1080[(Note to users: This section provides a summary of the>1100commands we have explained throughout this document. It=1120uses sutstitute words that programmers call PARAMETERS.;1140The parameters are ¬& to be taken literally. They?1160should be replaced by real values and words that apply to<1180the work that you are doing. Each paragraph explaines:1200what kinds of parameters the command is expecting.)]1220 1240 -1260APPEND FILENAME(,OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER)1280>5@1300[This command will load a file named "FILENAME" from disk.:1320The optional disk drive number is used when the file11340resides on a disk drive other than drive 1.51360The FREE command will automatically be executedD1380to show the amount of storage used. The file will be APPENDedA1400to the end of the current file in memory. The line numbers=1420of the APPENDed file do not have to follow those of the<1440existing file, but a RENUMBER will have to be done to %1460edit the file correctly later.]1480>#1500AUTO LN1(,OPTIONAL INCREMENT)1520>5@1540[Automatic line numbers will be generated until a carriage)1560return is entered without any text.>1580LN1 is the starting line number. The increment for eachC1600succeeding line is optional and will default to 5 if missing.?1620Caution! If it generates a line number for a line already?1640in the file, the line in the file will be replaced. This=1660command is terminated when no text is added to the line;1680and a null line is entered, or control-C is entered.]1700>1720BLOAD BASIC-PROGRAM-NAME1740>5B1760[This command will load a North Star BASIC program from diskK1780while converting it to SECRETARY format and place it in the data areaN1800to be edited with SECRETARY. The line numbers in the program should not1820exceed 9999.]1840>1860BSAVE BASIC-PROGRAM-NAME1880>5N1900[This command will take a SECRETARY formatted file in memory, convert itM1920to North Star BASIC format, and write it to disk in BASIC-PROGRAM-NAME.P1940Be sure that the disk file is already created, it is a type 2 file, and itM1960is large enough to hold any changes that you may have added. Since theN1980conversion requires scanning a large token table, the program may take a-2000minute or two to perform this command.]2020>2040\2060CALL ADDR1 HEX12080>5F2100[This command will allow the user to process a print line duringH2120PRINT command execution before it is passed to the output routine.%2140This command could be used for A2160justifying for special printers such as QUME. ADDR1 is theK2180hexidecimal address of the user's routine which will be CALLed. HEX1K2200is the hexidecimal value, which if it appears in the line, will causeH2220the user's routine to be executed. If all lines are to be passed,J2240HEX1 should be 0D. If no lines are to be passed, HEX1 should be 00.H2260When the user's routine is called, HL contains the address of the A2280print line buffer. The line ends with 0D. When the user'sK2300routine returns, DE should contain the address of the new print line.E2320Registers B, C, and A need not be saved. A sample test routine.2340is contained within SECRETARY at 2D33H.]2360>2380CHAIN FILENAME2400>5G2420[This command will load and automatically begin printing the fileG2440named FILENAME. It is useful to imbed this command at the end ofQ2460a data file to load and print files continuously as if they were one file.]2480>2500CHNG TEXT1^TEXT2 2520>5,32540[This command will scan the data area for theD2560string TEXT1, replace it with the string TEXT2, print the lineE2580and wait for a reply. The only replies accepted are a carriage@2600return to accept the changed line and replace that line in=2620the file, control-A to not replace the changed line, orB2640control-C to cancel the command. The up-arrow is required,B2660but if no data follows the arrow, optional TEXT2, the string>2680TEXT1 will be deleted. The entire file will be scanned @2700for all occurrences of the string TEXT1. TEXT1 should not2720be a substring of TEXT2.]2740>2760CHALL TEXT1^TEXT22780>5B2800[This command will replace TEXT1 with TEXT2 similar to CHNG,H2820but will not print the line and wait for a reply. All occurrences:2840of TEXT1 will be changed automatically in the file.]2860>2880CONFIGURE 2900>5,F2920[This command initiates the series of questions which customizesF2940the program for your system. For a list of the questions asked,2960see Section 1 Part 1.]2980>3000COPY LN1,LN2,LN33020>5B3040[Copy the text lines starting with LN1 thru LN2. The copied>3060line numbers will begin with line number LN3 and will be3080incremented by 1.]3100>3120DELETE LN1(,optional LN2)3140DELT LN1(,optional LN2)3160>5F3180[Delete line LN1. If LN2 is present, delete lines LN1 thru LN2.]3200>3220DESTROY