Index of: mirrors/

Filename Size Last Modified Description
bmodem.bas 1,081 2011-09-24 A 1081 850105 Simple Xmodem Boot Program In Basic
bmodem.doc 635 2011-09-24 A 635 850105 How To Configure Bmodem.bas
cmodem13.c 14,331 2011-09-24 A 14331 830909 Modem File Xfer In C For Pmmi
dch.h 1,333 2011-09-24 A 1333 830909 Hayes S100 Modem Defines For C
index30b5.html 3,493 2011-09-24
index5851.html 3,493 2011-09-24
index72c9.html 3,493 2011-09-24
indexad3f.html 3,493 2011-09-24
indexb70a.html 3,493 2011-09-24
indexbfec.html 3,493 2011-09-24
indexc052.html 3,493 2011-09-24
indexf8a0.html 3,493 2011-09-24
mboot3.asm 7,621 2011-09-24 A 7621 830909 Xmodem Bootstrap Program
modem.dqc 4,736 2011-09-24 B 4736 850209 Documentation For Modem2 7,431 2011-09-24 A 7431 850717 Description Of The Modem/xmodem Protocol
modm221a.aqm 58,112 2011-09-24 B 58112 850209 Modem2 File Transfer And Terminal Program
modmprot.003 15,436 2011-09-24 A 15436 850419 Christensen Modem Protocol Overview
pmmi.h 1,012 2011-09-24 A 1012 830909 Pmmi S-100 Definition
robust.eot 2,488 2011-09-24 A 2488 851214 Improving Eot Handling In Xmodem
rt11modm.c 7,967 2011-09-24 A 7967 850720 Exchange Files Between Rt-11 And Cp/m Systems
rt11modm.doc 924 2011-09-24 A 924 840804 Exchange Files Between Rt-11 And Cp/m Systems
ukm7.aqm 39,680 2011-09-24 B 39680 850209 Uk Cp/m Users Group Version Of Mdm7
ukm7.dqc 5,888 2011-09-24 B 5888 850209 Uk Cp/m Users Group Version Of Mdm7