Index of: aspcd9605/PROGRAMS/WRITEAPP

Filename Size Last Modified Description
BKBILD11.ZIP 140,206 2011-02-14 140206 02-25-95 Bookbild/dos 1.1 <Asp> Dos Bookbild 1.1/dos Pamphlet Publisher For Wordperfect 5.1,51+/dos. Bookbild Is A Shareware Macro Package That Converts A Formatted Two-Across Booklet Into A Camera Ready Document, With All The Pages Printable In The Correct Sequence For Printing. Also Included In The Package Are A Series Of Bookbats Graphics For Marking The Ends Of Chapters. $20.00 Registration. A Scitrans Product.
BKBILD11.ZIP 140,206 2011-02-14 Bookbild 1.1/dos Pamphlet Publisher For
BOOKWN11.ZIP 79,772 2011-02-14 79772 02-25-95 Bookbild/win 1.10 <Asp> Win Bookbild 1.1/win Pamphlet Publisher For Wordperfect 5.2 And 5.2+/win. <Asp> Bookbild Is A Shareware Macro Package That Converts A Formatted Two-Across Booklet Into A Camera Ready Document, With All The Pages Printable In The Correct Sequence For Printing. Also Included In The Package Are A Series Of Bookbats Graphics For Marking The Ends Of Chapters. $20. Registration. A Scitrans Product.
BOOKWN11.ZIP 79,772 2011-02-14 Bookbild 1.1/win Pamphlet Publisher For
BOXER70A.ZIP 360,821 2011-02-14 Boxer/dos Text Editor V7.0a: Top Rated! <Asp>
BOXER70A.ZIP 360,821 2011-02-14 360821 07-06-95 Boxer/dos 7.0a <Asp> Dos Boxer/dos Text Editor V7.0a: Top Rated! <Asp> "best Major Application" Winner At The 1994 Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 Adds 85+ Features To What Was Already A Feature Packed Program. A Favorite Of Many Users, Boxer Gets Consistently Strong Reviews. Easy To Use With Powerful Features: Color Syntax Highlighting, Undo/redo, Mouse Support, S&r, Column Blocks, Wp, Macros, Compilation, More! <Asp>
BOXOS27A.ZIP 441,577 2011-02-14 441577 07-06-95 Boxer/os2 7.0a <Asp> Os2 Boxer/os2 Text Editor V7.0a: Top Rated! <Asp> "best Major Application" Winner At The 1994 Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 Adds 85+ Features To What Was Already A Feature Packed Program. A Favorite Of Many Users, Boxer Gets Consistently Strong Reviews. Easy To Use With Powerful Features: Color Syntax Highlighting, Undo/redo, Mouse Support, S&r, Column Blocks, Wp, Macros, Compilation, More! <Asp>
BOXOS27A.ZIP 441,577 2011-02-14 Boxer/os2 Text Editor V7.0a: Top Rated! <Asp>
CADET50A.ZIP 350,398 2011-02-14 350398 06-16-94 Cadet - The Cad Text Edi 5.0 <Asp> Dos Cadet - The Cad Text Editor V5.0a Edit And Spell Check Autocad Text And Attributes. Full-Screen Text Editor With Menus, Mouse Support, Search & Replace, Word Wrap, Cut & Paste, More. Edits Autocad Notes, Text Tables, Attributes, X-Ref Dwgs. Imports & Exports. For Autocad R10-12 Dos/win.
CADET50A.ZIP 350,398 2011-02-14 Cadet -The Cad Text Editor V5.0a <Asp> -Edit
CE318G.ZIP 34,795 2011-02-14 34795 07-15-95 Cmeditor 318g <Asp> Dos Cmeditor File Text Editor V3.18g <Asp> -- Small, Handy Text Editor Loaded With Features. Edit Or View Large Files. Mark Blocks Of Lines For Copy, Move, Delete, Print, Exportto File. Search/replace String Operators, Modest Mouse Support. 25/43/50- Line Vga Support, Four Color Schemes, New Popup Ascii Table Make This Little Editor Even Handier. Only $10 Registration.
CE318G.ZIP 34,795 2011-02-14 Cmeditor File Text Editor V3.18g <Asp>
CLICH20.ZIP 140,842 2011-02-14 140842 06-13-95 Cliche Finder 2.0 <Asp> Dos Checks A Document (Up To 60k) For The Presence Of Any Of Several Hundred Cliches, And Produces A Report. You Can Edit The Cliche List To Meet Your Special Needs. A Must For Writers! "cliche Finder Meets A Real Need." -- Robert M. Monaghan, North Texas Pc News.
CLICH20.ZIP 140,842 2011-02-14
CONV1.ZIP 367,180 2011-02-14 Converter-Text File Conversion Program V1.0.
CONV1.ZIP 367,180 2011-02-14 367180 02-19-96 Converter 1.00 <Asp> W95 Win Converter-Text File Conversion Program V1.0. Helps To Convert Text Files To Word Processor Files By Removing Carriage Returns At The End Of Lines, And Replacing Spaces With Tabs. Includes Both 3.1 And Windows 95 Versions. <Asp>
CSBEW.ZIP 209,170 2011-02-14 Big Ed The Poetry Editor V1.00 <Asp-F>
CSBEW.ZIP 209,170 2011-02-14 209170 03-26-95 Big Ed The Poetry Editor 1.00 <Asp> Win Big Ed The Poetry Editor V1.00 <Asp-F> Windows Ed. Editor For Verse Forms, With Instructions For Each Form. The Unregistered Version Contains English Sonnets, Villanelles, And The Welsh Cynghanned. Registered Users Receive In Addition: Italian Sonnets, Sestinas, And Parenthetics.
CW1.ZIP 128,708 2011-02-14 Crabwise V1.1 <Asp> - Crabwise Is A Text File
CW1.ZIP 128,708 2011-02-14 128708 01-18-95 Crabwise 1.1 <Asp> Dos Crabwise V1.1 Crabwise Prints Text Files In Landscape Mode On Most Ibm Or Epson Compatible Dot Matrix Printers. Registration Gets You Full Basic Source Code And Font Templates.