FILENAME3240>5E3260[This command will delete the file named FILENAME form the disk3280directory.]3300>'3320DIRECTORY (OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER) 3340>5,A3360[This causes DOS to list the disk directory. If the drive83380number is not specified, drive 1 will be assumed.]3400>3420\3440DUMP ADDR1,ADDR23460>5=3480[This command is not of much value to the average user,A3500but it is included here for diagnostic purposes and for the13520more technical user. DUMP will display the23540contents of memory in hexidecimal and ASCII.83560ADDR1 is the beginning memory address and ADDR2 isQ3580the ending memory address to display. The unit number for the dump will beJ3600requested and a 132 character print line is required. The data area>3620begins around 603BH. The addresses are in hexidecimal.]3640>3660EDIT LN13680>5E3700[Edit line number LN1 according to specific control characters.@3720See the section on "EDITING A LINE OF TEXT" for a complete-3740description of the control characters.]3760> 3780EXPAND3800>5K3820[The BLOAD, BSAVE, and CONFIGURE commands have been put at the end ofP3840SECRETARY. By entering the command EXPAND, you can destroy these commandsM3860and expand the data area by about 2K. &CAUTION. Do not save a copy ofO3880the program after entering EXPAND or you will permanently lose the BSAVE,O3900BLOAD, and CONFIGURE commands. BE SURE TO SAVE ANY TEXT IN THE DATA AREAN3920BEFORE ENTERING EXPAND. ANY TEXT IN THE DATA AREA AFTER ENTERING EXPAND"3940WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOST.& ]3960>3980FIND TEXT14000>5E4020[This command will scan the entire data area and search for anyC4040occurrences of the string TEXT1. The character string begins>4060with the first non-blank character following the command?4080"FIND" and ends with the character preceding the carriageA4100return. All lines containing the text will be printed, butB4120the file will not be changed. This command can be cancelled)4140at any time by entering control-C.]4160> 4180FREE4200>5*4220[This command will cause the message>4240USED: N1 AVAILABLE: N2 LAST LINE: N3 BLOCKS: N4 to beA4260printed. N1 is the number of characters in use in the data@4280area (in decimal). N2 is the number of characters free orA4300remaining unused in the data area (in decimal). N3 is the =4320last line number in the data area. N4 is the number of54340blocks required to save this file on the disk.]4360> 4380HELP4400>5>4420[This command will list the first four characters of all?4440of the valid commands. This is done automatically if you 4460enter an invalid command.]4480>4500JUSTIFY4520JUSTIFY ON4540JUSTIFY OFF4560>5?4580[JUSTIFY with nothing following, or with an illegal value=4600following, will print the status of the justify switch.24620JUSTIFY ON will set the justify switch on. ?4640JUSTIFY OFF will set the justify switch off. The justifyB4660switch determines whether or not the text will be justified ;4680in addition to line filled during the PRINT command.]4700>4720\4740LINE P14760>5B4780[This command specifies the length of the output line duringA4800the PRINT command. The initial value is 70 and the maximum;4820length, the value of P1, is 132 characters per line.]4840>(4860LIST (OPTIONAL LN1)(,OPTIONAL LN2)4880>5@4900[This command will cause the entire data area to be listedE4920with line numbers. If the optional line number LN1 is entered,B4940the listing will begin at that line. If LN2 is entered, the94960listing will end with line LN2. The listing can be>4980cancelled with a control-C. The unit and space features<5000are used with this command (see their descriptions for5020details).]5040>+5060LOAD FILENAME(,OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER)5080>5B5100[This command will load a file named "FILENAME" from disk. :5120The optional disk drive number is used when the file15140resides on a disk drive other than drive 1.55160The FREE command will automatically be executed*5180to show the amount of storage used.]5200>5220MARGIN P1,P25240>5;5260[This command sets the beginning and ending positions@5280of the text on the page. P1 is the starting column of the15300first character and P2 is the ending column)5320of the last character on the line.]5340>,5360MERGE FILENAME(,OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER) 5380>5,;5400[This command will load the BASIC data file FILENAME,C5420read the first sector, and prepare to merge the data into the5440text file.]5460>5480MOVE LN1,LN2,LN35500>5A5520[This command is similar to the COPY command. Line numbersB5540LN1 thru LN2 will be copied beginning at LN3 and incremented=5560by 1. Then line numbers LN1 thru LN2 will be deleted.]5580>C5600NSAVE FILENAME(,OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER) (OPTIONAL # OF BLOCKS)5620>5>5640[This command will save a file named "FILENAME" on disk.:5660The optional disk drive number is used when the file15680resides on a disk drive other than drive 1.