Worldgroup v2 List Price Information December 1996 All products listed are for the Worldgroup platform, unless otherwise noted. Worldgroup Worldgroup v2, 2-user baseline $149.00 Launch plug-and-play client/server applications from your Web site. Includes customizable surveys, shared file libraries, group messaging, SMTP mail and teleconference with collaborative drawing board. Built-in Web server software -- or use in conjunction with your existing Web server. Supports up to two simultaneous users via TCP/IP or dial-up modem. Requires 486 or Pentium-class PC, 8MB of RAM and DOS 5 or higher. Includes freely distributable Worldgroup Plug-in for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer that will launch Windows client applications from users' browsers. Worldgroup v2, 8-user baseline $314.00 Support up to eight simultaneous connections via TCP/IP and dial-up modem. Worldgroup Internet Server $1117.00 Become an Internet Service Provider and offer dial-up users secure proxy and dedicated SLIP/CSLIP/PPP access out to the Internet, as well as a range of Internet services, such as ftp, telnet, rlogin, finger, NNTP newsgroups, IRC and POP3 mail. Includes 20-user license of Worldgroup, Dial-Up Option, Advanced Internet Option and Dial-Out add-on. Worldgroup Enterprise Server $5597.00 A complete online interactive software platform. Offer online shopping with secure credit card verification, customizable surveys, shared file libraries, group messaging, teleconference with collaborative drawing board, ftp, telnet, rlogin, finger, NNTP newsgroups, IRC, SMTP and POP3 mail. Support for TCP/IP, modem, Novell LAN and ISDN callers. Includes 128-user license of Worldgroup, Dial-Up Option, Novell LAN Option, Advanced Internet Option, Dial-Out add-on and Omni-Mall add-on. Connectivity Options 6-User Pack $289.00 Supports up to six additional simultaneous users. Installs effortlessly and leaves all existing configuration and data files intact. Up to 42 6-User Packs can be added for a total of 256 simultaneous users (we throw in the last two users for free). 12-User Pack $499.00 Supports up to twelve additional simultaneous users. 24-User Pack $999.00 Supports up to twenty-four additional simultaneous users. Dial-Out $137.00 Allows users on your Worldgroup system to transparently connect to other systems via optional connections such as TCP/IP, modems, ISDN terminal adapters, serial links, or X.25 connections (X.25 requires the X.25 Software Option). Compatible with the Intelligent Serial Kit and non-intelligent serial hardware. A flexible script language lets you configure features or areas of other systems your users can access by automating outgoing calls. Scripts are created using a simple ASCII text editor. Dial-Up Option $207.00 Supports modem, ISDN terminal adapter and serial link access to your Worldgroup System. Novell LAN Option $207.00 Allows users on your Novell LAN without TCP/IP connectivity to access your Worldgroup system. Supports Novell NetWare IPX/SPX channels. X.25 Software Option $697.00 Connects your system to an X.25 packet-switching network without the need for a PAD. Requires the PC XNet card - see X.25 Network Hardware. Internet Applications Advanced Internet Option $347.00 Allows you to become an Internet Service Provider when used with the Dial-Up Option. Provides dial-up users with proxy and dedicated SLIP/CSLIP/PPP access out to the Internet, as well as a range of Internet services, such as ftp, telnet, rlogin, finger, NNTP newsgroups, IRC and POP3 mail. Charge based on connect time or traffic or both. Also adds ftp server to your Worldgroup server, mirroring file libraries as ftp subdirectories automatically. Major TCP/IP (Combo) $700.00 (256 Sessions) (Unlimited Sessions Upgrade) $500.00 (1024 Sessions) (Upgrade from Outgoing to Combo) $300.00 (Upgrade from Incoming to Combo) $300.00 Connect your BBS to the Internet! Outgoing version supports Telnet/Rlogin and FTP. Incoming version supports incoming Telnet/ Rlogin. Combo (In & Out) version supports Telnet/Rlogin (In & Out), Finger client & server, FTP Client & Server, WWW Server with up to 64 TCP sessions. Also offers SLIP to your users for Net surfing! Web Development Tools CGIMagic $199.00 Add CGI Scripting into your Web Pages! - Full Basic-like scripting language. Support Embed CGIMagic apps right into your pages. CGIMagic makes form support a snap. Update scripts while the server is up and running! Integrated script development environment. CGIMagic Pro $399.00 CGIMagic to CGIMagic Pro Upgrade $200.00 Same as CGI Magic, but comes with the BBS Plug-in. This adds functions to CGIMagic Pro that allows scripts to be written to access the BBS functions such as New User Signup from the Web without the Worldgroup Manager. Includes scripts for New User Signup, Page User, Registry of Users, Logon Announcements, Account Display/Edit, List Users Online and List Recent Callers. Webmagic $199.00 For the Webmasters running Worldgroup Version 2.0, or Major TCP/IP... Webmagic Web Management utility: Easily upload/download Web Pages and support files to their proper directories Control user access, including drive space and file volume Track bytes sent from the home page, or user page Generate statistics which include number of hits, bytes transferred, etc. Invoice users for Web parking (by bytes sent, daily, etc.) A must needed utility for managing Web Sites! Web Master II $99.00 Let your callers design their own WWW pages and place them on your system, starting them out with a starter template if needed! Web Master automatically builds an index HTML of all the users with areas, which you can link into your regular web site. Compatible with Galacticomm's Internet Connectivity Option and Vircom's Major TCP/IP. Add-on Options Adventure/Strategy Games BladeMaster $47.50 (2 user) $119.00 (8 user) $199.00 (unlimited) BladeMaster is a detailed ANSI arena combat simulation. Designed to provide users with nearly endless hours of blood-racing battle. With a special editor included with your purchase, you can create your own unique hordes of gibbering, vicious monsters to make your game an exciting challenge! Crossroads of the Elements $250.00 Crossroads is an interactive, text based fantasy game that will give your users hundreds of hours of play! This game has everything to keep the die-hard adventurer happy for ages! CyberTank $395.00 By far the most advanced war game on the BBS Market. This game offers your users conflict on a global scale. Armed with custom designed Cybertanks and their wit, your ANSI users will try to conquer a vast continental landscape where terrain provides strategic passage for the wise, and surreptitious ambush for the crafty. Cyber Wumpus 2010 $99.00 A multi-player action text adventure. With weapons and ammo collected from the maze, players attempt to kill as many wumpus and other players before dying themselves. Game Connection $349.00 Now your users can play commercial and shareware modem games through your Major BBS/Worldgroup system! Most 2-player games work right out of the box. The Game Connection runs as a DLL with no additional hardware required! It allows an unlimited number of concurrent games to be played. Supports 4 player Doom and Doom II, 4 player Heretic, Descent, most 2 player games, and much more. Global Destruction $125.00 Sure, the cold war is over - but now everybody and his dog has nuclear capability! Players square off against other users and ruthless computer opponents in a world filled with missiles, anti-missiles, jet fighters, bombers, spies, propaganda, secrets, brainwashing, and more radiation than any other Worldgroup game! Lost Caverns of Miczyk $399.00 Lost Caverns is the role playing game for Worldgroup that allows your users to build the game as they play! You control who can create rooms, monsters, items, spells and moves! Some of the hundreds of features include: * Up to 24 fully configurable races! Mutants $199.00 Over 15,000 rooms to roam, 500 different monsters, spells and time travel. There are 79 levels of play and 5 player classes. Users set up and buy stores, acquire weapons, trade items and more! Comes with a Map editor, Item/Monster editor and Theme editor so that you can change the concept of the game! NovaTrek $99.00 NovaTrek is a full-featured spaced adventure game. NovaTrek puts your users in the Captain's chair of their own spaceship to scour the galaxy for uncharted planets, dangerous aliens, starbases and adventure! Oltima 2000 - "The Quest for the Holy Grail" $249.00 The ultimate full ANSI graphics adventure game with thousands of rooms, monsters, cities, dungeons, towers, castles and every imaginable option in a real time user vs. user environment. Users compete to find the Holy Grail by killing the 7 magical Dragons and obtaining the 7 jeweled rings. Trade Wars 2002 $400.00 (Multi) $200.00 (Single) Trade Wars 2002 is a game of starships, trading, corporations, aliens, and galactic conquest. Players begin their quest for fame and fortune with only their wits, a few credits in their pocket, and a shiny new merchant cruiser. World Domination $149.00 The strategic war game where you must take over other countries using militant logic. Up to 8 players can play at once in any active game or take turns over a period of time. Interaction is possible between the two platforms of Client/Server and ANSI users. Features: Toolbar with balloon help, Content Sensitive help, Full Feature Animation and Graphics, Scrollable World Strategy Map, Intuitive User Control - Central Command, Sound Card Support. World Wide War $139.00 The goal of this game is to conquer the world. Countries may be attacked and conquered from bordering countries as players deploy troops on countries they hold. Reinforcement troops are awarded based on the number of countries occupied and bonus troops are given for holding an entire continent. Zorgon $30.00 (2 user) $77.00 (8 user) $129.00 (unlimited) Fully interactive multiplayer text adventure designed exclusively as an add-on game module for Worldgroup. It is similar, in a way, to such games as Zork, Deadline, etc. The key difference being that many players may be in the game all at once, in REAL TIME! Advertising Utilities Ad Master $29.00 (2 user) $79.00 (8 user) $129.00 (unlimited) Broadcast messages and/or advertisements anywhere on your system, at any time. Broadcasts can be in text and/or ANSI format Ads can be created and changed online. Great for sending those subliminal thoughts, or for announcing upcoming activities and specials to your ANSI users! Worldgroup Bulletins $49.95 Create Bulletins for C/S of A/A users. Can be read online or offline. Built in mini-word processor. Worldgroup Bulletins Pro $129.95 All the features of the above product plus much more. Add .BMP, .WMF, .DIB graphics to bulletins. Create groups of users to specialize bulletins. Billing and Accounting 900 Service Package Free! 900 Link is the premier phone billing module that allows your users to gain immediate access to your service. Our menu driven service allows complete configuration of classes, credits, and keys. Our service also offers the largest payout in the industry and even your own phone number when specific volumes are met. Accounting Automation $39.00 Accept 900 number calls, validate credit cards and even issue subscription codes. Accounting Automation also allows you to make certificates containing subscription codes for any monetary amount which you can then give away or sell to your users. Autosubscription $100.00 Allows you to set up recurring billing of your users. Requires EZCharge. Charge Card Manager $69.95 The only credit card utility you will ever need. Charge Card keeps track of all histories including purchases, reference numbers and authorization codes. Other features include automatic approval, credit lines, and up to 10 configurable membership options to sell. CheckMan $49.00 Allows you to take "online checks" utilizing the services of American Transaction Services (ATS). A user simply inputs his checking account number and CheckMan takes care of the rest. EZCharge $199.00 The premier credit card billing module that allows your users to gain instant access to your BBS with the most convenience. The menu of services is tailored to each class of user on the BBS, giving the Sysop virtually unlimited configurability. VisaMan can optionally post credits to the user, switch his class, and give him expireable keys. Credit card orders can be instantly processed online when used with the POS Dial Module. M.I.D.A.S. $249.00 The Multi-functional Interactive Debit and Account Service is unique in many ways when compared to other account management/sales applications currently available for The Major BBS and Worldgroup. M.I.D.A.S. accepts payment in the form of any major credit card AND/OR checks when processing through ATS. M.I.D.A.S. allows funds to be applied to a debit account for future purchases, including the sale of class changes, credits, keys, and time duration keys. M.I.D.A.S. supports ASCII/ANSI, RIP and Worldgroup interface formats. POS Dial Module $250.00 POS Dial Module brings the capability to perform end to end transaction processing to The Major BBS. This module functions as an interface between DataSafe's VisaMan and Omni-Mall applications and the credit card processing networks. Board Games Cross-Wordz $239.95 The ultimate interactive word game. Players compete in a 15x15 grid to place words they create from a combination of tiles. You can have an unlimited number of games being played simultaneously and up to five players can play in each game. User scores are kept in a database to maintain the top ten list. You can add and remove words from the dictionary, allowing you to control the difficulty level. FOURmation $49.00 Bring the excitement of vertical checkers to your system. Callers attempt to become the first player to get four tiles in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Professional Backgammon $159.95 One of the most popular interactive games for Worldgroup. Everyone knows how to play Backgammon and we've made it even easier with all the click-and-drag features. This Backgammon game even uses the Double Dice for challenges. Players can participate in up to 10 games simultaneously with an unlimited number of spectators watching. You can configure the maximum numbers of days a game can be played and the number of days before deleting an old game. Sea Battle $59.00 (2 user) $99.00 (8 user) $129.00 (unlimited) An adaptation of the popular board game Battleship, Sea Battle pits player vs. player (or player vs. computer) in a contest of strategy and skill. Issue a challenge, set up your fleet, man your battle stations, and fire away! Sink your opponent's ships before he sinks yours. A fun and addictive game for users of all ages. Spot $60.00 "Divide and conquer" takes on a new meaning in the client/server version of this board game. Players start on variable sized grids with random obstacles thrown about for added complexity. They jump one of their pieces to an opening two squares away, or break a piece into two pieces to fill an adjoining space. All pieces neighboring the new piece are turned to your color. Other players can watch games in progress, or check out the high score list. Tournament Checkers $149.95 Checkers uses real international rules for play which include forced jumping, backward jumping and many more rules that make Checkers a real competition. Features include ANSI, ASCII, RIP and C/S graphics, top ten list, teleconference mode, and individual scores. Tournament Chess $159.95 Chess players have enjoyed this game for years. This game offers every feature of Chess including castling, empassant and more. This chess game uses the National Chess Federation rating in points starting everyone at 1000. Players can choose from a 2-D or 3-D chess board and can chat with each other during game play. You can configure the maximum number of days a game can be played and the number of days before deleting an old game. Tournament Othello $149.95 Othello features an unlimited number of games, high scores, ANSI, ASCII, RIP and C/S graphics with many other features. Othello has a built in chat mode for chatting. Other users can watch any game in progress or check out whose ranked highest on the top ten list. Calendars Agenda $199.00 Agenda for Worldgroup is an online calendar application, offering public and personal scheduling capabilities to you and your users. With powerful features such as unlimited category filtering and recurring event support, Agenda is your best solution for online scheduling needs. Events can be designated as private, public, or can directed to a pre-configured distribution list. Card Games Card Sharks $69.95 The object of the game is to finish with the largest amount of cash possible. You begin with $250 in cash and must go through 5 levels of betting. Crib $149.00 This is an all time favorite card game better known as "Cribbage" available in Worldgroup and The Major BBS. Users can play multiple games at once in real time or they can take a few turns each day. Games are saved daily to allow for play over a period of time. This game allows "skunks" and follows the rules of Cribbage. Features: Graphical Chat Lounge, Toolbar with balloon help, Sound Support, Graphics and Animation, Content Sensitive help, Real time or Turn-Style Play and up to 300 Active games. Hearts $39.95 This interactive card game requires a minimum of three players needed to play. The object of the game is to accumulate zero points while playing out the cards. Points include all the heart cards and the Queen of Spade. Klondike Solitaire $59.00 (2 user) $99.00 (8 user) $129.00 (unlimited) A classic rendition of the ever popular Solitaire card game. Users have the ability to save a game that they are in the middle of and