Index of: phoenix_cd_3/13A

Filename Size Last Modified Description
1STAID.ZIP 39,187 2005-02-17 39187 03-04-92 First Aid Tutorial 3.3.3 Common Emergencies
1STAID.ZIP 39,187 2005-02-17
25CHILI.ZIP 13,919 2005-02-17
25CHILI.ZIP 13,919 2005-02-17 13919 02-09-90 Prize Winning Chili Recipes
AGORA.ZIP 2,673 2005-02-17
AGORA.ZIP 2,673 2005-02-17 2673 09-30-90 Text File About Agoraphobia
ALZHEIM.ZIP 3,243 2005-02-17
ALZHEIM.ZIP 3,243 2005-02-17 3243 12-13-90 Q & A About Alzheimer's Disease
ALZHIMRS.ZIP 3,989 2005-02-17 3989 10-23-91 Text File Describing Symptoms & Treatment
ALZHIMRS.ZIP 3,989 2005-02-17
BDA301A.ZIP 179,849 2005-02-17
BDA301A.ZIP 179,849 2005-02-17 179849 11-24-91 Better Diet Analyzer V 3.01 Bug Fix 1 Of 2
BDA302.ZIP 179,876 2005-02-17
BDA302.ZIP 179,876 2005-02-17 179876 12-10-91 Better Diet Analyzer Database Version 3.02
BDADX.ZIP 127,493 2005-02-17
BDADX.ZIP 127,493 2005-02-17 127493 11-24-91 Better Diet Analyzer V 3.01 Bug Fix 2 Of 2
BIO991.ZIP 36,964 2005-02-17
BIO991.ZIP 36,964 2005-02-17 36964 09-17-91 Updated Bio-Rythm Generator
BIOG100.ZIP 47,167 2005-02-17
BIOG100.ZIP 47,167 2005-02-17 47167 11-23-91 Biorhythm Program For Dos, Vga, Graphics
BIORYM.ZIP 35,163 2005-02-17 35163 12-01-91 A Colorful Biorythm Charting Program
BIORYM.ZIP 35,163 2005-02-17
BRLM0991.ZIP 136,034 2005-02-17 136034 09-05-91 Braille Monitor Sept 91 Includes Articles
BRLM0991.ZIP 136,034 2005-02-17
CAJUN.ZIP 39,715 2005-02-17 39715 03-16-92 A Collection Of Cajun Style Cooking Recipes
CAJUN.ZIP 39,715 2005-02-17
CALORIES.ZIP 46,005 2005-02-17
CALORIES.ZIP 46,005 2005-02-17 46005 10-18-91 Calories Contained In Over 4,000 Foods
CALRIES.ZIP 48,761 2005-02-17 48761 10-25-91 Over 4000 Foods & Calories In .dbf Format
CALRIES.ZIP 48,761 2005-02-17
CALWATCH.ZIP 220,947 2005-02-17
CALWATCH.ZIP 220,947 2005-02-17 220947 01-06-92 Calorie Counter 4,000 Food Items & 10 Sample
CC_LIB_1.ZIP 32,872 2005-02-17
CC_LIB_1.ZIP 32,872 2005-02-17 32872 10-31-91 Recipe Library 1 For Compuchef A Collection
CHEESE.ZIP 23,281 2005-02-17 23281 10-07-90 Cheese Recipes For Mealmaster
CHEESE.ZIP 23,281 2005-02-17
CONSLT.ZIP 82,427 2005-02-17
CONSLT.ZIP 82,427 2005-02-17 82427 11-25-91 Medical Consultant For Windows 3 Generates
CVRISK10.ZIP 35,409 2005-02-17 35409 11-12-91 Cardiovascular Heart Risk Calculations
CVRISK10.ZIP 35,409 2005-02-17
DCARDIAC.ZIP 65,740 2005-02-17 65740 08-30-91 Cardiac Arrest Demo Interactive Tutorial
DCARDIAC.ZIP 65,740 2005-02-17
DEPRESS.ZIP 43,371 2005-02-17 43371 09-01-91 Self-Administered Test Are You Depressed?
