The following is Soft Arts's standard policy on upgrades and transfers of modules provided by us: REVISION UPGRADES ================= Upgrades are free to registered owners for the major revision life of the product. This means that while the module's major revision number is not changed, users may obtain free revisions by simply downloading the current revision from our file libraries on or any other location where the modules are available. At our sole discretion, Soft Arts may choose to change the major revision number of any module because of significant changes to the module or other factors determined by Soft Arts to necessitate a major revision change. If this occurs, Soft Arts may also choose to make the new major revision available to existing customers without charge, in which case users may receive activation codes on an individual basis by e-mailing us and requesting a new code. Major revision numbers may change in any direction necessary to facilitate easy module and product management, and a major revision number change in a negative direction may not be construed as granting any rights to current users to acquire that revision, other than those granted as a result of the exercise of Soft Arts' discretion as stated above. If Soft Arts determines that the new major revision will not be the subject of an automatic upgrade, existing users may obtain upgrades after payment of the stipulated upgrade fee, as well as proving ownership of the previous major revision of the Soft Arts module. Ownership of a Soft Arts module may be proved either by faxing a copy of your Invoice, or simply by submitting to us your Worldgroup Registration number and the matching module activation code which will allow us to verify your ownership. PLATFORM/LINE COUNT UPGRADES ============================ Upgrades between platforms or line counts for registered Soft Art's modules are available for the price difference between the respective platforms and/or line counts. Please do not request upgrades to modules which were not purchased from us as we are unable to upgrade modules on this basis and there can be no exceptions to this principle. Upgrades of this sort imply a recognition of previous income received from the sale of the module which is not the case where the module was not sold by us in the first place. The acquisition of modules by us from other vendors is on a copyright and source code basis only except in the particular instance where we have been requested to service the vendor's existing customer base and in that case the purchasing arrangements reflect this request. In such a case, we advise existing users that they are eligible for upgrades to our modules. Except as stated however, under no other circumstances are we able to provide upgrade pricing to users who have not purchased the module from us. TRANSFERS ========= Transfers will be allowed only after receipt by us of a notarized instrument signed by the Transferor and the Transferee indicating that the product has been transferred from one to the other. The instrument need not follow any strict form of words but must contain in the body a clear statement to the effect that the Transferor understands that his/her rights to use the software are hereby terminated on Transfer to the Transferee, and that he/she understands that it is a breach of copyright law and international regulations and Soft Arts' copyright for him/her to continue to use the software after the Transfer has been approved by Soft Arts. A transfer fee of $25.00 per module must be paid for each transfer in addition to the above requirment. Soft Arts reserves the right to change this fee without notice to any party. Please note that Soft Arts reserves the right to refuse to accept registration of any transfer which would have the effect of violating our upgrade policy, unless the Transferee agrees to the necessary upgrade. An example of this would be in a case where the module being transferred is not at the current major revision level, which would necessitate the Transferee agreeing to pay the necessary upgrade fee to bring the module current before we could agree to accepting the transfer. P. Alexander Beswick Managing Director Soft Arts Ltd. 66 & 68 Barry Street 1st Floor Kingston Jamaica, W.I. Tel.#s: (876) 922-5201/5173 (Voice) (876) 922-9036 (Fax) (876) 922-7990 (BBS) E-mail: (last revision: 28 Jan 1998).