WDG (Wildsoft Development Group) is currently selling the following 2 modules that are compatible with the MBBS 6.25 and WG2.0 platforms in terminal mode. Demos are availiable in the ISVWDG file library. Bathroom Stall: A variation of the popular Graffitti Wall program found on a number of BBS's around the country. Allows three different Bathrooms (Male, Female, and Unisex) and up to 50 different stalls in each bathroom to leave messages in. Allows users to pick the color of thier messages or users can allow the module to pick the color. Sysop configurable options to allow users to get "Caught" in the wrong bathroom by the opposite sex or only allow users to enter the bathrooms of thier sex(Male or Female, Unisex is always open to all). MBBS 6.25 & WG2.0 Price: $20.00 WG3.0/DOS&NT Price: $40.00 Secret Word: An Entertainment Teleconference add-on that allows you to award either Days or Credits to users who type a secret word. Words are picked from a data file randomly after each word is typed and the words that are flagged after being used so that they won't be used again until all the other words have been used. Registered Package comes with a Secret Word editor that allows sysops to enter up to 1100 different words that can be used by the module. Get this module and entice users to use your Entertainment Teleconference! Features include: 1.) a utility that runs at cleanup and takes the days winners and appends them to a text file for easy accounting. 2.) Sysop configurable to display win blurb to all other users on-line or just to those in Teleconference. 3.) Will Send up to 5 different add blurbs randomly to all users online, amount to use sysop configurable. Sysops can enter the text they want sent to users as an add for the Secret Word. 4.) Has command to allow users to see who has won for the day, Sysop's list shows same information along with the words used. Price: $40.00 NeverEnding Stories: This module allows your users to write stories as a group. It allows you as Sysop to allow access by user's keys to read, create, and add to stories created. If you wish, you can even allow any user to create new stories. You can set the maximum allowable amount of stories to be created, set a default key and profanity level for each story. When a story has been completed, or interest is lost in it, you can extract the story's pages to a normal text file without bringing down the BBS. Platforms: MBBS 6.25/WG2.0/WG3.0NT WG3.0 DOS version available upon request Price: $50.00 All of the above modules can be purchased at the following location by check or moneyorder (U.S. Dollars Only please) directly from: Wildsoft Development Group 15185 Mesquite Trail San Antonio, Tx 78253 Voice:(210)688-9325 BBS: (210)688-9331 EMail: mage@txdirect.net mage@gcomm.com Or from: AdventureComm Software, Inc. We currently resell for BBS Solutions, Rifster Enterprises, Soft Arts Ltd. and Wildsoft Development Group as well as our own modules that we develop. You can download the price list for July in the ISVADV or WGADDONS file library, or you may visit our web page www.addons.com/isvadv Sales: 1-888-463-0156 Toll Free Call 24 hours a day, if we are not in the office, leave a message and we will call you back asap. (International Sysops send email to farrell@bellsouth.net) Support System: 1-504-441-8187 BBS is a live system with users and sorry our telnet is not setup also has a Customer setup that just yet, hopefully soon Sysops and ISV members will be placed into. You can see the modules we sell in action. Thanks Rich Wildey Wildsoft Development Group