return to it later. Klondike's progressive pot is automatic with monthly payoffs and score resets. Statistical reports are automatically generated for the Sysop's use and information. Liar $39.95 An interactive card game that is very popular in colleges. Liar requires at least three players and is played in a teleconference mode. Players discard cards according to sequence (1, 2, 3,... J, Q, K). The object of the game is to discard all cards. Users can lie when discarding cards, but can also get caught! Databases Form Manager $495.00 Form Manager lets you present online forms to your ASCII, ANSI, and Worldgroup client users. Each form is an 80 character by 24 line input screen that you design. For users who access the form using Worldgroup client software, the form is automatically converted to a graphical interface. Form information can also be routed by e- mail to a person you specify. Genesys $995.00 Allows you to create 24-bit color multimedia databases on your Worldgroup system! Since Genesys supports Windows Interface Protocol (WIP), in addition to an ANSI interface, your end-users will be able to access your database with a true all Windows interface, and you can still offer your service to non-Windows callers. With simple GenScript configuration files, you can custom design your own application with embedded graphics, text files, and sound files, or select one of our turnkey applications like the Product Catalog, Auto Seller, Residential Real Estate or the Match Maker. Genesys Product Catalog Module $395.00 Preconfigured database for selling virtually any product using Genesys. Genesys Real Estate Module $395.00 Preconfigured database for selling real estate using Genesys. Genesys WIP Builder $195.00 Make your own Genesys database with WIP! InfiBase for Worldgroup $695.00 InfiBase for The Major BBS $695.00 Hierarchical database that can meet multiple needs for Worldgroup Sysops. You can design any application requiring collection and dissemination of data that can be classified in a hierarchy. You don't have to be a programmer, InfiBase is more than just pictures too – you can have sound, animation, images and video clips. Supports BMP, JPG, GIF, PCX, TIF, Photo CD, FLI, FLC, AWA, WAV, RMI, MIDI, AVI, AVS and QuickTime movies. InfiBase tracks usage statistics such as what they've read, written, and responded to. Log Master $39.95 Now you can keep track of all your callers including their baud rate, line number, date of call, time of call, and caller number. Configurable number of callers up to 50,000 . Includes a global "last 20 callers" and the ability to search for a user's log info. MajorNet Registry $39.00 MajorNet Registry allows your users to fill out a registry that will be sent over the MajorNet and to look up other MajorNet users, using the global look up function from systems that also run the registry. Features search by User ID, Node ID, or keyword. MajorNet Registry Plus $89.00 The Registry allows you and your customers to send information about themselves to be searched by others using your MailLink network. Marketplace $299.00 Marketplace is a user-friendly, menu-driven classified advertising database. Advertisers can include a picture (GIF, JPG, TIFF, PCX, etc.) with each advertisement. Callers can be notified when logging on that new ads were posted in specified categories. Marketplace allows you to charge by the word or by the ad. Collect payments by credit card or by deducting credits and/or days from the user's account. Credit card charges can be instantly processed online when used with the POS Dial Module. Newsroom $80.00 Write news articles, system announcements, and other messages for your users to receive the next time they log on. Attach each message to a specific key or class, allowing you to control who sees which messages. Sysops or appointed editors can create messages in ASCII/ANSI or client/server mode that contain colors or bold/italic text, expire after a certain number of days, have attached files, and much more. Online Employment $119.00 Allows the users of your system to find a job, or an employee to fill a position by listing their position or qualification and/or using the matching capabilities to locate a position or employee. Online Publisher $995.00 Multimedia Add-on $300.00 Builder License $100.00 Online Publisher allows you to provide documents to your readers electronically. Features: cheap and fast dispersal of information, freedom from space limitations, increased interactivity, multimedia capabilities, electronic mail communication between readers and journal staff. Allows you to organize documents in a way that is convenient for your readers. The parts of a publication are segmented so that readers only need to download the pieces they are interested in. Dice Games Pig $39.95 Users compete for high score by rolling the dice. One of the simplest games on the market that results in high system usage. Users roll two dice and accumulate points based on the face of the dice. User losses their turn and current points on that turn when they roll a 7. Users can compete against each other or Mr. Pig. While playing, users can also talk. Yahtzee $39.00 (2 user) $79.00 (8 user) $99.00 (unlimited) Our electronic version of the popular dice game! Players roll simulated dice to form combinations of numbers to score points. Uses ANSI graphics to display dice if the users configuration is set up for IBM or compatible machines, otherwise, ASCII text graphics are used. Client/Server users get a full graphical interface! A top ten list lets players compete for high scores. New multiple Yahtzee feature allows for unlimited high scores. Yahtzee $19.95 Yahtzee plays just like the board game. The object being to get the highest score in each category with a maximum of three rolls. End-User Utilities ADP Phone Lister $99.00 Lets your users look up their local ADP AutoNet access numbers online! Your users can search for access numbers based on their state or area code. The ADP Phone Lister includes a configurable instruction file for rates and dialing directions. Phone numbers can be added/deleted/edited online. Autopost for The Major BBS $25.00 Autopost allows your users to leave messages to the next few users that logon. Messages are added to the list until the configurable amount is reached and then old messages are removed in favor of new messages. BBS Lister $69.00 Allows you to define up to 10 different BBS lists that your users can update with their favorite BBS phone numbers. Perfect doe Sysops that get asked for additional BBS numbers, or to consolidate advertisements from other system operators. Chat Now $125.00 Chat Now is a global split screen multi-session chat mode. Chat takes place in the top two screens, the third window allows the users to do anything on the BBS while still chatting! Your users will love not having to stop what they were doing! Chat on Demand $149.00 This utility allows users to request private chats from anywhere on your BBS. Users can decline chats and give reasons why. While in this chat, users can also page others or use other globals. Command Center $69.00 (2 user) $119.00 (8 user) $149.00 (unlimited) Command Center is by far one of the most important modules you could add to your system. It offers dozens of global commands to your users. Telegrams, global chat, broadcasts, and log-off messages are just a few of Command Center's many features. Includes over 50 different global commands. Sysop utilities allow for global class and key changes, suspensions, and deletions, global credit posting and much more. Great for any Worldgroup System! Credit Exchange $39.00 Credit Exchange lets users trade in days for credits and let them enjoy games of chance and risk credits (as well as earning yourself some money in the process!). You configure how many credits are given for each day exchanged. If users win credits, they can also use Credit Exchange to transfer them back into days. E-Mail Attachment Protocol $79.00 This add-on file transfer protocol will prompt the user for an e-mail address and then send one or more files to that address. If you have an Internet connection, telnetting users can send files through Internet e-mail to a remote address. They can later download those files without having to waste time with lagging telnet transfers. The system doesn't require the user to use up a valuable channel waiting for the transfer. File Viewer 2 $79.00 Display text files to any length to your users. Users may scroll up and down a line at a time or a page at a time, go to the beginning or end of the document, or even search for keywords in the text file. Using the menuing system and File Viewer, you may add menu options which immediately pulls up files for users in File Viewer. File Viewer also allows users to download text files if desired. Flower Shop $99.00 Let romance bloom by letting your users send their sweethearts electronic ANSI