REC - or Regular Expression Compiler - has been used in Mexico for some 20 years. Through the kind assistance of Dr. Harold V. McIntosh of the Microcomputer Applications Group at the Universidad Autonoma de Puebla in Puebla, Mexico, SIG/M has obtained a copy of REC. It is being released on four volumes. Volume 1 (SIG/M 164) contains the Source Code for CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 versions of REC. Volume 2 (SIG/M 165) contains the source code and compiled CP/M 80 and 86 utilities written with REC. Your editor has some difficulty compiling REC80 and Professor McIntosh provided on Volume 3 (SIG/M 166) a compiled version of REC80 and 86. (If you compile REC80 with M80 you will get an error because RECLIB allows linking into REC of FORTRAN, BASIC, PLM or other programs - a feature no longer used - but which does produce an error message which can be disregarded.) On Volume 3 (SIG/M 166) we also have a 29K explanation of HOW TO USE REC. When we pointed out to the good doctor that most people use ASM86 and not ACT86, he came up with a program that converts ACT86 code into ASM86 code. This code is on Volume 4 (SIG/M 166) as well as an assembly listing for REC86 in Digital Research ASM86 source code. In addition we have been provided with some video graphics control programs and further applications of REC and CNVRT. In volume (SIG/M 173) we have number five in the series. It has extensive HELP files which can either be printed out or used with HELP.COM (SIG/M 102). The feature of the disk, however, is clearly the CPM/80 to CP/M86 translator. It holds promise of being capable of doing what XLT does, although we must admit that most .ASM to .A86 conversions require considerable skill. The instant volume, number (197) is number 6 of the series. It shows some of the very practical uses for the REC and CNVRT concept. The interest in REC has made it necessary to translate the basic manual from Spanish to English. It will be release by SIG/M shortly. This is indeed a monumental contribution to SIG/M and one that we sincerely appreciate. Your comments and application programs are also sought. Direct comments should also be sent to: Universidad Autonoma De Puebla Microcomputer Applications Group Apartado Postal 461 Puebla, Puebla MEXICO (72000) ATTN: Harold V. McIntosh Steve Leon SIG/M Disk Editor