Index of: power_programming/EGA

Filename Size Last Modified Description
CGRAPH.ZIP 13,923 2011-10-31 Ega Graphics Primitives In C
EGAEPSN1.ARC 8,201 2011-10-31 Use Prtscr With Ega & Epson Printer, W/asm Src
EGAPAINT.ARC 124,288 2011-10-31 Screen Paint With Source In Turbo C 1.5
EGASAVE.ZIP 26,823 2011-10-31 Save Recall Ega Screen Images
EGASMALL.ASM 2,160 2011-10-31 Load Ega 8x8 Font For 25 Or 43 Line Screens
EGASMALL.DOC 672 2011-10-31 Doc File For Egasmall.asm
HSA_TC.ZIP 57,560 2011-10-31 C Grafix Lib For Turbo C Cga Ega Hgc
SPEEDCRT.ARC 7,780 2011-10-31 Resident Video Speedup For Ega, W/asm Source