.. JAN 16, 1983 FOR NEC 3525 THIMBLE "TECH MATH/TIMES ROMAN" .. FIRST TRY BY EEB .. no attempt was made to compose special symbols for which there is no .. symbol present on the thimble. .. certain ASCII symbols are missing as well: " $ ; @ backslash ` .. to do a nice job to make up for all these symbols while using this .. thimble appears possible but I shall leave that task to someone .. who has this printer ans has the time. .. .. Please send improvements to E. E. Bergmann ! .. .. July 4, 1983 convenient equation numbering macro: .. .sc # .. .rg e# 1 .. .dm EN (\\e#\\) .bj .rg e# +1 .em .. .. June 27, 1983 italics for roff4: .pc I hex ;italics on (MX-80 & Graftrax) 1B 34 .en .pc i hex ; italics off (MX-80 & Graftrax) 1B 35 .en .. .rg i# 1 ;illustration number ......................... .di figs . .ce 1 . ^U^BFIGURE CAPTIONS^u^b .sp 1 . .ed . ......................... ................................. .dm IS ;illustration caption . .di figs . ^BFig. \i#\ ^b .em . ................................. ................................. .dm IE ;illustration end cap. . .br . .sp 1 . .ed . .rg i# +1 . .em . ................................. .rg f# 1 .ds "fn"^+\\f#\\^-" ........................ .di fnotes . .sp 2 . .ce 1 . ^U^BFOOTNOTES^b^u .sp 1 . .ed . ........................ ........................ .dm FS ;footnote start . .di fnotes . \\fn\\\\ .em . ........................ ......................... .dm FE ;footnote end . .br . .sp 1 . .ed . .rg f# +1 . .em . ......................... .fr 2 decimal ;1/2 line spacing 27 ;ESC 30 ;RS 5 ;4/48",namely 12 lines/inch .end .fr .wh decimal ;back to 6 lines/inch 27 ;ESC 30 ;RS 9 ;8/48" .end .wh .TR 6 DECIMAL 14 77 15 .END CURLY DERIVATIVE .. .TR 8 DECIMAL 14 95 15 .END INFINITY .. .TR = DECIMAL 61 08 95 .END TRIPLE EQUALITY .. .TR D DECIMAL 14 65 15 .END CAP DELTA .. .TR I DECIMAL 36 .END SMALL INTEGRAL .TR a decimal 14 83 15 .end alpha .. .tr b decimal 38 .end beta .. .tr d decimal 14 75 15 .end little delta .tr e decimal 14 78 15 .end epsilon .. .tr f decimal 111 08 47 .end phi .. .tr g decimal 14 71 15 .end gamma .tr h decimal 79 08 45 .end theta .. .tr l decimal 14 66 15 .end lambda .. .tr p decimal 34 .end pi .. .tr s decimal 14 86 15 .end sigma .. .tr u decimal 59 .end mu .. .tr w decimal 14 88 15 .end omega ..sa done for now