Index of: power_programming/C

Filename Size Last Modified Description
64COLORS.ZIP 12,382 2011-10-31 How To Display All 64 Ega Colors On Vga,w/csrc
ABMAKE14.ARC 62,897 2011-10-31 An Improved 'make' Utility W/source
ABOUT.ZIP 4,709 2011-10-31 Make Your Own On Line Help In C
ACE.ZIP 57,697 2011-10-31 A Comprehensive File Editor-V. 1.24
ADJRAM.ZIP 58,093 2011-10-31 Adjustable Ramdisk, Docs, Desmet C Source
ADVC10.ZIP 14,121 2011-10-31 Advanced C Routines
ADVC11.ZIP 14,735 2011-10-31 C Subroutine Library
ANALYZE2.ZIP 30,278 2011-10-31 C Source File S Analyzer - Function Dir
ANSI.ZIP 2,828 2011-10-31 Test Ansi Driver Functions
AREACODE.ZIP 5,846 2011-10-31 Returns Phone Areacode For State Or Vice-Vers
ARGTEST.C 1,442 2011-10-31 Tests Function, Getargs()
ATOL.ZIP 512 2011-10-31 Atol Functions
BACKLOG.C 3,797 2011-10-31 Get Latest Add To Backup.log From Dos Backup/l
BAL.ZIP 1,648 2011-10-31 Balance Parens, Comments, Etc...
BATQUEST.ZIP 12,857 2011-10-31 Batch File Questionnaire Help File Written In C
BEYONDC.ZIP 31,037 2011-10-31 Ascii File Comparison Utility
BIGSORT.ARC 19,451 2011-10-31 Big Sort With C Source Code
BISICC.ZIP 17,251 2011-10-31 Unix Like Cc Command
BITMANIP.ZIP 3,361 2011-10-31 Bit Manipulation Functions In C
BITUUDEC.C 7,191 2011-10-31 Msdos/vms Uudecode Fixes Lost Trailing Spaces
BPLUS11.ZIP 25,330 2011-10-31 B+ File Routines For C
BRACE.ZIP 9,033 2011-10-31 Check C Source Code To Verify Paired Braces
BTOA.ARC 6,182 2011-10-31 'c' Source For Binary-To-Ascii Convert Pgm
C1.ZIP 5,602 2011-10-31 Source For C Printf, Sprintf, Etc.
C80TCOG.ZIP 43,125 2011-10-31 Cpm C80 C Funcs (Mostly F/software Tools)
C_ANALYZ.ZIP 30,278 2011-10-31 Analyze C Source And Header Files
C_COMP.ZIP 38,633 2011-10-31 Small C Compiler For The Ibm Pc
C_RESIDE.ZIP 5,317 2011-10-31 Create Memory Resident Software. Written In C
C_WNDW.ZIP 123,103 2011-10-31 C_window Toolkit Tm For Turbo C And Quick C
CALLS.ZIP 12,278 2011-10-31 Finds Subroutine Calls In C Source
CALLS2.ZIP 12,278 2011-10-31 Pd C Function Call Analyzer W/source
CASYNC.ZIP 5,731 2011-10-31 Function To Call Any Interrupt From Lattice
CB.ZIP 3,345 2011-10-31 Great Checkbook Program (Color/mono)9/86
CB2.ZIP 13,937 2011-10-31 Code Beautifier For C
CC.ZIP 13,555 2011-10-31 C-Debugger With Source Code
CC1.ZIP 13,451 2011-10-31 C Source Paren, Bracket & Comment Checker
CC68.ZIP 119,937 2011-10-31 C Cross Compiler For 68k Family
CCHECK.ZIP 27,621 2011-10-31 Checks For {} In "c" Programs
CCOMP.ZIP 38,633 2011-10-31 C Compiler For The Pc
CCOUNT.ZIP 1,510 2011-10-31 Counts Lines W/comment, W/code & Total
CDOC.ZIP 13,838 2011-10-31 Scan C Source & Extraction Function Calls
CDOCZ.ZIP 80,941 2011-10-31 Document C Source Code
CFLOW.ZIP 15,126 2011-10-31 Reveal C Code Structure W/ C80 Source [Cp/m]
CFLOW1.ZIP 13,932 2011-10-31 Chart C Program Flow (Lattice Version)
CFLOWX.ZIP 27,346 2011-10-31 Cflow W/cross Ref In Ci86
CGRAPH.ARC 14,336 2011-10-31 Pc Compiler For C
