gone into the development of Colossus. Not just with writing code, but finding bugs, changing formats and testing things like the Networking and File area. A lot of these tests were done while running up healthy phone bills just so Colossus could be brought to you. Press Page Up to see a note from the author regarding credits. We would like to mention some of these people here: Dan Plunkett John Friel III Jim Harrer Scott Hunter Plus the many BETA TESTERS! Thanks guys for your help! 2.0 COLOSSUS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The following are considered the minimum "Baseline" requirements: A. 128K Memory B. One Disk Drive C. Modem D. Monitor 2.1 MODEMS Colossus automatically determines your incoming callers baud rate. In order for this to work, your modem must be able to send numeric result codes, support the Hays Command Set, and support DTR (Data Terminal Ready). The following modems have been tested to work with Colossus and are believed to be compatible: A. Qubie Internal/External B. Rixon PC212A Internal/External C. US Robotics Courier 2400 & Model 312 D. All Hayes E. Prometheus COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 2.2 MODEM SWITCHES Your modem switches should be set as follows: 1. DTR Normal (UP) 2. Display numeric result codes (Down) 3. Result codes displayed (Down) 4. Modem does not echo. (Down) 5. Auto answer is on. (UP) 6. Carrier Detect is Normal. (UP) 7. Single phone line. (UP) 8. AT Command set is normal. (Down) 9. Escape Code (+++) will not disconnect. (Down) The above setting are provided as a reference only, your modem switches may differ. 2.3 NUMERIC RESULT CODES Colossus determines the incoming calls by receiving the numeric result code from your modem when the modem establishes carrier detect. Check your (Modem) owners manual for these numeric codes. As space permits we will list some of the more popular modems below. Note, these codes need to be place in your Colossus configure file when you run Colossus. Colossus defaults to the ARK 2400 listed below: USR COURIER 2400: ARK 2400 : 300 Baud # 1 300B # 11 1200 Baud # 5 1200B # 5 2400 Baud # 10 2400B # 10 3.0 COLOSSUS FILES There are several files that compose and allow Colossus to function. The first group are System Files, think of System Files as mandatory files that must be resident weather in your main Colossus directory or in a Ram disk. These programs are accessed by Colossus often during program operation. The rest of the files are Support files, and even though are not required, I'm sure you'll find them invaluable in your operation. 3.1 SYSTEM FILES Colossus.COM - Main System Program Colossus.000 - 1st System Overlay File Colossus.001 - 2nd System Overlay File Colossus.002 - 3rd System Overlay File COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 3.2 HELP FILES You may edit these to fit your own personal taste. Main .HLP - Main Menu Help File MMS .HLP - Message Menu Help FIle Files .HLP - Files Menu Help File Sysop .HLP - Sysop Menu Help File Protocol.HLP - Extra help with Uploads/Downloads 3.3 MENU FILES Menu files contain all the information need to allow Colossus to dynamically build each callers Menu depending on their security level. Colossus displays a function only if a callers security level is high enough to access it. Therefore, a caller doesn't necessary see everything in a menu. This places you in control and allows you to tailor your board for your own individual needs. The format used is: Command, Command Description,,Security Level, Identifier Knowing the above, lets use the following example: B,ulletins,,5,A --- The "B" is the Command. This will be the letter your caller must type to access Bulletins. --- "ulletins" is your Command Description. This is how your description will be displayed in your menu body. --- "5" is the minimum Security Level required to see this function and allowed to access it. --- "A" is the Colossus Command Identifier (CCI) and should NEVER be changed. The CCI is constant in Colossus's programing. With one quick look, you'll realize that Colossus allows you to design your menus to suite your own personal taste. The only rule is.... you CAN NOT change the Command Identifier (CCI). Therefore, if you wanted, you could change Bulletins to read: P,

eg Board,,5,A Or, Better yet... A,nouncements,,5,A COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 3.3 MENU FILES Con't Just remember, Never change the CCI (the last character on the Command Line) and you can not use the same two Command Letters in the same menu. Colossus uses the following Menu Files: Main .MNU - Main Menu MMS .MNU - Message Menu Files .MNU - Files Menu Sysop .MNU - Sysop Menu Update.MNU - Sysop System Menu You can use EDLIN or a Word Processor like PC-Write to edit these files. 3.4 MESSAGE/USERS FILES The following files are created by Colossus and uses as system files. If they are not found, they are created. Messages .BBS - All messages are contained here. Messages .PTR - Message pointers for scans, etc. Users .BBS - Users profile & statistics 3.5 WELCOME FILES You can use your favorite Word Processor, EDLIN, or any one of several programs designed to make Graphic Welcome Screens. Even though these files are not mandatory, they give your board originality. Welcome1 .BBS - The first screen displayed when callers first connect. Welcome2 .BBS - The second screen displayed after your caller logs-in. 3.6 BULLETIN FILES Bulletin files are designed the same way the welcome files are created; either by using EDLIN or a Word Processor. Bulletin .BBS - Main Bulletin screen, lists the available bulletins. BULLETx .BBS - Where x = 1-99. This number should correspond to your bulletin listed in bulletin.BBS COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 3.7 OTHER SYSTEM FILES You may also add the following files to your system: Edtorial .BBS - File which is shown to callers when they request the Editorial from the main menu. Goodbye .BBS - This file is displayed when a caller logs off the system. Files .BBS - Used in the File Sub-Directory for listing files available for download in that area. (See "Creating File Areas") Quotes .BBS - Quote for the day for your callers during log-on. Alt-A .BBS - Dumps this file to the screen and logs the caller off and LOCKS him out on future calls. Works great problem callers. (Jim's favorite) 300 .BBS - Dumps this file to callers 300 baud callers when 300 baud callers are not allowed. Displayed only when /3 is on the Command line C .BAT - Batch file used to invoke Colossus and has the necessary commands for remote dropping to DOS for the SYSOP. Remote .BAT - Required if you want to drop to DOS from remote. 4.0 THE COMMAND LINE The Command Line (CL) can be used to make Colossus start-up with different parameters. It is used at the DOS Prompt, when you boot Colossus /C - Define the CD Mask /D - Set the Daily Time Limit /F - Set the Time Limit for First-Time Callers /L - Set Logon Time Limit (amt. of time per logon) /K - Set Daily Download Limit in amount of K /2 - Use the Com2 Port /P - Mandatory first-time caller Phone Number /R - Invoke a Pre-Registered System /W - Allow Sysops' to drop to DOS /S - Default Security Level /Q - Mandatory first-time caller Questionnaire /U - Activate your Quote inserted file at sign-on /3 - Disallows 300 baud callers. /M - Modem Type. /I - Initialize the Modem (For Ark Modems) COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 4.1 DEFINITIONS: /Cx (x=1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256) -------------------------------- This Switch tells Colossus where the bit the Carrier Detect [CD] is located on your modem. If you have one of the KNOWN supported modems listed in the Hardware Needs section, do not use this. First try Colossus without this option. Then, if it does not answer the phone when called, then find out your CD MASK, and put it in. Colossus default to 128 which is used on the more popular modems. A CD carrier detect bit located at bit 64 would be: COLOSSUS /C64 /Dx (x=1 to any #) ------------------ This switch sets the Daily Time Limit for all callers. The default Daily Time Limit is 60 minutes. If a user uses all of his Daily Time Limit for a particular day, he will be logged off and will not be able to log back on. If the /Dx switch is not used, then it is set to 60 minutes. If a user has a 60 minute Daily Time Limit, he could sign on the system as many times as he wanted until the 60 minutes was used up, or until a day had passed. The following will set the Daily Time Limit to 100 minutes: COLOSSUS /D100 /Fx (x=1 to any #) ------------------ The /Fx switch sets the First-Time Caller Time Limit. If you wish to have a new caller have a lower time limit, then you can set that time with this switch. If you wish, you can set