DEXTER20.ZIP 115,064 2011-02-14 115064 03-11-95 Dexter Text Editor 2.01 <Asp> Win Dexter Text Editor V2.01 <Asp> - Super Fast, Premium Quality, Multi-File Dos Text Editor. Has Cross File Search & Replace, Split And/or Boxed Windows, No File Size Limit, Context Sensitive Help, Full On-Line Configuration, Keyboard Reconfig, Wonderful Customizable Menus, Temporary Quit, Column Blocks, Macros, Multiple Printers, Ascii Table, 43/50 Lines, Colour Or B/w. Don't Let The Size Fool You, This One's Loaded.
DEXTER20.ZIP 115,064 2011-02-14 Dexter Text Editor V2.01 <Asp> - Super Fast,
DOCU4A15.ZIP 421,396 2011-02-14 Docuthek Document Imaging V1.50 <Asp>
DOCU4A15.ZIP 421,396 2011-02-14 421396 01-16-96 Docuthek 1.50 <Asp> Win Complete Document Imaging System For Business And Personal Use. Most File Formats Are Supported, Incl. Tiff, Dcx, Gif, Gpeg, Bmp, Etc. Very Easy And Intuitive, Yet Powerful Sql-Based Query System. Multi-Page. Autotext.
DOCUDX15.ZIP 909,838 2011-02-14 Infothek Docudex V1.5 Dec-1-95 <Asp>
DOCUDX15.ZIP 909,838 2011-02-14 909838 01-16-96 Docudex 1.50 <Asp> Win Docudex Document Imaging System. Documents And Graphics Archive. Supports 10 Graphics Formats, Tiff Group 4 Compression. Fixed Database With 5 Floating Keyword Search Fields, And Drawer, Folder, Date Fields. Multi-Page Functions, Multiple Images On Screen. Easy To Use.
DOCUTK15.ZIP 958,402 2011-02-14 958402 01-16-96 Docuthek 1.50 <Asp> Win Complete Document Imaging System For Business And Personal Use. Most File Formats Are Supported, Incl. Tiff, Dcx, Gif, Gpeg, Bmp, Etc. Popular Relational Data Base Engine. Very Easy And Intuitive, Yet Powerful Sql- Based Query System. Database Can Be Built In Minutes. Scan Images With Scanner Or Fax Machine. Autotext.
DOCUTK15.ZIP 958,402 2011-02-14 Docuthek Document Imaging V1.50 <Asp>
ECOPAD26.ZIP 223,541 2011-02-14 Ecopad V2.60<Asp> Text Editor Which Can Print
ECOPAD26.ZIP 223,541 2011-02-14 223541 04-21-96 * Ecopad 2.60 <Asp> Win Ecopad V2.60<Asp> Text Editor Which Can Print Up To 8 Pages Of Condensed Text On One Sheet Of Paper Using Any Printer Supported By Windows 3.1. Prints Files Of Any Size. Fully Functional Shareware. Awarded Windows Mag Superior Shareware 2/96 For Windows 3.1
ECPD3235.ZIP 263,025 2011-02-14 Ecopad32 V3.50 <Asp> Text Editor For Win95
ECPD3235.ZIP 263,025 2011-02-14 263025 04-19-96 * Ecopad32 3.50 <Asp> W95 Ecopad32 V3.50 <Asp> Text Editor For Win95 Print Up To 8 Pages Of Condensed Text On One Sheet Of Paper. Supports Any Printer That Is Compatible With Windows95/nt * Shareware Version Is Fully Functional. * Ecopad Can Now Load/print Files Up To 32mb * Two Sided Printing. Requires Windows95 Or Windowsnt 3.51
ED21NT.ZIP 192,715 2011-02-14 Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows Nt. A
ED21NT.ZIP 192,715 2011-02-14 192715 05-24-95 Editeur 2.1 <Asp> Dos Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows Nt. A Full Featured, All-Users Text Editor. Handles Windows, Dos, And Unix Files. Multitext, No Size Limit. Font Choice. Tool And Status Bars. Editing Options Incude Word Wrap And Viewing Of Tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited Undo/redo, Multitext Search/replace , Bookmarks, Macros, Sortings, Help, ... $ 24. Registration Includes Access To The Future Versions.
ED22.ZIP 234,020 2011-02-14 234020 06-29-95 * Editeur 2.2 <Asp> Win Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows 3.1x. A Full Featured, All-Users Text Editor. Handles Windows, Dos, And Unix Files. Multitext, No Size Limit. Font Choice. Tool And Status Bars. Editing Options Incude Word Wrap And Viewing Of Tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited Undo/redo, Multitext Search/replace , Bookmarks, Macros, Sortings, Help, ... $ 24. Registration Includes Access To The Future Versions.
ED22.ZIP 234,020 2011-02-14 Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows 3.1x. A
ED22NT.ZIP 217,861 2011-02-14 Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows Nt. A
ED22NT.ZIP 217,861 2011-02-14 217861 07-01-95 * Editeur 2.2 <Asp> W95 Editeur V2.1 Text Editor For Windows Nt. A Full Featured, All-Users Text Editor. Handles Windows, Dos, And Unix Files. Multitext, No Size Limit. Font Choice. Tool And Status Bars. Editing Options Incude Word Wrap And Viewing Of Tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited Undo/redo, Multitext Search/replace , Bookmarks, Macros, Sortings, Help, ... $ 24. Registration Includes Access To The Future Versions.
ED23U9.ZIP 229,562 2011-02-14 229562 02-09-96 Editeur 2.3 <Asp> W95 Editeur V2.3.1 Text Editor For Windows 95. A Full Featured, All-Users Text Editor. Handles Windows, Dos, And Unix Files. Multitext, No Size Limit. Font Choice. Tool And Status Bars. Editing Options Incude Word Wrap And Viewing Of Tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited Undo/redo, Multitext Search/replace , Bookmarks, Macros, Sortings, Help, ... $ 24. Future Versions Included.
