AdventureComm Software - General Announcement September 4, 1998 All the MajorBBS and 3.0 Dos/3.1 Dos versions of the modules you see here will be available for download from my Demo System located at: They will not be available for download from the Galacticomm Demo System due to library size restrictions. We will support MBBS to WG 3.12 for all our modules. Some modules are being worked on to be compatible to 3.12, these should be finished soon. All the EzSoft modules have been converted to ADV modules. For instance EzSoft Password Protection is now ADV Password Protection and so on. If you were a previous owner of an EzSoft version you will receive a FREE upgrade for your system. The only time this would not be the case is if you upgraded from MBBS to WG 3.0 or WG 2.0 to WG 3.0 there is a small charge for platform conversions, in accordance to Ed's old policies. As always, any bug fixes or patches are always free. The only time you will be charged is if there is major changes to the code such as a C/S interface or an HTML interface and so on. These modules have been converted. If you would like to find out more about a particular module from this list, look through advlist.txt. Released - EzSoft==>ADV ADV Announcer ADV Demo Clean ADV Picture Gram ADV Advertiser ADV Feedback ADV Rename ADV AFK ADV Freeline ADV Rules ADV Birthday Announcer ADV Global Post ADV Suspend ADV Busy Notifier ADV Invisible ADV Sysop Lister ADV Call Back ADV Lines ADV Telnet ADV Class Change ADV Log-on Lottery ADV Text ADV Colorize ADV Logon Notifier ADV Trader ADV Credit Alert ADV NoGhost ADV Waiting Room ADV Credits ADV Password Protection Holding Pattern - ADV Time List ADV Globals ADV Vacation ADV Credit Alert has had the Radius support removed from it so it would be possible for others that don't have Radius servers to be able to at least get a new copy. It will have Radius support added to it in the future. After I return from the SysCon98 in Las Vegas in October, Radius support will be added to a few modules. ADV Time List is converted however there is serious problems with it and will not be released until the Radius and PPP problems are fixed. These fixes will also take place after I return from the Convention. ADV Vacation will be released after I return from the convention also due to minor problems with it. ADV Globals will be released after I return from the convention also due to minor problems with conversions from 2.0 to 3.0 which have not been resolved yet. Chinese Zodiac is not going to change except for a C/S interface and possibly an HTML interface in the future. Time and Date Changer will not change except for a C/S interface in the future. Mancala will have actions added to the waiting room and doing game chat area. A list of people waiting in the Waiting room will also list who is waiting there also in a future release. Price will also increase to $65.00 at that time. As of now the module cost $50.00. Anyone buying a version now will get the newer versions for free. There will also be a C/S interface made for the game in Mid October and released. Once the C/S version is released it will cost $100.00 for Mancala with A/A and C/S interface. There will be a $25.00 upgrade fee for those wanting the C/S interface. E-mail Spy will be released in Mid-September. A few changes are being made to the source before it will be released. I am going to try to make it where you could look up a single users email if you want. As of right now it allows you to view all mail from everyone. I know sometimes you might suspect only 1 user is possibly sending pornographic or illegal material through your email. This will allow you to not have to go through all your users mail if you don't want to. Once this feature is added the modules price will change from $80.00 to $100.00. Anyone that gets the module now would get that upgrade for free. The Mud Game. I will have the Mud game out in Beta hopefully before I leave for the Convention. Without revealing alot about the game I can only say that I have played alot of Mud games in the past and will be putting the best of all ideas from the Muds I have played into this Mud. I have 5 beta systems that will be running this Mud before final release. The Mud will cost between 150 and 1000. There will be versions for 2, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 users. I have not decided on the prices for them yet. More information will be released when it hits Mid Beta probably in Mid November. I am hoping the Mud will be released early to Mid-December before the Holidays. Other Modules. I will be releasing alot of new modules in the future. I can't stand converting and porting because it takes up all the time that could be used in making new modules. New modules will be made hopefully between 1 to 2 a month, starting in November. The newest information will always be available on my Demo System located at: Demo System: Webpage: You can also reach me via email: MajorNet Node: ADV Development Forum: MAJORBBS.DEV.ADV Thanks, Brad Farrell AdventureComm Software PS I would like to thank those that took the time to read this document in full.