DEPRESS.ZIP 43,371 2005-02-17
DRUGWAR.ZIP 15,101 2005-02-17
DRUGWAR.ZIP 15,101 2005-02-17 15101 08-17-91 Interesting Article On Abuses In Anti-Drug
EDNA.ZIP 135,975 2005-02-17
EDNA.ZIP 135,975 2005-02-17 135975 09-05-90 Cookbook Database
EYES.ZIP 129,331 2005-02-17 129331 05-27-91 Exercises To Improve Your Eyesight Req Cga+
EYES.ZIP 129,331 2005-02-17
FASTHINK.ZIP 13,344 2005-02-17 13344 11-18-91 Text File On Cognitive Enhancement Drugs
FASTHINK.ZIP 13,344 2005-02-17
FDA2597.ZIP 4,167 2005-02-17
FDA2597.ZIP 4,167 2005-02-17 4167 09-06-91 Will Food Become Illegal On 9/10/91
FTESTV1.ZIP 77,816 2005-02-17
FTESTV1.ZIP 77,816 2005-02-17 77816 11-10-91 Fitness Tests V 1.0 Tests Strength, Etc
GERMANM.ZIP 37,557 2005-02-17
GOURME10.ZIP 57,924 2005-02-17
GOURME10.ZIP 57,924 2005-02-17 57924 06-22-91 Donna's Gourmet Recipes #10 Ascii & Wp 5.1
GOURME11.ZIP 31,511 2005-02-17 31511 06-30-91 Donna's Gourmet Recipes #11 Ascii & Wp 5.1
GOURME11.ZIP 31,511 2005-02-17
GOURMET8.ZIP 95,494 2005-02-17 95494 09-15-90 Donna's Gourmet Recipes #8 Ascii & Wp 5.1
GOURMET8.ZIP 95,494 2005-02-17
GOURMET9.ZIP 43,352 2005-02-17 43352 06-06-91 Donna's Gourmet Recipes #9 Ascii & Wp 5.1
GOURMET9.ZIP 43,352 2005-02-17
HIVNOV91.ZIP 15,734 2005-02-17 15734 12-05-91 Hiv Aids Surveillance Report, Cdc Nov 91
HIVNOV91.ZIP 15,734 2005-02-17
HMRECIPE.ZIP 106,360 2005-02-17 106360 01-09-90 Homemade Recipes Is A Nice Recipe Demo
HMRECIPE.ZIP 106,360 2005-02-17
KEYB102.ZIP 20,852 2005-02-17 20852 10-02-91 Keybind V 1.02 Utility That Allows You To Bind
KEYB102.ZIP 20,852 2005-02-17
LEAN101A.ZIP 134,032 2005-02-17
LEAN101A.ZIP 134,032 2005-02-17 134032 04-01-91 Based On Current Health Research Disk 1 Of 2
LEAN101B.ZIP 88,893 2005-02-17
LEAN101B.ZIP 88,893 2005-02-17 88893 05-09-91 Not A Traditional Calorie Count Disk 2 Of 2
LEGALHI.ZIP 30,085 2005-02-17
LEGALHI.ZIP 30,085 2005-02-17 30085 07-24-90 Legal Highs - A Concise Encyclopedia Of Legal
LONDONTN.ZIP 31,006 2005-02-17 31006 02-17-91 Collection Of About 120 Meal Master Recipes
LONDONTN.ZIP 31,006 2005-02-17
MAGNIFY1.ZIP 23,742 2005-02-17 23742 09-04-91 Double Size Of Characters On All Or Part
MAGNIFY1.ZIP 23,742 2005-02-17
MM1DISH.ZIP 5,300 2005-02-17
MM1DISH.ZIP 5,300 2005-02-17 5300 03-12-91 One Dish Recipes For Meal Master
MM621C.ZIP 118,232 2005-02-17 118232 11-03-91 Meal Master Version 6.21c Menu Driven Database
MM621C.ZIP 118,232 2005-02-17
MM630.ZIP 138,823 2005-02-17
MM630.ZIP 138,823 2005-02-17 138823 11-20-91 Meal-Master V 6.30 Menu-Driven Database Program
MMARYLND.ZIP 3,499 2005-02-17 3499 09-03-90 Recipes From Maryland For Mealmaster
MMARYLND.ZIP 3,499 2005-02-17
MMBEEF.ZIP 12,353 2005-02-17 12353 12-29-90 Beef Recipes For Mealmaster
MMBEEF.ZIP 12,353 2005-02-17
MMCAJUN1.ZIP 9,430 2005-02-17
MMCAJUN1.ZIP 9,430 2005-02-17 9430 12-29-90 Cajun Recipes For Mealmaster Disk 1 Of 2
MMCAJUN2.ZIP 17,683 2005-02-17 17683 12-29-90 Cajun Recipes For Mealmaster Disk 2 Of 2
MMCAJUN2.ZIP 17,683 2005-02-17
MMCHINES.ZIP 4,983 2005-02-17
MMCHINES.ZIP 4,983 2005-02-17 4983 12-02-90 Chineese Recipes For Mealmaster
MMCHSCKE.ZIP 13,372 2005-02-17
