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Be sure to put your gun in box outside before entering. The Freeway -When you get out of your car on the freeway, go to the right of the cars or you will be run over. -When you meet Morales, select the signature box. Then keep patrolling. -Pull over the speeder and the man driving too slow. To pull them over, get behind them or a car's length behind them in the other lane. Write them both tickets. Get their license and write the tickets. When you get out of the car, get the time. You need it for the ticket. -DO NOT PULL OVER THE SPEEDING BLACK CAR! He is undercover. You will ruin their operation if you do that. -Pull over the drunk driver. Get him out of the car. Make him take the drinking test. Handcuff him. Take him to jail. The Jail -Uncuff the drunk. Have him take the alcohol test. Have him empty his pockets. Fill the box with the right crime code. Oak Tree Mall -Get chain from Marie. Look under car with flashlight. Get bronze star. Talk to the reporter.Ôh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒ The Psychologist's Office -If he's in, you can't look at the file on his desk. If he's under his desk then look at the file. It is about Moralis. It may give you an idea about her character. Day Two At Home -Go to the closet and take the music box. Go to work. The Evidence Lockup -Give Chain and Bronze Star. Get the serial # off the star first. The case number is 199144. The Homicide Office -Get the places the captain is talking about down. Review Maries case 199144. Call the reporter you met last night. The Hospital -Get a flower. Go to Marie's room. Give her the flower and music box. Give her a kiss and leave. Day Three The Homicide Office -Get the address of the bum out of your basket. Go there. The Bum's Alley -Look in the news paper pile. Talk to her. Show her your wallet. Lock her cart to a pipe with your cuffs. Take her to the station. The Homicide Office -Steal Earl's PB&J sandwich and give it to the bum. Go to Composite Drawing on your computer. When she says "That looks OK" then its fine, don't change it. If she says it is too much a direction then move it with the lever things on the left side. If she says it is not right then click a new item on. Over all, the guy will have a thick beard, wavy hair, a small nose and mean looking eyes. Day Four The Homicide Office -Check your basket. Go to your car. Don't forget to get the tracking device in the computer room. The Car -Go to the black. Get the calibration chart out of it. Go to the white car and drive to the courthouse. The Courthouse -Remember the time and offence against the plaintiff. The rest just happens. Oak Tree Mall -Get Moralis's keys! Go get a copy at the keymaker! Get back in your car and put the keys back! Yeah! That wasÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒ close! Murder Scene -Look under dead man's shirt. Get stuff from finger nails with toothpick. Get paint sample from car. Get driver's license and put it in notebook. Put all evidence in the lock up as soon as possible. The Hospital -Look at clipboard. Look at IV bottle. Call nurse. Your wife almost died! Day Five The Homicide Office -When none is around. Look in Moralis's desk at get her locker combination. Check basket. Review case. Plot all the murders on computer. The Murders -You must be Very careful which murdered you plot and in what order. Plot these points. Palm between 3rd and 4th Rose between 2nd and 3rd Rose between 9th and 10th River and 6th Do not plot The imaginary point on Palm between 8th and 9th, but recognize that it is there. Connect (Check Pattern). Connect Palm 3-4 to River 6 Connect Rose 2-3 to Rose 2-3 Connect Palm 3-4 to Rose 2-3 Connect River 6 to Imaginary Point Palm 8-9 Connect Rose 2-3 to Imaginary Point Palm 8-9 -You should get a message when you've done it right. Then go to the imaginary point. Before You Go -Make sure you have the tracker. -Have you gone to the Psychologist yet? What do youthink of your partner? Old Nugget Saloon (Imaginary Point) -Get paint off car and put tracker on car. Go inside. Look at pool player. When second pool player comes in, look at him. Then draw your gun. The suspect will flee. Get in your car and follow him on the tracker. He will go on the freeway and crash. The Crash Scene -Put the flares on the road or you will be run over. Look at driver. Get keys. Get blood sample with toothpick. Open trunk. Look at drugs. The HospitalÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒ -There is nothing to do here. Day Six The Homicide Office -Talk to the captain. He'll tell you to go to the coroner. The Women's Locker Room -First, talk to the janitor. Go into the men's room and put the roll of toilet paper in the toilet. Tell the janitor about it. Go into the women's locker room and open Moralis's locker. You should have her combination from her desk drawer. Click your notebook on the cocaine inside. Leave and go to the coroner. The Coroner -Look in the last locker. That's Andrew Dent. The coroner will give you a folder with stuff inside. Open it up. Go to the hospital. The Hospital -Give Marie the locket. She will awaken. Go to the burned out house told about on the radio. The Burned Out House -Talk to the fire man and wait for the house to go out before entering. Get the picture from under the cushion in the middle of the room. Go in the back room and get blood sample. Oak Tree Mall -Visit the Army guy. Show him the picture all your wallet. He'll give you a print out. Evidence Lockup -Give everything you can except the picture. Be sure not to give the picture. The Psychologist's Office -Give printout and leave. Go to the address in the picture. It is a crack house. The Crack House -Knock on the door. Don't go up the stairs. Go to the judge. The Court -Give judge the article and the picture. Take the warrant and go to the crack house. The Crack House -Knock on the door. Go to the judge. The Court -Talk to judge. Go back to crack house...again, arg. The Crack House -Order for the ram to knock down the door. GO inside. Get your gun out. Shoot the man that rolls in front of you and shoots. Handcuff the man that gives up. Look in couch. Watch some TV. Channel 8 is exciting. The Secret Room -Get your gun out. As you leave, a man will come out behind the barrels. Shoot him. This is tough. You win the game.