<5700The file size should not be greater than the data area?5720or SECRETARY may not be able to load the file back later.;5740This command both creates a file and saves the data.]5760>5780NULL P15800>5=5820[P1 is the number of null characters (00H) that will be05840generated following each carriage return.]5860>5880OFFSET P15900>5C5920[P1 is the number of characters that the entire page is moved5940to the right.]5960>'5980OPEN LN1,LN2(,OPTIONAL INCREMENT)6000>5>6020[This command "opens up" line numbers so that additional@6040lines can be added without destroying lines already there.B6060It effectively renumbers all of the lines beginning with LN1H6080and using LN2 as the first line number. If the optional incrementD6100is present, it will be used to increment each succeeding line,46120otherwise each line will be incremented by 1.]6140>6160\6180PAGE P1,P2,P36200>5D6220[This command defines a page for the PRINT command. P1 is the;6240maximum lines per page and defaults to 66. P2 is the:6260number of printed lines per page and defaults to 54.B6280P3 is the line number of the first line of text and defaults 6300to 7.]6320>6340PNUM P16360>5J6380[P1 is the starting page number of the printed text. If P1 is zero,L6400the pages will be numbered starting with page 1 but the page numbers G6420and title will be first printed on page 2. If P1 is 1, the pagesE6440will be numbered starting with page 1, and the page numbers andF6460title will be first printed on page 1. If P1 is greater than 1,<6480P1 will be the page number used on the first page etc.76500If P1 is greater than 250 and less than 255, omit6520all page numbers.]6540>6560PRINT (OPTIONAL LN1)6580>5@6600[This command causes the data area to be printed using the?6620word processing features and eliminating line numbers andA6640control characters. Titles, page numbers, page formatting,A6660line fill, and justification are handled with this command.>6680See the section on "WORD PROCESSING FEATURES" for a fullH6700description. If LN1 is present, printing will begin at line LN1.]6720> 6740QUIT86760 This terminates the editor and returns to DOS.6780RECOVER6800>5D6820[Try to salvage the data area destroyed by SCRATCH, CONFIGURE,16840JP 2D00, or disk or memory hardware error.]6860>'6880RENUMBER LN1(,OPTIONAL INCREMENT)6900>5D6920[Renumber the data area starting with line number LN1. If theB6940optional increment is present, each line will be incrementedD6960by that value; otherwise, each line will be incremented by 5.]6980>7000REPEAT P17020>5C7040[During the PRINT command operation, print the entire text P1;7060times. This command is used to get multiple copies.]7080>+7100SAVE FILENAME(,OPTIONAL DRIVE NUMBER)7120>557140[This command will save a file named "FILENAME""7160on an existing file on disk.:7180The optional disk drive number is used when the file17200resides on a disk drive other than drive 1.>7220Should the text now be larger than will fit in the file,:7240a "FILE TOO SMALL" message will appear. The easiest<7260procedure is to NSAVE the text under a new file name.]7280>7300SCRATCH7320>5C7340[Delete the existing text and reset the system in preparation7360to enter a new text.]7380>7400\7420SPACE P17440>5C7460[Set the line spacing for the LIST and PRINT command. Single<7480space if P1 is zero or one; otherwise space P1 lines.]7500>7520TABSET N1,N2,N3...N107540>5M7560[This command sets from 1 to 10 tabs where N1... is the column locationC7580of each tab. The tabs must be in ascending order and must beD7600separated by a comma. Use of this command supercedes any tabsE7620previously set. The tabs can be cleared by entering TABSET 0.]7640>7660TITLE TEXT17680>5"7700[Set the title to be printed<7720during the print operation. The title begins with theD7740first non-blank character following the command TITLE and ends,7760with the carriage return. The maximum,7780length of the title is 50 characters.]7800>7820UNIT P17840>5?7860[Since many installations have a printer in addition to a?7880terminal, the LIST and PRINT commands may need the outputA7900directed to the faster printer. The UNIT command sets up a@7920unit number P1 which will be placed in the accumulator andD7940passed to the DOS output routine for routing the character to B7960the proper printer. If the unit is zero, the LIST and PRINT@7980commands will come on the CRT and display only a few lines:8000at a time depending on the screen size. If the unit18020is nonzero, the LIST or PRINT will be typed8040uninterrupted.]8060>8080 8100#CHAIN USERMAN4