Index of: nightowl/nopv20/019A

Filename Size Last Modified Description
ARCID115.ZIP 37,543 2011-10-31 Archive Identifier 1.15 - A Utility For Identifying Arc Arj Hyp Lzh Pak Rar Sqz Zip Zoo Gif And Jpg Files By Signature Excellent For Pcbtest.bat Or Slowdrv.bat Use. Includes Both Dos And 32-Bit Os/2 Versions!
ARCID115.ZIP 37,543 2011-10-31 Archive Identifier 1.15 - A Utility For
DPCT1610.ZIP 91,905 2011-10-31 Uuencode/decode Utility For Dos
DPCT1610.ZIP 91,905 2011-10-31
EZSFX11.ZIP 259,559 2011-10-31 Easy Sfx Version 1.1 Creates A Unique Self Extracting And Installing File. It Allows The User To Choose The Target Drive And Directory. It Also Displays A Readme.txt File After Extraction And Optionally Starts The Installed Program. The Parameters For Each Sfx File Made Are Stored In A Data File So That Remakes Are Just A Case Of Choosing The Program Name From A List. Any Directory Sub Structure Can Be Packed.
EZSFX11.ZIP 259,559 2011-10-31 Easy Sfx Version 1.1 Creates A Unique Self
FILES.019 2,281 2011-10-31
GZIP_124.ZIP 51,508 2011-10-31 Updated Gnu Zip, Dos Util For .gz Files
GZIP_124.ZIP 51,508 2011-10-31
index16c1.html 2,528 2011-10-31
index2846.html 2,528 2011-10-31
index5272.html 2,528 2011-10-31
index79c2.html 2,528 2011-10-31
index7e6f.html 2,528 2011-10-31
index864c.html 2,528 2011-10-31
indexb3a7.html 2,528 2011-10-31
indexcaa7.html 2,528 2011-10-31
LHA255E.ZIP 63,384 2011-10-31 Lha Ver 2.55e English Version (Free Soft) Ms-Dos File Compression/extraction Utility. Copyright(C) Haruyasu Yoshizaki 1996 Rel 1
LHA255E.ZIP 63,384 2011-10-31 Lha Ver 2.55e English Version (Free Soft)
PUT345.ZIP 220,451 2011-10-31 Put, Get And Install From Microfox Company.
PUT345.ZIP 220,451 2011-10-31 Put, Get And Install From Microfox Company. Put Is A Command Driven And/or Menu Driven Compression And Archiving Program. Get Is The Decompression And Unarchiving Program That Goes With It. Install Is A Utility You Can Use To Install Program And Files That Were Compressed By Put. Author: Jim Hass, Asp Star [Asad] Member. Higher Compression Factor With Far Better Usability.
UUDVD04G.ZIP 54,777 2011-10-31 V0.4) Powerful Multi-File Multi-Part Decoder For Uuencoded, Xxencoded, And Base64 Mime) Encoded Data.
UUDVD04G.ZIP 54,777 2011-10-31 (V0.4) Powerful Multi-File Multi-Part Decoder
WWP304.ZIP 159,108 2011-10-31 Wwpack Is A Powerful Exe File Compressor.
WWP304.ZIP 159,108 2011-10-31 Wwpack Is A Powerful Exe File Compressor. The Tightest Compression. Squeezes Exe Files, Compresses Relocation Tables, Optimizes Headers, Protects Exe Files From Hacking.the Only Exe Compressor Distributed With Shell And Virus Detection Programs!
ZIPALL20.ZIP 45,342 2011-10-31 Zipitall 2.0 - Zip And Unzip To And From Floppy.
ZIPALL20.ZIP 45,342 2011-10-31 Zipitall 2.0 - Zip And Unzip To And From Floppy. Gets Those Volume Labels, Subdirectories, Hidden, System, And "read Only" Files Every Time.