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New Menu for the Reply Command
Patch is available for versions:
pine 4.33 pine 4.40 pine 4.41 pine 4.42 pine 4.43 pine 4.44 pine 4.50 pine 4.51 pine 4.52 pine 4.53 pine 4.55 pine 4.56 pine 4.58 pine 4.60 pine 4.61 pine 4.62 pine 4.63 pine 4.64
This patch adds a configuration option called "alternate-reply-menu", which when activated allows you to override and set values for configuration options that otherwise are not possible to override. (e.g. you may have set the option to strip signatures, but for the message you are answering you would like not to do that)
The way this feature works is as follows. Initially you get the question if you want to include the message, and in the menu you will see several options, each option is accompanied by some text explaining what will happen if you press the associated command. For example, if you read the text "S Strip Sig", it means that if you press S, the signature will be stripped off the message you are replying. Note that when you do this the menu in the bottom will change to "S No Strip". These options will be activated when you press RETURN.
The possible options are:
  1. A: (New in version 4.64) This determines if Pine will include or not the attachments sent to you in the message that you are replying. By default Pine will use the value of the configuration option include-attachments-in-reply, but you can use this option to override such behavior in a per message basis.
  2. F: To decide if you want to send flowed text or not. This option appears unless you have quelled sending flowed text.
  3. H: (New in version 4.64) This option determines if the headers of a message are to be included in the body of the message that is being replied. By default Pine will use the value of the configuration option include-header-in-reply, but you can use this option to override such behavior in a per message basis.
  4. R: To set a role, if you do not want Pine to set one automatically for you or would like to set one when you can not select any.
  5. S: To strip the signature from a message, only available is the feature enable-sigdashes or the strip-from-sigdashes-on-reply option are enabled.

Last Updated 10:35:04 PDT Sat May 06 2006.