flowers! Get-well wishes, birthday greetings, and Valentines can also be sent all at Sysop configurable pricing. Global Actions $39.95 Users can send kisses across the system to other users without being in teleconference! Unlimited number of words can be added directly online including keys for each word. Global Actions creates separate Action Lists based on Key Name. Includes 200+ words with regular and adult keys. Also includes a generic Global command that allows users to send whatever they want to another user. This is one of the most widely used option for BBSes. Global Power $99.00 A complete package of global commands for Worldgroup. Global Power commands can be executed from just about any prompt on your BBS and provide you with many functions that most Sysops can't do without! Upgrades from previous versions available. Global Teleconference for Worldgroup $99.00 A necessity for any multi-line BBS, the Global Teleconference offers your users to use up to thirty-six chatter channels simultaneously, no matter where they are on the BBS! Users can use action words, set up default channels, and even go into an "in chat" mode! Invisible Sysops can still enjoy discussions in Global Teleconference without worry! Graffiti Wall for Worldgroup $50.00 Graffiti Wall for The Major BBS $25.00 Let your users leave anonymous one-line messages that are available to be viewed in a rainbow of colors. Graffiti Wall is accessible from the menu tree or globally. Sysop commands put you in charge. Mercury $29.00 Tired of those boring page windows in Worldgroup's client/server mode? Mercury is a small utility which replaces those pop-ups with scrolling chat windows. Each time a user receives a page, a window is created for the paging user. Further pages from the same user are routed to the same window, creating a tiny scrolling chat. Modem to Modem $29.00 Modem to Modem is a very simple module that allows two users on your BBS to go into a direct terminal to terminal connection. Modem games don't know the difference between connected through the BBS with Modem to Modem or being connected directly. Users in a Modem to Modem session can play virtually all modem to modem games or even transfer files directly. Multi-Chat $125.00 Multi-Chat permits your users to be in a live, keystroke by keystroke chat with up to three other users. Their screen is split into four separate areas, one per user. QuickBar $74.95 QuickBar is a highly configurable tool bar with up to 50 buttons for your client/server users. Makes navigation around your Worldgroup system simple and easy. Built in options for who's online, recent callers, system announcements, and registry lookup. Run any Worldgroup or Windows application with the click of a button. Comes with 200 icons, but more can be added. Quicksilver $30.00 Make quickscan configuration a snap with this full-screen ANSI utility. The Doctor $99.00 An interactive teleconference personality. Now your BBS can have its own psychologist! User Commissions $99.00 Now wannabe Sysops can put their money where their mouth is. This module lets you offer a commission in credits for your system for usage they get others to generate! You select particular modules and the users who can receive commission based on the usage generated that day for the module. Commissions can be given for time spent online, credits used, or a combination of both. User Lookup $29.95 Small and simple module lets your users look up old friends based on real name or User ID. Ultra Colors $25.00 Let your users give your system more character and flavor by adding color and extended ASCII to your BBS! By using Ultra Colors, you can spice up your teleconference, pages, whispers, forums, registries, e-mail, and most other places on your BBS where color would give it a little kick. Ultra Colors works anywhere that uses line-by-line input! Ultra Globals $199.00 Ultra Globals is the ultimate globals package available! Ultra Globals offers you over 100 features, each globally accessible and fully configurable. Each command, its description, and key can be custom configured, as well as disabled! User commands include logon and logoff notification, Ultra-Grams (a mini global e-mail system), Full Screen Editor auto-busy, detailed (and fully user configurable) user information lookups, recent caller lists, a complete power macro system, user definable user lists, and more! Wake-up $79.00 Lets your users set up a wakeup call and allows your server to call and wake them up! You can charge credits by the call or allow users to buy "WakeUp Tokens" in bulk. This is a great feature to your online service! Worldgroup compatible. Who's on Worldgroup $74.95 Auto updating who's online list displays status such as channel, User ID, sex, class, and current module. You can Lookup/Edit a users account whether they are on or off-line, look up users registry entries, page users, change classes and give or take away keys. Supports auto startup and shutdown and a toolbar with tooltips. Worldgroup Client Companion $149.00 The Worldgroup Client Companion is your users "Swiss Army Knife" to be used from within the Worldgroup Client. Features include viewing/playing of any kind of file, decompressing of almost any archive format, creating of ZIP archives, slide show mode and a calendar. Full support of Microsoft Windows Drag & Drop options. Worldgroup Statistics $149.00 Worldgroup Statistics shows your users the real power of Worldgroup, with dazzling graphics, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line charts and so on. Every single chart can be saved and printed with a single mouse click. Fax Applications EZ-Fax $59.00 EZ-Fax breaks through the problems created with command concatenation in Fax/Online. With EZ-Fax, you set up a menu option as a module page and enter the fax document file name (and path, if needed) in the command string. When the user selects the command from your menu, they're prompted for their fax phone number and the fax document is on its way! FaxBlaster $179.00 FaxBlaster brings fax distribution power to your Worldgroup system. Distribute a single fax to a large number of people. FaxBlaster lets you create and edit distribution lists online, through its own interface, or to import them from comma-delimited text files. Fax Importer $199.00 Fax Importer lets you generate fax requests from a source external to your Major BBS or Worldgroup platform. Requires Fax/Online. Fax/Online $174.00 Provides an outgoing online fax service for your system. Users can fax pre-scanned images and ASCII text files from your document database, view or print faxes from the built-in viewer, inquire about fax rate charges, and send copies to others. Requires EIA Class 2 or 2.0 CCITT Group 3 fax modems. FT-Fax Protocol $149.00 FT-Fax Protocol adds a new download protocol option to your existing file library. Custom text and fax file extension recognition. Customer access to FT-Fax Protocol can be key controlled. Optional detailed or summary audit trail logging. Optional credit charges. Requires Fax/Online. Gambling Games Casino $44.50 (2 user $111.00 (8 user) $185.00 (unlimited) The Casino is a multiplayer game featuring five popular card games: 7 card stud, 5 card draw, 5 card stud, Jacks or Better, and Blackjack. Players enter through the lounge where they can talk with other players and sip drinks before heading for the tables. Casino employees are always there, to make sure the patrons are happy. Progressive Slots $29.00 (2 user) $59.00 (8 user) $79.00 (unlimited) Bring the excitement of Las Vegas slot machines to your system! An animated Client/Server, ANSI, and ASCII slot machine puts the finishing touches on the game. The C/S version even has sounds, so your users will really feel like they're in Vegas. Roulette $129.95 Play Las Vegas style Roulette using RIP, ANSI and C/S modes. Place your bet on a color, column, row or other group of variations. Watch as Lady Luck spins the wheel. Easy to use C/S mode to place bets on table. Automatic wheel spin by computer with alert messages. Sports Pool $99.00 The Sports Pool has options for an office pool, pick-em, tailgate party chat and winner stats with unlimited pools for ANY sport during ANY season. Up to 65,500 different teams can be entered and up to 200 weekly schedules can be created with 14 games per schedule. Comes pre-loaded with NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL teams. Video Blackjack $99.95 Play head on against the house computer. Select your type of bet and play the real 21 Blackjack. Features double down, split and dealer stays on 17 and above. You can configure the minimum and maximum bets and whether your users play with real credits or pseudo-credits. Runs in ANSI, ASCII and C/S modes. Video Poker $39.00 (2 user) $79.00 (8 user) $99.00 (unlimited) This massive money maker offers a progressive pot and detailed Sysop reports. Since this module is 100% global in