ED23U9.ZIP 229,562 2011-02-14 Editeur V2.3.1 Text Editor For Windows 95. A
EVP20.ZIP 694,119 2011-02-14 694119 07-12-94 Envision Publisher 2.0 <Asp> Dos Envision Publisher 2.0 Full Featured Desktop Publishing Program With Scalable Fonts, Mouse-Driven Graphical User Interface, Import/export, Object Drawing, Advanced Text Handling, Master Pages, Style Sheets, Quality Printing. Received Three 1993 Shareware Industry Awards.
EVP20.ZIP 694,119 2011-02-14
EW102.ZIP 764,402 2011-02-14 Easy Word V10.2 Easy To Use Word Processor
EW102.ZIP 764,402 2011-02-14 764402 04-03-96 * Easy Word 10.2 <Asp> Dos Easy Word V 10.2 - Word Proccessor - Easy To Use Word Processor Which Includes Spell Checker Line Drawing, Macros And Inbuilt Backup System. Easy Word Will Batch Print Odd And Even Pages Separately For Double Sided Printing. There Is Also A Secure Erase Facility For Classified Documents. Requires 16mhz Or Faster. Writing Applications Reg. $25
EXIT.ZIP 19,490 2011-02-14 Word For Windows 6.0 Add-On:
EXIT.ZIP 19,490 2011-02-14 19490 09-05-94 Exit Master For Word <Asp> Win Exit Master For Word 6.0 For Windows. Word For Windows 6.0 Add-On: Exit Master: Allows Fast Exiting/restarting Of Windows, Rebooting Computer, Exiting To Dos, And Exiting Of Word. Easy To Use And Very Fast. $6
FFBCRD.ZIP 355,942 2011-02-14 355942 04-14-95 Financial Freedom 1.10 <Asp> Win Financial Freedom Business Cards V1.10 Create Business And Rolodex Cards And Print Them On Your Printer. Features A Drag And Drop Interface To Place Lines, Text, Pictures And Rectangles On Your Layouts. Use All Of Your Fonts And Bitmaps! Links To Paintbrush For Editing/creating Image Files. Supports All Laser-Compatible Printers. Create Coupons, Appointment Reminders, Tickets, Anything!
FFBCRD.ZIP 355,942 2011-02-14 Financial Freedom Business Cards V1.10 Create
FILES.DOS 20,962 2011-02-14
FILES.OS2 859 2011-02-14
FILES.W95 5,326 2011-02-14
FILES.WIN 33,301 2011-02-14
FMANJ70C.ZIP 76,342 2011-02-14 76342 02-06-96 File Manager Jr. 7.0c <Asp> W95 File Manager Jr. For Word 95 V7.0c. The Program Allows You To Delete, Undelete, Move, Copy And Rename Files--All Without Leaving Word. You Can Also Open Existing Files, Delete Backup Files In One Or More Folders And Print Files Without Having To Bring Them Onscreen. Additional Features Are Available To Registered Users.
FMANJ70C.ZIP 76,342 2011-02-14 File Manager Jr. For Word 95 V7.0c. The
GCATWD32.ZIP 128,713 2011-02-14 Graphcat Clip Art Kataloger V3.2/win/german
GCATWD32.ZIP 128,713 2011-02-14 128713 02-25-95 Graphcat/win/deutsch For 3.20 <Asp> Win Graphcat Clip Art Kataloger V3.2/win/german <Asp> Baut Grafik Kataloge In Wordperfect 6.1, 6.0 & 5.2/windows. Neu In Ver 3.2: Wpwin 6.1 & 5.2+ Unterstuetzung, Automatische Kaption- Groesse, Verzeichnis-Suche. Liesst Alle Von Wordperfect Unterstuetzte Grafiken. Benutzer Koennen Nummer Von Spalten Waehlen, Sowie Die Seiten Titel, Dos Dateimasken Und Bild- Hoehe. Us$30. A Scitrans Product.
GCATWN32.ZIP 130,475 2011-02-14 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger V3.2/win <Asp>
GCATWN32.ZIP 130,475 2011-02-14 130475 02-25-95 Graphcat/win For Wp 3.20 <Asp> Win Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger V3.2/win <Asp> Builds Graphics Catalogs In Wordperfect 6.1, 6.0 & 5.2/windows. New In 3.2: Wpwin 6.1 & 5.2+ Support, Caption Autosizing, Cd-Rom Support, Directory Searching. Reads All Formats Supported By Wordperfect, And Can List Files For Export To A Database. Users Can Select Number Of Columns, Image Height, Page Title, Dos File Masks, And Directory To Search. $20. A Scitrans Product.
GCATWP32.ZIP 114,259 2011-02-14 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger V3.2/dos <Asp>
GCATWP32.ZIP 114,259 2011-02-14 114259 11-30-95 Graphcat/dos 3.20 <Asp> Dos Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger V3.2/dos <Asp> Builds Graphics Catalogs In Wordperfect 6.1, 6.0, 5.1,5.1+/dos (6/90 Or Newer.) Reads All Graphics Formats Supported By Wordperfect, And Sets Up Images In Columns As A Printed Index. User May Select Number Of Columns, Image Height, Page Title, Dos File Masks, And Directory To Search. Cd-Rom Support, Directory Searching, Partial Catalogs. Shareware $20. A Scitrans Product.
GMBK150.ZIP 125,399 2011-02-14 125399 08-29-95 Gorin's Microbook 1.50 <Asp> Dos Gorin's Microbook V1.50 <Asp> Microbook Is A Text Presentation Tool For Creating Easy To Navigate On-Disk Manuals For Dos. Uses A Simple To Control Graphical User Interface With Full Mouse Support, Up To 100 Pagess Of 40 Lines Per Book. Ideal For User Manuals And On-Disk Presentations. Great For Shareware Authors. 24.95 Neil Gorin, Uk Authored.
