Win A Free Copy Of Order And Chaos Contest ========================================== Welcome to the Pre Release "Win A Copy Of Order And Chaos" Contest! A simple contest that can save you money, earn some prestige, show your stuff and possibly win a free copy of "Warlords Of Order And Chaos"! The rules of the contest are simple. During the prerelease of "Order And Chaos", as is the normal state of any pre release product, you might encounter bugs. These bugs are worth money to you! Contest Rules: ============== Find bugs, typos, logic holes, game balance problems and report them to us. We will verify the bug/problem and respond with a verification of your finding, with a dollar value attached to the problem that you have won! Accumulate these bug-bucks through the contest (we will keep track at our development facility) and who ever finds the biggest pile of bugs (in bug- bucks) will win their activation code free. Even if you don't win the big prize, you will receive the credit of your bug-bucks towards you Order And Chaos purchase. Find enough, and it may be free anyway, even if you don't place first. This is your chance to show us ISV's how sloppy we are and make us pay for it! Typos are worth $0.50 (since they offer no challenge) Minor Bugs are worth $5.00 Crash Bugs are worth $10.00 Game Balance Bugs $10.00 Logic Holes $10.00 "Humdingers" (these are awarded at our discretion for outstanding bugs/ game balance problems/logic holes. Real Hum Dingers!) $15.00 Send your bugs/typos etc... to: Please Include: Your Name, GComm Reg Number, (this is used for purposes of storing your finds in our database, and will not be divulged to any party.) Your Voice Line Number, Your Domain Name if Applicable, Your Version Of GComm Software. Fine Print ========== If a bug/problem/typo is reported by more than one party, the first party to report it (based on received email order) will be allocated the "find", no duplicates after that will be valid. Credit may be accumulated to the full retail purchase price of the product, but not beyond that point, however for purposes of determining the grand prize winner we will be accumulating bug-bucks beyond that value for the sole purpose of determining a winner. Credit accumulated during the contest is valid towards purchasing Warlords Of Order And Chaos by Nth Degree, and is not valid for other products. Credit accumulated is not transferable. Credit will expire 60 days after close of contest. Contest will be closed on the date that the final product is posted to the ISVNTH library at Gcomm. Generic crashes with no backup will not be valid unless accompanied by steps to reproduce, or at least enough clues to verify the bug. If the clues help reproduce (not necessarily fix, just reproduce) the bug, it will be classified as a "bugfind" and will be eligable for "bug-bucks". Bugs due to flakey hardware or installation error (not following the installation). Also bugs due to deliberately deleting files, modifying contents of files or other catastrophic deliberate actions do not qualify as "bugs". By competing in this contest you agree to having your bbs name and contact info displayed at the end of the contest (a small piece of glory). NOTE: Nth Degree and it's affiliates (Resellers and Test Sites) are not eligable for participation in this contest. CURRENT STANDINGS ================= 1st) 2nd) Loke Wen Wei 3rd)