Welcome to the West Coast Creations Demos file library/directory: The following files are available here: WCCR7.ZIP MajorMUD v1.1d for MajorBBS 6.21 or 6.25 WCCWG7.ZIP MajorMUD v1.1d-WG for WorldGroup 1.01 and 2.0 WCCL1.ZIP WCC Line Control for MajorBBS 6.25 WCCL1WG.ZIP WCC Line Control for WorldGroup 1.01 and 2.0 Each of these .ZIP files contains an INSTALL.EXE and several other files. Please unzip the .zip file into an EMPTY directory and then CD to that directory and type INSTALL. Answer the on-screen prompts and the product will be installed and release notes will be displayed to you. Please read the release notes and the license agreements. There are a few limitations on the areas in which you may run MajorMUD so please check these out before running it (brief summary is: You may not run it in British Columbia, Canada or near Seattle, Washingtion, USA. The release notes file contains more specific details if you are in/near either of these areas) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= West Coast Creations is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. You can contact us via the support board at: (604) 739-3714 (22 14.4 Sportster) (604) 739-3712 (3 24.4 V.Fast) (604) 739-3764 (3 28.8 USRobotics Couriers) We are also available via Telnet at: (dsoe.com) If you have a slower connection, try telnetting to: (unix.dsoe.com) and then login as user 'bbs' with the password 'bbs'. This will let our unix computer handle the slower internet connection thereby providing you with a relatively faster connection (Linux does a better job of handling slow, unreliable internet connections than the TCP/IP stack for MajorBBS does). Further contact information is available in the release notes associated with each of the products.