GMBK150.ZIP 125,399 2011-02-14 Gorin's Microbook V1.50 <Asp>
GRAMSLAM.ZIP 235,668 2011-02-14 235668 01-01-96 Grammar Slammer 1.00 <Asp> Win Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That Answers The Questions The Grammar Checker Can't. Get Answers Not Questions And Real Grammar Help For Windows. Handy & Easy. One Click On Little Taskbar And Grammar Answers Appear In The File Format You Already Know How To Use--The Windows Help File. Easier Than Online Books. Useful For Anyone Who Writes English In Windows. Shareware. Requires Vbrun300.dll. From James
GRAMSLAM.ZIP 235,668 2011-02-14 Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That
GSAMI.ZIP 172,802 2011-02-14 Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That
GSAMI.ZIP 172,802 2011-02-14 172802 01-01-96 Grammar Slammer For Ami 1.00 <Asp> Win Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That Answers The Questions The Grammar Checker Can't. Get Answers, Not Questions, & Real Grammar Help For Windows. Handy & Easy. Use Your Favorite Ami Pro Macro And Grammar Answers Appear In The File Format You Already Know How To Use--The Windows Help File. Easier Than Online Books. Useful For Anyone Who Writes English With Ami Pro For Windows. Shareware. From James Bair.
GSW4W.ZIP 169,822 2011-02-14 Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That
GSW4W.ZIP 169,822 2011-02-14 169822 01-11-96 Grammar Slammer For Word 1.00 <Asp> Win Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That Answers The Questions The Grammar Checker Can't. Get Answers, Not Questions, & Real Grammar Help For Windows. Handy & Easy. Use Your Favorite Ms Word Macro And Grammar Answers Appear In The File Format You Already Know How To Use--The Windows Help File. Easier Than Online Books. Useful For Anyone Who Writes English With Ms Word For Windows. Shareware. From James Bair.
GSWP4W.ZIP 169,618 2011-02-14 169618 01-09-96 Grammar Slammer For Word 1.00 <Asp> Win Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That Answers The Questions The Grammar Checker Can't. Get Answers, Not Questions, & Real Grammar Help For Windows. Handy & Easy. Use Custom Word Perfect Macro And Grammar Answers Appear In The File Format You Already Know How To Use--The Windows Help File. Easier Than Online Books. Useful For Anyone Who Writes English With Word Perfect For Windows. Shareware. From James Bair.
GSWP4W.ZIP 169,618 2011-02-14 Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That
GSWPRO.ZIP 244,887 2011-02-14 244887 01-06-96 Grammar Slammer For Word 1.00 <Asp> Win Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That Answers The Questions The Grammar Checker Can't. Get Answers, Not Questions, & Real Grammar Help For Windows. Handy & Easy. Use Your Favorite Word Pro Script And Grammar Answers Appear In The File Format You Already Know How To Use--The Windows Help File. Easier Than Online Books. Useful For Anyone Who Writes English With Word Pro For Windows. Shareware. From James Bair.
GSWPRO.ZIP 244,887 2011-02-14 Grammar Slammer V1.00 <Asp> Grammar Help That
HEBED15.ZIP 694,848 2011-02-14 694848 09-01-95 Hebrew Edit 1.50 <Asp> Win Hebrew Edit V1.50 <Asp>. Hebrew Text Editor That Supports Hebrew Vowels (Nikud), Script And Block Letters. Prints Beautiful Large Characters On Laserjet, Deskjet And Dot Matrix Printers. Requires Vga Or Ega. Registered Version Can Export Hebrew Text To Windows ($19). Hebrew Keyboard Overlay And Manual With Full Registration ($27).
HEBED15.ZIP 694,848 2011-02-14 Hebrew Edit V1.50 <Asp>. Hebrew Text Editor
HELLLP27.ZIP 532,333 2011-02-14 Helllp! V2.7 <Asp> Windows Help File Author
HELLLP27.ZIP 532,333 2011-02-14 532333 10-30-95 Helllp! 2.7 <Asp> Win Helllp! V2.7 <Asp> Windows Help File Author Aid For Word For Windows 2.0c, 6.0, 7.0 Or Better. User Friendly. Automatically Sets Up Top Level Table Of Contents With Jumps To Topics, Search Keys And Browse Sequences In Place. You Add Additional Jumps By "point & Shoot" Techniques. Can Add Sound And Other Effects.
JREC10.ZIP 1,340,387 2011-02-14 1340387 03-06-95 Jre Common Files 1.0 <Asp> Dos Jre Common Files V1.0 <Asp> - Jre Common Files Contains Common Files Required By My Life V2.5+ And Writer's Cramp V2.6+. A Setup Program Is Provided For Installation Of The Common Files. Requires Vbrun300.dll And Windows 3.1.
JREC10.ZIP 1,340,387 2011-02-14 Jre Common Files V1.0 <Asp> - Jre Common
LKITWN30.ZIP 240,496 2011-02-14 The Letterhead Kit 3.0/win, By Jerry Stern.
LKITWN30.ZIP 240,496 2011-02-14 240496 02-25-95 The Letterhead Kit/win 3.00 <Asp> Win The Letterhead Kit 3.0/win, By Jerry Stern. <Asp> Business Correspondence Assistant For Wordperfect 6.1, 6.0, 6.0a/windows. Menu Macro Retrieves Letterheads, Fax Cover Sheets, Custom Forms, Scanned Signatures, & Adds Any Of 30 Message Graphics For Cargo, Office, & Financial Information, Including "rush" And "thank You For Your Payment." New: Support For Wpwin 6.1, 6.0, 6.0a. Shareware $20. A Scitrans Product.
LTRKIT30.ZIP 162,868 2011-02-14 Letterhead Kit 3.0/dos, By Jerry Stern. <Asp>
LTRKIT30.ZIP 162,868 2011-02-14 162868 02-25-95 The Letterhead Kit/dos 3.01 <Asp> Dos Letterhead Kit 3.0/dos, By Jerry Stern. <Asp> Macros, Forms, & Message Graphics For Wordperfect 6.0 & 5.1/dos That Retrieve Letterheads, Fax Cover Sheets, Custom Forms, & Any Of 30 Message Graphics, Including "rush" And "thank You For Your Payment." New In Version 3.0: Support For Up To 10 Extra Custom Forms, Easier Installation, Second Letterhead And Signature. $20. A Scitrans Product. Bbs
MARGAR32.ZIP 44,645 2011-02-14 44645 03-22-95 Margarine 3.21 <Asp> Dos Margarine V3.2 Text File Formatting Utility! Automatically Adds Margins, Pagination, Etc., To Ascii Text Files. Control Left, Top, And Bottom Margins; Print Page Numbers; Multiple Options For Handling Embedded Form Feed Characters; Convert "high" Ascii Characters To Printable Characters; More. Menu Driven Interface Or Command Line Operation. Handy For Printing Shareware Documentation.
