Index of: power_programming/DIRUTL

Filename Size Last Modified Description
ALLDIR.ARC 6,686 2011-10-31 Directory Function
ANYWHERE.ZIP 21,495 2011-10-31 Find Files Across Multiple Drives
CHATT.ZIP 14,069 2011-10-31 Change File Attributes From Command Line
CHNGFIL.ASM 3,052 2011-10-31 Change File Attribute, Read-Only/hidden/system
DELETE.mht 4,371 2011-10-31
DEQ.ZIP 9,321 2011-10-31 Selective Delete W/wild Card(.c And .exe)
DF_UZ.ARC 15,043 2011-10-31 Displays Disk Free Space For All Drives, W/src
DI.ZIP 51,816 2011-10-31 Directory Listing Utility
DI11.ARC 53,250 2011-10-31 Extended Directory Lister V1.1 W/c Source
DU111.ZIP 22,575 2011-10-31 Du: Unixish Disk Usage. Many Options, W/source
DU_PV.ARC 7,450 2011-10-31 Displays Dir Tree And Disk Usage, W/a86 Src
DUPS.ARC 17,408 2011-10-31 All Duplicate File Names To Std Out
FL.ARC 29,231 2011-10-31 Fast File Locator With Turbo C V2 Source
KS_LS.ARC 27,457 2011-10-31 4.xbsd Unix-Like 'ls' Dir For Dos, W/tc1.5 Src
LS.ZIP 8,807 2011-10-31 List Files On Printer, Accepts Wildcard Cmds.
MDS_RM.ARC 19,120 2011-10-31 Unix-Like 'rm' Clone With C Source
OLDER.ASM 2,797 2011-10-31 Return Which Files Are Older
PUSH_POP.ZIP 23,887 2011-10-31 Directory Stack Manipulation Programs, W/src
PUSHDIR.ASM 10,447 2011-10-31 Save Current Drive And Subdir
PWD_C.ZIP 9,070 2011-10-31 Displays Working Dir On All Drives, W/msc Src
RENAME.ARC 306 2011-10-31 Functional Equivalent Of Dos Ren Command
RM_HS.ARC 15,637 2011-10-31 File/directory Deletion Program With Source
RM_OM.ZIP 21,778 2011-10-31 Unix-Style File/directory Deleter, W/c Source
SORTDIR.ZIP 2,952 2011-10-31 Sorts Directories
TCSEARCH.ZIP 2,253 2011-10-31 Directory Search Routine In Turbo C W Src
TK_LS.ARC 21,566 2011-10-31 Unix-Like Ls Dir. Lister For Ms-Dos W/src V1.0
TREE.ARC 7,632 2011-10-31 Graphic Tree Directory (Pd) With Masm Source
TREEDIR.ZIP 3,072 2011-10-31 Routines To Access Directories.
UPDATE.C 17,949 2011-10-31 Copy New/altered Files, With Confirmation
WHEREIS.ASM 10,294 2011-10-31 Locate File On Hard Drive
WHEREIS.DOC 657 2011-10-31 Doc For Whereis.asm