ADDMASTR.ZIP 220,382 6-18-92 Address_Master, Unlimited number of entries, prints labels, addresses ADDPHONE.ZIP 331,960 2-13-93 AddPhone, Best Address/Phone Directory Available today AMPLE.ZIP 184,042 2-13-93 Ample Notice, Flexible Calendar/Alarm Clock Software APCAL_31.ZIP 217,828 1-14-93 Extremely easy Calander Program, setup with everything you are familiar with ASCDBF26.ZIP 58,443 8-18-92 Convert Text Files To ASCII Delimited files BBMAIL34.ZIP 286,632 5-28-90 B&B Mail, Professional Mailing List System, Umlimited BCARDS12.ZIP 191,986 10-19-92 "BALLCARDS" V1.2 - The #1 sports card invent prg! Track ANY kind of card you collect. BD2DOC21.ZIP 161,009 1-14-93 Generate FoxPro,FoxBase and DBF files and Browse in any document CATDISK.ZIP 174,440 8-23-93 CATDISK V6.31 ORGANIZE A DIRECTORY IN ALPHA ORDER OR DISKS. EXTRACTS COMP. FILES, ETC. CITYS263.ZIP 406,890 6-05-93 Database With Info About Over 200 US Cities DATMAG_1.ZIP 180,877 1-14-93 DATAMAGE, Computerized data storage and Retreival System 1/3 DATMAG_2.ZIP 261,765 1-14-93 DATAMAGE, Computerized data Storage and Retreival System 2/3 DATMAG_3.ZIP 312,314 1-14-93 DATAMAGE, Computerized data storage and Retreival System 3/3 DATMANAG.ZIP 288,472 1-01-92 DataManager, Great tool for Office or home to keep track of information DBFDC103.ZIP 113,329 1-14-93 dbf_DOC, dBase III Documentation Support Utility DBMENU41.ZIP 62,313 1-14-93 dbMenu, dBase III+ menu application Generator DEDIT_10.ZIP 70,992 1-14-93 dEdit, Allows to direct edit of dBase III and Compatible with .DBF files DINFO260.ZIP 188,614 6-30-91 dInfo, Menu Driven dBase Manager and relational report writer DISKTRAK.ZIP 94,611 1-14-93 DiskTrack, Quick and Easy method for keeping track of your diskette files DMSTR30.ZIP 317,912 2-13-93 DATA MASTER v3.0 Database manager, Create, modify, sort, report, query dbases. DPER17.ZIP 229,739 5-27-92 dPerfect Merge, Converts dBase files to Word Perfect secondary merge files DPG.ZIP 128,372 5-15-92 Database Program Generator, Creates Database files easy. DPROG131.ZIP 200,898 1-14-93 dProg, dBase III screen painter and System generator DSDBR22.ZIP 129,405 1-14-93 dShareware dBase Reporter, Requires very little from the user EXECBOOK.ZIP 272,920 2-13-93 The Executive Address Book, Prints and Maintains Address Book and Rolodex file EZBASE.ZIP 212,086 5-30-92 EZBase, Easy-To-Use Database management System. FASTFILE.ZIP 99,705 2-13-93 FastFile, DataBase with Wealth of easy to learn Useful Features FASTPG20.ZIP 97,416 1-14-93 FastPhone Gold, PhoneBook/Address with full sort and search compatibilities FBNCAT30.ZIP 161,267 1-14-93 Disk/Diskette cataloging utility,Catalog all files on disk prcessed FE510_1.ZIP 304,588 1-14-93 File Express, Fast, Easy, use flat file DataBase Package 1/3 FE510_2.ZIP 350,212 1-14-93 File Express, Fast, Easy, use flat file DataBase Pacake 2/3 FE510_3.ZIP 305,760 1-14-93 File Express, Fast, Easy, use flat file DataBase Pacakge 3/3 FILCAT25.ZIP 93,754 1-14-93 FileCat, Menu driven database system for files kept on your personal computer FLAG_630.ZIP 220,057 2-01-91 Flag, prevent dulicate records from Jeopardizing integrity of your dBase 3+ INTELICT.ZIP 165,106 1-14-93 InteliCat, Disk