+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ [ SOFTWARE CATALOG | CONNECTware Development ] [ CONTACT INFORMATION | CONNECTions BBS ] [ PRICE LIST | ISVCWD ] [ January 27th, 1998 | Prowler Productions ] +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ -=-=- 1/27/98 -=-=- What's NEW! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We now accept CREDIT CARD registrations. All our products may be purchased directly from us via credit card (Visa/Mastercard). A small processing fee may apply (ask for details). To purchase by credit card, please provide your card #, card type, name on card, and expiration date, along with a filled-out register.txt (which is a file that comes in our program/game .zip's). To purchase by credit card, or for more information, contact Tonya (ladybug@cxo.com). The 1997 Lunatix IGM contest has ended. Congrats go to Brandon Burch (1st place, $100, with "Sadie's Brothel"), Mark Wrynn (2nd place, $65, with "Chou's Eggroll Emporium"), and Don Reichert (3rd place, $35, with "Psycho Swamp"). These winning IGM's, as well as 4 other entries, are availible *FOR FREE* for download: LUNIGM97.ZIP. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Our software is released as "ShareWare" which means you have the chance to try it before you buy it. Although each product has certain limitations, the shareware versions NEVER expire! If you wish to upgrade your version of any of our products, simply download and install the latest version! Your ShareWare version will continue, with no need to reset the player/user files at all. When you register, your purchase remains good through any upgrades. Simply download and install the latest version, and viola! You'll be running the latest version, still registered, with no need to reset the player/user files. When upgrading, there is no difference between the Registered program and the ShareWare version of the program. If you were running the demo version when you upgrade, you'll continue to run the demo version. If you were running the Registered version, you'll continue running the registered version. So, upgrading is EASY! Stay current with the latest releases for no extra charge!!! An "upgrade" is defined as a product version beginning with the same number. For example, Lunatix 5.3E is considered an upgrade to Lunatix 5.0A. Lunatix 6.0A, however, would be a brand new game. -=-=- LUNATIX -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 5.xx Lunatix, for use with Worldgroup & MBBS. Now is the time to express your insanity, play pranks on other patients, attack each other, flirt with the nurse or other patients, and discover tons of other things to do in this RPG/Adventure game as you attempt to escape! Lunatix has been a hit with Sysops & Players since its original release & it's still going strong! Features include: ONLINE CNF config (no need to take the BBS offline) A Loan Shark (Genghis Khan) NEW transfer crazy bucks option Useful ITEMS such as a rope, antimatter, Crazy Statue, Killer Sphere, CodeBreaker, Valentine... A "chat wall" in the cafeteria A lab for mixing potions TELECONFERENCING! (Whispers, direct messages, global in-game gossip, and lots of "action" words!) Native IGM support! Lunatix is truly MODULAR!! Player-to-Player flirting (or flirt with a nurse) Player-to-Player in-game mail! Color Codes (player names can even be in color) Lots more! Install it and find out for yourself!! We constantly get great feedback from Sysops and players. Lunatix is an instant hit. Players love the competition it provides. The IGM add-ons are very popular as well. Lunatix is easy to play at the surface, but contains many things a player can discover, with lots of techniques and tricks to make game play even more fun! The latest version for WG1/2/MBBS is LUNAT*.ZIP ("*" is the version). The latest version for WG3/NT/WIN95 is LUNWG*.ZIP ("*" is the version). The latest version for WG3/DOS is LUNWD*.ZIP ("*" is the version). -=-=- DISTANT PLACES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.xx Distant Places is an add-on for Robinson Technologies' popular Tournament Legend of the Red Dragon add-on (T-LORD) for WG1/2, MBBS6.25, and WG3 (Win95/NT only). Because T-LORD was originally going to be released with a scripting language somewhat like you see in Lunatix, we were disappointed when Seth chose to release T-LORD with IGM support requiring "true" WG/MBBS IGM modules instead. This presented a number of disadvantages. Only those people who own a Worldgroup Developer's Kit (all the tools you need are VERY expensive) could develop IGM's. You would have to be a C++ programmer, with a fair amount of skill, to write a T-LORD IGM. For a sysop, modules use memory to load, so a game with 20 T-LORD IGM's would be using a sizable chunk of RAM! Also, with no constraints, "true" IGM modules would have the ability to do anything they darn well please -- award billions of gold... make the player a level 12 even if they were level 1, and so on. This would be a nightmare for players who wanted a fair game. Also, T-LORD IGM's might cost $25 to $50 or potentially even more! 20 of them would be a nice amount of money! Distant Places was created to fill a vast void (the lack of T-LORD IGM's) and help eliminate these problems. DP is an IGM for T-LORD, conforming to the guidelines of a WG/MBBS IGM module. However, its sole purpose is to give T-LORD the much-needed ability to run "script" IGM's -- just like in Lunatix but customized for T-LORD. Anybody can create a script IGM, and the kit to write them is free! DP provides built-in constraints so prevent IGM's from being written that award billions of gold or increase the player's level. Scripts don't require extra RAM to run. After DP is loaded, you could have 1 script or 100 scripts -- you wouldn't notice a single byte more of RAM being used! Many DP IGM's are free. Even the ones that aren't range from $5 to $10, which is definitely more affordable. Look for the latest version as: CWDLI*.ZIP where "*" is the version. The latest version for WG3/NT/WIN95 