design, it can be played anywhere on your system. Video Poker has full Sysop configurability from pay off odds to the optional progressive Royal Flush Jackpot, with minimum and maximum credit setting levels. A "bet remember" feature keeps it easy for users to play. Features full BMP/ANSI cards to users who can support client/server or ANSI. A Sysop only report option will keep track of how much profit you have made. Video Poker $99.95 A full ANSI and C/S graphics computer poker machine. Uses standard casino payoffs of Jacks or better for 1:1, two pairs for 2:1, three of a kind for 3:1, etc. Users can also play Video Poker globally from anywhere on your system! Configurable 5th coin Royal Straight Flush Jackpot and Cost per Coins. Games and Entertainment Anonymous Teleconference $99.00 An interesting variation of teleconference where users do not know who said what. Each users gets to pick an alias which can be used for messages, whispering and action words. Users can be made to go invisible, so that nobody knows what users are involved in the anonymous teleconference! A special blackout mode turns off the aliases, so that the teleconference can become totally anonymous! Bartender $99.00 In this exciting global game, users own and operate their own bar! Computer simulated customers enter the bar and order a random drink. Any user that can make the drink will be paid! Tips are based on how fast they can make the drink! Users keep stock and learn how to make hundreds of real drinks! BBSopoly $139.95 BBSopoly plays just like your favorite board game. Users compete to purchase all the BBSes they can and build them up. Everything you would want in a monopolistic game! Full ANSI graphics allows great visuals for users. This game features chat, unlimited games and top ten listing. Blox $39.50 (2 user) $99.00 (8 user) $165.00 (unlimited) Fit the falling shapes together to form solid rows across the chute and score points. The more rows you complete, the faster the shapes fall! ANSI game is very similar to the ever-popular game of Tetris. Electronic Fairways $12.00 (2 user) $29.90 (8 user) $49.00 (unlimited) Nice little text golfing game. The course features many different obstacles such as sand traps, ponds, rough areas, and trees. Entertainment Collection $207.00 Includes the Action Teleconference, a chat extravaganza with action words, sounds and images; multiplayer text adventures, ANSI-graphics, Flash and teleconference games; and more. Field Goal Challenge $49.00 A football-type kicking game, kick field goals from the 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 yard line against various wind speeds. Users with sound cards will be booed, cheered, and when the ball is snapped will hear the quarterback cadence. If you have football fans on your system, this program is a must. Food Fight $165.00 Your users are hungry for Teleconference games, and there's nothing like a wild and messy food fight to satisfy them. They'll go bananas as ANSI food images actually cover their screens! Gunfighter $149.00 The wild west teleconference game, also known as "Brawl" by many users starts players off with a couple of guns and some ammo. Players gain improved fighting abilities as they compete to be "Top Gun." Players develop improved fighting abilities as they rise through the ranks from "Greenhorn" to "Gunslinger". Horse Track $129.95 This full featured online track is one of a kind. Features all bet types such as win, place, show, perfecta, quinella, trifecta, superfecta, daily double, trifecta key and many others. Horse Track comes with a full database of horses with grades that are configurable. Full teleconference and during the races you can actually see the horses go across your screen. Instant Lotto $29.95 Our lotto is like the scratch ticket type where 6 boxes appear. If three of the same prize appear in the 6 boxes, then the user wins that prize. Jumble Madness $99.95 The easiest interactive game to play. Users compete against each other to unscramble a word displayed by the computer. Every 15 seconds the computer displays a letter hint to help the users solve the puzzle. Jumble includes a top ten list of the best players and keeps track of individual scores. Users can also chat while playing Jumble. Major Goose $100.00 Major Goose is a "choose your own adventure" program that can handle simultaneous stories. Each story starts with a single "page" to start the ball rolling. The story grows and grows. Mancala $99.00 Easy to learn, but hard to master. In this game, the goal is to get more stones in your Mancala then your opponent. Be warned: this game is highly addictive! MicroMind $39.95 The object of the game is to guess a number which has been chosen at random and is hidden from you by the computer. You make your guess on the basis of clues given to you. Mouse Trap $39.95 Users compete in a pre-generated maze to find the end of the puzzle. Unlimited number of mazes are created in a FULL ANSI graphics screen. Top ten scores are kept for wins and also for the fastest time out of the maze! Pacdude $79.00 Much like the classic video game. Users can dart around the maze eating dots, and ghosts, and advancing levels. Pacdude will keep track of the top ten players to ensure competition. Worldgroup compatible, ANSI mode. Ringmasters $149.00 Head-to-head boxing. Your users square off against each other in a boxing ring, complete with referee. Others can watch the action from ringside. Online head-to-head competition at its best. Sysop option lets you create your own boxers. Super Hangman $49.00 Super Hangman not only follows the rules of the traditional game, but also blends in a level of education learning. Tic-Tac-Toe $19.95 This old time favorite plays other users or the computer in a FULL SCREEN ANSI color game. Keeps track of individual scores and a top ten list. Worldgroup Hangman $29.95 Has a dictionary of over 15,000 words. 4 difficulty levels. Keeps a top ten list. Easy to use and fun for everyone. Linking InterLink $36.00 (2 user) $89.00 (8 user) $149.00 (unlimited) Connect your system to another InterLink system and let the fun begin. This module allows you to link our special InterLink Teleconference area with other systems that also have InterLink. InterLink allows for whispering, actions, pages, and more across the teleconference link to other users. WorldLink Cross-Wordz $49.95 Cross-Wordz module that you can play across WorldLink. WorldLink Jumble Madness $29.95 Jumble module that you can play across WorldLink. WorldLink Package $99.95 The software you'll need to start connecting to WorldLink. WorldLink allows you to share e-mail, forums, and teleconference chats with other WorldLink Systems. Mail Tools and Networking Bulk-Mail $49.95 Just as the name implies, Bulk-Mail lets you send mail, in bulk, to as many users as you wish. Send mail to users based on class, key, sex, age, or any combination of the four. All items have defaults that make sending mail easy. You can change the "from" field to avoid replies. Messages are not sent until the user logs on, so you won't end up wasting hordes of disk space. Form Editor $75.00 Combines intelligent mail merge capabilities together with the standard Major BBS text editor and distribution lists to form a powerful tool. MailLink $149.00 MailLink 4 (with file attachments) $249.00 With MailLink, you can connect to the world via MajorNet or connect your system with a private network. MajorNet has hundreds of customer, Sysop, and ISV support forums available. MajorNet allows you and your customers to share ideas and problems with others all over the world. Features: Unattended Mail Transfer, Real time background operation, Public newsgroups/forums, auto scheduler for 100% hands off operation. Mountain Mail $249.00 Let anybody retrieve information about your products. Support your customers worldwide. With the automatic e- mail responder, you can send "I'm away/back" messages. Keep your partner or colleagues informed with the automatic e-mail copy. Use e-mail to send fax messages. Let your users create their own cover pages. Full screen forum selector and quickscan configuration. The default quickscan is ideal for new users. ANSI-users can use the global address book. Online Dating Audio/Visual Registry $149.00 A/V Registry is a multimedia-enhanced user registry for your Worldgroup system. Graphic and sound file attachments help flesh out your users' registry entries, while A/V Registry's Web page utility creates and maintains a version of your User Registry on the World Wide Web. Each user registry entry can include an associated bitmap graphic and .WAV sound file, and A/V Registry can be configured to require Sysop approval before making any of these attachments public. Match Maker $179.00 This features unlimited questionnaires, multiple choice, text or mixed responses, anonymous mail, online questionnaire editing, key restrictions, searches based on age