Index of: BBS/yohan/More BBS Warez/gwart/ISVMRS

Filename Size Last Modified Description
.listing 746 2014-04-06
MAJORCD.ZIP 469,614 2003-04-28 Majorcd (Cd-Rom Network)
MR_BOOK.ZIP 48,192 2003-04-28 Mr_book
MR_CHASE.ZIP 6,599 2003-04-28 Global Destruction Routine
MR_CLEAN.ZIP 14,524 2003-04-28 The Real Time Forum And E-Mail Cleanup
MR_DIST.ZIP 59,029 2003-04-28 The Selective Mail Distributor
MR_HELP.ZIP 38,848 2003-04-28 Global Help V2.0
MR_INIT.ZIP 5,464 2003-04-28 Hot! The Worldgroup Program Initializer
MR_LISA.ZIP 5,408 2003-04-28 Major Lisa
MR_MAIL.ZIP 98,144 2003-04-28 Mountain Mail Operations Manual
MR_MJRCD.ZIP 3,659 2003-04-28 Major Cd Feature Sheet
MR_POLL.ZIP 29,534 2003-04-28 The Mg/i Dial Scheduler Galacticomm Left Out
MR_QWK.ZIP 52,847 2003-04-28 Mr_qwk Compress Qwk Packets