CHASE.ZIP 6,041 2011-10-31 Robot Chase Game In Lattice
CIPHER2.ZIP 17,960 2011-10-31 Lucifer/nbs Encrypt/de-Crypt Algorithm
CLESSONS.ZIP 21,044 2011-10-31 Good Tutorial For C
CLFEB88.ZIP 34,360 2011-10-31 Source For Terminate Stay Resident Menus
CLIB1.ZIP 56,873 2011-10-31 C Library With Source (Part 1 Of 2)
CLIB2.ZIP 70,571 2011-10-31 C Library With Source (Part 2 Of 2)
CLMFEB85.ZIP 44,097 2011-10-31 Computer Language February 1985 C Routines
CMENU.ZIP 2,388 2011-10-31 Menu System With C Source
COLOR.ZIP 5,168 2011-10-31 Lets User Install Color In Your Tp4 Programs
COMM.ZIP 3,119 2011-10-31 Small Communications Program (Desmet)
COMMASM.ARC 11,544 2011-10-31 Info For Programming Ms-Dos Comm Ports
COMMSUPP.ZIP 26,975 2011-10-31 Communications Support For Desmet C
CONIO.ZIP 2,288 2011-10-31 Larry Jordon's Console I/o Functions
CPG.ZIP 29,292 2011-10-31 Source Listing Formatter
CPM2.ZIP 3,191 2011-10-31 Critical Path Method
CPMFILES.ZIP 4,707 2011-10-31 File Manipulation For Cp/m In C
CRC.ZIP 2,740 2011-10-31 Computes The Crc Using Turbo Pascal Inline Code.
CRCBBS.ARC 78,080 2011-10-31 Crc Error Checking
CREF.ZIP 21,286 2011-10-31 C Xref, Crisp & Clean, W/ Source, Msc 5.1, Quick
CRESIDE.ZIP 5,317 2011-10-31 C Interrupt Handler
CROOT.ZIP 5,036 2011-10-31 F/ddj-Mods To Aztec (C80) For Wildcard
CRT.ZIP 6,271 2011-10-31 Demos Terminal Interface.
CSOURC.ARC 53,248 2011-10-31 Turbo-C Source File Manager
CSOURCE.ZIP 116,862 2011-10-31 C Language Source Files
CSR.ARC 188,046 2011-10-31 C Spot Run For Turbo C
CSR20A.ARC 227,456 2011-10-31 C Spot Run Version 2.0
CSR30_1.ZIP 115,563 2011-10-31 C Spot Run, User-Supported C Add-On Lib 1 Of 3
CSR30_2.ZIP 159,378 2011-10-31 C Spot Run, User-Supported C Add-On Lib 2 Of 3
CSR30_3.ZIP 82,558 2011-10-31 C Spot Run, User-Supported C Add-On Lib 3 Of 3
CSYSINT.ZIP 3,214 2011-10-31 Lattice 'c' Interface To The World.
CTASK11.ZIP 184,636 2011-10-31 Multi-Task Ms C Or Turbo C Programs
CTASK22.ZIP 339,134 2011-10-31 Multitasking Kernel In C W/asm & C Source
CTEXT.ZIP 135,483 2011-10-31 C Language Tutorial
CTHREAD.ZIP 41,063 2011-10-31 C Help And Tutor
CTLBREAK.ZIP 3,084 2011-10-31 Ctrl/break Handler
CTOOLBX1.ZIP 155,841 2011-10-31 C Toolbox Utility Shareware W Reg Req
CTOPAS.ZIP 1,789 2011-10-31 C To Pascal Translator
CTRL_C.C 13,316 2011-10-31 Intercept Ctrl C's
CTUT.ZIP 116,970 2011-10-31 Tutorial For Programming In C
CTUTOR1.ZIP 123,218 2011-10-31 Learn About C (Part 1 Of 2)
CTUTOR2.ZIP 123,399 2011-10-31 Learn About C (Part 2 Of 2)
CUG236.ZIP 110,352 2011-10-31 C Utilities From The C Users Group
CURPOS.ASM 766 2011-10-31 Cursor Positioning For C
CURSES.ZIP 66,752 2011-10-31 C Window Development Toolkit For Ms C: Demo
CUTILS.ZIP 25,779 2011-10-31 C Utility Functions
CVFIX11.ZIP 3,679 2011-10-31 Fixes Some Bugs In Ms Codeview Version 1.0
CWD.C 4,697 2011-10-31 Change Working Directory For C
CXL.ZIP 116,936 2011-10-31 C Library With Windows, Menus, And More...