and sex, and much more. The most flexible dating module available! Multimedia Registry $199.00 Multimedia Registry is the ultimate user registry database! Supercharge your online service with sights, sounds and online configurability. In addition to answering Sysop-defined questions, callers can include a picture (GIF, JPG, TIFF, PCX, etc.) of themselves along with a sound clip (WAV). The Worldgroup client includes integrated image viewing and sound playing along with context-sensitive help. Online Shopping Omni-Mall with POS Dial for Worldgroup $697.00 Omni-Mall without POS Dial for Worldgroup $499.00 Omni-Mall for The Major BBS $299.00 A complete online shopping system allowing you to sell your products online and/or rent space to other merchants. Omni-Mall supports sales of products, services, and software files. Up to three pictures (GIF, JPG, TIFF, PCX, etc.) of each product can be included. Orders can be faxed to merchants when used with the Fax/Online module. Credit card orders can be instantly processed online with the POS Dial module. Zephyr $349.00 Zephyr is an online shopping mall application for your Worldgroup system. Featuring an intuitive user interface and small, compiled client, Zephyr makes online shopping a breeze. Zephyr's compact, compiled client (under 500k) provides all of the functionality and flexibility of other shopping mall applications that are anywhere from 3 to 8 times its size, without the torturously long download time. Plus, it actually operates at up to ten times the speed of other shopping add-ons. Puzzle Games Guess What $39.00 (2 user) $79.00 (8 user) $99.00 (unlimited) Players compete for high scores on the top ten list by guessing hidden words or phrases. Five categories of puzzle types include: words, things, people, places, and phrases. Each player plays 5 rounds, and is given a puzzle to solve which is chosen at random. Players accumulate points throughout the game by correctly guessing the hidden letters until they can give the correct answer. Master of Minds $49.00 Users play puzzles or talk back and forth in the Master of Minds lounge! Users must guess a color combination generated by the computer. The more consecutive wins, the closer the user comes to defeating the Master of Minds. High score lists show the best users and credit prizes encourage the user to keep trying! Features: Toolbar with balloon help, Sound Support with Awesome Effects, Graphics and Animation. Totally Puzzled $99.00 New! Totally Puzzled will keep you your users busy for hours! Users must try to solve various puzzle images configured by you! Access to the puzzles may be configure by key and category. Have a children's section, an adult section, etc. Credit prizes may be awarded for each level. Three modes of play - Easy, Medium, and Hard. Scores/Credits may be configured in each level. Supports TIF, TGA, BMP, DIB, PCX, JPG, OLE, FIF, and FTTT picture files. Worldgroup client/server only. Wheel of Fame $149.00 Like the popular game show, Wheel of Fame lets users solve puzzles by buying vowels, guessing letters and attempting to solve phrases. The more users, the higher the score multiples! Users may win credits if a certain score is reached (configurable). A high score list keeps track of top players! Users may also chat and execute action commands to one another in the Wheel of Fame lounge. Sysop Utilities AMS DOS Shell $99.00 A Minor Shell - DOS shell emulation allows Sysop (and optionally the users) of a Major BBS to come as close to dropping to a DOS shell as possible. AutoRate $99.00 AutoRate is a credit rate surcharge utility which provides surcharge capabilities to the Sysop based on channel group, time of day and day of week. In addition to credit surcharges, AutoRate will also provide automatic class switching based on channel group and current class. Auto Validator $80.00 Verify your users' sign-up information automatically, giving them quick access to your system! Users go through a transparent validation process by phone, or receive a 4-digit access code in the mail! Checks for bad numbers and multiple handles per phone number. BBS Listing $39.95 Keeps track of BBS information entered by user, by phone number, city, state and zip code. BSI Guest for Worldgroup $149.00 With BSI Guest, you can create a guest ID that people will enter upon connecting to your system. No password, sign-up questions or access changes are required. You can use the Guest ID or whatever might suit the theme of your system. This has also been used for Telnet and FTP systems to allow special access for those accessing a system through the Internet. Publish your guest ID in advertisements for your system and see how much your usage increases. You can now create New User-IDs for people on the fly, attach a file to a User-ID from the command prompt and there's even an intelligence remote directory feature, with point-and-click change directory and file displaying built in. CD Express $69.00 Made especially for Major CD, CD-Express makes logging in files so easy, it's almost fun and you won't dread adding or changing discs. CD Express is a utility that will create Login Script, Btrieve, Menu and ALLFILES files for your Major CD system! This simple to use program extracts information from CD's that other products simply would eliminate or crash while attempting to import. Unlike other products, CD Express physically reads your CDROM and extracts the file date and size for you. This eliminates the problem of incorrect file dates or sizes that are listed with commas and other formatting characters or having to merge DIR listings into descriptor files that don't include the file sizes. Console Lock $30.00 Lock your main system console from prying eyes and fingers. Password protect your system and activate one of several screen savers to make sure there is no unauthorized access to your system while you are gone. Console Lock $49.00 Lock your console tight! Require a name and password check each time a user access the console. Ensure that your system is safe and sound. DMA Server $700.00 DMA Unlimited Upgrade (must own DMA server) $500.00 The Distributed Machine Architecture (DMA) allows you to distribute part of your Worldgroup services and DLLs to other computers on your local area network (or to other sites on the Internet) while making this transparent to your users. This way, you can keep the very fast and stable main BBS busy answering your modems, while the more hardware-intensive modules are running on another computer, thus improving speed and reliability. Dual Password Security $39.00 This module protects your BBS by giving users a second password that activates a set of keys. With this program in place, your system is protected! E-Mail Spy $79.00 A necessity for corporations, E-Mail Spy allows you to read everyone's e-mail on your Worldgroup system. You can scan for all new messages, or just messages with file attachments on them! Make sure no illegal file transferring is occurring on your board! Protect your users, your BBS, and yourself. Executive Informer $79.00 The Executive Informer allows you to send System News, Bulk Mail, Logoff Messages, and On-Line Commercials to your users depending on keys held, keys not held, age and sex. New version features different styles, allowing you to send eye-catching messages in any number of styles! File Library Extension $149.00 The File Library Extension makes your File Library more powerful, much faster and more easy to use. Global Monitor $79.00 Global Monitor is a useful module that allows you and your staff to see what users type. Global Monitor splits your screen in two, allowing you to continue to use your system while monitoring. You can select exactly who you wish HelpMan $49.00 Scans your BBS subdirectory for the help files provided with The Major BBS (and third party modules) and lets your users display them online. Information Query $49.00 Information Query allows you to search the user database as well as the audit trail while online. You may also search the audit trail with a string up to 65 characters and may limit the search within a range of dates. All output can be displayed on screen or sent to a text file for future use or printing. IP Surcharge/Restrict $150.00 You can save hundreds of dollars monthly by getting your x.25 callers through your Internet connection! Instead of paying for two separate leased lines, ask your x.25 service provider to send your callers over your Internet connection. If you currently have an Internet connection, you can add x.25 support at very little expense! Offer your users nationwide or even worldwide access! Log Master $39.95 Now you can keep track of all your callers including their baud rate, line number, date of call, time of call, and caller number. Configurable number of callers up to 50,000. Includes global last 20 callers and the ability to search for a user's log information. Major CD for Worldgroup $225.00 Major CD for The Major BBS $169.00 Major CD Upgrade from The Major BBS to Worldgroup $79.00 Major CD LAN Option $89.00 Major CD for Worldgroup with LAN Option $285.00 Major CD for The Major BBS with LAN Option $229.00 Works just like Windows Explorer/File Manager. Worldgroup Manager can be used without being connected. Total security and adult pseudo-keys guarantee system integrity. Add up to 255 CDs to your system, and up to 42 CDs on one computer. Special Pioneer Jukebox support. Works on any network. Custom ZIP comments are a great, FREE way to advertise. Full-screen ANSI tagger and full-screen RIP tagger. Multilingual support (no text hard coded.) FREE powerful offline tag system for DOS, Windows and Atari S T. Menu Magician for Worldgroup $150.00 Menu Magician for The Major BBS $100.00 Change your existing menu pages or create new ones and link them directly into your current menus while your system is still on the air! An invaluable tool, especially if you manage your system remotely. Edit pages by clicking on a gape in your menu tree, select module names from a pick list of all the modules currently running, and decide on an appropriate icon with the handy Icon Browser. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Metakeys $50.00 Metakeys are expressions that can be used in place of normal keys for most applications. Using a metakey, you can specify a very detailed expression of which users you want to be able to use which feature. Not-Keys $49.00 Not-Keys gives yourself more control over locks and keys! Not-Keys allow you to have "negative" keys, so you can take away access from users without having to change their class. Not-Keys negates keys a user might have in his or her personal class key ring. Not-Keys also features Take-Keys, which negates a key sometime in the future! Not- Keys is perfect for giving and taking away access with ease. PQM $99.00 This package allows you to build an unlimited amount of polls, quizzes, and matchmakers. Each questionnaire has its own "profile" where you can control a variety of user levels. Provides for online statistics, giving you advice for quizzes, global matching or even grant keys pending on the answers users select! Worldgroup compatible. Pulse for The Major BBS $69.00 Pulse is an operations monitor and benchmark utility for your Major BBS. Pulse will tell you if you need to upgrade your CPU, hard drive subsystem, or possibly if a given module is putting a large load on your system. Radius Server for Worldgroup or The Major BBS $500.00 (32 Port Lic.) Radius Server Upgrade $200.00 (32 Port Lic.) Requires terminal server(s). Since PPP/SLIP/CSLIP sessions are handled by the terminal server, they don't use any channels (i.e. user-count license) on the Worldgroup/MBBS system. Users currently connected in PPP/SLIP when the Worldgroup server shuts down for cleanups can continue surfing without any interruption! Since terminal servers are specialized multi-port intelligent serial hardware, a significant performance increase can also be expected. Remote Console $99.00 Remote Console gives you an exact duplicate of the Sysop Console remotely. This is a must have module for remote maintenance of your BBS! Super Sysop Pager $49.00 Super Sysop Pager replaces the page Sysop function and gives you a long, quiet, audible melody instead of a short beep. Pages to Sysop can be diverted to other users by User-ID or key. Missed pages to Sysop may be logged to the audit trail or a text file. Super Sysop Pager can even dial out and alert you using your digital pager. A powerful scheduler controls when the system calls out to page, who it pages, and how often. Syseazy $119.00 Twenty add-ons in one package for one low price for all your Sysop and user's needs! Features: Card Shop, Global Actions, Advanced Credit Transfer, Global Chat, Cloaking Device, Disable NQC, Password Security, Global Password Change, Credit Advance, Visa/Master Card/Amex Acceptor, User-ID Changer, Certificates, Lucky Charm, Class Switcher, The Voter, The Announcer, Celebration, Low on Credit/Days Notification, Module Charger, and Channel Blaster! Worldgroup compatible. Sysop Functions and Utilities $249.00 Sysop Functions and Utilities is accessed through a floating toolbar, using drop down menus. A few of the key elements are featured as icons on the toolbar for faster access. The commands have been grouped together in a logical manner to make the module easy to use. We have even added new features that will make your job easier than before. Ticker Tape $79.00 Ticker Tape is a neat way to display text based information in a very small space by way of scrolling electronic ticker tape like you've seen on television stock reports and weather information. This unique module definitely catches your user's attention! Worldgroup Program Initializer $99.00 The Worldgroup Program Initializer allows you to create what we call 'Client Zip Files'. Each Client Zip File contains all of the files needed by a client. With the built in Not-key handler, you can easily menu-ize those Client Zip Files. After installing The Worldgroup Program Initializer, your callers do not have to wait as long for updates anymore. The first time a caller selects the menu-option of a client, instead of the numerous, uncompressed client files being sent, just the one, compressed, Client Zip File is transferred, Unzipped, Installed (and then removed from the users hard drive) without user intervention. Your callers will save up to 80 percent on transmission time. Trivia Games Teleconference Trivia $149.00 Allows your users to play trivia directly in your Teleconference. Automatically adds itself to either your Standard or Entertainment Teleconference. Trivia Forum $149.95 The original and best automated trivia game with features such as: 99configurable categories, interactive play, top ten list for each category, next question option, and chat teleconference. Sysop functions include: adding questions directly online, configuring categories for hints, prizes, key requirements, answer display, and speed of game. A must for any multi-line entertainment system. Over 25,000 questions. Totally Trivia $149.00 Users race around the game board collecting pegs every time they get a trivia question right! The user with all the pegs wins! Supports Client/Server and ANSI. 6000 Phrase database with 6 categories. Features: Toolbar with balloon help, Content Sensitive help, Full Feature Animation and Graphics, Chat Lounge, Sound Effects, Addictive! Video Conferencing iView Broadcaster $399.00 (8 user) $599.00 (20 user) $899.00 (unlimited) This client/server application allows classroom style of video/audio broadcasting where one user broadcasts to multiple users via LAN, MODEM or TCP/IP. Great option for live speeches, classes, TV broadcasting, and many more applications. iView Conferencing $399.00 (8 user) $599.00 (20 user) $899.00 (unlimited) This client/server application allows up to four users to be simultaneously conferencing with video and audio. Other features include the ability to capture an on screen display, such as a spreadsheet, and broad- cast it to the other conference. Great for meetings and private discussions. iView v-Mail $299.00 (2 user) $499.00 (8 user) $799.00 (unlimited) This client/server Video/Audio Mail supersedes its e-mail ancestor by allowing full pre-recorded audio, video, text and file attachments. A new medium for online services to be used for by a variety of end users. iView Point-to-Point $399.00 (8 user) $599.00 (20 user) $899.00 (unlimited) This client/server application allows users via LAN, MODEM and TCP/IP to conduct direct live point to point video, audio and text conferencing. Special features include video and audio quality control, small self-image for camera adjustment and full image of other viewer. Viewing Catalog Viewer $149.00 The Catalog Viewer can be used for a variety of applications that have nothing to do with catalogs. With this powerful tool you can create a company rolodex with each employee's curriculum vitae. Open a classified service with graphical ads. Raise product interest with an online window shopping network. Display an online photo of important events, people, or places. Create an advertising module to increase sales. Document Collaboration $299.95 Collaboration solution for workgroups that need to access and work on common projects. Great for intranet solutions as well! Supports virtually any Windows or Windows '95 document. Document Viewer $149.00 Publish Documents on the Web and Worldgroup faster than ever! With the click of a button you can put your documents online as they appear in their original form - color, graphics, fonts,! You'll get the functionality of Adobe Acrobat without it's huge file size or confusing install procedures. Multi-Vue for Worldgroup $149.00 Vue-It for The Major BBS $99.00 Bring full-screen scrolling text displays to your Worldgroup