the First Time Caller Limit the same as the Logon Limit [see below] so a new- user has the same amount of time as a veteran caller. If the Fx switch is not specified used, then it is automatically set to 30 minutes. The following will set the First Time Caller Limit to 45 minutes: COLOSSUS /F45 /Lx (x=1 to any #) ------------------ This switch sets the Time Limit per Logon. If the Daily Limit is set to 100 minutes, and the Logon Limit is set to 50 minutes, the user could use 2 full log-ons. This means a user can use 100 minutes that day, but only 50 minutes maximum for each logon. If not specified used, the Logon Time Limit will set to 45 minutes. The following will set the Logon Time Limit to 86 minutes: COLOSSUS /L86 /Kx (x=1 to any number) ----------------------- This switch sets the amount (in thousands of bytes (K)) a user may download in one day. If he uses more than his limit, he will not be able to download any more files that day. If not specified used, the K Limit would be set to 1000. The following will set the K Limit to 200k. COLOSSUS /K200 COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 4.1 COMMAND LINE DEFINITIONS Con't /2 -- If used, this switch will tell Colossus to use the Com2 port. Only use this if your modem is installed on Com Port 2. /P -- This switch will set Colossus to ask all first-time callers for their home phone number. /Rx (x=Nul, 1, 2, or 3) ----------------------- This switch will set Colossus to a RESTRICTED system. There are also 4 options to set up a restricted system. Here is a list of the available options for the /R command: Nul(just enter /R): Restricted System. 1 : First-Time Caller is forced into to leave a comment when he gets to the Main Menu (but he can bort it w/o leaving one). 2 : First-Time Caller is forced to fill out a Questionnaire when he gets to the Main Menu. 3 : Immediate log-off /W -- This switch allows remote sysops' to drop to dos. By invoking this switch, a remote sysop can sign on his own system and, by entering a specific command, can then drop to dos. /S -- This switch allows the Sysop to set his default Security Level for First-Time Callers. The default security level is 5 if this switch is not used. The below would set a user's security level to 12 upon signing on for the first time: /S12 /Q -- Using this switch will force a first-time caller to fill-out a questionnaire before entering the system. As you may have noticed, this is also an option for a RESTRICTED system. This can be used with a Public System. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 4.1 COMMAND LINE DEFINITIONS Con't /U -- Activates Quotes.BBS; this file displays a different quote each time a user signs on. /3 -- If you want to limit your board to callers with 1200 or higher speed modems, you can restrict access so 300 baud callers receive a message "300 baud is not allowed at this time". Also if you have the file 300.BBS available, that file will be dumped to the screen too. /M(1) -------- A few modem require special treatment so Colossus can send them Off-Hook when used locally, or dial other systems when its time for Net-Mail. For this reason we have set up the following switches for these modem (Note, if your modem is not listed then chances are it doesn't require anything special): /M1 = Rixon PC212A NOTE: As our experience grows with all the different modems available, we have the ability to add special modem commands to fit your needs. If you can't get your modem to respond correctly tells us about your modem type, and we'll try to help! /I(300,1200,2400) ----------------- Ark 2400 Modems must me initialized at 2400 baud in order for them to receive 2400 baud calls. Therefore we have added a switch to do this. As we have more experience with all the different modems, this switch may, or may not, be need for modems manufactured other than ARK. ARK 2400 owners must put the following on the command line: /I2400 4.2 COMMAND LINE EXAMPLES A>COLOSSUS /D60 /L40 /K350 /P These switches may be used in any order, and none must be used. The following will set your system [in order] with a 60 minute Daily Time Limit, 40 minute Logon Limit, 350k download limit, and a First-Time Caller must enter his phone number before entering the system. Enter your command line from the DOS prompt. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 4.3 BATCH FILES It is advisable to use a batch file when running Colossus. Here are some advantages: - If an error occurs, it will reset with a batch file - If there is an power outage, batch files could set up Colossus again. - Helpful for using the Command Line Of course batch files are not a MUST, but we recommend them. I use a batch file called C.BAT on my system that invokes Colossus; it is the following: CTTY CON COLOSSUS /S10 /D100 /L60 /F45 /W C.BAT This will set Colossus up with the proper parameters we discussed in the Command Line section, and, if for any reason Colossus drops to DOS, it will reboot itself. Batch files can be named any legal DOS name, but must have a .BAT extension. 5.0 GETTING STARTED If your like I was, what you really want to do is put the Documentation aside, and get started running Colossus. Well lets do just that, as you begin to get comfortable with the operating system, you can refer back to this guide to further explain in detail some of the features available in Colossus. 5.1 DEFAULT DRIVE If you using a disk drive system, then you'll want to have all the Colossus files located in drive A. Later after you find your way around, you can set up Colossus so the Overlays and other files can be located in a Ram Disk. But for now lets have all the files resident in drive A. If your running from a hard disk, then make a main Sub-Directory for Colossus. Place all your Colossus files in this Sub-directory. 5.2 CONFIG.SYS FILE REQUIRED As you begin running Colossus, we feel you will quickly agree it's just plan FAST! Colossus is a complicated Communications program which requires several files being opened at the same time. For this reason, you'll need to have the following files and buffers set in your Config.Sys files located on your root directory. If you are unfamiliar with how Config.sys works, consult your DOS directory, or ask any Colossus Beta Testers. CONFIG.SYS should have the following settings: DEVICE=FILES20 DEVICE=BUFFERS50 COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 5.3 RUNNING COLOSSUS THE FIRST TIME After you have all the Colossus files located on your default drive, all you have to do, to get things running is type: "Colossus" at your DOS Prompt. (Quotes not needed) A>Colossus (Note just enter the word "Colossus") The first thing you see is the registration screen, you have registered your copy haven't you? If not, or you lose the address where you can send your $50 bucks, we remind you here! You'll also notice that Colossus has been dedicated to Ms. Dorothy Stratten. In everyone's life, if your lucky, there is one person who touches you in a special way, for Dan Plunkett, that person was Ms. Stratten. For her epitaph press your arrow (cursor) up key. For a quick listing of your keyboard commands press HOME for your help listing. Next you'll see Colossus loading-up and building your System files. Now when you see the prompt "Colossus ready for calls at....". At this point, lets set up your configuration file. This is done by holding down the ALT key AND pressing the F key (we refer to this action as ALT+F). You should see: Parameter Default 1. Messages must be proofed before users can read them.....No 2. Batch (Telink) protocol is available to users...........Yes 3. Colossus Node #..........................................0 4. Colossus Net #...........................................0 5. Alternate Node #.........................................0 6. Alternate Net #..........................................0 7. Should Colossus make long-distance calls at mail time?...No 8. All messages must be public..............................No 9. Security level to be considered a SYSOP..................50 A. Drive/Path for overlay files.............................\ B. Character (s) returned for 300 baud connect..............11 C. Character (s) returned for 1200 baud connect.............5 D. Character (s) returned for 2400 baud connect.............10 You need to change any defaults to match your configuration , see section 9.2 for a complete explanation for the above. When your finished entering all the above information, press the ESC key to save your changes and return you to Colossus. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 Next to sign-on locally you need to hold down the ALT Key and type the letter "S". Colossus will place your modem "Off Hook" and prompt you for your First Name. Now, since your the Sysop you can simply type SYSOP at the prompt and continue. If you prefer to use your own name then you can do that also, just keep in mind this is how you'll be signing on locally to do Sysop Maintenance. Also, when you send a message, this will be the Name imbedded in the FROM column in the message area. Lets assume you just enter Sysop. Next it will prompt you for you last name, and tap the return (or Enter) key. The last prompt is to see, if everything is correct. Finish entering the info until you get to the Main Menu. Now that your at the Main Menu, hold down the Alt key and type the letter "N" (ALT+N). You should see "Enter New Security level" at this point enter 999 this will give you high enough security level to access the SYSOP Utilities. Now, hit the return key once and you'll see the Main Menu reappear, this time with the tilities for Sysop listed. 5.4 SETTING UP THE SYSTEM FILES The very next thing we must do is configure the System files. To do this we must type 'U' at the Main Menu for "Utilities for the Sysop." Next you'll see the Sysop Menu which includes "<4> Update System Files." Select #4 and type return. Next, the Update Menu will appear which looks like this: Update Menu: Net message system toggle Net file system toggle reate/read a system file ownload file path ile security Message Description File Description ist system file essage security uit to MAIN MENU ave system file pload Path Lets start off by creating the first system file. This is done by selecting 'C' for "Create/read a system files", Colossus will respond with "System Number:" respond by typing 1 and return. Colossus will respond with creating system record # 1. Now to get an understanding how this is set up, type L for "List system file". You'll see the following: System Record #1 Message security..0 File security.....0 Upload Path....... Download Path..... Msg description... File description.. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 At this point, some general explanations are in order. Each system record contains the minimum security level required for a caller to access the files and message board associated with that system record. The Upload & Download path are any legal DOS commands telling Colossus where it can find the files associated with the file description. You can set uploads to go into an "Upload file" area or by subject. Here are a few examples of upload/download paths: The Following would send all the uploads to a sub-directory called "Uploads" and allow the caller to download programs from a sub-directory called "Games". Note: Colossus is the root directory: Upload Path.......C:\Colossus\Uploads Download Path.....C:\Colossus\Games The next example would send both uploads and downloads to the same sub-directory: Upload Path.......C:\Colossus\Games Download Path.....C:\Colossus\Games If your running on a disk drive system with your uploads and download files on drive B, and not using sub-directories, you could do the following: Upload Path.......B: Download Path.....B: Lastly, you need to select the titles for these areas which will be displayed when the caller wants to see the different message and file area available on your board. Other options include toggling a message or file area for net- working. When your done, and the record is the way you want it, be sure to save the record before continuing on. Also, a system record doesn't need to contain BOTH a File AND Message area. You can have a File area and no Message board assigned to that record. Simply set the message security high enough so the caller can't access it. IMPORTANT NOTE: WHEN YOUR FINISHED SETTING UP ALL THE SYSTEM FILES, BE SURE TO RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU, SIGN-OFF (Goodbye), THEN YOU MAY SIGN BACK ON. By signing off, is allows Colossus to close all the files and set up the message area. Failure to do this may cause a critical error when you enter the message area for the first time. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 6.0 USING THE QUESTIONNAIRE Colossus uses a simple procedure to generate the Questionnaire. If a callers selects uestionnaire from the Main Menu, and you do not have a file called Question.BBS on the root directory, your caller will receive the following message: "Sorry, No questionnaire today" However, we recommend if you are not going to have a Questionnaire on you bulletin board, you simply raise the access level high enough in the Main.Mnu so the prompt will not even show in the menu. This keeps the screen clean, and will not confuse your callers (or waste their long distance dollars). Questionnaires are simple text files that are interpreted by Colossus. There is a very simple line oriented pseudo language that interprets these scripts. There are only a couple of "commands", and only two crude conditionals. The answers to the questionnaire are put in a separate file, without the questions. They are also normal ASCII text, but in a fixed field format with field characters, to make post- processing of the questionnaire easier. The questionnaire consists of two files: QUESTION.BBS The questionnaire script ANSWERS.BBS The answers Answers are appended to the end of the answer file; it is create first if it does not exist. The first character of each line tells Colossus what to do with the line. This first character is a normal printable character. If the first character is not one of the known commands, the line is merely displayed. The questionnaire commands are: / Display , then input a single line of text. Maximum line length is 78 characters. The usual editing is available. The inputted text is written to the answer file. * Put users info to the answer file: name and last (current) sign-on time and date. Useful for the "what kind of system ..." type questionnaires. Leaving this out allows confidential questionnaires, as there is no other record of which caller filled on in. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 +N Multiple choice. The single digit number N is the number of possible choices. (1 - 9) If an illegal number or the number is missing, the number of choices defaults to one, so at least it wont hang up. The choice entered by the user is checked for in range 1 to N, and saved in the answer file. There is a special feature of multiple choice: an internal flag is set if the last choice (choice N) is selected, that can be tested by the ? and ! commands, below. ? To be used ONLY immediately after a multiple choice question. This command will be executed only if choice N is made. This allows implementing "A, B, C, Other" type questions. Put "other" as the last choice; if selected, then the ? command following it will be executed. See the example below. If any other selection was made, this line will be skipped. The conditional flag is cleared by: + command, ? command, _ command. No other commands affect it. ! To be used ONLY after a multiple choice question, similar to ? above. If the last choice of a multiple choice was selected, this terminates the questionnaire. Allows asking "Do you want to fill this out (1) yes (2) no". _ (Underscore) Unconditionally clear the conditional flag. Below is an example of a new user questionnaire: NEW USER INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are required to Register to this System. Please fill out the following questionnaire. Your access be upgraded within 48 hours. Thank you for your cooperation! * +2Have you Registered with Junior Country Before? (1)No (2)Yes ! / What is your real name (first & last): / What is your Street Address: / City, State, Zip: / What is your voice phone no.: / Where did you hear about this board: / What is your age: Now your answers.bbs would contain an ASCii file with the answers from your questionnaire. The answers would look like the following: COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 1:-----John Doe 2:1 3:John A. Doe 4:1234 Any Street 5:Any town, ST, 12345 6:805/555-5342 7:KernCom 8:23 Each time the questionnaire was invoked, the answers would be appended to answers.bbs. Note, if the callers would have answered number 2 to question number 1, the questionnaire would have been terminated. One of the easiest ways to read your answer files, is to Drop to DOS (ALT+D) and copy answers.bbs to your printer. Then you may exit back to Colossus and not disturb the programs System Status Report. 