CXL41.ZIP 125,756 2011-10-31 C Programmer's Extended Function Library Ver 4.1
CXL41_MS.ZIP 43,768 2011-10-31 Small Memory Library For Microsoft C & Quick C
CXL_MS.ZIP 41,525 2011-10-31 Cxl 4.0 Library For Ms C And Quick C
CXL_TC.ARC 44,406 2011-10-31 Cxl 4.0 Library For Turbo C
CXLHDERR.ZIP 3,134 2011-10-31 C Source For Critical Error Handler With Cxl
CXREF.ZIP 23,294 2011-10-31 Another C Cross Referencing Utility
DAY.ZIP 1,506 2011-10-31 Turbo Julian Type Date Conversions
DB2TXT02.ZIP 11,168 2011-10-31 List Structure Of Dbaseii Files/packs, C Source
DBREAK.ZIP 4,361 2011-10-31 Disable Ctl-C/ctl-Break/ctl-Alt-Del. C Source
DEBUGC.ZIP 3,286 2011-10-31 C Lang Debug Aid W/ Doc, C Src Code
DFIELD.ZIP 12,390 2011-10-31 Lattice Obj File For Data Field Functions
DIRLIB.C 12,481 2011-10-31 Unix 'dirlib' Package Ported To Ms-C
DISPIO.ZIP 23,798 2011-10-31 Bios Video Functions & Applications
DLC_TSR.ZIP 8,335 2011-10-31 Tsr Library Function For Daylight 'c'.
DLIBS.ZIP 70,886 2011-10-31 Shareware Library For Datalight C
DLIBSSRC.ZIP 90,267 2011-10-31 Shareware Library For Datalight C
DLLIB.ZIP 150,934 2011-10-31 C Library For Datalight C Compiler
DMAKE37S.ZIP 514,590 2011-10-31 C Src: 'make' Util For Ms-Dos & Unix Sysv/bsd
DOS.ZIP 18,535 2011-10-31 C Code To Manipulate Dos Functions
DRIVERS.ZIP 13,066 2011-10-31 Device Driver Interface For Lattice C
DSKTST.ZIP 12,818 2011-10-31 Disk Test Prog In Lattice C
DUPS.ZIP 15,876 2011-10-31 All Duplicate File Names To Std Out
ELEMC.ZIP 104,887 2011-10-31 Basic C Prgms, Useful For Advanced Prgrms
ERAQ.ZIP 5,525 2011-10-31 Delete Function With Verify And Pathing
ERRMERGE.ZIP 25,611 2011-10-31 Merge Error Messages With Source
EXECNEW.ZIP 2,980 2011-10-31 Load & Execute Programs From Lattice C
EXTMEM.ZIP 13,602 2011-10-31 Access Extended Memory In C
FFT142.ZIP 97,916 2011-10-31 Fast Fourier Transforms, With C Source
FIELD.ZIP 2,550 2011-10-31 Fields In C
FILEIO.ZIP 1,635 2011-10-31 File I/o Functions
FRAME.ZIP 1,033 2011-10-31 Draw A Frame On The Screen
FXOC.ZIP 2,000 2011-10-31 Function Extraction Utility
GDIR.C 8,951 2011-10-31 Enhanced Dir W/attributes, Hidden/system Files
GENCSRC.ARC 122,617 2011-10-31 Coronado's Generic 'c' Tutor V2.0, (1 Of 2)
GET_IT.ZIP 24,660 2011-10-31 Find, Goto Sub-Directories Using Text Files
GETARGS.C 4,035 2011-10-31 Get Cmd Line Args
GETF.ARC 49,152 2011-10-31 Locate 'c' Source File W/particular Function
GETSEG.ZIP 1,123 2011-10-31 Get Value For All Segment Resistors
GLOB.ZIP 10,501 2011-10-31 Plot Globular Star Clusters As Dots On Screen.
