-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- +- -+ -+ WOLF DEBUG FOR WOLFENSTEIN 3-D +- +- -+ -+ +- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This .TXT file will tell you how to use WOLF DEBUG for the Registered Version of Wolfenstein 3-D. At the command prompt... You will normally type: C:\WOLF3D>wolf3d to get into Wolfenstein. But to activate WOLF DEBUG you would type: C:\WOLF3D>wolf3d -goobers Then press Enter. After you are inside Wolfenstein 3-D, Start a mission and when you are able to move around press... o The LEFT SHIFT key (shift on the left side of the keyboard) o The ALT key o The BACKSPACE key ...all together at the same time. When you do it right, the words "DEBUGGING KEYS ACTIVATED" will flash on the middle of the screen. To use the Debugging keys you must press the TAB key with a letter of the alphabet. Almost all of the TAB+LETTER combinations will cause something to happen. At the bottom of this .TXT is a list of the different functions. -LIST- TAB+___ | Function ============================================== A | nothing B | Border Color C | Statics and Actor info. (???) D | nothing E | Skips next level F | Shows coordinates G | Activates GOD mode (invincible) H | Makes you hurt a little I | Gives you Free items J | nothing K | nothing L | nothing M | memory information N | nothing O | nothing P | Pause Q | fast Quit R | nothing S | slow motion T | shows various graphics used in game U | nothing V | VBL'S (???) W | Warps to any level X | Extra Stuff Y | nothing Z | nothing (???)=author of this has no idea of what this does There are two secret levels in this game one in EP1 and the other in EP3. Use the WARP function to get to them. TEXT FILE WRITTEN BY AARON HILL ALIAS REPTILE OF SHAWNEE, PA