MARGAR32.ZIP 44,645 2011-02-14 Margarine V3.2 Text File Formatting Utility!
MEDIT212.ZIP 137,684 2011-02-14 Mega Edit V2.12 <Asp> Windows Text Editor For
MEDIT212.ZIP 137,684 2011-02-14 137684 05-23-95 Mega Edit 2.12 <Asp> Dos Mega Edit V2.12 <Asp> Windows Text Editor For Up To 20 Large Files At Once With Split Screen. Import/export Unix, Mac, And Dos Ascii File Formats. Files Can Be As Large As Windows Virtual Memory. Variable Sizing Of Display Fonts, Search And Replace, Word-Wrap, And More. "winap Of The Month" By Compute Magazine. Included In Pc World's Roundup Of Best Ever For Less Than $50.
MEGAEDIT.ZIP 136,865 2011-02-14 136865 05-25-94 Megaedit Text Editor For 2.11 <Asp> Win Megaedit Text Editor For Windows, Version 2.1 Mega Edit (Tm) V2.11 <Asp> - The Very Popular General Purpose Text Editor For Microsoft Windows That Can Edit Very Large Files. Chosen One Of The Best Programs For Less Than $50.00 In Pc World Roundup. Split Window Feature, Understands Dos, Unix, Mac Text File Formats, Edits Up To 20 Files At Once, Sizeable Display Fonts, Many Other Features (35.50, Shareware).
MEGAEDIT.ZIP 136,865 2011-02-14
MLTLBL.ZIP 197,104 2011-02-14 Ososoft's Multilabel V3.5 <Asp> - Complete
MLTLBL.ZIP 197,104 2011-02-14 197104 06-11-94 Multilabel 3.5 <Asp> Dos Multilabel 3.5 Ososoft's Multilabel 3.5--Design And Print Amazing Labels. All Avery Laser Label Formats. Tt/atm Fonts, Bmp/pcx, Line Drawing. Color Printer Support, Address Book, Much More! Requires Vbrun300.dll. Registration: $20
MLTLBL40.ZIP 217,420 2011-02-14 217420 10-20-95 Multilabel 4.0 4.0 <Asp> Win Ososoft's Multilabel V4.0 <Asp> - Complete Label System For Windows 3.1. All Avery Laser Label Styles. Fonts, Clipart, And Line-Drawing. Address Book With Imports For Merges. Even Postcards And Name Tags. Shareware. Registration Fee: $20. Requires Vbrun300.dll.
MLTLBL40.ZIP 217,420 2011-02-14 Ososoft's Multilabel V4.0 <Asp> - Complete
NED17X.ZIP 278,048 2011-02-14 Ned V1.7x <Asp> - A High Performance Text
NED17X.ZIP 278,048 2011-02-14 278048 09-08-94 Ned 1.7 <Asp> Dos Ned V1.7x Fully Featured Text Editor For Programming Or General Use. Nedhas Most Of The Features You'd Look For Including Many Innovations. Programmers Will Appreciate Many Time-Saving Features. Aconfiguration Utility Is Supplied. Australian.
NTAKER.ZIP 16,639 2011-02-14 16639 07-26-95 Notetaker 1.1 <Asp> Dos This Dos Program Is A Small Memory Resident (Tsr) Note Writing Editor. Write A Short Note And Save It To File Or Print It. This Popup Style Program Can Be Started From Within Another Dos Program Or From The Dos Prompt. You Can Write And Save (Or Print) The Note, And Then Return To The Original Program! Notetaker Can Be Loaded Into Upper Memory Blocks, And Unloaded If No Longer Needed.
NTAKER.ZIP 16,639 2011-02-14 Notetaker V1.1 <Asp>
PFOCUS31.ZIP 1,083,887 2011-02-14 (V.3.1) Pagefocus - Win Productivity Tool
PFOCUS31.ZIP 1,083,887 2011-02-14 1083887 01-19-96 Pagefocus 3.1 <Asp> Win Pagefocus V1.00 <Asp> A Windows 3.1 (And Up) Application. For Creating Drawing, Form, Document, And Database: Letter, Brochure, Graphics, Electronic Book, Catalog, Etc., Or Create Your Own Form Application. Feature- Packed, Easy-To-Use And Versatile. For Every Day Use.
PIM.ZIP 126,164 2011-02-14 126164 01-08-96 Wordware Personal Inform 95 <Asp> W95 New P.i.m. For Word For Windows: <Asp> Imports Every Database And Spreadsheet! Logs Phone Calls! Integrated With Word. Now Stores Up To 21,000 Entries In Two Address Books! Set Alarms, Schedule Appointments. Works And Looks Like A Real Rolodex! Allows Creation Of Full-Color Reports, And Business Letters. Has Its Own Phone Dialer, Automatic Dialer,voice Mail Dialer. Supports Automatic Background Faxing With Delrina Winfax Pro.
PIM.ZIP 126,164 2011-02-14
POEMRITE.ZIP 158,250 2011-02-14 158250 04-02-95 Poem Writer Version 1.0 <Asp> Dos Poem Writer Version 1.0 Word Processor With Special Feaures To Aid In Writing Poems, Including A Special Screen, Rhyming Dictionary, And Special Aids To Remember Selected Rhymes While Continuing To Edit And Metric Count For The Lines In Your Stanzas.
POEMRITE.ZIP 158,250 2011-02-14 Poem Writer W/ Rhyming Dictionary V1.00
POET25.ZIP 514,531 2011-02-14
POET25.ZIP 514,531 2011-02-14 514531 01-01-96 Poetry Generator 2.5 <Asp> Dos Turn Your Computer Into A Poet! Using A 20,000-Word Vocabulary, This Program Creates Free-Verse Poems At The Touch Of A Button. Using The Structure Of Actual Poems As Models, The Program Randomly Combines Words And Short Phrases Into Verses Four To Nine Nes Long. The Results Are Fascinating. Some Of These Poems Have Actually Been Published In National Magazines!
