Index of: power_programming/BBS

Filename Size Last Modified Description
BBSC.ZIP 20,796 2011-10-31 Simple Bbs In C For Unix
BSML_250.ZIP 167,758 2011-10-31 Binkleyterm Mail/term Pgm V2.50 Borland C Src
BSRC_250.ZIP 463,372 2011-10-31 Binkleyterm Mail/term Pgm V2.50 Source
CMPBBS10.ARC 53,449 2011-10-31 Fast Compare Of Two Bbs Lists, W/qbasic Source
HSRC_117.ZIP 135,418 2011-10-31 Headedit V1.17 Sysop/point Reader Source Code
LISTCALL.ARC 12,416 2011-10-31 List Rbbs Callers File (Source In C)
MIKES30C.ARC 14,592 2011-10-31 Useful Routines From Mike's C Bbs
PUP.ZIP 140,207 2011-10-31 T. Jenning's Small Bbs With C Source
SRCH132S.ZIP 45,696 2011-10-31 Search Captured Bbs Msgs For Up To 39 Strings
WATCHKIT.ARC 17,105 2011-10-31 Reboot Crashed Bbs After Four Rings, W/asm Src
WINDKW.ARC 60,672 2011-10-31 Fido-10, Simply Window Mgmt Library
XDEV_117.ZIP 150,999 2011-10-31 Developer Kit (Util Source) For Xbbs V1.17
XSRC_117.ZIP 226,480 2011-10-31 Complete C Source For Xbbs V1.17