.. FOR MX-80 PRINTER WITH GRAFTRAX INSTALLED .. .WH HEX 1B 32 . ; 6 lines/inch is standard .fr 2 hex 1b 33 12 . ; 18/216" = halfline spacing .LS 1 .RM 60 .OW 60 .he //THE MIDDLE/PAGE #/ .FO /PAGE #//BOTTOM/ .sc # .fi An involved example of the use of printer controls would be to create a 3 by 3 matrix: .sp 1 MATRIX = ^+^+^(|1#2#3|^)^-^-|4#5#6|^)^-^-|7#8#9|^+^+ .nf which should produce (with a half-spacing) printer: |1 2 3| MATRIX = |4 5 6| |7 8 9|