; An article relating to the following code appeared in the Vol 1 No 4 ; issue of Micro/Systems Journal and is presented here with the per- ; mission of the publisher. The code alone should be sufficient to ; use the program. However, back copies of the article are available from ; Micro/Systems Journal, Box 1192, Mountainside, NJ 07092. .cw10 .op (*LAST COMMAND written by Stephen R. Davis for Borland Turbo Pascal*) (*$c-*) (*$k-*) (*this program is a "stay resident" program which allows operator to perform any of last 10 commands which he had entered by entering an AltF10 to get a list of them, followed by a function key F1-F10 to select which command to reenter. Command lines which begin with nonprintable keystrokes are not saved. This program was written as an example of a Turbo Pascal "interrupt borrower" program*) (*declare our constants*) const our_char = 113; (*this is the scan code for AltF10*) scan_offset = 58; (*scan code of F1 - 1*) first_row = 5; (*window size and position*) first_col = 5; numb_saved = 10; (*number of command lines saved*) windowwidth = 40; windowlength = 12; (*='numb_saved' + 2*) CR = $D; (*ascii carriage return*) ESCAPE = $1B; (* " escape*) DEL = $8; (* " delete character*) CntrlC = $3; (* " control C*) Unprintable = $0; (*nonascii keys generate 0 char*) user_int = $68; (*place to put borrowed interrupt-- may be changed to any available interrupt user desires*) kybrd_int = $16; (*BIOS keyboard interrupt*) (*approximate size of program*) (*prog_size = 16000;*) (*when compiled with Turbo 2.0 --*) prog_size = 20000; (*when compiled with Turbo 3.0 --*) (*this much space is reserved by installation procedure. This number is established empirically.*) (*here the global (static type) variables*) type regtype = record ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags:integer end; halfregtype = record al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh:byte end; Šconst (*put 'regs' in code segment by making a typed constant*) regs : regtype = (ax:0;bx:0;cx:0;dx:0;bp:0;si:0;di:0; ds:0;es:0;flags:0); feeding_char :boolean = FALSE; no_cr :boolean = FALSE; j :integer = 1; saveds :integer = 0; var savreg :regtype; (*define a variable for register structures...*) halfregs :halfregtype absolute regs; (*..and for half registers*) i :integer; trash_line :boolean; last_lines :array [0..numb_saved] of array[1..60] of integer; cursorpos :integer; (*include window manipulation software*) (*$i window.pas*) (* following code prints out previous n commands in window previously opened up*) procedure printchoices; var i,j : integer; outchar : byte; begin for i := 2 to numb_saved+1 do (*loop thru saved commands*) begin GoToXY(2,i); (*put up function key*) Write('F');Write(((i-1) mod 10):1);Write(')'); j := 1; (*now saved command*) while ((last_lines[i-1][j] and $FF) <> CR) and (j <> (windowwidth-5)) do begin Write(Chr(last_lines[i-1][j] and $FF)); j := j + 1 end end end; (* following routine saves keystroke in command push down stack. If key has some specialŠ meaning, routine attempts to interpret it; e.g. 'del' deletes previous character, etc. It can only interpret so much, and even then it only knows COMMAND.COM's rules*) procedure save_key; begin last_lines[0][j] := regs.ax; if (j < 60) and not trash_line then j := j + 1; case halfregs.al of (*if that was a...*) DEL: (*...delete then...*) if j > 2 then (*...delete char*) j := j - 2 else j := 1; ESCAPE: (*...escape then...*) j := 1; (*...delete line*) CntrlC: (*...Cntrl C then...*) j := 1; (*...delete line*) Unprintable: (*...non ascii characters...*) if (regs.ax = 0) or (*...if its BREAK...*) (regs.ax = $3F00) then (*...or F5 then...*) j := 1 (*...just clear line; else...*) else trash_line := TRUE; (*...trash remainder*) (*of line to next CR*) CR: (*..if carriage return then..