Ôh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒ™ Points Day One Action Points Taking memo from basket 1 Talking to Morales 1 Taking clipboard from podium 1 Selecting sustained box 5 Taking computer form 1 Unlocking your locker 1 Taking flashlight, notebook and nightstick 3 Taking batteries and flares 8 Giving computer form 4 Taking computer card 1 Searching crazy man's clothes 2 Tossing keys 3 Clubbing crazy man 5 Handcuffing crazy man 5 Searching crazy man 5 Locking gun in locker 2 Putting knife in property drawer 2 Putting crazy man's license in drawer 2 Putting hand on door to trasfering cell 1 Gettiin gun from locker 1 Meeting Morales at freeway 2 Selecting signature box 5 Not stopping black car speeder 5 Selecting proper code for slow driver 5 Selecting proper code for fast driver 5 Getting drunk out of car 2 Searching drunk 5 Handcuffing drunk 5 Taking printout from alcohol test 5 Putting hand on property drawer 2 Selecting proper offence code 5 Taking gold chain 5 Talking to reporter 3 Putting batteries in flashlight 2 Finding bronze star 5 Day Two Action Points Taking music box 5 Entering bronze star serial number 5 Entering Case number of bronze star 5 Calling Reporter 5 Giving correct number to evidence officer 5 FInding Marie's room number from nurse 1 Pay for rose 5Ôh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒGiving rose 5 Giving music box 5 Kissing Marie 10 Day Three Action Points Taking note 1 Showing bum badge 3 Securing cart with cuffs 5 Getting lunch 5 Completing composite drawing 20 Taking handcuffs back 2 Day Four Action Points Taking subpoena 1 Taking tracking device 5 Taking calibration chart 5 Giving chart to attorney 3 Getting Morales's keys 5 Getting a copy 5 Putting the key back 1 Removing license from victim 5 Getting blood and hair from nails 5 Opening shirt and putting notebook on 5 Getting paint sample from car 5 Selecting homicide and opening a new file 1 Reading note on desk 1 Booking paint under new case 5 Booking hair and blood under new case 5 Looking at chart 5 Looking at IV bottle 5 Calling nurse 5 Day Five Action Points Reading memo on board 3 Calling dispatch 5 Completing pentagram 10 Reading file in shrink's room 5 Planting tracking device 10 Getting paint sample 5 Drawing weapon 5 Following suspect 5 Putting flares on freeway 5 Looking at cocaine 5 Closing and locking Morales's desk 10 Day Six Action PointsÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒPutting paper in toilet 5 Talking to janitor 3 Putting notebook on cocaine in locker 10 Talking to chief 5 Putting hand on manilla folder 3 Giving Marie locket 10 Taking picture 5 Getting blood from alter 5 Showing wallet to army man 3 Showing picture to army man 3 Taking print out 3 Showing shrink print out 5 Knocking on crack house door 5 Showing article to judge 3 Taking warrant 5 Knocking on crack house door 5 Taking judicial order 5 Shooting after being shot at 10 Handcuffing Bains 5 Pushing channel 8 5 Killing last suspect 10 Total 460 Objects Object Found Used Memo Basket Sonn'y Office Clipboard Briefing Room Briefing Room Computer Form Basket Computer Room Flashlight Locker Mall Nightstick Locker Aspen Falls Notebook Locker Investigating Computer Card Computer Room Computer Crazy Man's Keys Crazy Man's Clothes River Crazy Man's Knife Crazy Man's Undies Evidence Lockup Crazy Man's License Crazy Man's Clothes Evidence Lockup Gold Chain Marie's Hand Evidence Lockup Batteries Closet Flashlight Business Card Reporter Office Bronze Star Mall Evidence Lockup Music Box House Hospital Room Note Basket Office Lunch Earl's Desk Bum Subpoena Basket Courthouse Tracking Device Computer Room Suspect's Car Calibration Chart Black Car Courthouse Morales's Keys Purse Morales's Desk Dent's License Body Evidence Toothpicks White Car Trunk Gathering Evidence Scraper White Car Trunk Gathering Evidence Envelopes White Car Trunk Gathering Evidence Note Basket OfficeÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒDoctor's Chart Bed Hospital Room Morales's File Shrink's Office Shrink's Office Flares Closet Freeway Toilet Paper Locker Room Locker Room Gold Locket Envelope Hospital Room Photo of Bains Burned House Army Man, Judge, Evidence Computer Printout Army Office Shrink, Evidence Article Coroner Judge Warrant Judge Crack House Order for Ram Judge Crack House Remote Control Crack House Crack House Station Map Computer Room Sonny's Office / / Elevator--2nd Floor Hallway Left--Homicide | \ \ | 1st Floor Hallway 2nd Floor Hallway Right--Psychologist | | | \ | | Closet | Men's Locker Room Briefing Room | | | Women's Locker Room | Ground Floor--Evidence | \ Cars Booking Facility Important Unlisted Locations Location Map Location Crack House Palm between Parkway and 1st Burned House Peach between Parkway and 1st Bum's Alley 2nd between Poppy and River Murder Scene Rose between 2nd and 3rd Oak Tree Mall Rose between 9th and 10th Old Nugget Saloon Palm between 8th and 9th Old Murder Location* At River and 6th Old Murder Location* Palm between 3rd and 4th Morales's Accident Freeway off of 7th going North *You never travel to these places in the game Well, this is the end of all the hints that I can give you. Most of the information is giving in the PQ3 hintbook, but I have supplied a lot too and I spent the time writing it out so youshould all worship my feet. If you STILL have trouble then E-mail me on some Maryland board like Stalag 13 931-2701 or some other one you know I'm on. Have fun with the game! Look for other things I'veÔh)0*0*0*°°ÔŒwritten like the Eye of the Beholder cheat text and Invoked Magic, the great 200k AD&D 1st edition supplement. See ya! Preston Jacobs Cheese Man