These GameShark codes can be used with both the Red and Blue versions of PokeMon for the Nintendo GameBoy. You MUST have a GameShark to use these codes. (Check out for info about it) Any code that has a "xx" in it means that you must provide a code from the table at the end of this file. These codes are not approved by InterAct. figured these codes out by himself and created this file. To the best of his knowledge he was the first and only person to "hack" these perticular codes. Always on Bike/Run indoors 010100D7 Modify Hours Played 01xx41DA Modify Minutes Played 01xx43DA Hero's Name 01xx58D1 01xx59D1 01xx5AD1 01xx5BD1 01xx5CD1 01xx5DD1 01xx5ED1 01505FD1 Rival's Name 01xx4AD3 01xx4BD3 01xx4CD3 01xx4DD3 01xx4ED3 01xx4FD3 01xx50D3 015051D3 PokeMon's Nickname (First Position) 01xxB5D2 01xxB6D2 01xxB7D2 01xxB8D2 01xxB9D2 01xxBAD2 01xxBBD2 01xxBCD2 01xxBDD2 01xxBED2 0150BFD2 PokeMon's Nickname (Second Position) 01xxC0D2 01xxC1D2 01xxC2D2 01xxC3D2 01xxC4D2 01xxC5D2 01xxC6D2 01xxC7D2 01xxC8D2 01xxC9D2 0150CAD2 PokeMon's Nickname (Third Position) 01xxCBD2 01xxCCD2 01xxCDD2 01xxCED2 01xxCFD2 01xxD0D2 01xxD1D2 01xxD2D2 01xxD3D2 01xxD4D2 0150D5D2 PokeMon's Nickname (Fourth Position) 01xxD6D2 01xxD7D2 01xxD8D2 01xxD9D2 01xxDAD2 01xxDBD2 01xxDCD2 01xxDDD2 01xxDED2 01xxDFD2 0150E0D2 PokeMon's Nickname (Fifth Position) 01xxE1D2 01xxE2D2 01xxE3D2 01xxE4D2 01xxE5D2 01xxE6D2 01xxE7D2 01xxE8D2 01xxE9D2 01xxEAD2 0150EBD2 PokeMon's Nickname (Sixth Position) 01xxECD2 01xxEDD2 01xxEED2 01xxEFD2 01xxF0D2 01xxF1D2 01xxF2D2 01xxF3D2 01xxF4D2 01xxF5D2 0150F6D2 Orginal Trainer's Name (First Position) 01xx73D2 01xx74D2 01xx75D2 01xx76D2 01xx77D2 01xx78D2 01xx79D2 01507AD2 Orginal Trainer's Name (Second Position) 01xx7ED2 01xx7FD2 01xx80D2 01xx81D2 01xx82D2 01xx83D2 01xx84D2 015085D2 Orginal Trainer's Name (Third Position) 01xx89D2 01xx8AD2 01xx8BD2 01xx8CD2 01xx8DD2 01xx8ED2 01xx8FD2 015090D2 Orginal Trainer's Name (Fourth Position) 01xx94D2 01xx95D2 01xx96D2 01xx97D2 01xx98D2 01xx99D2 01xx9AD2 01509BD2 Orginal Trainer's Name (Fifth Position) 01xx9FD2 01xxA0D2 01xxA1D2 01xxA2D2 01xxA3D2 01xxA4D2 01xxA5D2 0150A6D2 Orginal Trainer's Name (Sixth Position) 01xxAAD2 01xxABD2 01xxACD2 01xxADD2 01xxAED2 01xxAFD2 01xxB0D2 0150B1D2 50 - [Early End/Terminator] 7F - [Space] 80 - A 81 - B 82 - C 83 - D 84 - E 85 - F 86 - G 87 - H 88 - I 89 - J 8A - K 8B - L 8C - M 8D - N 8E - O 8F - P 90 - Q 91 - R 92 - S 93 - T 94 - U 95 - V 96 - W 97 - X 98 - Y 99 - Z 9A - ( 9B - ) 9C - : 9D - ; 9E - [ 9F - ] A0 - a A1 - b A2 - c A3 - d A4 - e A5 - f A6 - g A7 - h A8 - i A9 - j AA - k AB - l AC - m AD - n AE - o AF - p B0 - q B1 - r B2 - s B3 - t B4 - u B5 - v B6 - w B7 - x B8 - y B9 - z BA - [e with accent mark] BB - 'b BC - 'l BD - 's BE - 't BF - 'v E1 - PK E2 - MN E3 - [Minus/Dash] E6 - ? E7 - ! EF - [Male] F1 - [Multiplication] F2 - . F3 - [Slash] F4 - , F5 - [Female]