Index of: nightowl/nopv20/020A

Filename Size Last Modified Description
DA_150.ZIP 30,100 2011-10-31
DA_150.ZIP 30,100 2011-10-31 Excellent Program To Delete Files/sub-Dir's
EIW232.ZIP 136,539 2011-10-31 Encrypt-It V2.32 For Windows 3.1!
EIW232.ZIP 136,539 2011-10-31 Encrypt-It V2.32 For Windows 3.1! Fully Compatible 16 Bit Secure Encryption Program Featuring Three Way Proprietary And Data Encryption Standard Registered Version)
FCUT10.ZIP 29,509 2011-10-31
FCUT10.ZIP 29,509 2011-10-31 File Cutter V1.0 This Is A Very Flexible File Splitting Program Especially For Binary. Cut Any Part Of File With Any Size You Want. Both 32bit Os/2 And Dos Executables (C) Vg Soft & Gamzun Y.f. 1996
FILES.020 2,000 2011-10-31
FSTMP105.ZIP 15,010 2011-10-31 Fstamp V1.05 - Dos Utility To Date/time Stamp Your Files. Robust Date/time Parser Forgives Typing Mistakes. Completely Network- And Country-Aware. Copyright Freeware.
FSTMP105.ZIP 15,010 2011-10-31 Fstamp V1.05 - Dos Utility To Date/time
index16c1.html 2,806 2011-10-31
index2846.html 2,806 2011-10-31
index5272.html 2,806 2011-10-31
index79c2.html 2,806 2011-10-31
index7e6f.html 2,806 2011-10-31
index864c.html 2,806 2011-10-31
indexb3a7.html 2,806 2011-10-31
indexcaa7.html 2,806 2011-10-31
LIFESAVR.ZIP 794,204 2011-10-31
LIFESAVR.ZIP 794,204 2011-10-31 Lifesaver V1.01 Lifesaver Is A Configuration File Backup And Restore Utility.
PRUNE50.ZIP 7,824 2011-10-31
PRUNE50.ZIP 7,824 2011-10-31 Prune V5.0 Selective File Deleter
SDL120.ZIP 58,661 2011-10-31 Smartdelete V1.2. Makes File Deletion Easier. Select Files By Almost Any Criteria. Exclude Files From Deletion, Generate Reports, Multi-Directory Operations, Many Other Great Features.
SDL120.ZIP 58,661 2011-10-31 Smartdelete V1.2. Makes File Deletion Easier.
SHRED.ZIP 13,362 2011-10-31 Shred V1.0 - Permanently Deletes, Renders Files Unrecoverable.
SHRED.ZIP 13,362 2011-10-31 Shred V1.0 - Permanently Deletes, Renders
VLIST7B.ZIP 43,683 2011-10-31 Vlist - An Enhanced "find" Function - A Search Function To Look Inside Files Of Every Sort To Locate A Text String - Handles Exe, Com, And Spreadsheet Files.
VLIST7B.ZIP 43,683 2011-10-31 Vlist - An Enhanced "find" Function
ZAPIT307.ZIP 47,564 2011-10-31 V3.07) Zap-It - Hex File/disk Editor Zap-It Includes Lots Lots Of Handy Features
ZAPIT307.ZIP 47,564 2011-10-31 (V3.07) Zap-It - Hex File/disk Editor
ZC031.ZIP 65,513 2011-10-31 Z Crypt 0.31 Random File Encryption. Binary File De/encryption Program Designed To Remove Any Trace Of The Original Nature Of The Original Files Once Encrypted. Fast. Random.
ZC031.ZIP 65,513 2011-10-31 Z*crypt 0.31 Random File Encryption. Binary