北北北 Rifster Enterprises 北北北 MAR 23, 1998 WorldGroup Currently available: Rifster Monitor $FREE Available in all versions This Module adds two new globals to your BBS. /MON and /INP These commands work like the MONITOR and INPUT commands in the remote sysop menu but can be activated from anywhere on the BBS and you can continue use the BBS as you wish. Also available for a $10 dollar Fee 5 New Globals will be activated for the Monitor Program. (This fee can only be done thru US MAIL Only) Modem Control (Line control) $Donation This really simple program will set any line on your BBS Except the console to NO-ANSWER or BUSY on Boot up. Good for doing tests, keeping a modem from Dialing out unless you want it to, or what ever else you may want it for. if you find a need for this please send in a donation for what you think it's worth to you. A New Innovative Idea from Rifster Enterprises. Whos-Online WorldGroup Version $65.00 This module will display the users logged on. Configurable to display the list of users during log on. this module is 100% editable as far as displays to the user. the global activator is configurable as well. This program was originally written for my private system for my staff members to see other users that where invisible they liked it so much that they asked me to make it available to all my users, also a few other sysops ask me about it as well. the key to see invisible defaults at super and the activator is set to # which can all be changed. This program is Compatible with Vircoms # scheme Right out of the BOX so to speak Plus some, Works with Tele, DOORS, and other places that isn't Two COMMAND Line heavy. NEW COMMANDS, /f By Default Will display any and all file transfer being done on the system. Will display User-Id, File Name, BPS, Uploading/Downloading, Percent Done and Protocal. This program has had a Major Facelift to make it even BETTER. and is in my opinion the BEST Whos On-Line Module on the market for WORLDGROUP. I am also open to add text variables by request. please send email to Rifleman@on-ramp.com with what you will like to have for a text variable if I don't already Include it. Will run for 15 days without an Activation code. Rifster Time Control $55.00 This module does a couple of things. first it'll add a new global for use with your BBS, This allows you to extend a users time either for the good or for the bad. very useful if you have a user that has spent there allowed time on-line for the day and decides they want to pay and have more time. You can take time away that they have been on effectively allowing him back on for that amount of time. another thing that that global is good for is that it will allow you to add or take time away from a user that is currently on-line. Great to Subtract say 5 mins from a user to prevent him from being logged off before his time limit for that call has been reached. the other part of this module allows you to add Time restraints to those users with unlimited time per call to stay on if the bbs isn't busy and restrict them to a configurable time limit if the BBS is Busy. it can be set up to count lines 3-13 or any number of lines that you have configured as long as there consecutive and that there is a configured channel for that line #. this program will run for 15 days without an activation code. Also has a Built in Prime Time Routine with Max-Time-Per-Day, and Key allowed to Logon during Primetime. Now has Different Prime times configured depending on what day of the week it is when the BBS is brought up. Rifster Global Teleconference $59.00 Rifsters Global Teleconference v2.80 is a full featured multi-channel globalized teleconference. Action words included. Users can participate in thirty-six channels simultaneously out of two billion! Fully configurable. Commands included for sorting channels and listing public channels. 30 Day Demo Available. $15 Dollar Upgrade Fee From Cheersofts Version to Ours. Rifster Line Announcer $49.00 This program will announce a MESSAGE to a user based on what Line he is on. this program will look for a file called rifann??.txt if it if present it will Display it to that user. This program is Designed for a MASTERKEY holder DEMO only. This is Great for those systems that wish to sell SPONSORSHIPS for their Lines. On Sysop made about $500 in the first four months he has had this program. It will display a different Advertisements based on the line the user is on. Rifsters Account Display/Edit $49.00 (WG1.x/2.0 ONLY) This program is a Modification/Replacement to Gcomms Account Display/Edit Program. It will allow you to KEY the MAJOR fields in the Editor. Also allow Credit Transfers Regardless of what SHWCRD in BBSSUP.MSG says. This program now has a USERCOPY utility. This program contains a TWO hour Demo. Rifsters Line Lock $35.00 This program will restrict calls to a specific set of lines to insure that a user has a certain key to allow Entry. Great for Locking out telnet callers from using your DIALUP lines give all classes a KEY except your Telneters. this program is 100% configurable. and has a PRIME TIME feature built in. FREE to Registered users of TIME CONTROL by Rifster Enterprises. this program will run for 15 days without an activation code. Rifsters Credit Poster $49.00 This Program allows the sysop of systems that have MONTHLY accounts to give themselfs credits with-in limits without sysop intervention. Great for those games that Require credits on a monthly On-Line service and DMA servers. C/S App, Menuizable, and Global Command Available. this will run for 15 days without an activation code. Quick Mail $50.00 This is the First program of it's kind a TRUE telegram program. This program will send a Quick one line message through the EMAIL system of your system to ANY valid email address that your BBS uses. IE: Netaccess, MailLink, Internet, Local, Ect. This program also has it's own 10 user Address Book that is tied into normal Email and Forums so you can use it for your regular messages as well. a 15 day demo is available on this product. Low Warning WG3.x $69.00 WG1.x/2.0 $49.00 This program is simple but sweet it will send a Email message to your users that are low on Credits/Days. You can Customize the messages by Class or us the defualt message. Very Configurable. A 15 day demo is available on this product. For more information: U.S. Mail Office Address: Rifster Enterprises 5408 S Landsdown Dr. Sioux Falls, SD 57106 BBS Systems: Galacticomm Demo System (954) 583-7808, or telnet to gcomm.com library ISVRIF Web URL: HTTP://WWW.ADDONS.COM/RIFSTER Majornet: MAJORBBS.DEV.RIF Office voice phone: (605)361-7126 To order: Rifster Enterprises Sales Department 5408 S Landsdown Dr. Sioux Falls, SD 57106 For credit card orders: AdventureComm Software, Inc. (888)463-0156 Notice: Prices and products available are subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact us for the latest information. Free UPGRADE to WG3.0 all Platforms for All Worldgroup product owners. Except for Low Warning in which case upgrade is the Diffrence in price.