GOODIE.ZIP 1,980 2011-10-31 This Is Bizaare!!
GOTHIC.ZIP 28,858 2011-10-31 Gothic Banner Printer With C Source
GRAPH.ARC 18,148 2011-10-31 Graphics Library For Cga
GYMAKE12.ARC 50,745 2011-10-31 Make Utility For Ms-Dos W/c Source V1.2
HANOI.ZIP 1,931 2011-10-31 Tower Of Hanoi, Clr Graphics, Exmpl Of Recursion
HASH.ZIP 16,940 2011-10-31 Phone Book Prgrm Uses Hash Code To Store Names.
HSORT.C 5,018 2011-10-31 General Purpose Heapsort For C
IBMCUR.C 3,236 2011-10-31 C & Asm Fast Screen Write, Save, And Restore
IBMTTY.ZIP 6,483 2011-10-31 L. Cuthbertson's Tty Program In C
IMC9101.ZIP 5,014 2011-10-31 Inside Microsoft C Journal Source, Jan. 1991
IMC9102.ZIP 4,642 2011-10-31 Inside Microsoft C Journal Source, Feb. 1991
IMC9103.ZIP 6,426 2011-10-31 Inside Microsoft C Journal Source, March 1991
IMC9104.ZIP 6,802 2011-10-31 Inside Microsoft C Journal Source, April 1991
IMC9106.ZIP 9,863 2011-10-31 Inside Microsoft C Journal Source, June 1991
INDENT.ARC 37,886 2011-10-31 Indents 'c' Programs (Exe And Doc, No Source)
INDENTSR.ARC 63,175 2011-10-31 Indents 'c' Programs (C Source Only, No Exe)
INDEX.ZIP 3,447 2011-10-31 Msdos And Cpm Versions Ws File, Word, Phase Indx
INFERNG.ZIP 58,508 2011-10-31 Inference Engine With C Source
INGRES.ZIP 5,593 2011-10-31 Example Of Good C Code Style
INKEY.ZIP 1,955 2011-10-31 Input From Keyboard Function
INPUT.mht 5,718 2011-10-31
INPUTS.ZIP 298 2011-10-31 Inputs String From Keyboard
INTERCEP.ASM 6,269 2011-10-31 Prevent Printing ^c With Signal() In Ms-C
INTERRPT.ZIP 2,054 2011-10-31 Provides Vector Lists & Locates Roms
IOS.ZIP 3,859 2011-10-31 Level 1 I/o Functions
ISCHECK.ZIP 961 2011-10-31 Checks Issomthing Matrix
ISRCLCK.ZIP 4,492 2011-10-31 Trap Timer Interrupts
JAZLIB.ARC 176,128 2011-10-31 C Utility Library With Source (W/c)
JPLC1.ARC 87,762 2011-10-31 C Library From The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPLC2.ZIP 91,717 2011-10-31 C Library From The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
K_R.ZIP 26,818 2011-10-31 The C Programming Language, Kernighan & Ritchie.
