Index of: BBS/yohan/More BBS Warez/gwart/ISVGCM

Filename Size Last Modified Description
.listing 4,444 2014-04-06
ACTIBASE.ZIP 6,488,594 2003-04-28 Actibase Add-On Module
ADW312N.ZIP 1,093,670 2003-04-28 Ad Server - Complete Advertising Solution! 25,835 2003-04-28 Galnote Changing Utility 9,668 2003-04-28 Worldgroup Script Keys
CLASSADS.ZIP 9,889 2003-04-28 Classified Ads 9,452 2003-04-28 Galacticomm Coding Principles 12,533 2003-04-28 Galacticomm Coding Standards
DIALOUT.ZIP 89,833 2003-04-28 Mbbs Dial-Out The Dial-Out Module Will 4,511 2003-04-28 Drop File For External Doors
ENTCOLL.ZIP 1,713,716 2003-04-28 Entertainment Collection For Wg 3.x 735,379 2003-04-28 Entertainment Package For Majorbbs V6.x
ETELE-1.ZIP 823,814 2003-04-28
ETELE-2.ZIP 786,244 2003-04-28 54,798 2003-04-28 Mbbs Flash Attack V2.2 By Tim Stryker
FAX.ZIP 179,511 2003-04-28 Majorbbs Gcomm Fax/online
fazmap.ZIP 3,774 2003-04-28 Fazull Maps
FCODE.ZIP 22,458 2003-04-28 Majorbbs Flash Code V1.0 Advanced Flash Chat
FLASHCOD.ZIP 22,554 2003-04-28 Flash Code V1.0 Advanced Flash Chat
FLSHMOD.ZIP 18,688 2003-04-28 Flash Mods Installation Version 1.1 34,991 2003-04-28 Mbbs F L A S H S P A C E W A R 40,807 2003-04-28 Mbbs F L A S H T A N K S
FTANK14.ZIP 37,480 2003-04-28 Majorbbs Flash Tank
GALDIAG1.ZIP 137,666 2003-04-28 Galdiag V2.0 For Mbbs And Worldgroup 38,638 2003-04-28 Mbbs/wg Ghost Version 2 660,159 2003-04-28 Dial Out! For Wg 3.x Nt/95 178,443 2003-04-28 Mbbs Galacticomm's Fax Addon Module
GALKIL1.ZIP 55,961 2003-04-28 Galkil - Ghost User Kill
GALMODEM.ZIP 3,222 2003-04-28 Galmodem Is A Utility Dll That Allows A 41,960 2003-04-28 Mbbs Galacticomm's Online Shopping Mall
GALQFM.ZIP 124,223 2003-04-28 Quest For Magic From 80,430 2003-04-28
GALRFU.ZIP 20,692 2003-04-28 Galacticomm Rename Forum Utility 47,290 2003-04-28 Mbbs Rip File For 'stock' Galacticomm Addon's 89,732 2003-04-28 Online Shopping Mall
GALTCPAT.ZIP 12,871 2003-04-28 Galtcpat - Tcp/ip Outdialing Using The
GALTECH1.ZIP 106,283 2003-04-28 Galacticomm Technical Support Tools
GALWATCH.ZIP 2,760 2003-04-28 Heap/cleanup/shutdown Tools.
GALWEBSK.ZIP 122,157 2003-04-28 Galacticomm's Web Server
GHOST1.ZIP 25,309 2003-04-28 G-Host (Ghost) Files Need To Run Doors. 11,408 2003-04-28 Galacticomm Technical Note No. 3
HOTPAG11.ZIP 52,890 2003-04-28 Hot Page By 789,392 2003-04-28 Major Ico/gateway Internet For 677,968 2003-04-28 K I D D Y R I P !
kyredit.ZIP 1,780 2003-04-28 Kyrandia Editor By
kyrhint.ZIP 92,008 2003-04-28 Kyrandia Maps & Hint
LC204R.ZIP 4,376 2003-04-28 Last Few Callers V2.04r 486,287 2003-04-28 89,413 2003-04-28 The Major Bbs 12,986 2003-04-28 07/15/95 - Major Bbs Majornet Node List 23,778 2003-04-28 Creates Batches Of User-Id's For People With
MBBSDB.ZIP 271,950 2003-04-28 The Major Database 954,437 2003-04-28 Major Gateway/internet
MHSFK010.ZIP 17,160 2003-04-28 Mhsfake V1.0 * Autoforward E-Mail To 57,917 2003-04-28 The Major News, Volume V, Issue 1 - Spring 1994
NOTIFY13.ZIP 32,202 2003-04-28 Freeware Sysop Command
OPMUTILS.ZIP 44,812 2003-04-28 Mbbs Shopping Mall Import Program
OTHELL1.ZIP 258,882 2003-04-28 Tournament Othello For Dos
OTHELL~1.ZIP 771,820 2003-04-28 Tournament Othello For Win95/nt
PCB2MAJ.ZIP 15,550 2003-04-28 This Program Will Convert Pcboard's
QMAGIC.ZIP 115,707 2003-04-28 Quest For Magic By
REBOOT.ZIP 1,668 2003-04-28 This Change Allows The Majorbbs To
ROTATE.ZIP 7,351 2003-04-28 T.f.e Rotator V1.00 The Rotator Allows
ROTO20.ZIP 19,859 2003-04-28 Rotogal V2.00 Rotates Galnote With 6
s& 795,057 2003-04-28 Search & Retrieve For Wg 3.x Nt/95
SWITCH2.ZIP 57,925 2003-04-28 Switch 2.0 Neat External Utility For
TOD.ZIP 6,880 2003-04-28 Time Of Day Utility
TRAVEL.ZIP 33,252 2003-04-28  Travel Services For Your Major Bbs
TYPAUDIT.ZIP 21,965 2003-04-28 Typaudit.exe Allows Sysops Of The Major
USERSTAT.ZIP 1,294 2003-04-28 Ver. 2.04 A Text Variable
VBASE.ZIP 155,422 2003-04-28 Visualbase Graffitti Wall
WG32CONV.ZIP 3,975,671 2003-04-28 Wg 320 486 Conversion Files
WGHPE.ZIP 1,145,837 2003-04-28 Hypermedia Page Editor