MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Adv. Intl.) ------------------------------------ (You begin at the king) E, SW, LOOK BED, LOOK POSTS (you find a secret door), S, LOOK RECESS, GET SWORD (you are now He-Man (whoa!)), N, NE, S, GO MIRROR (you enter the Shadowlands - the sorceress will hint you on this later), W, S, KILL MANTANNA WITH SWORD, LOOK STALAGTITES, GET TIMELINK, N, E, GO MIRROR, N, E, S, NE, E, S, LOOK PEOPLE, TALK MAN AT ARMS (he gives you a moleculator - to be used against Rockbinder), GET MOLECULATOR, N, W, S, GET GLASS, LOOK GARDEN, GET TIMELINK (nr. 2), W, S, W, SWIM (if you're caught by a tentacle, you must ATTACK TENTACLES WITH SWORD), HIT COAT OF ARMS WITH SWORD (the drawbridge is lowered), GO JAWBRIDGE, S, TALK SORCERESS (you are given a couple of hints), N, SE, LOOK CLOCK (the hands are missing), FIT TIMELINK, FIT TIMELINK (the earthquakes stop, and a weapon is now lying nearby), OPEN CLOCK, GET TURQUOISE (for Two-Face), S, OPEN CURTAINS, LOOK ALCOVE, LOOK ROSTRUM, GET HEXAGON (your secret weapon against Beastman & Skeletor), W, LOOK GATE, GET CORD, NE, NW, E, GET ABACUS, LOOK IT (there's a loose pearl in it), REMOVE BEAD (to be used against Merman), GET MANACLE, W, LEAVE CASTLE, E, E, S, JUMP (you avoid Evil-Lyn's spell and kill her), N, W, N, N, W, S, GO MIRROR, FIT MANACLE TO MIRROR (it does diminish reflected light - ie. a mirror! The mirror shrinks), GET MIRROR, S (you fall down), WAIT * 3 (the ledge falls down), WAIT (Rockbinder appears), THROW MOLECULATOR AT ROCKBINDER, Y (he gives you a hint - remember the sequence!!), E, E, KILL SCORPIONS WITH SWORD * 2, E, E, DROP SWORD (you turn back into Adam), N (the shadowweaver cannot catch when you're not He-Man), S, GET SWORD, E, E, E, DROP HEXAGON (Beastman is suspended in time), N, N, W, LOOK HEADS (from here you can teleport back to the castle by removing Moleculator from the mirror and walking through it), GET MOSS, GET MOSSMAN (he follows you), S, W, N, (Mossman empties the swamp!), GO SWAMP, DROP BEAD (it multiplies, and Merman is history!), N, E, S, U, U, THROW CORD AT PINNACLE (you remove the barrier that lies by the lizard), KILL WYVERN WITH SWORD, D, D, LOOK LIZARD, GET RUNESTONE, U, U, LIGHT FIRE (you burn the nest using the glass. Orko arrives), GET ORKO, D, W, N, W, S, SE, S, E, LOOK FLINT, GET RUNESTONE, FIT RUNESTONE, READ IT (a hint about the fire), DROP IT, SE, E, LOOK MUD, GET CLAW, W, GET HEXAGON, N, N, E, GET REEDS, PLAIT REEDS (you produce a rope), W, NE, N, GIVE TURQUOISE TO TWOHEADS (the heads start arguing), N, U, W (Orko casts a spell - an opening appears), S (the cage here is unimportant), W, LOOK WALL, PRESS BLOCK (yet another opening appears. If a boulder should roll towards you, just JUMP), GO PASSAGE, W, W, TIE ROPE TO CLAW, THROW HOOK (it catches onto something), CLIMB ROPE, LOOK WALLS (you notice some spikes), CLIMB SPIKES, POINT MIRROR AT GLOBES (the mirror absorbs the light), GO DOOR, E, LOOK COMPUTER, LOOK PADS, PRESS CIRCLE TRIANGLE DIAMOND (you remember Rockbinder's advice, right?), E, E, E, DROP HEXAGON, PUSH LEVER (you have defeated Skeletor and saved Eternia! Given the licence, this game could've been a lot worse!) Reference List: Rockbinder - throw Moleculator at him. Merman - drop the bead (from Abacus). Beastman - drop the hexagon. Mossman - bring him to the swamp. Scorpions - kills them twie with the sword. Orko - take him along to Massive Winding. Shadowweaver - drop the sword and walk north and south before he catches you. Mantanna - kill him with the sword. Skeletor - drop the hexagon and push the lever. Evil-Lyn - jump! Man-At-Arms - talk to him and get Moleculator. Sorceress - talk to her. King Radnor - talk to him. Two-Faces - give him Turquoise, which also has two faces! Jacob Gunness - 18/10-1990. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: