Index of: power_programming/DSKUTL

Filename Size Last Modified Description
800KS.ZIP 9,355 2011-10-31 Format 360k Disk To 800k On At, W/masm Source
BOOTCODE.ASM 9,467 2011-10-31 Create Your Own Custom Boot Records
COPYDSK.ZIP 18,914 2011-10-31 Similar To Dos's Xcopy, Only Better. W/c Src
DFIX12.ZIP 14,081 2011-10-31 Finds And Marks Bad Disk Sectors, W/c Source
DISKF1.ASM 4,358 2011-10-31 Corrects At Floppy Disk Timing Problems
DSKTST.ARC 13,733 2011-10-31 Disk Test Program In Lattice C
DSKWATCH.ASM 6,686 2011-10-31 Report Disk Errors In Screen Window
DTST20.ZIP 15,214 2011-10-31 Scan Disk Weak Sectors Which May Fail, W/c Src
DU.C 7,070 2011-10-31 Routine To Display Disk Space Usage
FIXDSK.ASM 3,336 2011-10-31 Corrects At Floppy Disk Timing Problems
HDSENTRY.ARC 3,584 2011-10-31 Rudimentary Hard Disk Protection (W/asm)
HDSOURCE.ARC 95,713 2011-10-31 Pd Ver Of Ibm's Advanced Diags W/asm Src
LAN.ARC 75,144 2011-10-31 Floppy-Based Lan W/ Pascal Source
LLFORMAT.ASM 2,428 2011-10-31 Hard Disk Low-Level Format Pgm. Asm Source
PARK.ZIP 613 2011-10-31 Park That Hard Disk (Source)
PASSWRD6.ARC 7,832 2011-10-31 Install Password On Hard Disk, W/asm Source
PAU_50.ARC 3,381 2011-10-31 Park One Or Two Hard Disks V5.0, W/asm Source
PDTIMPRK.ARC 9,269 2011-10-31 Public Domain Auto Hd Park, With Source
PROTECT.ASM 6,045 2011-10-31 Toggle Write-Protect On Hard Disk
QFORMAT.ARC 7,808 2011-10-31 Memory Resident Quick Disk Reformatter (W/asm)
REFORM12.ARC 24,244 2011-10-31 Disk Defragmenter [Turbo Pas Src]
REFORM16.ARC 63,973 2011-10-31 Disk Defragmenter With Turbopascal V5.0 Source
VACUUM.ARC 6,144 2011-10-31 Recover Data From Damaged Disks W/asm
VARVDISK.ASM 12,674 2011-10-31 Variable-Size Ram Drive
VERDISK.ASM 12,751 2011-10-31 Check For Diskette Or Hard Disk For Errors
VERDISK.DOC 953 2011-10-31 Documentation For Verdisk.asm
ZERODISK.ARC 8,423 2011-10-31 Erase Unallocated Disk Blocks - With C Source