KERM.ZIP 15,828 2011-10-31 Reliable File Transfer Program
KERNEL.ARC 24,710 2011-10-31 Multitasking Kernel From Ddjournal, W/asm Src
KWMV.ZIP 7,498 2011-10-31 Modify Croot.c (Aztec) For Wildcard Support
LAR.ZIP 7,344 2011-10-31 Lu Type Library Utility C Source
LAR2.ZIP 8,469 2011-10-31 Source For Library Utility
LAR_C86.ZIP 8,898 2011-10-31 Library Utility In C86 Source
LBN.ZIP 5,402 2011-10-31 Another C Source Checker
LEJ.ZIP 2,773 2011-10-31 Larry Jordon's C Library
LEX.ZIP 119,458 2011-10-31 Generate Table Driven Lexical Analyzer
LIFE.ARC 2,874 2011-10-31 The Game Of Life In C
LISTC.ZIP 3,955 2011-10-31 Another C File Lister
LOCATE.ZIP 1,242 2011-10-31 C Routine To Position Cursor
LU.ZIP 7,403 2011-10-31 Library Utility In C Source
LUCIFER.ZIP 7,899 2011-10-31 Encrypt/de-Crypt Bytes, Lucifer Alogrithm
MAEK.C 17,577 2011-10-31 Public Domain Make
MAIN.ZIP 1,119 2011-10-31 Shell Program - Includes Command Line
MAKE.C 26,326 2011-10-31 Public Domain Make
MATCH110.ZIP 19,272 2011-10-31 Unix Sh-Style Regex Parser (Wild Cards), C Src
MATH.C 12,117 2011-10-31 Double Precision Math Rtns For Lattice Or Ms-C
MATRIX.ZIP 13,153 2011-10-31 Document On Features Of Opus V-1.0
MC20.ZIP 190,861 2011-10-31 Small C Compiler, Source Code Available
MCB.ZIP 28,216 2011-10-31 Learn Memory Control Blocks Dr. Dobbs C Src/exe
MEMCLEAN.ZIP 5,146 2011-10-31 Write To Memory Anywhere..c Source
MENCON.ZIP 4,651 2011-10-31 L Cuthbertson's Menu Driver In C
MFILE.ASM 2,918 2011-10-31 Allows More Than 20 Files Open At Once In Ms-C
MFILE.C 1,111 2011-10-31 Allows More Than 20 Files Open At Once In Ms-C
MIKES30C.ZIP 13,663 2011-10-31 Microsoft 3.0 C Utility Functions
MILLISEC.ZIP 37,734 2011-10-31 Msc/asm Src For Millisecond Resolution Timing
MINILINT.ZIP 1,629 2011-10-31 T Jenning's C Source Checker
MISC.ZIP 1,299 2011-10-31 Change Cursor On Terminal
MISC1.ZIP 9,888 2011-10-31 C Functions For Dos
MISC2.ZIP 2,765 2011-10-31 Misc C Functions For C86
MOT2INTL.mht 1,431 2011-10-31
MOVEMEM.ZIP 1,189 2011-10-31 C Callable Function To Move Memory
MSC.C 3,712 2011-10-31 Program To Pass Arguments From A File To Cl
MSC_WIND.ZIP 9,015 2011-10-31 Text Window Routines For Ms C Version 5.0
MSCTOOLS.ZIP 11,362 2011-10-31 Lynn Long's Tools For Ms 3.0 C Compiler
MSSWITCH.ZIP 1,718 2011-10-31 Undoc Switches In Ms C 4.0
MULTITSK.ZIP 33,634 2011-10-31 Multitasking Routines For Lattice C
MV.mht 71,847 2011-10-31
MV_LINE.ZIP 10,183 2011-10-31 Move Lines From One File To Another C Src, Exe
NAMES.ARC 2,414 2011-10-31 Name And Address Database In C
NEWOPT88.ZIP 12,326 2011-10-31 Optimize Desmet C Compiler Output
NOTE11.ZIP 17,824 2011-10-31 Notebook Program W/ Ms-C Src.
NUMBIT.ZIP 8,490 2011-10-31 Find Value Of Number In Another Base
ONE_ON_9.ZIP 15,938 2011-10-31 Learn C Pointers And Data Structures
PAREN.ZIP 13,853 2011-10-31 Checks For Parenthesis Errors In C Progs
PARSER.ZIP 9,194 2011-10-31 Finite State Parser
PC_8250.ZIP 43,556 2011-10-31 Serial Port Rtns. & Vt100 Emul. (C Src Only)
PCPILOT.ZIP 55,049 2011-10-31 C Programmer's Tsr Utility, With Source
PPC.ARC 15,232 2011-10-31 'pretty Printer' For 'c' Language Sources
PROBE.ZIP 44,588 2011-10-31 Execute Semi.ex And Click Icon To Run. Subop.
