Index of: mirrors/

Filename Size Last Modified Description
00readme.doc 2,139 2011-09-24 A 2139 840625 Further Details About The Files In This Dir 62 2011-09-24 A 62 870131 Information On Files In This Dir.
bearing.bzs 1,536 2011-09-24 B 1536 870704 A Heading/distance Program
hfprop.bzs 6,656 2011-09-24 B 6656 870509 Hf Propagation Program
index30b5.html 4,225 2011-09-24
index5851.html 4,225 2011-09-24
index72c9.html 4,225 2011-09-24
indexad3f.html 4,225 2011-09-24
indexb70a.html 4,225 2011-09-24
indexbfec.html 4,225 2011-09-24
indexc052.html 4,225 2011-09-24
indexf8a0.html 4,225 2011-09-24
induct20.bzs 8,064 2011-09-24 B 8064 870604 Inductance Calculations In Mbasic
list-log.lbr 20,480 2011-09-24 B 20480 870208 Manipulate List Of Records
micromuf.pas 7,695 2011-09-24 A 7695 861005 Utility To Compute Freq. Of Shortwave Paths
minimuf.for 6,059 2011-09-24 A 6059 840828 Utility To Compute Freq. Of Shortwave Paths
mix.lbr 19,456 2011-09-24 B 19456 870318 R.f. Intermodulation Products Calc.
mnprop2.lbr 113,280 2011-09-24 B 113280 871010 Radio H.f. Propagation Predictions
morsetxt.lbr 67,456 2011-09-24 B 67456 871031 Send Text Files With Morse Code
mtrack.lbr 6,400 2011-09-24 B 6400 850815 Track Locations Of Polar Orbit Satellites
network.lbr 12,928 2011-09-24 B 12928 870830 Rf Filter/network/trans. Line Design
network2.lbr 36,608 2011-09-24 B 36608 871011 Rf Filter/network/trans. Line Design
novice1f.lbr 41,728 2011-09-24 B 41728 870809 Fcc Novice Test Video Or Printer
orbit23.ark 37,059 2011-09-24 B 37059 870326 Ham Radio Satellite Orbit Simulator
rtty3.lbr 34,688 2011-09-24 B 34688 870221 Rtty Support For Cp/m
tec2.lbr 45,312 2011-09-24 B 45312 880225 Ham Radio Technician Test Aid
unigrid2.bzs 6,912 2011-09-24 B 6912 870505 Update To N6nb's Gridlocator Prog.
vhfprop.bzs 11,392 2011-09-24 B 11392 870507 Vhf/uhf Propagation Program