7.0 COLOSSUS NETWORKING Before we get started talking about how Colossus handles its net work system, we must give you a little history about this process. First, this whole network concept was dreamed up by a a man named Tom Jennings who among other things is responsible for a bulletin board program called "FIDO". Tom had a wonderful idea of connecting these bulletin boards together at a predetermined time to send mail, or packets, to each other. We thought enough of Tom's idea to include his FIDONET concept in Colossus. Its important to note however, that Tom doesn't release his source of "FIDO", much like Colossus, therefore we simply took Toms idea and worked out the code in Turbo Pascal. We have sent a great amount of time, and effort, to ensure the two systems are compatible. Therefore, Colossus can send mail to Fido nodes and Fido can send mail to Colossus Nodes. 7.1 NET-MAIL DESCRIPTION (NOTE: Many of the following notes were taken out of Tom Jennings "FIDO'S Complete Operating Manual".) The purpose of this net mail concept is to link Colossus and Fido based Bulletin Board systems together for the purpose of automatic message transfers. This Net system is a true dial up packet switch network system, that supports many different topologies. It supports routing, message forwarding, scheduling and uses a tuned collision detection algorithm over normal phone lines, for the lowest possible cost and highest efficiency. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 The simplest scheme. and the one to set initially, supports point to point messages. Most major geographical area have a host that will accept mail for itself and its local nodes. After you have contacted any other Colossus (or Fido) sysops' in your area, you can tie into their local network, and take advantage of the lower cost. Each local area runs things differently, and cannot be covered here. If you can't find your local region or host, contact Colossus 200/3 @ 805/399-1329, where you can find the latest node list and other files to help steer you in the right direction. The original design was built around the current Bulletin Board architecture which is basically: an unknown number of completely independent, stand alone systems, with extremely low overhead in both maintenance and cost. The Colossus Net System was designed to be compatible with this, in that it should be: 1. No extra work for the SysOp. 2. No effect on normal BBS operations. 3. No unexpected extra costs. 4. No effect upon system reliability. Colossus handles this totally automatically, and requires no extra work, once set up. Other than the effect of allowing Network wide message traffic, the only other affect to the current BBS is that it is "down" to normal (regular callers) traffic during the National net time of 1am to 2am (PST). Costs, if any, are controlled by the sysops'. Unless specifically enabled, mail will not be sent out from a node. Remember, sending mail costs money, receiving packets are free. Colossus provides accounting and cost limitation functions (all automatic) to prevent unauthorized mail from being sent. There can also be "free" traffic to non-toll call nodes as well as limitations put on long distant calls. The usual privilege levels can be applied to each of the mail commands, to control their use. Net-mail success/failure does not in anyway affect BBS operations. Failure to make a connection and transmit a packet, or errors during incoming packets, affect only the mail sent or received. In the case of transmission, the message will not be sent, nor will charges (if any) be applied to the senders credit account. For a paying system, the sysop must occasionally set the users credit, using the "Utilities for the SysOp" section and crediting the users account. If reasonably large sums are used as a minimum ($5.00 or more) this will not need to be done more than once every few weeks. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 7.2 GETTING A NET/NODE NUMBER After you have Colossus successfully running you should set your NET number to 299 and your NODE number 99. These numbers indicate your board is currently waiting to be assigned an official classification, and have been assigned temporary numbers. Next you should call Junior Country @ 805/399-1329 and read the bulletin regarding "Getting a Colossus Net & Node Number". Be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. Board Name 6. City, State, Zip 11. Board's Theme 2. Board Number 7. Hours of Operation 12. Your Age 3. Sysop Name 8. Type of Computer 13. 4. Voice Number 9. Modem Type 14. 5. Address 10. Baud rates Available 15. This information will help us, to know more about you and your board, in the event you ever have the need to contact us. This information is necessary if you wish to be assigned a NET/NODE number, and you plan on using the Net-Mail feature. If you don't want numbers assigned to you, then the above information is not necessary. 7.3 HOW IS THE NET/NODE SYSTEM ORGANIZED? After trying to analyze why people use the Net-Mail feature of Colossus I came up with one common reason, "Location". More then any other reason my callers used the system was because they wanted to contact a person is a certain area of the country. For this reason, Nets will be assigned by State. Currently, Colossus has the following Nets assigned: Net 200 - Colossus Beta Testers | Net 226 - 210 - Northern California | 230 - 212 - Southern California | 232 - 214 - Virginia | 234 - 216 - IOWA | 236 - 218 - TEXAS | 238 - 220 - | 240 - 222 - | 242 - 224 - | 244 - Note, the Colossus Beta Sites are all listed in Net 200. This is so you have easy access to the one closest to you for help and assistance, and if the need ever arrises, a place to report the ugly bugs! (YUCK) Therefore, Beta sites will be assigned two Net/Node numbers, one for their beta site classification, and the other for their State location. Nodes are Systems within each net. Each Net can hold up to 32767 nodes before we have to open another Net number. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 7.4 NET-MAIL OPERATION Within Colossus is the Net-Mail module which is run as specified by the scheduler. This module is a time driven system, and the national time slot is at 1:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, 4:00 AM for you on the east coast. During normal Colossus operation, users can enter messages, and during the Net-Mail time, these messages are made into packets and sent to the right destination. The messages may be destined to any one or more of the available remote nodes in the nodelist. At the predetermined time, the Net-Mail module takes control. Within 5 minutes of the schedule event Colossus will automatically drop DTR so users do not get on the system. If a user is on the system Colossus will inform them of the upcoming schedule event, give them a chance to log-off or if needed, Colossus will log them off just as if they exceeded their time limit. It then (If enabled) creates mail packets, one per node, containing the messages for each node. If there is no mail to a node, no packet is created, and no call is made to that system. After the outgoing packets are made, Colossus alternately waits for calls and attempts to place calls. Mail packet transfers are done on a collision detection basis. After the first few collisions, the network synchronizes. If there are a number of nodes to send mail to, each one is called in turn, until all are sent, or mail time is over. If it fails with one node, it goes on to the next, and repeats the failed one only after trying all of the others first. In between outgoing calls (if any) Colossus delays a random interval, during which it waits for incoming calls. This interval, along with the redial algorithm, synchronizes the net after the initial collisions. If an incoming call is detected, it attempts connection with it. The baud rate is determined (same as a normal caller would in Colossus) and a message to human callers is displayed (warning them that it is accepting only other Colossus or Fido Nodes) and a synchronization process is started. This process must complete within 60 seconds, or the call is terminated. Once synchronized, the packet transfer is made. The receiver just stores that packet for later use, and then disconnects. Whenever an incoming call is received, Colossus calls out immediately afterwards (assuming there are calls to be made) since there is a high probability that the line is now clear. This helps synchronize the network. To place an outgoing call, the sender dials the number, performs the sync process mentioned above, and transfers it's outgoing packet. (Messages to a given node are again checked against the node list at mail time; if they do not match, the packet is not sent, and an error is logged.) If the transfer was successful, the destination node number is deleted from the senders list of nodes to call. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 The collision detect algorithm is optimized such that during the first few minutes of mail time, there are many collisions, after which the net synchronizes, and none or few collisions occur. When mail time is over, Colossus deletes all it's outgoing packets that were assembled, and for each one that was sent successfully, marks those messages (in the mail area) as SENT, so the originator can tell if they went out or not. Then, the incoming packets are unassembled, and the messages placed sequentially in the mail area. These packets are then deleted. If any mail at all was sent, the user credits are balanced. This is somewhat unsatisfactory, as it balances the accounts even if the mail was not sent. This is to prevent extremely long processing time necessary to account for each message and user. (Users lists run upwards of 600 entries typically; on a floppy based system this would become unworkable.) Net-Mail then terminates, and if there were no fatal errors invokes Colossus for another day. Messages received are then accessible like any other message and placed in the message area marked for Net-Mail. 8.0 THE FUNCTION KEYS F1 - Take five minutes from user F2 - Give five minutes to user F3 - Toggle Printer [on/off] F4 - Toggle Sysop Available [yes/no] F5 - Toggle Sysop Page Bell [on/off] F6 - Toggle Screen Attached [on/off] F7 - Clear Screen F8 - Terminate Caller F10 - Exit to DOS 8.1 DEFINITIONS: F1 (Take five minutes from user) -------------------------------- If a user is ON-LINE and you wish to take five minutes from his time left on the system, you can do so by pressing F1. This is helpful if you want to get on the system and a user has lots of time left. F2 (Give five minutes to user) ------------------------------ If a user is ON-LINE and you wish to add five minutes to the time he has left on the system, you can do this by pressing F2. This is helpful if you want to give a user more time, or you are just feeling generous that day. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 F3 (Toggle Printer [on/off]) ---------------------------- All of the information that is written to the CALLERS.LOG file (e.g. Time on/off, Downloads made, messages written, etc. by users) will be printed by your printer if 1) You have a printer, and 2) If you have the Printer Toggle ON. If the Printer Toggle is ON, the word "Lptr" will appear at your 5-line window at the bottom of the screen. You can at anytime toggle the Printer Toggle to OFF or ON by pressing F3. NOTE: If you have the printer toggled ON, and your printer is "OFF LINE" Colossus will freeze up, until you either place your printer "ON LINE" or turn the printer off. If any of you know how to trap for this in Turbo, please share your ideas with us! F4 (Toggle Sysop Available [yes/no] ----------------------------------- By toggling this parameter [ON or OFF] the Sysop can decide whether or not he can be paged. If the Sysop Available is ON, the word "Avil" will appear at your 5-line window at the bottom of the screen. Then the Sysop can be paged. If the Sysop Available is OFF, the word "Avil" will not disappear from the 5- line window, and a user will not be able to page the Sysop. To toggle it ON or OFF, just press F4. F5 (Toggle Sysop Bell [on/off]) ------------------------------- By toggling this parameter, then Sysop can choose whether or not sound will be made when he is being paged. This function will only be in use if the Sysop Available is ON. If the Sysop Available is ON, but the Sysop Bell is OFF, then the Sysop can be paged, but no sound will be made. But if the Sysop Bell is ON, sound will be made in an attempt to attract the Sysop's attention. To toggle it ON or OFF, press F5. F6 (Toggle Screen Output [on/off]) ---------------------------------- When the Screen Output toggle is OFF, nothing that is fed to the screen is shown. But if it is ON, everything is shown. This is handy to have when you go away for a while and there is no reason to have the screen "ON". When you return, you can simply press F6 and all data will show up on the screen. **NOTE: Your monitor does not have to be ON for Colossus to run F7 (Clear Screen) ---------------------------- If you own a Monitor that does not have a on/off switch, and stays on all the time This function is not yet completed. When it is, though, you will be able to change the positions of all the Colossus Windows with this function. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 F8 (Terminate Connection) ------------------------- If a user is ON-LINE and you wish to disconnect him, simply press F8 and the connection will be terminated. This is useful for problem users. F10 (Drop to DOS) ----------------- If you want to Drop to DOS, and do not want to use the ALT+D function that loads COMMAND.COM, you can press F10, and first it will ask you "Are You Sure", and if you reply "Y", it will drop to DOS, or else it will continue to wait for calls. 9.0 THE ALT KEYS Colossus uses the ALT key in combination with a letter key for many of it's commands. Here is a list of the used ALT keys used by Colossus: 9.1 AVAILABLE KEYS *O* ALT+C - Force a user into Chat Mode *W* ALT+D - Exit to DOS and load COMMAND.COM *W* ALT+F - Configure System *W* ALT+G - Set Caller Number *A* ALT+K - Keyboard Toggle [on/off] *O* ALT+N - Changes Callers Security level On line *A* ALT+S - Sysop Sign-On/Sysop Next *W* ALT+F - Toggles Sysop increases Caller Count *O* ALT+A - Screen dumps "ALT+A.BBS" locks caller out *A* ALT+R - System Status Report Key --- *O* - User must be ON-LINE to perform *W* - Colossus must be "Waiting for calls" to perform *A* - Can be used anytime Colossus is running To use an ALT+Key, the ALT key and the appropriate letter key must be pressed simultaneously. (First, press down the ALT+Key, then, while holding the ALT+Key down, press the letter key) 9.2 DEFINITIONS ----------- *O* ALT+C (Force Chat) ------------------ If used, this ALT+C would force a user into Chat mode. Once finished in Chat mode, just press Ctrl-Z to get out of Chat mode. A user must be ON-LINE to perform this function. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 *W* ALT+D (Drop to DOS) ------------------- This ALT+Key is VERY useful. When this function is activated, COMMAND.COM will then be loaded into memory. You will appear at the DOS prompt. You then may load any other programs [provided you have enough memory to load it], you may go about and do anything. You can load up your Qmodem, edit a file, etc. Then, when you are ready to run Colossus again, just go back to a that proper drive, and if applicable, the proper sub-directory where Colossus is located and at the DOS prompt type EXIT. Colossus will flash back into the exact place you left off. A very useful function. *NOTE: DO NOT forget to first change to the proper drive and sub- directory [if used] where Colossus is located before typing EXIT. *W* ALT+F (Configure System) ----- After you activate this function, a configuration menu will appear. These menu items configure parts of your system. Here is what the menu parameters are and their defaults: Parameter Default 1. Messages must be proofed before users can read them.....No 2. Batch (Telink) protocol is available to users...........Yes 3. Colossus Node #..........................................0 4. Colossus Net #...........................................0 5. Alternate Node #.........................................0 6. Alternate Net #..........................................0 7. Should Colossus make long-distance calls at mail time?...No 8. All messages must be public..............................No 9. Security level to be considered a SYSOP..................50 A. Drive/Path for overlay files.............................\ B. Character (s) returned for 300 baud connect..............11 C. Character (s) returned for 1200 baud connect.............5 D. Character (s) returned for 2400 baud connect.............10 Definitions ----------- <1> "Proofing Parameter" ------------------------ If set to "No", this parameter will allow users to read mail that has NOT yet been proofed (read) by the Sysop. But if this parameter is set to "Yes", then every Public message that is left by a user will be set to Private. Then, after the Sysop has proofed the message to make sure it contains legitimate information, he can turn the message status to public. If a private message is left by a user to another user, it does not have to be proofed by the Sysop. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 <2> "Telink Protocol" --------------------- Telink Protocol is a system of file transfer that allows batch files to be used. With Telink Protocol you can set your communications program to receive/transmit any number of files unattended. Currently Colossus does not support Telink Protocol, but will be put in within the next version. But this parameter can still be set to "Yes", it makes no difference. <3> "Colossus Node Number" -------------------------- When you receive Colossus, a Node Number will be assigned to you. With this Node Number, you will be able to send/receive mail from other Colossus BBS Systems. If you set your Node Number to something else than to what is assigned to you, your board will be excluded from receiving or sending Colossus Networking Mail. Set this parameter to the Node Number that is given to you. We will go over this more in detail later. <4> "Colossus Net Number" ------------------------- When you receive Colossus, you are also assigned a Net Number. We will also go over this much more in the Colossus Networking section of this documentation. Set this parameter to the Net & Node Number that is assigned to you. (See section 7.0) <5> "Alternate Node Number" --------------------------- Since Colossus has a Net Number within the Fido Network, Fido BBS Sysops can send mail to Colossus Boards. If you were running a Fido board before you switched to Colossus, you can still keep your Fido Node/Net Numbers. That way, you can still receive mail from the other Fido Boards. To keep your Fido Node Number, just put it as the Alternate Node Number. Same holds true for the Alternate Net Number, place your Fido Net Number in as your Colossus Alternate Net Number. <6> "Alternate Net Number" -------------------------- See above. <7> "Long Distance Calls" ------------------------- If you would rather Colossus NOT make long-distance calls to other Colossus Boards when it sends Net-Mail, then set this parameter to "No". But if you would like Colossus to make long- distance calls during the sending of Net-Mail, then set this parameter to "Yes". Remember: Long-Distance calls cost money! <8> "All messages must be public" --------------------------------- If you want your complete message area to be public, and NOT allow private messages you can toggle it here. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 <9> "Security For Assistant Sysops" ----------------------------------- If you want selected individuals to be able to read Sysop messages as well as private messages left from user to user, you may set the security level required here. Any caller with this security level, or greater, will then be able to read those messages. For example, with the security level set to 50, would mean callers with a security level of 50 (or greater) would be able to read all the sysop messages and all private messages. This is ideal for assistant sysops to help monitor your message base. "Drive/Path for overlay files" ---------------------------------- If you want to speed Colossus Up even faster, you can place the overlay files in a Ramdisk. This prompt allows you to define where the overlay files are located! "300 Baud result codes" --------------------------- Enter the number or character your modem will return when connected at 300 baud. "1200 Baud result codes" ---------------------------- Enter the number or character your modem will return when connected at 1200 baud. "2400 Baud result codes" ---------------------------- Enter the number or character your modem will return when connected at 2400 baud. *W* ALT+G (Set Caller Number) ------------------------- If you were running different board software before you began to run Colossus, you can set your Number of Callers back to what it should be instead of starting over again at 0 [ugh!]. If, by any chance, you erase your SYSINFO.000 (Where your Caller Number is kept), you can use ALT+G to set it back to what it was. Simply invoke ALT+G and then enter your Caller Number to do this. *A* ALT+K (Keyboard Toggle) ----------------------- This ALT+Key allows the Sysop to prevent any characters to appear on the screen if the Sysop accidentally presses some keys. If activated, the word "Kybd" will appear at the 5-line window on the bottom of your monitor, and all characters will be allowed to appear on your and the users screens. If NOT activated, the word Kybd will NOT be present at the 5-line window, and all characters typed at your console will be filtered out and will not appear on your or the users screens. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 *O* ALT+N (Upgrade Security on line) -------------------------------- If you have a caller on-line and you wish to change their Security level on-line, you may do so with this command. Their new Security level becomes permanent when they log-off, therefore if you want to give them the higher access for just a short period of time, lower their security level before they log off. The caller is unable to see you any of these changes! ALT+S (Sysop sign-on/next) -------------------------- This ALT+Key can be used is two ways: <1> If you wish to sign-on the system as the Sysop. <2> A user is using the system and you wish to sign-on next; after he logs off. If you use this while a user is on-line and you change your mind, simply press ALT+S again to abort. *O* ALT+A (Screen dump & Caller Lockout) ------------------------------------- If you have a problem caller, weather it be a Security problem or just a pest, you can send the contents of a file called "Alt-A.BBS and then perform a permanent lock out. *A* ALT+A (System Status Report) ---------------------------- Colossus is the only Bulletin Board software which displays to the Sysop, at anytime, a complete system status report which is in real time, updated every minute, of every hour, of every day. The System status is displayed as follows: --- System Status Report --- Number of minutes since system reset . . . . . .1000 Number of minutes of actual system use . . . . .500 Total system operating efficiency . . . . . .50% Number of minutes since last caller logged on . . .10 Total Number of callers since system reset . . . .17 Number of 300 baud callers. . . . . . . . .8 Number of 1200 baud callers . . . . . . . .6 Number of 2400 baud callers . . . . . . . .3 Total number of messages left . . . . . . . .7 Total number of comments left . . . . . . . .12 Total number of files uploaded . . . . . . . .3 Total number of files downloaded . . . . . . .17 Total number of kilobytes uploaded. . . . . . .20 Total number of kilobytes downloaded . . . . . .600 Last callers's name. . . . . . . . . . . .Rick Heming I'm sure you'll find this one of your most used utilities. You may pop this window up anytime, even when a caller is online. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 10.0 MAIN MENU EXPLAINED The Main Menu is the first focal point your callers will arrive too after they have visited the Bulletins (that is, if your board supports bulletins). For the purpose of discussion, each menu displayed will be as if the Sysop (with the highest security level) was viewing it. In this case the main menu would look like this: 10.1 MAIN MENU EXAMPLE Main Menu: ulletins ditorial omments to the sysop oodbye and logoff iles section ocate a User nitial welcome message nline Programs essage section uestionnaire

age the Sysop tilities for the Sysop tatistics <#>List active users pert toggle Help with Commands User Status 10.2 EXPLANATION Above, are all the possible selections available. Remember, these menus are dynamically built. That means a caller will only see the options available to them, as defined in Main.MNU by their security level. (Review section 3.3) ulletins: Access files BULLETINS.BBS and BULLET1, BULLET2, Etc.. These are normal ascii files containing information pertinent to your board's topics, location and theme. BULLETIN.BBS is the main bulletin file listing all of the bulletins available. If the file is absent, the "No bulletins available" is displayed when the user accesses it. omment to the Sysop: This feature allows the caller to leave private messages to the Sysop. It has the same look at the message entry however the output is appended into an ASCII file called COMMENTS.BBS. (If the file is not there Colossus creates it.) This file can be read from the Sysop Menu, or you can drop to DOS (ALT+D) and copy it to your printer. ile Section: Transfer to the File Menu. nitial Welcome Message: Dumps the file WELCOME1.BBS back to the screen. essage Section: Transfer to the Message Menu. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985

age the Sysop: Page the Sysop for 20 seconds if the Sysop has his page function (F4) on. If the function is OFF the callers receives "Sysop not available." tatistics: Displays the date Colossus first started running, number of messages currently in the message are and the current system date and time. pert toggle: Shortens the menu's for experienced callers. ditorial: Displays the contents of EDTORIAL.BBS to the screen. oodbye & Logoff: Displays the file GOODBYE.BBS and drops DTR. ocate a user: Searched to see if the name entered is located in the user's log. nline Programs: This one requires some explanation. First, make sure Command.COM is located in the Colossus root directory. Second, the file SHELL.BBS which is the ASCII file displayed to the screen when is selected. SHELL.BBS may contain information about the programs available for use. Note the PROGRAM NAMES MUST BE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (i.e., PC-WRITE.EXE, ADVENT.EXE, ETC.) Colossus will drop into DOS, load the program selected and execute the program. Note however, Colossus will not redirect the video or keyboard input or output. Therefore, at present this function will not work for remote callers, but will work if signed on locally. Were hoping some of you can help us write a routine which will redirect the video and keyboard input before the program is executed. Any takers? uestionnaire: Invokes the questionnaire, QUESTION.BBS. Answers are placed in the file called ANSWERS.BBS. You must drop to DOS (ALT+D) to read these answers using either the TYPE or COPY command. tilities for the Sysop: Transfers to the Sysop Menu. <#>List active users - Displays the users name, last date & time called, and city and state they reside. Help with commands: Displays MAIN.HLP which contains a brief explanation of all the commands. User Status: Allows the caller to change their password or location, plus few their vital statistics. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 11.0 MESSAGE MENU (MMS) EXPLAINED The message menu is where all of you callers will visit to partake in mail interaction. The first time they visit this area Colossus will check to see if they have any NEW messages since there last date called. If they do, Colossus will ask them if they wish there mail to be MARKED for reading later. If the caller selects this option, call their mail is flagged and when they select the ead messages function they may select arked at that time and read those messages first, skipping everything in between. Colossus also displays the highest message the callers has read, plus the number of total messages available. 11.1 MESSAGE MENU EXAMPLE Message Menu: HANGE BOARD EAD MESSAGES ast Scan Messages can Messages NTER A MESSAGE IST & CHECK ALL MAIL ill a Message ext Search uit to MAIN MENU oodBye pert mode toggle HELP WITH COMMANDS 11.2 EXPLANATION HANGE BOARD: Allows the caller to change the message area they are currently in, or select ALL BOARDS which will allow them to read from every board they have access too. ast Scan Messages: Displays the message number, description, and board number assigned. NTER A MESSAGE: Prompts the caller to enter a message. ill a message: Request message number to kill and marks that message for deletion. uit to MAIN MENU: Transfer to the Main Menu. pert mode toggle: Toggles expert mode on/off. EAD MESSAGES: Request message number to start reading from. Reads only the message in that board number unless the caller has switched to ALL BOARDS. can Messages: Scans message number, date written, to, from, subject, and board number. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 ist & CHECK ALL MAIL: Starts at message number 1 and displays all the messages the caller has addressed to them or written. Messages are also marked for quick retrieval. ext Search: Search for text matching in the Name or Subject. oodBye: Displays GOODBYE.BBS and drops DTR. HELP WITH COMMANDS: Displays MMS.HLP to the screen. 12.0 FILE MENU EXPLAINED The file area is one of the most active areas on a bulletin board. Colossus currently supports 3 file transfer protocols: 1) Xmodem, 2)Xmodem/CRC, and 3)ASCII. We hope to be adding several other protocols in the future as Colossus is developed. 12.1 FILE MENU EXAMPLE File Menu: HANGE FILES AREA IST FILES tatistics of Files oodbye OWNLOAD FILES PLOAD FILES pert Toggle Help with Commands ew Files Search atch on File Name or Desc. elp Downloading/Uploading uit to MAIN MENU 12.2 EXPLANATION HANGE FILE AREA: Prompts the caller to change from the current file area, or press the ENTER key to list the areas they have access to. tatistics of Files: Displays the available disk space for uploads, total number of Upload & Download kilobytes. Also, if the callers has uploaded any files, Colossus will display the ratio of Uploads to Downloads. OWNLOAD FILES: Prompts the caller for the download file name, check to see if its in the current file area, requests the transfer protocol, then displays the number of blocks and estimated time for the download to be completed. pert Toggle: Toggles expert mode on/off. elp Downloading/Uploading: Displays the file PROTOCOL.HLP which gives detailed instructions for uploads and downloads. PROTOCOL.HLP was written by Rick Heming (KernCom). COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 IST FILES: Displays the file FILES.BBS listed in the current file area. This file is also appended if this is the path on an upload. oodbye: Displays GOODBYE.BBS and drops DTR. PLOAD FILES: Prompts the caller for the Upload file name. If the file is found the caller is told "File is already cataloged". If not, Colossus requests a transfer protocol and sets up to receive the file. Upon successful receipt, the caller is prompted for a file description which is append to FILES.BBS assign to that Upload path. Help with commands: Displays the contents of FILES.HLP. ew Files Search: This is a super fast routine which searches for files added since the callers last time on. The caller may also enter a date for the search to start with. In any event, the date entered or last late date on, is compared with the date listed in Files.BBS starting with character # 24. Note the format should be as follows: 0---------1---------2---|-----3---------4---------5-------6..8 FILENAME.EXT 100,000 11-15-85 Description of the file.... atch of File Name or Desc.: This is another search function which is used when your callers want to see if a particular file is on your system. The string your callers enter is checked to see if it appears anywhere on the File Data Line. If a match is found, the entire line is displayed. uit to MAIN MENU: Transfer to the Main Menu. 13.0 SYSOP MENU EXPLAINED Almost all the Sysop utilities are contained in Colossus. No external program are need to do normal day to day maintenance. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 13.1 SYSOP MENU EXAMPLE Sysop Menu: <1>List active events <2>Create events <3>Update Events <4>Update system files <5>Modify users <6>List Comments <7>List Callers Log <8>Pack users file <9>Pack Messages files Delete Comments Delete Callers file rop to DOS

rint Users File uit to MAIN MENU Help! 13.2 EXPLANATION <1>List active events: Lists the current evens set in the scheduler. Displays the event number, starting time, window length, schedule letter designation, and displays whether it is ENABLED or DISABLED. <2>Create events: Colossus is a time driven program. One of Colossus's main goals is to be maintenance free (or require very little upkeep on the part of the Sysop). The scheduler is the function which keeps track of all the duties to be perform. When you select this function, Colossus will prompt you for the event number. These numbers must be in chronological order (i.e., 1,2,3,4, etc..). After you have selected a number, net you'll need to enter the starting time. This time MUST BE ENTERED IN MILITARY TIME with the hour and minutes separated by a colon. For example 3:15pm would be entered as 15:15, or 4:00am would be entered as 04:00. Next Colossus will ask for the Window length, simple put, this is the time you would like the event to last in MINUTES. So a window length of 60 minutes would be entered as 60. Next you need to tell Colossus which days you want the even to happen. You may select Monday thru Sunday or All. Below is the chart for easy reference: 0 = SUNDAY 2 = TUESDAY 4 = THURSDAY 6 = SATURDAY 1 = MONDAY 3 = WEDNESDAY 5 = FRIDAY 7 = ALL DAYS Last is the schedule event (A..Z). As of this writing, the following events may be activated: SCHEDULE "A" : Net-Mail (See section 7.0) SCHEDULE "Z" : Auto Pack Messages, invokes the pack messages routine, the same as #9 from the Sysop Menu. <3>Update Events: Allows you to update evens which have ALREADY been created. You may Enable, Disable, Remove an event and also quit. your choice is displayed as nable, isable, emove, uit. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 <4>Update system files: See section 5.3 "Setting up the System Files" <5>Modify users: Is the area where you'll perform most of your Sysop Maintenance. When you select this function, your first user record is displayed. The format is as follows: #1 Name: SYSOP Calling From: Bakersfield, CA Password: GreatProgram Last Called: 9 Nov 85 15:10 Credit: 0 Pending: 0 Security: 50 Uploads: 0 Downloads: 0 el,ame,

assword,redit,ecurity,ind,ock,uit? el ------ is used to mark a caller for deletion ame ----- is used to change the callers name.