PROFIL.ARC 18,332 2011-10-31 C Language Exe Program Profiler (Source Only)
PROGCHK.ZIP 1,956 2011-10-31 Syntaxes C Pgms, {}, (), '', "", Nested Comment
QSORT.C 4,886 2011-10-31 Quick Sort In C
QSORTNET.ZIP 2,220 2011-10-31 C Source To One Qsort __ F/usenet
QUEUE.ZIP 2,441 2011-10-31 Fifo Queue In C
R_LA4_01.ZIP 27,690 2011-10-31 Thirty-Three C Programs
R_LA4_02.ZIP 40,267 2011-10-31 Thirty C Programs
RANDOM.ZIP 1,996 2011-10-31 Random Number Generator
READWRIT.ZIP 4,918 2011-10-31 L. Cuthbertson's Read/write Functions In C
REBOOT.C 961 2011-10-31 How To Do A Warm Or Cold Boot In 'c' Language
REDIRECT.mht 2,699 2011-10-31
RENAME.ZIP 343 2011-10-31 Functional Equivalent Of Dos Ren Command
RES.ZIP 9,816 2011-10-31 Reply To Dos Restore Command W/c Source
RFILE.ZIP 1,365 2011-10-31 Accessing Random Files In 'c'
ROBOT01.ZIP 254,227 2011-10-31 A Robot Control C Library, 1 Of 4
ROBOT02.ZIP 46,065 2011-10-31 A Robot Control C Library, 2 Of 4
ROBOT03.ZIP 49,860 2011-10-31 A Robot Control C Library, 3 Of 4
ROBOT04.ZIP 41,381 2011-10-31 A Robot Control C Library, 4 Of 4
ROMAN.ZIP 661 2011-10-31 Convert Numbers To Roman Numerals
ROOTPATH.C 3,131 2011-10-31 Convt Pathname Arg To Root-Based Connical Form
SCBENCH.ZIP 148,537 2011-10-31 Good Benchmark In Small C
SCI.ZIP 40,762 2011-10-31 Version 1.3 Small C Interpreter
SCSIDRVR.ARC 14,106 2011-10-31 'c' Source For Scsi Disk Drivers
SECRET.ZIP 21,907 2011-10-31 Cpm Encode/decode Routines In C W/ Documentation
SHAR.C 644 2011-10-31 Concatenate Text Files Like Unix 'shar'
SIGNAL.ZIP 11,424 2011-10-31 Trap Interrupts In Lattice C
SINE.mht 6,044 2011-10-31
SMALL_C.ZIP 83,678 2011-10-31 A Small C Compiler With Library And Source
SNAKEOIL.ZIP 7,850 2011-10-31 More C Functions
SNAP.ARC 2,739 2011-10-31 Dump Memory Area In Hex/character Format
SORT.ZIP 1,166 2011-10-31 C Source For Shellsort & Quicksort
SORT2.ZIP 3,577 2011-10-31 Lattice Sorting Function
SORTC.ZIP 12,039 2011-10-31 A Good Ascii Sort Routine From Decus
SORTDIR.ARC 2,815 2011-10-31 Sorts Directories
SOUNDEX.ARC 11,648 2011-10-31 Soundex Algorithm In C
SOUNDEX1.ARC 2,048 2011-10-31 Soundex Algorithm In C
SPEAKER.C 488 2011-10-31 'c' Language Routines To Output Sound To Spkr
SPLINE.C 15,722 2011-10-31 Interpolate Using Splines Under Tension
SQ_USQ.ZIP 17,372 2011-10-31 C Source Of Usq And Sq (Ver 18)
SRT.ZIP 1,834 2011-10-31 Antoher C Sorting Utility
STAYRESC.ZIP 27,459 2011-10-31 Terminate & Stay Resident In C
STRINDS.ZIP 5,847 2011-10-31 Find A String In C
STRING.ARC 77,657 2011-10-31 More Different String Functions For C
STRLIB.ZIP 75,635 2011-10-31 C String Routine
STRUCT.ZIP 2,668 2011-10-31 Hint On Using Filler In C Structures
SUPER_C.ZIP 77,926 2011-10-31 Source Code From "supercharging C"
SWITCH.ZIP 724 2011-10-31 Select Active Display
TABX.C 3,564 2011-10-31 Filter That Expands Tabs To Spaces
TAGS.C 74,214 2011-10-31 Tags File System For C And Epsilon
TCBUG03.ZIP 7,979 2011-10-31 C Library Documentation Bug List
TCDEBUG6.ARC 71,680 2011-10-31 Experimental Debugger
TCDEV.ARC 4,096 2011-10-31 Device Driver With Source Code
TCXL.ZIP 130,386 2011-10-31 Window Library From Cis
TCXREF.ARC 13,312 2011-10-31 Cross Reference Utility
TEACHC.ZIP 116,973 2011-10-31 Teaches You How To Program In The 'c' Language.