platform in client mode and ASCII/ANSI/RIP terminal mode. Allows optional file downloads and |fax requests, which are controlled by key access. The client mode supports a print option. Also provides optional activity logging to the audit trail for download, fax and display requests. Scrybe $49.00 Allows your client/server users to easily view .RTF files. Bundles 4-Pack Combo $1199.00 (2 user) $1799.00 (8 user) $2699.00 (unlimited) Includes iView Broadcaster, iView Conferencing, iView Point-to -Point, and iView v-Mail at one special low price! Accessory/Utility Package $139.00 Includes City Search (City Search allows your users to search the user data file by city, state, or zip code. City Search is perfect for a business or entertainment system catering to a geographically diverse user base), Gate Keeper (Gate Keeper can take your new users and place them on a virtual system (class) based on the selection that they make when they log on to your system.), Happy Birthday (Your users will never have to update their age again, its done automatically! Your BBS can tell users "Happy Birthday" and also automatically send your users E-mail with free credits), Line Monitor (Gives you the extra control over who logs on what channel and how many times they can log on. Designed for the Sysop that has different channel groups with different lengths for allowed usage.), Mega Madness (An online version of a Chinese tile game. The object is to put all of the tiles in numerical order with the blank tile acting as tile 0.), Mine Field (Make your way through the Mine Field without getting blown up - with top ten lists of the fastest winning times and four different sized fields.), UserBase (An offline import/export utility which allows you to manipulate the BBS's user data file (BBSUSR.DAT) with Alpha4, a popular database program. With UserBase you can export your BBS user data file for many different operations.), and User Referral at one special low price! Board Package $499.95 Includes Professional Backgammon, Tournament Checkers, Tournament Chess, and Tournament Othello at one special low price! Bulk-Mail and Bulletins Bundle $75.95 Includes Bulk-Mail for Worldgroup and Worldgroup Bulletins at one special low price! Bulk-Mail and Bulletins Pro Bundle $155.95 Includes Bulk-Mail for Worldgroup and Worldgroup Bulletins Pro at one special low price! HV Utilities $100.00 A collection of favorite bite-sized utilities and features created over a span of several months at one special low price! Game Bundle $299.00 Includes World Domination, Crib, Wheel of Fame, and Master of Minds at one special low price! Magic Pack $369.00 Includes CGI Magic and Web Magic at one special low price! Magic Pack Pro $499.00 Includes CGI Magic Pro and Web Magic at one special low price! Totally Bundled $199.00 Includes Totally Puzzled and Totally Trivia at one special low price! Triple Pak $189.00 Includes Master of Minds, Wheel of Fame and Pacdude at one special low price! Source Codes and Development Tools Developer's Kit Worldgroup Developer's Kit $347.00 Modify client-side applications, server-side agents and existing add-ons or write your own Worldgroup add-on options. Contains the Visual Basic source for baseline client apps (e.g. e-mail, file libraries, etc.). Includes the server-side engine in LIB form, C source code to all the server-side apps, files necessary to recompile the run-time executable, two of the utilities and certain standard DLLs. Documentation is included. Requires a registered copy of Worldgroup, Phar Lap 286 | DOS-Extender SDK, Borland C++ 4.5, Visual Basic Pro 3.0 and 3-D Widgets from Sheridan Software. Visual Writer Pro 2.25 and Visual Speller 1.0 required to modify Worldgroup's message center. Advanced Internet Option and Internet Connectivity Source Code required to modify existing Internet capabilities or to develop your own Internet add-on. Extended C Source Developer's Kit $347.00 Contains the C sources to many of the offline programs, such as the configuration editor, menu tree management utilities and screen drawing tools. Also contains the C source to GCOMM.LIB, a collection of low-level routines used by Worldgroup and its offline utilities for DOS functions, operator I/O, text message management, etc. Requires the Worldgroup Developer's Kit. Source Code (All C source code listed below requires the Client/Server Developer's Kit and registered copies of any add-on option for which you purchase C source code.) Fax/Online Developer's Kit $69.00 Dial-Out C Source Code $207.00 Entertainment Collection Source Code $369.00 Requires Brushed Aluminum set of VBXtasy by Spinoza Ltd to recompile the client app. Internet Connectivity Source Code $495.00 Contains source code to Worldgroup's Internet capabilities included in the baseline package and Advanced Internet Option. Requires Advanced Internet Option. Omni-Mall C Source Code $697.00 Requires additional VBX tool kits -- call for details. Development Tools 286 | DOS-Extender SDK by Phar Lap $414.00 Break the 640K DOS memory barrier and access up to 16MB of extended memory in protected mode. DOORWAY by TriMark Engineering $49.95 Provides access to DOS applications on a separate computer. X.25 Network Hardware PC XNet Card from OST $1000.00 A dual-port X.25 interface that connects directly to equipment from SprintNet, CompuServe, AutoNet and other packet-switching networks. Hardware Watchdog Kit $149.00 If your system has ever "locked-up" in the middle of the night (or if you are afraid that it might), then this key is for you. Lock-ups can cause your system to be down for hours thus flushing your potential revenue down the drain. The Watchdog Kit includes a card that is placed into an available slot on your mother board that hooks directly to the motherboard via a small cable to the reset switch connector. The software DLL is loaded onto your system, and will activate the card once the system is initialized. Once the card is activated, if for some reason your system stops communicating with the card for a set amount of time, it will automatically reboot your system, and get you back online. Multiuser Hardware GalactiBoard $436.00 An 8-port EIA-232D serial interface for connecting external modems, computer terminals or other devices to your system. Uses 16550-type UARTs for efficient high-speed file transfers. Cable assembly included. Intelligent Serial Kits Enables Worldgroup to take advantage of Equinox Systems Inc.'s intelligent multiport SuperSerial hardware - delivering unsurpassed performance. Each ISK includes Worldgroup intelligent driver software, Equinox host controller, 8- or 16-port module(s), power supplies, cables, modem adapters, and documentation. 16-line (up to 115.2 Kbps) $1649.00 32-line (up to 115.2 Kbps) $2219.00 64-line (up to 115.2 Kbps) $3600.00 96-line (up to 115.2 Kbps) $5094.00 128-line (up to 115.2 Kbps) $5999.00 16-port upgrade (up to 115.2 Kbps) $740.00 16-line (up to 230.4 Kbps) $1600.00 32-line (up to 230.4 Kbps) $2359.00 8-port upgrade (up to 230.4 Kbps) $549.00 8-port Intelligent Serial Board $720.00 Update Program Automatic Software Update Program (U/S Canada Only) $495.00 Automatic Software Update Program (International) $595.00 Per year, per registration number. Receive all significant new software updates to Galacticomm products you have purchased as soon as we've fully tested them. Classroom Training Introduction to Worldgroup Administration $595.00 Two-day, hands-on course focused on system administration. Also covers the new Worldgroup Plug-in and Web server integration. Intermediate Worldgroup Administration $795.00 Three-day, hands-on course covering detailed system administration and configuration of both the Worldgroup server and the built-in Web server. Advanced Worldgroup Administration $795.00 Three-day, in-depth laboratory experience covering advanced connectivity, back-up and restore procedures, plus multimedia and hypermedia creation and editing. Digital Publishing for Worldgroup $595.00 Two-day, hands-on course designed to teach the basic elements of design for digital publishing using advanced authoring and publishing tools. All Galacticomm products include a 30-day money-back guarantee! (Excluding User Pack License Upgrades.) All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Prices listed are in U.S. dollars. All hardware, unless otherwise specified, conforms to North American standards. Galacticomm, 6-User Pack, 12-User Pack, 24- User Pack, Advanced Internet Option, Dial-Out, Dial-Up, Entertainment Collection, Fax/Online, GalactiBoard, Worldgroup and X.25 Software Option are trademarks of Galacticomm, Inc. All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. ************************************************************************** ** A version of this document in Word format can be downloaded from the ** ** WG_1_2 Library ** **************************************************************************