*) begin if trash_line then (*if trash line flag set..*) j := 1; (*...dont save line...*) if j > 2 then (*..and dont save empty lines..*) (*..else push command on 'stack',..*) for i := numb_saved downto 1 do last_lines[i] := last_lines[i-1]; for i := 1 to 60 do (*...clear last entry,...*) last_lines[0][i] := $07 shl 8 + CR; j := 1 (*...and reset pointer*) end end; if j = 1 then (*if line becomes empty...*) trash_line := FALSE (*...then stop trashing line*) end; (*this code processes interrupts to keyboard BIOS interrupt (16 hex)*) procedure process_intr; begin;Š(*$i savereg.pas*) (*save input registers*) if halfregs.ah = 0 then (*if this is char request..*) begin (*if we were in the middle of spooling chars...*) if feeding_char then begin (*...fetch next character from command stack & return that*) regs.ax := last_lines[i][j]; j := j + 1; (*if this was last char...*) if (halfregs.al = CR) or (j > 60) then begin feeding_char := false; (*..turn spooling off*) j := 1; if no_cr then regs.ax := $0; no_cr := false end end else begin (*(we are not in middle of spooling)*) Intr (user_int, regs); (*perform the BIOS call the caller asked for*) (*if this wasn't "our" char...*) if halfregs.ah <> our_char then save_key (*...save the keystroke...*) else begin savreg.ax := $0300; (*fetch current...*) savreg.bx := $0; (*..cursor position*) Intr($10,savreg); cursorpos := savreg.dx; openwindow; (*open up display window*) printchoices; (*now print command stack*) regs.ax := $0; (*read a character...*) Intr(user_int,regs);(*...from keyboard*) (*make F0 maps to 1, F1 to 2, etc.*) i := halfregs.ah - scan_offset; if (i > 25) and (i < 37) then begin (*shift func keys act like normal func keys except no return on end*) i := i - 25; no_cr := true end; if (i > 0) and (i <= 10) then begin (*if input was a function key give him 1st char of his choice...*) regs.ax := last_lines[i][1]; if halfregs.al <> CR then begin (*..and set flag to begin feeding remainder of command every time he asks for a char from keybd*)Š feeding_char := true; j := 2 end; end else (*not function key--just save it*) save_key; closewindow; (*put what was there back*) savreg.ax := $0200; (*replace cursor*) savreg.bx := $0; savreg.dx := cursorpos; Intr($10,savreg) end end end else (*he's not trying to read a char*) if feeding_char then (*if he's spooling chars...*) (*...clear the z-flag*) regs.flags := regs.flags and $FFBF else Intr(user_int,regs); (*$i restreg.pas*) (*restore registers from 'reg'*) inline($CA/$02/$00) (*RETF 02 - return to caller*) end; (*this section of code installs the interrupt routine and makes it a permanently resident interrupt borrower*) (*the following dos calls are used: sys 25- install interrupt address input al = int number, ds:dx = address to install sys 35- get interrupt address input al = int number output es:bx = address in interrupt int 27- terminate and stay resident input dx = size of resident program *) begin (***main***) (*initialize the variables which the interrupt service routine will use*) for i := 0 to numb_saved do for j := 1 to 60 do last_lines[i][j] := $07 shl 8 + CR; j := 1; trash_line := FALSE; saveds := Dseg; (*save the data segment locally*) (*now install the interrupt routine*) Š savreg.ax := $35 shl 8 + user_int; (*check to make sure int not already used*) Intr($21,savreg); if savreg.es <> $00 then begin WriteLn ('Interrupt in use--cant install LASTCOM'); Intr($20,savreg) end else begin WriteLn ('Installing LASTCOMMAND --'); WriteLn (' press AltF10 to select last command'); (*get the address that was there*) savreg.ax := $35 shl 8 + kybrd_int; Intr($21,savreg); (*put the address in the user interrupt*) savreg.ax := $25 shl 8 + user_int; savreg.ds := savreg.es; savreg.dx := savreg.bx; Intr($21,savreg); (*install interrupt system call*) savreg.ax := $25 shl 8 + kybrd_int; savreg.ds := cseg; (*put our routine address*) savreg.dx := Ofs(process_intr); Intr ($21,savreg); (*now terminate and stay resident*) savreg.dx := prog_size; Intr ($27,savreg) end end. ------------------------------------------------------------ (*WINDOW.PAS*) (* following subroutines provide further window capabilities to those offered by Turbo compiler. Note, following constants must be defined: first_row = first row # to place window (upper left corner) first_col = first col # to place window windowlength = number of rows long window is to be windowwidth = number of columns wide in addition structure savreg must be defined globally and be of register type used by turbo for system calls *) var savebuf:array [1..windowwidth] of array [1..windowlength] of integer;Š (*read/write a char from the screen at the current cursor position*) function GetScreenChar:integer; begin savreg.ax := $0800; (*9 -> get character/attr @ cursor*) savreg.bx := 0; Intr($10,savreg); GetScreenChar := savreg.ax end; procedure PutScreenChar(input:integer); begin savreg.ax := $0900 + (input and $FF); (*a -> put char/attr @ cursor*) savreg.bx := input shr 8; (*put the attrib in bl and 0 in bh*) savreg.cx := 1; Intr($10,savreg) end; (*open a window and save the contents away*) procedure OpenWindow; var i,j: Integer; begin (*open up the window area*) window (first_col, first_row, first_col+windowwidth, first_row+windowlength); (*save off the data in the window*) for i := 1 to windowwidth do for j := 1 to windowlength do begin GoToXY(i,j); savebuf[i][j] := GetScreenChar (*get a attrib/char at the cursor*) end; (*put the frame up around the window and clear that area*) GotoXY(1,1); the window now*) Write(chr(218)); for i:=2 to windowwidth-1 do Write(chr(196)); Write(chr(191)); for i:=2 to windowlength-1 do begin GotoXY(1, i); Write(chr(179)); for j := 2 to windowwidth-1 do Write(' ');Š GotoXY(windowwidth, i); Write(chr(179)); end; GotoXY(1, windowlength); Write(chr(192)); for i:=2 to windowwidth-1 do Write(chr(196)); Write(chr(217)); end; (*the following procedure closes the previously opened window*) procedure closewindow; var i,j:integer; begin for i := 1 to windowwidth do for j := 1 to windowlength do begin GoToXY(i,j); PutScreenChar(savebuf[i][j]) end end; ------------------------------------------------------------ (*SAVEREG.PAS*) (*when invoked, this procedure saves the registers into the structured constant 'REGS' and restores the ds from the previously saved integer constant 'saveds'*) inline( $53/ (*PUSH BX*) $BB/regs/ (*MOV BX,OFFSET REGS*) $2E/$89/$47/$00/ (*CS:MOV [BX]0,AX*) $58/ (*POP AX*) $2E/$89/$47/$02/ (*CS:MOV [BX]2,AX*) $2E/$89/$4F/$04/ (*CS:MOV [BX]4,CX*) $2E/$89/$57/$06/ (*CS:MOV [BX]6,DX*) $2E/$89/$6F/$08/ (*CS:MOV [BX]8,BP*) $2E/$89/$77/$0A/ (*CS:MOV [BX]A,SI*) $2E/$89/$7F/$0C/ (*CS:MOV [BX]C,DI*) $2E/$8C/$5F/$0E/ (*CS:MOV [BX]E,DS*) $2E/$8C/$47/$10/ (*CS:MOV [BX]10,ES*) $9C/ (*PUSHF*) $58/ (*POP AX*) $2E/$89/$47/$12/ (*CS:MOV [BX]12,AX*) $2E/$8E/$1E/saveds (*CS:MOV DS,SAVEDS--PUT PROPER DS*) ); ------------------------------------------------------------- (*RESTREG.PAS*) Š(*when invoked this routine restores the registers from the structure constant*) inline( $BB/REGS/ (*MOV BX,OFFSET REGS*) $2E/$8E/$47/$10/ (*CS:MOV ES,[BX]10*) $2E/$8E/$5F/$0E/ (*CS:MOV DS,[BX]0E*) $2E/$8B/$7F/$0C/ (*CS:MOV DI,[BX]0C*) $2E/$8B/$77/$0A/ (*CS:MOV SI,[BX]0A*) $2E/$8B/$6F/$08/ (*CS:MOV BP,[BX]08*) $2E/$8B/$57/$06/ (*CS:MOV DX,[BX]06*) $2E/$8B/$4F/$04/ (*CS:MOV CX,[BX]04*) $2E/$8B/$47/$00/ (*CS:MOV AX,[BX]00*) $2E/$FF/$77/$12/ (*CS:PUSH [BX]12*) $9D/ (*POPF*) $2E/$8B/$5F/$02/ (*CS:MOV BX,[BX]02*) $5D/ (*POP BP*) (*restore the SP*) $5D (*POP BP*) );