QSPAGE.ZIP 328,576 2011-02-14 328576 07-11-95 Qspage Composition/page 3.01 <Asp> Dos Qspage Composition/page Makeup V3.01 <Asp> Is A Fast, Powerful Solution For Publications Such As Directories, Techdoc, Catalogs, Dictionaries, And Books. Supports Multiple Columns, Running Heads/feet, Block Breaking Control, Page And Column Dictionary Heads, And Placement Of Eps Files. Takes In User Defined "tagged" Data And Composes According To User Formats. Requires Postscript Output Device. Swreg 5490.
QSPAGE.ZIP 328,576 2011-02-14
RCKFRD40.ZIP 195,506 2011-02-14 195506 10-20-95 Rockford 4.0 4.0 <Asp> Win Ososoft's Rockford! V4.0 <Asp> - Business Card Maker For Windows 3.1. Fonts, Clip Art, And Line Drawing. Works With All Custom Card Stock. Many New Features. Wysiwyg. Camera Ready Cards Too. Shareware. Registration: $20 Requires Vbrun300.dll.
RCKFRD40.ZIP 195,506 2011-02-14 Ososoft's Rockford! V4.0 <Asp> - Business
RCNTX325.ZIP 262,427 2011-02-14
RCNTX325.ZIP 262,427 2011-02-14 262427 02-15-94 Racontex 3.25 <Asp> Win Racontex 3.25 Text Search & Retrieval Rivals Folioviews, Asksam, Zyindex, Stairs. Includes Word Proximity Search Feature. Useful For Legal Transcript Statutes, Manuals. Ideal For On-Line Manuals For Software. Runs Well Over A Lan. Dos & Windows.
READ32.ZIP 84,948 2011-02-14 Read V3.2 <Asp> - A Compact Pc/at Dos Program
READ32.ZIP 84,948 2011-02-14 84948 01-25-96 Read 3.2 <Asp> Dos Read Text Editor V3.2 <Asp> A Compact Pc/at Dos Program For Reading And Editing Ascii Text Files Of Virtually Unlimited Size. Includes A File Selection Menu, Large Text Mode, Word Wrap, Search And Replace, Cut-And- Paste And Printer Support. Comes With An Ascii Text File (Read.doc) Describing The Features. On-Line Help For Editing Keys.
REFILE31.ZIP 171,992 2011-02-14 Refile 3.1 <Asp>
REFILE31.ZIP 171,992 2011-02-14 171992 04-24-94 Refile 3.1 <Asp> Dos Refile 3.1 Filing And Retrieval Of Journal Or Periodical Articles. Browse Feature For Authors, Keywords, Sources, And Document Folders Simplifies Data Entry And Searches. Formatted Bibliographies May Be Prepared With Companion Product. Ibm Pc, 640k, Hd.
RFL303.ZIP 192,527 2011-02-14 192527 01-04-94 Refile 3.03 <Asp> Dos Refile 3.03 Filing/retrieving Documents, Producing Formatted Bibliographies. Easy Searches, Browse For Authors, Keywords, Sources, Folders. Very Flexible Formatting Capability, Save & Reuse Formats. Rqs. Ibm Pc, Ms/pc-Dos, 640k Ram, Hd.
RFL303.ZIP 192,527 2011-02-14
RIMEFIND.ZIP 136,725 2011-02-14 136725 04-02-95 Rhyme Finder Version 1.0 <Asp> Win Rhyme Finder Version 1.0 Rhyming Dictionary For Use With Windows Or Os2 Word Processor Which Can Hot Key To This Program When Writing Poetry.
RIMEFIND.ZIP 136,725 2011-02-14 Rhyming Dictionary V1.00
RR_GP2.ZIP 85,123 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (German Pc
RR_GP2.ZIP 85,123 2011-02-14 85123 08-14-94 Rrkeycapsgerman (Ps 1 <Asp> Win Rrkeycapsgerman 2.0 (Ps Type 1) 2-D German Pc Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Writer. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
RR_GT2.ZIP 61,767 2011-02-14 61767 08-14-94 Rrkeycapsgerman (Tru <Asp> Win Rrkeycapsgerman 2.0 (Truetype) 2-D German Pc Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing German Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Wr Iter. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
RR_GT2.ZIP 61,767 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (German Pc
RR_MP2.ZIP 91,661 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (Mac Keycaps,
RR_MP2.ZIP 91,661 2011-02-14 91661 08-14-94 Rrmaccaps & Rrkeysampler 1 <Asp> Win Rrmaccaps & Rrkeysampler 2.0 (Ps Type1) 2-D Mac Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Writer. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
RR_MT2.ZIP 65,403 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (Mac Keycaps,
RR_MT2.ZIP 65,403 2011-02-14 65403 08-14-94 Rrmaccaps & Rrkeysampler <Asp> Win Rrmaccaps & Rrkeysampler 2.0 (Truetype) 2-D Mac Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Writer. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
RR_PP2.ZIP 90,760 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (Pc Keycaps,
RR_PP2.ZIP 90,760 2011-02-14 90760 08-14-94 Rrkeycaps & Rrkeysampler 1 <Asp> Win Rrkeycaps & Rrkeysampler 2.0 (Ps Type1) 2-D Pc Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Writer. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
RR_PT2.ZIP 67,414 2011-02-14 Rrkeyfonts Keycap Typeface V2.0 (Pc Keycaps,
RR_PT2.ZIP 67,414 2011-02-14 67414 08-14-94 Rrkeycaps & Rrkeysampler <Asp> Win Rrkeycaps & Rrkeysampler 2.0 (Truetype) 2-D Pc Keycap Font And Sampler Of Matching Keyletter And Windows Symbol Fonts For Writing Pc Docs. Designed By Doc Writer. Readable At Body Text Sizes, Mnemonically Mapped And Easy To Use.
SIGN.ZIP 315,008 2011-02-14 315008 03-10-95 Signature Program 1.1 <Asp> Win Signature Program Version 1.1 The Signature Program Allows You To Embed A Signature Object Into A Document Created With Another Windows Application. The Signature Object Looks Like Your Own Hand-Written Signature, And Can Be Printed Or Transmitted Via E Mail As Part Of The Document. Anyone Receiving The Document Can Verify The Authenticity Of Your Signature By Just Double-Clicking The Signature Image.
