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This patch allows you to
change the character set of an e-mail so that it won't go with character
set "X-UNKNOWN". This is not a problem of pine, but some other mailers do
not understand this character set and therefore make it impossible to read
your message. What this feature allows you to do is to change your
character set whenever you are sending it to another predefined set, say
ISO-8859-1, independently of the fact that your message may or may not be
written with characters of that set. If you always write in the same
character set you should define it to be that character set. If you leave
it undefined, nothing will change and pine will continue sending messages
with the character set "X-UNKNOWN" when it can not find the correct
character set.
After you apply the patch you have to go to your configuration and
alt-character-set =
Last Updated 18:55:38 PST Sun Nov 12 2000