Index of: nightowl/nopv20/041A

Filename Size Last Modified Description
CONFIGIT.ZIP 55,312 2011-10-31 Configit V1.2 - Automates Selective
CONFIGIT.ZIP 55,312 2011-10-31 Configit V1.2 - Automates Selective Configuration File Updating Across A Network.
DUNCE132.ZIP 35,639 2011-10-31 Dunce (Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement) V. 1.3.2 Allows You To Connect To A Dial-Up Network With Much Greater Ease.
DUNCE132.ZIP 35,639 2011-10-31 Dunce (Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement) V. 1.3.2 Allows
FILES.041 1,909 2011-10-31
FILESCN2.ZIP 26,541 2011-10-31 Filescan V1.5 - Open Files On One Or More Network Servers Are Scanned And Logged For: Date, Time, Conn #, User Name, Id#, Login Date And Time, Network Address, And Any Open Files Each User Has.
FILESCN2.ZIP 26,541 2011-10-31 Filescan V1.5 - Open Files On One Or More
FSINFO11.ZIP 35,103 2011-10-31 File: Fsinfo.exe Summary: Fsinfo Collects Information On A File Server And Dumps The Information To Fsinfo.txt.
FSINFO11.ZIP 35,103 2011-10-31 File: Fsinfo.exe
FSL212.ZIP 266,530 2011-10-31 Fslogin V2.12 <Asp> Full Screen Login For
FSL212.ZIP 266,530 2011-10-31 Fslogin V2.12 <Asp> Full Screen Login For Novell Netware. Full Screen Login Is A Login Utility For Novell Netware Users. Fslogin Provides A Userfriendly, Menu Driven Interface To Guide The User Through The Login Process. This Includes Prompting For A New Password Before The Password Actually Expires. Version 2 Supports Netware 2, 3 And 4, As Well As Netware Directory Services.
index16c1.html 2,531 2011-10-31
index2846.html 2,531 2011-10-31
index5272.html 2,531 2011-10-31
index79c2.html 2,531 2011-10-31
index7e6f.html 2,531 2011-10-31
index864c.html 2,531 2011-10-31
indexb3a7.html 2,531 2011-10-31
indexcaa7.html 2,531 2011-10-31
KALI12Q.ZIP 129,509 2011-10-31 Kali 1.2f
KALI12Q.ZIP 129,509 2011-10-31 Kali 1.2f Ipx & Tcp/ip Network Driver For Use With Multiplayer Games Using Network Connects
LANCHK97.ZIP 44,357 2011-10-31 Lanchek, A Novell Utility Which Provides A
LANCHK97.ZIP 44,357 2011-10-31 Lanchek, A Novell Utility Which Provides A Variety Of Utilities, Including Checking Connections For Up To 105 Attached Lans;
USERINF2.ZIP 23,392 2011-10-31 File : Userinfo.exe Summary: This Program Scans One Or More Servers And Returns The Last Login Date/time, Which Groups The User Is A Member, And Amount Of Space Used For Each Server.
USERINF2.ZIP 23,392 2011-10-31 File : Userinfo.exe
USRLOG21.ZIP 19,286 2011-10-31 File : Log.exe
USRLOG21.ZIP 19,286 2011-10-31 File : Log.exe Summary: This Program Tracks Users As They Login Via Modem To The Network. For Use On Netware