Vircom's direction for Worldgroup v3.0 Galacticomm will soon release Worldgroup v3.0 on two parallel platforms. The legacy DOS version of Worldgroup v3.0 will introduce some new features and will require a port for all modules. Ported modules will not be backward compatible with earlier versions of Worldgroup. The Windows NT release of Worldgroup v3.0 proposes powerful new features (such as Active HTML) on a powerful operating system. The shift from DOS to Windows NT as underlying architecture brings radical changes, both at the technical and business levels, for all Independent Software Vendors (ISV). Windows NT is a feature-rich operating system which provides a great deal more functionality than MS-DOS. This is especially true in the hardware drivers and networking stacks, but also extends at higher levels. These weaknesses of DOS created opportunities for ISV's, such as Vircom, to provide functionality within the Worldgroup for DOS environment. Vircom’s products were especially affected by the change in operating system. We had to study in depth the new environment, its opportunities and how our current product lines fit into the new picture. This document presents the direction Vircom will adopt toward the new platform in relation with its current product lines. Our direction is intimately linked with the underlying operating system. As Galacticomm will release Worldgroup v3.0 based on both DOS and Windows NT, Vircom must propose two parallel strategies. Each of the four current products of Vircom will be discussed in each strategy. Worldgroup 3.0 for DOS * MajorTCP/IP: Vircom has ported MajorTCP/IP to Worldgroup v3.0 for DOS. Although it contains no additional features, it required a substantial development effort to port. An upgrade fee of $100.00 (US) will be charged, unless you have purchased MajorTCP/IP after June 1st '96. The upgrade can be purchased September 23rd '96 at any of our current distributors/resellers. A new activation code will be necessary. * DMA Server: Vircom has ported the DMA Server to Worldgroup v3.0 for DOS. Like MajorTCP/IP, an upgrade fee of $100.00 (US) is applicable, unless the DMA Server has been purchased after June 1st '96. The upgrade can be purchased September 23rd '96 at any of our current distributors/resellers. A new activation code will be necessary. * DMA Client for Worldgroup(ICO): Vircom has ported the DMA Client for Worldgroup(ICO) to Worldgroup v3.0 for DOS. The port required minimal efforts and is available September 23rd '96, free of charge, to current licensees of the DMA Server and DMA Client for Worldgroup(ICO), from our support BBS. * RADIUS Server: Vircom has ported the RADIUS Server to Worldgroup v3.0 for DOS. Since the product was introduced in August '96, no upgrade fee will be charged to current licensees. Note that MajorTCP/IP is required for the RADIUS Server to run on Worldgroup v3.0 for DOS. Worldgroup 3.0 for Windows NT * MajorTCP/IP: Vircom will not be porting MajorTCP/IP to Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. There are three main reasons for this decision: 1. Windows NT has a built-in TCP/IP networking stack, featuring powerful specifications such as high performance multi-threading, tight integration with the NT kernel and winsock standard compliance. 2. The full feature set of Galacticomm's Advanced Internet Option (except the PPP server) is bundled in the baseline of Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. 3. The difficulty of directly porting MajorTCP/IP to Windows NT would be extremely high and present many interoperability problems with NT’s base TCP/IP stack. In the end, our customers will be better served with a different solution. However, the Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT presents opportunities for the development of new independent modules that provide similar features to those found in MajorTCP/IP on Worldgroup for DOS. We're planning, or currently working, on the following products for Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT: * Multi-homing pack (For WWW, Telnet, FTP & SMTP) * PPP Server (see below) * Enhanced WWW Services * TCP/IP feature pack (other MajorTCP/IP features) * DMA Server: Vircom currently has no plan to port the DMA Server to Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. Since the DMA Server is intimately linked with MajorTCP/IP, the same difficulties would be encountered in making a port. A new derivative product, similar in features, may be created for Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT in the future. * DMA Client for Worldgroup: Vircom has ported the DMA Client for Worldgroup to Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. The port required minimal efforts and is available September 23rd '96, free of charge, to current licensees of MajorTCP/IP, DMA Server an d DMA Client for ICO, from our support BBS. * RADIUS Server: Vircom has ported the RADIUS Server to Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. Since the product was introduced in August '96, no upgrade fee will be charged to current licensees. The RADIUS Server for Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT is available September 23rd '96 from our support BBS. PPP services on Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT There are two upgrade paths to customers who want to migrate their "pass-through" PPP operations to Worldgroup v3.0 for Windows NT. In a joint alliance, Vircom and Galacticomm propose the following alternatives: * Software solution: This solution is meant for systems with intelligent multi-port serial hardware installed in the PC running Windows NT. Vircom's PPP server would be used to route packets between the modem and the NT TCP/IP stack. Because of its centralized model, there is a ceiling to the growth potential of this option. * Hardware solution: The power of this solution is its distributed model. modems are not connected directly into the PC running Windows NT. Instead, they are connected into terminal servers. A terminal server is a self-contained multi-port hardware device. It has its own CPU, software and Ethernet adapter. They come in sizes of 8, 16, 32 or 64 ports. (And probably 128 ports too!) A caller establishes a PPP connection directly with the terminal server the phone line is connected to. The terminal server then turns around and authenticates the user-id, password and security against the Worldgroup PC, running the RADIUS server. As a terminal server can be anywhere on a TCP/IP network, it is the ideal solution to set up points of presence in remote areas/cities. Conclusion Vircom is very enthusiastic about the new opportunities that Worldgroup for Windows NT opens. It brings open technologies, standards and API's, such as ActiveX, Microsoft's IIS, winsock, and many others, very close to the Worldgroup platform, to bridge the gap with multi-platform online services. Although Vircom's development efforts will focus on the Windows NT product line, we will continue to maintain and upgrade our DOS applications for all versions of Worldgroup.