MMCHSCKE.ZIP 13,372 2005-02-17 13372 12-29-90 Cheesecake Recipes For Mealmaster
MMCOWBOY.ZIP 7,335 2005-02-17 7335 12-29-90 Western/chuckwagon Recipes For Mealmaster
MMCOWBOY.ZIP 7,335 2005-02-17
MMGARLIC.ZIP 10,513 2005-02-17
MMGARLIC.ZIP 10,513 2005-02-17 10513 12-29-91 A Meal Master Collection Of Recipes
MMINDIAN.ZIP 8,747 2005-02-17
MMINDIAN.ZIP 8,747 2005-02-17 8747 01-05-91 Indian Recipes For Mealmaster
MMMICWV1.ZIP 9,228 2005-02-17
MMMICWV1.ZIP 9,228 2005-02-17 9228 12-29-91 Meal Master Microwave Recipes From Betty
MMMICWV2.ZIP 16,278 2005-02-17
MMMICWV2.ZIP 16,278 2005-02-17 16278 12-29-91 A Meal Master Collection Of Recipes
MMPP01.ZIP 38,589 2005-02-17
MMPP01.ZIP 38,589 2005-02-17 38589 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 1 Of 17
MMPP02.ZIP 38,649 2005-02-17 38649 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 2 Of 17
MMPP02.ZIP 38,649 2005-02-17
MMPP03.ZIP 40,121 2005-02-17 40121 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 3 Of 17
MMPP03.ZIP 40,121 2005-02-17
MMPP04.ZIP 41,910 2005-02-17
MMPP04.ZIP 41,910 2005-02-17 41910 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 4 Of 17
MMPP05.ZIP 40,450 2005-02-17
MMPP05.ZIP 40,450 2005-02-17 40450 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 5 Of 17
MMPP06.ZIP 41,700 2005-02-17 41700 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 6 Of 17
MMPP06.ZIP 41,700 2005-02-17
MMPP07.ZIP 38,929 2005-02-17
MMPP07.ZIP 38,929 2005-02-17 38929 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 7 Of 17
MMPP08.ZIP 37,401 2005-02-17
MMPP08.ZIP 37,401 2005-02-17 37401 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 8 Of 17
MMPP09.ZIP 41,290 2005-02-17
MMPP09.ZIP 41,290 2005-02-17 41290 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 9 Of 17
MMPP10.ZIP 25,841 2005-02-17
MMPP10.ZIP 25,841 2005-02-17 25841 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 10 Of 17
MMPP11.ZIP 30,116 2005-02-17
MMPP11.ZIP 30,116 2005-02-17 30116 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 11 Of 17
MMPP12.ZIP 31,493 2005-02-17 31493 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 12 Of 17
MMPP12.ZIP 31,493 2005-02-17
MMPP13.ZIP 39,461 2005-02-17
MMPP13.ZIP 39,461 2005-02-17 39461 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 13 Of 17
MMPP14.ZIP 36,098 2005-02-17
MMPP14.ZIP 36,098 2005-02-17 36098 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 14 Of 17
MMPP15.ZIP 39,400 2005-02-17
MMPP15.ZIP 39,400 2005-02-17 39400 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 15 Of 17
MMPP16.ZIP 38,349 2005-02-17
MMPP16.ZIP 38,349 2005-02-17 38349 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 16 Of 17
MMPP17.ZIP 40,344 2005-02-17 40344 01-29-92 Mealmaster Menu Catalog Disk 17 Of 17
MMPP17.ZIP 40,344 2005-02-17
MMSOUP.ZIP 8,446 2005-02-17
MMSOUP.ZIP 8,446 2005-02-17 8446 12-29-91 A Meal Master Collection Of Recipes From Lipton
MMUFFIN.ZIP 6,563 2005-02-17
MMUFFIN.ZIP 6,563 2005-02-17 6563 12-29-90 Muffin Recipes For Meal Master
MMVEGETR.ZIP 7,653 2005-02-17
MMVEGETR.ZIP 7,653 2005-02-17 7653 12-29-90 Vegitarian Recipes For Meal Master
MMVEGGIE.ZIP 7,506 2005-02-17