Catalogger that allows easy retreival of all files catalogged LABEL_51.ZIP 315,056 1-14-93 Label Master, Very Powerful and easy to use Mail Management Program ML_523_1.ZIP 213,518 1-14-93 Mail_List, Mailing List Manager for personal or Business use 1/2 ML_523_2.ZIP 222,442 1-14-93 Mail_List, Mailing List Manager for personal or Business use 2/2 MYB_203.ZIP 302,187 5-04-93 MyBASE, 2.03 is a very powerful and easy to use PC database package! DOS or Windows. ND_41_1.ZIP 147,376 1-14-93 Names&Dates, 5 Star mailing list and Date reminder system 1/2 ND_41_2.ZIP 91,061 1-14-93 Names&Dates, 5 Star Mailing list and Date reminder system 2/2 PA303.ZIP 157,830 8-16-93 PUBLIC ADDRESS V3.03 COMPACT ADDRESS MENU DRIVE DATABASE. SEARCHES/PRINTS ON 7 FIELDS. PCAL1441.ZIP 208,465 1-14-93 Personal Calander, Menu drivern and TSR option appointment management program PCAREA20.ZIP 85,541 1-14-93 PC_areaCode, Find virtually any ZIP code for any city/town in the U.S. PCFILE_1.ZIP 324,437 1-14-93 PC_FILE, affective DataBase management System 1/3 PCFILE_2.ZIP 352,192 1-14-93 PC_FILE, affective DataBase Management System 2/3 PCFILE_3.ZIP 212,178 1-14-93 PC_FILE, affective DataBase Management System 3/3 PPS_11.ZIP 267,984 8-13-91 People Pictures and Sounds,Phone listing DataBase Program PROF20_1.ZIP 212,329 1-14-93 Professional Filing System 1/2 PROF20_2.ZIP 185,426 1-14-93 Professional Filing SYstem 2/2 PUBLICAD.ZIP 140,733 1-14-93 Public Address, Easy to use compact Address DataBase, Menu Driven PXINE.ZIP 58,167 5-15-92 Create Paradox Index By Field name. QUERY21E.ZIP 232,983 1-14-93 QQuery, Helps Create, Modify, and replay Logical Expressions for FoxPro and dBase RECAP_24.ZIP 174,648 1-14-93 ReCap, Change all of you Characters on DataBase Program to CAPS or LowerCase SYSTRAK1.ZIP 187,220 1-14-93 SysTrack, SoftWare Tracking System to Maintain Record on registered SoftWares TABS_21.ZIP 187,303 11-25-91 The Address Book Solution, TSR Address List Program TDB_401.ZIP 187,990 12-03-91 The Address Book, Rolodex type program VMR_V10.ZIP 115,565 1-14-93 Calendars and Monthly Reminders, this is an easy Electronic Date Book VPINFO_1.ZIP 335,978 1-14-93 VP_INFO Level,Complete xBase programming Language 1/2 VPINFO_2.ZIP 181,653 1-14-93 VP_INFO Level,Complete xBase programming Language 2/2 WAMPUM_1.ZIP 262,874 8-16-93 WAPUM V4.5 FULL FEATURED MENU DRIVEN DBASE COMP. DATABASE SYS. DEVELOP POWERFUL (1/2) WAMPUM_2.ZIP 100,944 8-16-93 APPLICATIONS. EASY TO USE MENUS. CHOOSE CLIPPER/DBASE III+/FOXBASE+/INDEXES (2/2). WORKBASE.ZIP 263,560 8-23-93 WORKBASE V3.51 INTERACTIVE ENV. FOR DBASE LANGUAGE COMMANDS. CREATE DBF/APPEND/EDIT ETC WSSI525A.ZIP 166,299 1-03-93 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.25, 1 of 2. Build database of directory info, any size DOS disk WSSI525B.ZIP 104,671 1-03-93 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.25, part 2 of 2. ZEPHYR_1.ZIP 361,964 1-14-93 Zephyr, FoxPro Compatible, Menu driven DataBase Management System 1/2 ZEPHYR_2.ZIP 359,980 1-14-93 Zephyr, FoxPro Copmatible, Menu driven DataBase MAnangement System 2/2 ZPKY203E.ZIP 205,450 1-14-93 ZipKey, Finds ZipCode, City and State put them in your program with keypress