is CWDLG*.ZIP ("*" is the version). -=-=- MYSTIC MESSAGES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 2.xx Mystic Messages, for use with WG1/2 and MBBS6.25, was the first module ever to be released by Prowler Productions. At a glance, it's a graffiti wall. The most common response is "So? I already have one!" MM is more than just an ordinary "add an anonymous line" wall. In fact, it's MUCH more, but it's no more difficult to use than those walls that do much less! >> Users can post ANSI's to the wall! Select from a set of built-in pictures including a heart, flowers, a cigarette, "wanna play house?" "I love you" "You loooooser" and many many more! The ANSI's are small and fit right onto the wall! REAL Graffiti! If needed, you can even disable this feature. >> Define up to 4 price levels for posting these ANSI's. Simple ANSI's for 200 credits, up to the best ANSI's for 2000 credits. Set this yourself to more or less (or free) and even give a "no charge" key to users you don't wish to charge at all. >> Sysops can set a KEY required to read the "real" names of the message posters, otherwise message appear anonymous. The default key is SYSOP. >> Users can write messages in Lunatx-style color! It's easy! `9J`3oe `9B`3ob `$`4``WAS `%HERE!!!`h`7 :) >> Users who don't know how to use colors codes can easily write messages without color: Joe Bob WAS HERE!!! :) >> Built-in "help" provides a quick way to learn how to use colors. >> Colors can be used GLOBALLY on the bbs -- in /P pages, inside teleconference, in E-Mail (if using the line-edit mode), in the user registries, and more! If this isn't desirable, Sysops can disable MM global colors (but most BBS's LOVE the global colors). >> The color key can be changed by the sysop. does the ` key pose a conflict with another module? No problem. Change it to + or \ or one of several others. >> Are some users abusing the wall, or using it in violation of the BBS rules? Not a problem -- simply give them the "No Wall" key (defaults to NOMMWALL) to keep them out! This could even be used for the opposite reason -- so that only paying users can get in! >> Sysops (or an MM-wall-OP, if given the key) can erase individual lines (messages) from the wall, or blank out the whole thing! >> Messages expire after 3 days to keep it "current." However, set it up to expire every day... every week... every month... or never at all! >> Using Worldgroup's built-in "cuss-checker" you can prevent obscene messages from being posted - or allow them if you wish! >> Users can read the wall forward (newest messages appear at the bottom so it's all shown in consecutive order) or backward (new messages appear at the top, the way some other walls do it). For all its configurability and its many features, Mystic Messages remains one of the best-kept secrets we have (not sure why). It's VERY inexpensive, offers INCREDIBLE easy-to-use global colors, REAL GRAFFITI, and tons of options for the sysop... yet it's very SIMPLE to use! Look for the latest version as: MMESS*.ZIP where "*" is the version. -=-=- CURRENT PRICE LIST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When purchasing any of our modules, you must ALWAYS provide a register.txt file. This is a file, included in the .ZIP with all our products, which you must fill out with your name, BBS name, and other vital information. Without register.txt we CANNOT and WILL NOT process your registration. If you use Lunatix, register.txt can be found in the bbs's LUN5DOCS directory. When purchasing Lunatix online via MIDAS, you must email register.txt to us. When purchasing via physical check, print and fill out register.txt and include it with your check in the envelope. Make checks payable to CONNECTions. ----> Lunatix <---- Lunatix for WG1/2/MBBS6.25 unlimited simultaneous users in-game.. $ 300 Lunatix for WG3 (Win95/NT) unlimited simultaneous users in-game.. $ 300 Lunatix for WG3 (DOS) unlimited simultaneous users in-game....... $ 300 ----> Lunatix Lite <---- (All registered features enabled except limit of 2 users in-game) Lunatix for WG1/2/MBBS6.25 limit of 2-users simultaneously....... $ 150 Lunatix for WG3 (Win95/NT) limit of 2-users simultaneously....... $ 150 Lunatix for WG3 (DOS) limit of 2-users simultaneously............ $ 150 ----> Lunatix Lite to Lunatix Full Upgrade <---- Lunatix for WG1/2/MBBS6.25 upgrade 2-user to unlimited user...... $ 150 Lunatix for WG3 (Win95/NT) upgrade 2-user to unlimited user...... $ 150 Lunatix for WG3 (DOS) upgrade 2-user to unlimited user........... $ 150 ----> Distant Places <---- Distant Places T-LORD add-on for WG1/2/MBBS6.25.................. $ 40 Distant Places T-LORD add-on for WG3 (WIN95/NT).................. $ 40 ----> Mystic Messages <---- Mystic Messages for WG1/2/MBBS6.25............................... $ 20 -=-=-=-=-=- NOTE: For products which have both a WG1/2 and a WG3 version, the upgrade to WG3 is FREE. Just email akiss@cxo.com with a request. By-Mail registrations should be sent, with a check for the appropriate ammount, to: CONNECTions BBS P.O. Box 568 Kechi, KS 67067-0568 You may also write a check online (our most common method of purchase) by dialing CONNECTions BBS (316-682-7346) or telent to bbs.cxo.com. Contact a sysop (Lady Bug or Adar) to receive a key which will allow you to make a purchase through MIDAS. You'll receive your code within 24 hours via email! Credit Card registrations are also accepted now! All prices are subject to change without notice. -=-=- CONTACT INFO -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Technical Support: Mike Snyder (wyndo@cxo.com) Sales Information: Tonya Robertson (ladybug@cxo.com) Gregg Bragg (adar@cxo.com) DataSafe (david.kerl@dsafe.com) CONNECTions BBS: Direct Dial: 316-682-7346 Telnet: bbs.cxo.com Web URL: http://www.cxo.com/ ISVCWD: http://www.cxo.com/cwd/ Prowler Procductions: Web URL: http://www.cxo.com/~lunatix/ Enhancement/Feature Suggestions should be sent to: Mike Snyder (wyndo@cxo.com) Anna Kasl (akiss@cxo.com) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-