TIME.ZIP 413 2011-10-31 A World Time Clock
TIMESTMP.C 3,066 2011-10-31 Time & Date Routines For C86 And Lattice-C
TIMEX.ZIP 14,717 2011-10-31 Timed Execution Of Dos Cmds W/ C Source
TOOLKIT.ZIP 36,862 2011-10-31 A Good Acc Toolkit Utility File
TOOLS.ZIP 69,920 2011-10-31 Unix Like Tools With C Source
TPRINT.ARC 3,032 2011-10-31 Print One C Function Per Page
TR.ZIP 2,482 2011-10-31 Transliteration Program
TSR_ASM.ARC 25,012 2011-10-31 C-Callable Assembler Routines To Go Tsr
TSRC.ARC 14,713 2011-10-31 Tsrs In C, Source Code From Computer Language
TTY.ZIP 11,468 2011-10-31 General Purpose Terminal Program
TYPESQ.ZIP 3,425 2011-10-31 Type A Squeezed Ascii File
U16PC.ARC 15,147 2011-10-31 'c' Language Source For 'uncompress' For Pc
UNIXCLIB.ASM 9,954 2011-10-31 Unix/c Functions In Masm For Desmet C
VT100TST.ZIP 14,101 2011-10-31 Vt 100 Emulator And Test In C
VTYPE.ZIP 12,283 2011-10-31 Manipulate Dos Type Command
WART.ZIP 20,027 2011-10-31 Unix Like Lex In C
WEEKDAY.C 1,492 2011-10-31 Computes Weekday For Date W/zeller Congruence
WILDCARD.ZIP 5,253 2011-10-31 Wildcard Command Line Parsing
WILDF113.ZIP 25,438 2011-10-31 Unix Sh-Style Regex Parser (Wild Cards), C Src
WIND_C86.ZIP 20,005 2011-10-31 Window Functions For Ci86
WINDOW.ZIP 18,279 2011-10-31 Window Routines, Window.doc & Window.pas.
WINDOW4C.ZIP 48,447 2011-10-31 Add Windows To Your C Programs
WINDSMET.ZIP 18,279 2011-10-31 Window Functions For Desmet (Portable)
WPUTCHAR.ZIP 1,318 2011-10-31 Fixes Bug In Twindow.c
WR_PROT.C 1,175 2011-10-31 Check To See If A Drive Is Write Protected
XC.ZIP 15,192 2011-10-31 C Cross Referncer
XC1.ZIP 23,035 2011-10-31 Cross Ref For C W/lew Paper Additions
XENIX.ZIP 4,036 2011-10-31 Ready To Link Xenix
XMSLB17.ZIP 19,399 2011-10-31 Xms Library For Turbo/borland C/c++, W/source
XREF.ARC 2,547 2011-10-31 Cross Reference Algorithm (Version 1.0)
XRF.ARC 40,324 2011-10-31 C Crossref Lister W/computer Innovations C Src
YACCUNX.ZIP 85,999 2011-10-31 Unix / Xenix Version Of Yacc W/ Source
YEARCAL.ZIP 61,142 2011-10-31 Super Calendar Program In C