SIGN.ZIP 315,008 2011-02-14 The Signature Program Allows You To Embed A
SIMDOC30.ZIP 197,682 2011-02-14 197682 10-18-94 Simply Docs 3.0 <Asp> Dos Simply Docs Version 3.0 Simply Docs 3.0<Asp> Convert Ascii Text Files Into Exe/tsr Format. Turn Readme Into Runme! Use It For Program Manuals, Electronic Books, Catalogs, Newsletters, Etc. New In Version 3 Is Language Support, Lzw Compression, Pop-Up Indexes, Files Over 70 Megs, Passwords + More Features Easy To Use Viewer, Search Functions Color Documents, Auto Scrolling, Swap To Ems/
SIMDOC30.ZIP 197,682 2011-02-14 Simply Docs 3.0<Asp> Convert Ascii Text Files
SMED21.ZIP 133,252 2011-02-14 133252 10-01-95 Smooth Editor 2.10 <Asp> Win Smooth Editor V2.1 <Asp> The First Dos Text Editor With Fast Smooth Scrolling Technique And Interface For Windows. Fast Smooth Scrolling Makes Moving Through Text Extremely Swift And Fluid. Features:copy/cut/ Paste From/to Windows, Macros, Large Files, Multiple Documents, Multilevel Undo, Drag & Drop, Symbol Table, Customizable Scrolling And Color Usage Etc. Fix For Win95 And Low Conv. Mem. Required:
SMED21.ZIP 133,252 2011-02-14 Smooth Editor V2.1 <Asp> - The First Dos Text
TXP16131.ZIP 505,363 2011-02-14 505363 11-11-95 Textpad 16-Bit Editor 1.31 <Asp> Win Textpad 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award Winner. "setting New Standards... 10/10" - Pc Plus. "best Editor For Windows That We've Ever Seen" - Windows User. Available For Windows 95/nt & Windows 3.1. Now With "warm Start"; Oem To Ansi Conversion; Group Edits On Lines With Bookmarks; Block Fills. Writing Application. Helios Software Solutions <Asp>
TXP16131.ZIP 505,363 2011-02-14 Textpad 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award Winner.
TXP32131.ZIP 717,686 2011-02-14 Textpad 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award Winner.
TXP32131.ZIP 717,686 2011-02-14 717686 11-11-95 Textpad 32-Bit Editor 1.31 <Asp> W95 Textpad 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award Winner. "textpad Is The Best 32-Bit Text Editor I've Seen! It's Fast, Loaded With Features, And Beautifully Done. Get It!" - Dr File Finder. "setting New Standards... 10/10" - Pc Plus. "best Editor For Windows That We've Ever Seen" - Windows User. Available For Windows 95/nt & Windows 3.1. Writing Applications. Helios Software Solutions <Asp>
TXPAD125.ZIP 708,697 2011-02-14 Textpad 1.25 <Asp>
TXPAD125.ZIP 708,697 2011-02-14 708697 03-21-95 Textpad, Advanced Editor 1.25 <Asp> Win Textpad 1.25 <Asp> Textpad - Editor For 16 & 32-Bit Windows - Features: It's Fast & Edits Huge Files; 2 Views/file; Word Wrap; 24 Editing Commands; Full Undo/redo; Real Drag & Drop; Block Select; Hex Viewer; Tool & Status Bars; Grep & File Comparison; In-Context Help & Popup Menus; Dos Output Window; & Much More. Writing Applications Helios Software Solutions
VISED36.ZIP 419,063 2011-02-14 419063 08-07-95 Vision Edit 3.6 <Asp> Dos Vision Edit Is An Easy-To-Use, Fast, Versatile And Powerful Text Editor For Ibm Pc Compatible Microcomputers. Can Edit Simultaneously As Many Documents As You Like Neatly Placed In Windows. All Functions Of Vision Edit Can Be Selected Either From Pull- Down Menus Or By Pressing Short-Cut Keys. Context-Sensitive Help Descibes Each Feature. Contains Several Useful Word Processor Facilities For E-Mail Traffic.
VISED36.ZIP 419,063 2011-02-14
WCLIP11.ZIP 149,512 2011-02-14 149512 02-25-95 Wood Clips Sampler Set 1 1.10 <Asp> Dos Wood Clips Sampler 1 <Asp> Version 1.1. $0.shareware. By Jerry Stern--Author Of Graphcat, The Clip Art Cataloger For Dos & Windows Versions Of Wordperfect. This Is A Collection Of Wood Clips Graphics Files For Wordperfect. After Free Registration, Graphics May Be Used In Any Wordperfect Document. Free Newsletter To Registered Users, Showing Newest Releases Of Clip Art & Wp Utilities. Bbs Name
WCLIP11.ZIP 149,512 2011-02-14 Wood Clips Sampler 1 <Asp> Version 1.1.
WE16-95G.ZIP 1,184,606 2011-02-14 1184606 01-18-96 Winedit 95g <Asp> Win Winedit Version 95g <Asp>
WE16-95G.ZIP 1,184,606 2011-02-14 Winedit 95g (Asp) - Programmable Editor
WE32-95G.ZIP 1,217,258 2011-02-14 1217258 01-18-96 Winedit 95g <Asp> Win Winedit Version 95g <Asp>
WE32-95G.ZIP 1,217,258 2011-02-14 Winedit 95g (Asp) - Programmable Editor
WE_30G.ZIP 526,306 2011-02-14 526306 04-28-94 Winedit G-Windows Pro <Asp> Win Winedit 3.0g-Windows Programmers Editor Fast, Powerful Programmer's Text Editor For Windows 3.1. Open Unlimited Files, Up To Available Memory. Multi-Level Undo/redo, Runs Compilers, Captures Output. Search/replace, Syntax Coloring And Much More. 3 Registration Options ($29.95/ $59.95/$89.95)
WE_30G.ZIP 526,306 2011-02-14 Winedit 3.0g (Asp)- Programmable Editor
WF313A.ZIP 325,060 2011-02-14 Word Fugue Word Processor V3.1 <Asp>
WF313A.ZIP 325,060 2011-02-14 325060 01-27-95 Word Fugue 3 <Asp> Dos Word Fugue V3.1 R3 Word Fugue Word Processor V3.1 <Asp> Industrial Strength Word Processor. Multiple File Editing, Pull Down Menus, Macros, Context Sensitive Help, Tables, Columns, Newspaper Columns, Footnotes, Endnotes, Table Of Contents, Indexes, Laser Printers, Postscript, Spell Checker, Mail Merge. Last Updated 08 Nov 94. Registration Requested.
