Top 10 Reasons To upgrade to MajorTCP/IP ---------------------------------------- Early in 1994, Vircom shook the MajorBBS world by shipping the first release of what was to become a success story: MajorTCP/IP. MajorTCP/IP enabled MajorBBSes from all over to world to connect to the Internet, something that had been possible only with complex UNIX or Netware based hybrid systems. For some time, MajorTCP/IP was the only choice Sysops had if they wanted to connect their system to the Internet. While other options now exist, we hope that the following chart and associated text will convince you that, in 1996, MajorTCP/IP is still the best solution when connecting your Worldgroup/MajorBBS server to the Internet or TCP/IP Intranets. Choose the leader, the innovator, Vircom's MajorTCP/IP! MajorTCP/IP 2.00 ICO/AIO 2.1 ---------------- ----------- 1. Save on User Six-Packs Yes No 2. Multi-homing: Telnet/Rlogin Server Yes No (Virtual BBS) 3. Multi-homing: SMTP Email Yes No (Virtual Domains) 4. Multi-homing: WebServer Yes No (Virtual Web Sites) 5. Multi-homing: FTP Server Yes No (Virtual FTP Sites) 6. Distributed MajorBBS Architecture Yes 250$ (DMA Client) 7. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) Yes No 8. Automatic DNS negotiation in PPP mode Yes No 9. WebServer: Password (key) protected pages Yes No 10. Rlogin+ scripting Yes No 1. Save on User Six-Packs -------------------------- One of the most costly areas for Worldgroup/MajorBBS is the User Six-Packs. With MajorTCP/IP, User Six-Packs are not required for most of our features, therefore saving you a lot of money. Some Web browsers can be configured to make multiple requests on the server simultaneously; for example, to download images from a Web page. Netscape(tm) can be configured to make up to six concurrent requests. With ICO/AIO, you would require a whole User Six- Pack for a single person browsing on your server. The money you save with MajorTCP/IP on User Six-Packs alone pays for our software. Features requiring User-Count License MajorTCP/IP 2.00 ICO/AIO 2.1 (Six-Packs) ---------------- ----------- 1. Web Server No Yes 2. NNTPD Server No Yes 3. SMTP Server No Yes 4. POP3 Server No Yes 5. Incoming Telnet/Rlogin Yes Yes 6. Outgoing Telnet/Rlogin No No 7. Telnet/Rlogin Dialout Emulation Channels Yes Yes 8. DMA Client No No 9. FTP Client No No 10. FTP Server Yes Yes 11. IRC Client No No 12. Finger Server No Yes 13. Finger Client No No 14. IdentD Server No Yes 2. Multi-Homing: Telnet/Rlogin Server (Virtual BBS) ---------------------------------------------------- Your Worldgroup server can be configured to listen to multiple IP addresses, providing a powerful method of hosting multiple virtual BBS on the same Worldgroup server. When a Telnet/Rlogin connection is established, MajorTCP/IP defines a pseudo-key based on the IP address called. Used in conjunction with products such as Wilderland Software's Virtual User, different login screens and menu trees could be displayed. 3. Multi-Homing: SMTP Email (Virtual Domains) ---------------------------------------------- The domain added to the User ID on outgoing E-mails can be different based on the user's class. Added to MajorTCP/IP's multiple mail aliases, it is possible to truly handle mail for different domains. There is no limit of virtual mail domains on the same Worldgroup server. 4. Multi-Homing: WebServer (WWW Virtual Domain) ------------------------------------------------ Based on the IP address the WWW request came for, web pages stored in different directories will be transmitted to the browser. Since the information is kept in distinct menu tree structure for each IP address, maintenance of the client's web site becomes an easy task. Our Web server can keep independent access log files for each Web site and, when combined with our Extended Log Format feature, it becomes a simple procedure to compile statistic/billing information for each Web site using log analyzers such as WebTrends(tm). 5. Multi-Homing: FTP Server (Virtual FTP Sites) ------------------------------------------------ A seperate anonymous class can be created for logins in each different IP address defined on the system. This allow Sysops to create "virtual" anonymous FTP site that will give access to different sets of libraries, depending on the FTP Server address (or hostname) selected by the user. 6. Distributed MajorBBS Architecture ------------------------------------- The Distributed MajorBBS Architecture (DMA) allows you to distribute part of your Worldgroup/MajorBBS services and DLLs to other computers on your Local Area Network (or to other sites on the Internet) while making this transparent to your users. With this setup, you can keep the main server busy answering your modems, while the more hardware-intensive modules are running on another computer, thus improving speed and reliability. The DMA Client is included in the Combo version of MajorTCP/IP, whereas the DMA Client for ICO/AIO costs 250$. 7. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) ------------------------------------------ Our SLIP/CSLIP/PPP dialer (to connect to your provider via modem) and our SLIP/CSLIP/PPP server (to allow your customers to connect to you) supports PAP in PPP mode. This allows for scriptless connections with Windows 95/NT. All you or your Windows 95/NT customers need to do is to configure the username, the password and the phone number to dial to. That's it! When connecting to your provider in PPP mode, your provider must support PAP in order to connect using this method. (Note: For Windows 3.x and Trumpet WinsockT users, the only thing you need to set up in the script is the dialing procedure to your server.) 8. Automatic DNS negotiation with PPP -------------------------------------- A Domain Name Server address will be assigned and automatically configured if the customer is using a dialer that supports it, such as Windows 95/NT When combining the last two features mentioned, customers using Windows 95/NT can connect to your server as if connecting to any other ISPs. However, this procedure may even be easier than connecting to other ISPs, since not every ISP has an environment with so many advantages and features. 9. WebServer: Password (key) protected pages --------------------------------------------- Access to some pages can be secured either with an IP address or a key. In the latter case, the browser will prompt the user for a BBS userid & password. The server will then check to see if that user has the proper key to view the page. This can be used to create a secured menu tree with web pages, just like the terminal or client-server menu trees. 10. RLogin+ scripting ---------------------- You can use our RLogin+ proprietary protocol to pass values to an external server (UNIX, DMA) if you wish to run one alongside to your main server. This allows you to have the flexibility over UNIX servers to run Archie, Gopher and many other applications. Some of our clients have used this scripting capability to integrate Wildcat 5 servers as services within a WorldGroup system. Furthermore, you can make RLogin+ connections transparent to your users, so it all seems like a tight integrated environment. Rev: October 31st/96