Index of: power_programming/KEYBOARD

Filename Size Last Modified Description
CAPSCTRL.mht 1,940 2011-10-31
CLICK10.ZIP 2,763 2011-10-31 Free Keyboard Click Program With Asm Source
CTRLADEL.ASM 7,263 2011-10-31 Provides A Means Of Disabling Ctrl+alt+del
DVORAK86.ASM 4,668 2011-10-31 Remaps Pc Keyboard To Dvorak Layout
DVORAKXT.ASM 4,706 2011-10-31 Remaps Pc-Xt Keyboard To Dvorak Layout
FIX101KY.ARC 5,264 2011-10-31 At-Keyboard Key Redefiner. W/asm
INKEY.ARC 1,826 2011-10-31 Input From Keyboard Function
INPUTS.ARC 212 2011-10-31 Inputs String From Keyboard
KBEDIT20.ASM 74,522 2011-10-31 Expand Kbd Buffer, Cmd Line Storage And Edit
LOCK.ARC 4,619 2011-10-31 Lock Kbd To Protect Network Connects,w/asm Src
NUM_OFF.ASM 413 2011-10-31 Turn Numlock Off
RECALL11.ZIP 23,688 2011-10-31 Commandline Editor/history Utility, W/ Src
REKEY.ZIP 7,620 2011-10-31 Key Redefinition In C
SCNCODTP.ZIP 7,107 2011-10-31 Display Scancode For Any Key. (Tp Src & Exe)
SWAPKEY.ASM 4,671 2011-10-31 Tsr Allows Swapping Keys On Keyboard
SWPKEYAT.ASM 6,922 2011-10-31 Tsr Allows Swapping Keys On Keyboard
SWPKEYAT.DOC 2,894 2011-10-31 Documentation For Swapkeyat.asm
TEMPL.ZIP 23,356 2011-10-31 101 Keyboard Template Generator