WF313B.ZIP 317,600 2011-02-14 317600 01-27-95 Word Fugue 3 <Asp> Dos Word Fugue V3.1 R3 Long Description: Disk 2 Of 3
WF313B.ZIP 317,600 2011-02-14 Word Fugue Word Processor V3.1 <Asp>
WF313C.ZIP 347,266 2011-02-14 347266 01-27-95 Word Fugue 3 <Asp> Dos Word Fugue V3.1 R3 Long Description: Disk 3 Of 3
WF313C.ZIP 347,266 2011-02-14 Word Fugue Word Processor V3.1 <Asp>
WHIZN214.ZIP 546,485 2011-02-14 Whiznotes For Windows: Version S2.14 <Asp>
WHIZN214.ZIP 546,485 2011-02-14 546485 10-28-95 Whiznotes 2.14 <Asp> Win Whiznotes For Windows: Version S2.14<Asp> Super-Notepad With Powerful Topic Management Features To Organize Your Text. Use It To Take Down Random Notes; To Do Research; To Organize Your Tasks; To Study Any Subject; To Make Your Own Hypertext Reference Notes! Whiznotes Is Also A Help Authoring System. If You Have The Windows Help Compiler, You Are Only A Mouse-Click Away From Turning Your Notes Into The Exciting Winhelp Format!
WINPRO32.ZIP 441,980 2011-02-14
WINPRO32.ZIP 441,980 2011-02-14 441980 02-23-95 Winproof 3.2 <Asp> Win Winproof V3.2 <Asp> - This Is The Windows Grammar And Spelling Checker That You've Been Waiting For. Winproof Detects Real Grammar Errors Like Dropped Words, Extra Words, Words That Have Been Misspelled Into Another Word, Subject/verb Agreement, Misused Articles, And More! Automatically Corrects Errors And Rewrites Sentences. Create Your Own Custom Grammar Rules.
WOPR60.ZIP 1,392,761 2011-02-14 1392761 06-22-94 Woody's Office Power Pac 6.0 <Asp> Win Woody's Office Power Pack 6.0(Wopr 6.0) Woody's Office Power Pack 6.0 (Wopr 6.0) Is A Collection Of Tools For Winword 6.0. Includes Utilities For Envelope Printing, Toolbar Editing, Booklet Printing, Spell Checking, File Management And Much Much More. $49.95
WOPR60.ZIP 1,392,761 2011-02-14 Wopr (Woody's Office Power Pack) V6.0b <Asp>
WPB210.ZIP 235,727 2011-02-14 235727 03-14-96 Word Phonebook 2.10 <Asp> Win Word Phonebook 2.10 <Asp> An Add-In For Microsoft Word For Windows 6.0. A Database Of Names, Addresses And Fax Numbers That Automates The Process Of Writing Letters, Faxes And Envelopes Under Word. The Approachis Different To Other Similar Utilities In That It Uses Variables That Are Defined In Your Word Templates, In The Places You Want The Data To Be Inserted
WPB210.ZIP 235,727 2011-02-14 Word Phonebook 2.10 <Asp> An Add-In For
WRCR31.ZIP 916,358 2011-02-14 916358 07-20-95 Writer's Cramp 3.1 <Asp> Win Writer's Cramp V3.1 <Asp> - Writer's Cramp Is An Inexpensive And Simple Word Processor With Many Of The Same Features Found In Major Word Processors. Letters Are Stored In A Database, Multiple Databases Can Be Created, One For Each Member Of The Family. Each Letter Database Can Be Password Protected. Requires Vbrun300.dll And Windows 3.1.
WRCR31.ZIP 916,358 2011-02-14 Writer's Cramp V2.4 <Asp> - Writer's Cramp
WRITEAPP.BBS 59,905 2011-02-14
WRLE30.ZIP 1,230,752 2011-02-14 1230752 05-31-95 Writer's Cramp Le 3.0 <Asp> Win Writer's Cramp Le V3.0 <Asp> - Writer's Cramp Le Is An Inexpensive And Simple Word Processor With Many Of The Same Features Found In Major Word Processors. Unlike Writer's Cramp, Writer's Cramp Le Does Not Store Letters In A Database. Requires Vbrun300.dll And Windows 3.1.
WRLE30.ZIP 1,230,752 2011-02-14 Writer's Cramp Le V1.0 <Asp>
WW95.ZIP 363,341 2011-02-14 363341 01-06-96 Wordware 95 <Asp> Win Wordware '95: The Hottest Collection Of 60 Macros And Templates. Everything From Copying A File, To Managing Your Projects To Managing Your Business Contacts. A Full- Fledged Pim And A Full-Function Cd Player Are Included. Has A Multimedia Player Which Will Play All Multimedia Files, A Quick Command Line, Windows Exit/restart/reboot Computer, Lock, Close All And Exit, Print Summary Info Winfax Macros And So Much More!
WW95.ZIP 363,341 2011-02-14
WXPRS11.ZIP 1,034,524 2011-02-14 1034524 10-01-95 Wordexpress 1.10 <Asp> Win Wordexpress - Award Winning Windows Word Processor. Truly Impressive Professional Word Processing In A Fast, Friendly Package. Top Of The Line Features Include Wysiwyg Editing, Fonts, Columns, Pictures, Tables, And More. Great For Small Desktop Publishing Tasks, Too. Voted Best New Product And Best Word Processing Application For 1995 By The
WXPRS11.ZIP 1,034,524 2011-02-14 Wordexpress - Award Winning Windows Word