assword -- is for changing a callers password redit ---- credits a callers account used for Net-Mail transactions. ecurity -- change a callers security level ind ----- find a callers record. Enter both First & Last Name ock ----- toggle a caller for lockout uit ----- return to the Sysop Menu <6>List Comments: List comments left by callers from the Main Menu. <7>List Callers Log: Displays the most recent callers log-on, and activity. <8>Pack users file: Packs the user file. Purges the callers marked for deletion. <9>Pack Messages files: Packs the message file. Purges the messages marked as killed. Delete Comments: Deletes the Comments file. Delete Callers file: Deletes the Callers log. rop to DOS: Used only for remote Sysop. For extra security protection, you MUST have /W on the Colossus command line to allow dropping to DOS. When invoked, Colossus calls up a batch file called "REMOTE.BAT" which should contain the following: CTTY COM1 ECHO Welcome to Colossus Drop into DOS Function ECHO Return to your Colossus Root Directory and... ECHO Type C.Bat to return to Colossus COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 Be your C.bat file contains "CTTY CON" as the first statement and "COMMAND.COM" must be in your Colossus root directory. To return back to Colossus be sure to return to the Colossus root directory and type the word "C.BAT" uit to MAIN MENU: Returns you back to the Main Menu.

rint Users File: Prints the callers file to the printer. Be sure to have your printer toggle "Lptr" light on. Help! Displays the contents of the file "Sysop.HLP" 14.0 THE SYSOP'S "UPDATE" MENU EXPLAINED The Update Menu is mainly used in setting up Colossus for the first time or changing some of your boards Message and Files areas. Once you have set up a few area, it will all fall into place. 14.1 UPDATE MENU EXAMPLE Update Menu: Net message system toggle Net file system toggle reate/read a system file ownload file path ile security Message Description File Description ist system file essage security uit to MAIN MENU ave system file pload Path 14.2 EXPLANATION Net message system toggle: When a message area is used as your Net-Mail section, this function will flag the message area for Net-Mail transactions. When a message area is flagged as the Net-Mail section, a "*" will be placed next to the Message description when the boards are listed from the message menu. This function will place the comment "Net Message Area" under the system record when listed. Net file system toggle: As of this time Colossus doesn't support files transfers in the Net System. The file transfer "Telelink" is in current development by the Forbin Project, and once finished will allow automatic files transfers between Colossus Nodes. If will also allow automatic Uploads and Downloads (*.*) between Colossus and Qmodem. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 reate/read a system file: This function allows you to either create or read a system file. Note System files contain the following information: System Record #1 Message security.. File security..... Upload Path....... Download Path..... Msg description... File description.. If the Message or File area is flagged as the Net Section the following comments will be placed at the end of the System record: Message Net Area File Net Area ownload file path: Is the path associated with the files described in the file description. For example, if your using a hard disk and the Colossus files are listed in a sub-directory called "\Colossus" and all the games are in a sub-directory called "\Colossus\Games" your download path would be C:\Colossus\Games. ile security: Minimum security level to access (and see) the file area associated with this system record. Message Description: Description of the message area associated with the system record. File Description: Description of the file area associated the this system record. ist system file: This function will list the current system record. essage security: Minimum security level to access (and see) this message area associated with this system record. uit to SYSOP MENU: Return to the Sysop Menu. ave system file: Very important. If you change a system record you MUST save your changes before you change system records or return to the sysop menu. pload Path: Any legal DOS Path you would like your uploads directed too. COLOSSUS BULLETIN BOARD SOFTWARE NOVEMBER 15th, 1985 15.0 COLOSSUS TECHNICAL REFERENCE INFORMATION We do not plan on releasing the source code for Colossus, however we do feel some information maybe of use to our sysops to help them understand how Colossus works, and handles a few routines. If there is something you would like to know, which is not listed here, please drop us a message via Net-Mail to Junior Country 200/3 and we'll consider adding it to this section. 15.1 RECORD STRUCTURE FOR "USERS.BBS" User.BBS contains the following record structure: Type Users = Record UserName : String[37]; { Users name } CallingFrom : String[30]; { location } Password : String[14]; { Password } TimeDate : String[17]; { Last time called } PhoneNumber : String[12]; { User phone number} Credit, { Credit limit } Pending, { Charges pending } SecurityLevel, { Security level } Uploads, { Number of ULoads } Downloads, { Number of DLoads } TotalUK, { Total K uploaded } TotalDK, { Total K downlded } TimesOn, { Number times on } TimeLeft, { Time left today } Last_Read, { Last message read} Last_M_Area, { Last message area} Last_F_Area: Integer; { Last file area } Xpert, { Xpert toggle } LockedOut, { allowed user? } Deleted, { Mark for deletion} Universal : Boolean; { Extra space } End; 16.0 LATEST COLOSSUS UPDATES Due to the fact Colossus is growing so fast, we have set up just a few boards where you'll be able to get Revisions & Updates. As the Colossus family grows, were sure this list will grow also! New versions of Colossus are released on 15th of every month at 6pm (Pacific Standard Time). Send all net mail concerning bugs, suggestions and comments to: Colossus Committee, Junior Country, net 200, node 3. 16.1 COLOSSUS PROGRAM UPDATES The latest Colossus Program & Overlays can be obtained from: Board Name Sysop Number Location ---------- ----- ------ -------- Junior Country Jim Harrer 805/399-1329 Bakersfield, CA The Forbin Project John Friel III 319/277-0041 Cedar Falls, IO E N D O F F I L E