MMVEGGIE.ZIP 7,506 2005-02-17 7506 12-29-91 Meal Master Vegetable Recipes
MMWEST.ZIP 5,623 2005-02-17 5623 12-29-91 Meal Master Recipes Created From "trail Boss"
MMWEST.ZIP 5,623 2005-02-17
MYF361.ZIP 133,420 2005-02-17 133302 04-17-91 Managing Your Food V 3.61 Menu & Food Planner
MYF361.ZIP 133,420 2005-02-17
NDBFCS4A.ZIP 292,419 2005-02-17
NDBFCS4A.ZIP 292,419 2005-02-17 292419 08-23-91 Survey Nutrient Database From Doa Disk 1 Of 3
NDBFCS4B.ZIP 249,060 2005-02-17 249060 08-23-91 Survey Nutrient Database From Doa Disk 2 Of 3
NDBFCS4B.ZIP 249,060 2005-02-17
NDBFCS4C.ZIP 218,798 2005-02-17 218798 08-23-91 Survey Nutrient Database From Doa Disk 3 Of 3
NDBFCS4C.ZIP 218,798 2005-02-17
NOMED2.ZIP 179,483 2005-02-17
NOMED2.ZIP 179,483 2005-02-17 179483 09-29-91 Do It Yourself Acupressure & Massage
PEPPERS.ZIP 3,452 2005-02-17
PEPPERS.ZIP 3,452 2005-02-17 3452 03-29-91 Text On Eating Hot Peppers
PERTRAIN.ZIP 16,530 2005-02-17 16530 01-24-92 Final Regulations For Training Programs
PERTRAIN.ZIP 16,530 2005-02-17
PETECHIL.ZIP 3,395 2005-02-17
PETECHIL.ZIP 3,395 2005-02-17 3395 01-31-92 Black Bean Chili Recipe In Menu Master
QB_GARLI.ZIP 8,978 2005-02-17
QB_GARLI.ZIP 8,978 2005-02-17 8978 12-02-91 Text File On How To Buy Store Use Garlic
RBT_LEE.ZIP 18,506 2005-02-17 18506 09-28-91 Family Tree Of Robert E. Lee
RBT_LEE.ZIP 18,506 2005-02-17
REC1244C.ZIP 383,233 2005-02-17 383233 01-01-92 1244 Recipes In Compuchef Format
REC1244C.ZIP 383,233 2005-02-17
REC1244M.ZIP 335,232 2005-02-17
REC1244M.ZIP 335,232 2005-02-17 335232 01-01-92 1244 Recipes In Mealmaster Format
RECIP975.ZIP 24,068 2005-02-17 24068 11-10-91 Converts From One Recipe Program Format To
RECIP975.ZIP 24,068 2005-02-17
RFB_CBFB.ZIP 11,791 2005-02-17 11791 10-07-91 List Of Computer Oriented Titles Available
RFB_CBFB.ZIP 11,791 2005-02-17
SIGN.ZIP 61,511 2005-02-17
SIGN.ZIP 61,511 2005-02-17 61511 09-14-91 Sign Language Program
SMITHS.ZIP 133,667 2005-02-17
SMITHS.ZIP 133,667 2005-02-17 133667 11-03-91 Recipe Program Distributed By Smith's Food
SOBER.ZIP 3,907 2005-02-17 3907 10-26-91 Sobriety & Blood Alcohol Level Ascii Charts
SOBER.ZIP 3,907 2005-02-17
SUICID.ZIP 3,150 2005-02-17 3150 12-28-91 What To Say To Someone Who Is Suicidal
SUICID.ZIP 3,150 2005-02-17
SUROGATE.ZIP 4,289 2005-02-17 4289 10-11-91 Surrogate Motherhood-Is It Recommended Or Not ?
SUROGATE.ZIP 4,289 2005-02-17
USDA_NDB.ZIP 339,054 2005-02-17 339054 11-17-91 Usda Nutrient Database For Almost Every Food
USDA_NDB.ZIP 339,054 2005-02-17
VITALITY.ZIP 27,585 2005-02-17 27585 10-07-91 Health Program Calculates Risk Of Heart Attack
VITALITY.ZIP 27,585 2005-02-17
VITD.ZIP 3,832 2005-02-17 3832 06-29-91 Vitamin D Database From Doa
VITD.ZIP 3,832 2005-02-17
WOK.ZIP 46,028 2005-02-17 46028 07-07-91 Lots Of Chinese Recepies
WOK.ZIP 46,028 2005-02-17
WTBRGNDY.ZIP 12,061 2005-02-17 12061 07-30-91 Buyer's Guide To White Burgundy Wine For Win 3
WTBRGNDY.ZIP 12,061 2005-02-17
WTLOSS.ZIP 48,635 2005-02-17 48635 09-23-91 Weight Loss Program
WTLOSS.ZIP 48,635 2005-02-17
X_DRINKS.ZIP 10,566 2005-02-17 10566 02-07-90 Recipes For Drinks With Names Not Found
X_DRINKS.ZIP 10,566 2005-02-17