Index of: mirrors/

Filename Size Last Modified Description
afai.def 161 2011-09-24 A 161 870108 No Description Available
afai.mod 1,075 2011-09-24 A 1075 870108 No Description Available
allq.mzd 1,024 2011-09-24 B 1024 870426 Finds Solutions Of 8 Queens Problem
baltree.mod 7,714 2011-09-24 A 7714 870108 Insertion/deletoin In Avl-Balanced Tree
bench.mod 810 2011-09-24 A 810 870108 Read Text File
bingcd.mod 971 2011-09-24 A 971 870108 Find Greatest Common Divisor Of Two Numbers
bitwise.mzd 1,024 2011-09-24 B 1024 870910 More Bit Stuff For Modula-2
btree.mod 6,968 2011-09-24 A 6968 870108 Insert/delete Elements In A B-Tree
case.lbr 27,648 2011-09-24 B 27648 870505 Modula-2 Programming Tool
cmpisqrt.mod 715 2011-09-24 A 715 870108 Compute Largest Integer <= Square Root Of Int
cmppower.mod 745 2011-09-24 A 745 870108 Raise Integer To A Positive Power
complex.mod 647 2011-09-24 A 647 870108 Multiply Complex Numbers
cross1.mod 3,385 2011-09-24 A 3385 870108 Generate A Cross-Reference Table From A Text
cross2.mod 15,267 2011-09-24 A 15267 870108 Generate Cross-Reference Table Using Hash Tbl
crunch.mod 658 2011-09-24 A 658 870108 Eliminate Multiple Blank Spaces In A File
dicetest.mzd 2,048 2011-09-24 B 2048 870426 Dice Rolling Test In Modula-2
divide.mod 975 2011-09-24 A 975 870108 Divide An Integer By A Natural Number
edit.mod 1,729 2011-09-24 A 1729 870108 Read A Text
fibonacc.mod 797 2011-09-24 A 797 870108 Compute Fibonacci Numbers
fraction.mod 872 2011-09-24 A 872 870108 Compute A Table Of Exact Fractions
gcdlcm.mod 889 2011-09-24 A 889 870108 Compute Gcd And Lcm Of Two Natural Numbers
harmonic.mod 1,187 2011-09-24 A 1187 870108 Compute The Harmonic Function
index30b5.html 9,798 2011-09-24
index5851.html 9,798 2011-09-24
index72c9.html 9,798 2011-09-24
indexad3f.html 9,798 2011-09-24
indexb70a.html 9,798 2011-09-24
indexbfec.html 9,798 2011-09-24
indexc052.html 9,798 2011-09-24
indexf8a0.html 9,798 2011-09-24
knightst.mod 1,350 2011-09-24 A 1350 870108 Knight's Test Problem
list.mod 1,392 2011-09-24 A 1392 870108 Locate Records In An Ordered List By A Key
list2.mod 1,313 2011-09-24 A 1313 870108 Locate Records In An Ordered List By A Key
m2vhoch.lbr 19,200 2011-09-24 B 19200 870426 Two Prime Computation Programs
magicsqu.mod 810 2011-09-24 A 810 870108 Count Number Of Words In Text By Length
marriage.mod 2,548 2011-09-24 A 2548 870108 Find Solution To Stable Marriage Problem
mergesor.mod 3,538 2011-09-24 A 3538 870108 Natural Merge Sort W/ 3 Files
mtmod2.lbr 8,192 2011-09-24 B 8192 870830 A Selection Of Modula-2 Programs
optimalt.mod 7,529 2011-09-24 A 7529 870108 Find Optimally Structured Binary Search Tree
palindro.mod 613 2011-09-24 A 613 870108 Find Integers Whose Squares Are Palindromes
permute.mod 734 2011-09-24 A 734 870108 Compute All N! Permuatations Of Integers
plo.mod 8,458 2011-09-24 A 8458 870108 Skeleton Compiler W/ Syntax Checking
polysort.mod 4,922 2011-09-24 A 4922 870108 Polyphase Sort Program
postfix.mod 962 2011-09-24 A 962 870108 Convert Expressions From Infix To Postfix
power2.mod 1,127 2011-09-24 A 1127 870108 Compute Table Of Positive And Neg. Powers Of 2
pplot.mod 1,474 2011-09-24 A 1474 870108 Printer Plot Module
primes.mod 925 2011-09-24 A 925 870108 Compute A Table Of First N Prime Numbers
printerp.mod 954 2011-09-24 A 954 870108 Plot A Function On The Screen
procon.fzx 896 2011-09-24 B 896 870426 Producer/consumer Test Module
procon.mzd 1,024 2011-09-24 B 1024 870426 Producer/consumer Test Module
queens8.mod 1,139 2011-09-24 A 1139 870108 8 Queens Problem
recurren.mod 2,041 2011-09-24 A 2041 870108 Determine Recurrence Relations
selectio.mod 1,994 2011-09-24 A 1994 870108 Find Optimal Selection Of Objs From A Set
sequence.mod 1,064 2011-09-24 A 1064 870108 Find Non-Adjacent Sequence Of Digits
shellif.mzd 1,920 2011-09-24 B 1920 870426 Zcpr3 Mod For If/else In A Shell
sierpins.mod 1,116 2011-09-24 A 1116 870108 Sierpinski Module
sieve.mod 736 2011-09-24 A 736 870108 Table Of Primes Using Sieve Of Erasthenes
sort.mod 3,682 2011-09-24 A 3682 870108 Performs Various Types Of Sorts On An Array
strlib.def 4,154 2011-09-24 A 4154 870108 String Manipulation For Mri Modula2
strlib.mod 15,523 2011-09-24 A 15523 870108 String Manipulation For Mri Modula2
strtes.mod 2,052 2011-09-24 A 2052 870108 Demonstrate String Functions In Strlib.mod
sum10000.mod 959 2011-09-24 A 959 870108 Computes Sum In Four Different Ways
sumofcub.mod 1,411 2011-09-24 A 1411 870108 Find Smallest Pos. Integer From Two Cubes
ticktock.mod 942 2011-09-24 A 942 870124 Corrected Modula-2 Sample Program
topsort.mod 2,061 2011-09-24 A 2061 870108 Topological Sorting
tree.mod 2,162 2011-09-24 A 2162 870108 Insertion/deletion Of Elements In Binary Tree
useafai.mod 499 2011-09-24 A 499 870108 No Description Available
wordleng.mod 810 2011-09-24 A 810 870108 Read Text And Count Words By Length