TO: BaDraxas1, Re: Copy of: The Arcturan Federation Symbiotica Legation ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: New Wung Fu Director, 104666,3452 TO: Dalmion, 104666,3452 CC: Chung Box , 75200,776 Yeh Ming, 76540,77 DATE: 7/13/96 4:17 PM RE: Copy of: The Arcturan Federation Symbiotica Legation The question arises as to what form of Government exists within the Nation of Symbiotica, and The Arcturan Federation Symbiotica Legation. The Answer is a bit complex, so I will try here to provide a breif outline, or overview. Most administrative details are managed by "Competence". This is a consultation and study group who's members are chosen on the basis of their own conpetence and expertise. All operations conducted by the staff of the Legation are subject to review by "Competance" and their primary role is to provide expertise by consultation as to how any and all operations suggested or proposed by any individuall, or group or individualls can achieve any specific objective. Often several different aproaches are suggested, and any specific operation must be approved by "Competance" prior to it's implementation in order to give "Competance" an oportunity to ensure that the specific objective is achievable in the manner decided upon without any conflict with other operations, or the overall policy of the Legation. Another important operation at the Legation is "Resources". Tbis operation provides technical and material support for all individuall and Legation operations and it responsible for plant maintenance, research for design and prototype delevopement, as well as to provide all material resorces to the Legation and it's staff and populations. All administrative details are the primary responsibility of the directors of "Competance". They are essentially a ruling plutocracy apointed on the basis of their objectivity, reliability, professionalism, and other qualifications. They are known as "The Competency Command Authority of The Arcturan Federation Symbiotica Legation". Interestingly enough there is a disproportionally higher percentage of persons of Earthling extraction within "The Competency Command Authority" than in any other Legation operation, or the population as a whole. Discipline is maintained by the Queen's operation called "Tyrany". They are also called "State Security". They are accountable directly to the Queen, and myself, and also the "Competent Command Authority". They are divided into two factions, those that are themselves sexually active, and trained to use sexually coecrcive methods. and those that are completely asexuall themselves, and employ all methods of coersion. One of their primary responsibilities is to protect my personal safety here on the surface, as I continue to try to liason with our enemies, and make contact with the general public. The body of the Law within our Hegemony is entitled: "The Rules Of Proceedure Of The New Undeground, Published in 1988" It outlines specific guidlines for the implementation of; Participtory Democracy. Preemtive Intervention, and Restraint and Rehabilitation. It also clearly defines the differences between our way, and other systems of Jurisrudence, such "Crime and Punishment", and "Sin and Retribution". Under our law, amnesty is permissable for all crimes, and violations, under specifically defined conditions, except for the one offense which is the only capital offense under our Law. The text of these ordinances can be found in U.S. Secret Service Activities File # 4909469096. (this information should be available to the public from: & Unsolved Mysteries AT For the purposes of an interesting comparative analysis, this file also contains fraudulent misrepresentations of our Law under titles like; The New Rules of Proceedure of the Underground. or The New Undergound Rules of Proceedure. Etc., Etc.... See if you can tell by the content of the material, rather than by it's title, which one is the genuine article. Particapatory Democracy is the process whereby the ruling Plutocracy who are appointed strictly upon the basis of their qualifications, manage a universal teleconferance with the entire population. The purpose of these meetings, when they are called, are to determine matters of policy for the society as a whole. This is not a plebescite. It is NOT a matter of one man one vote and majority rules. It is in fact required that a concensus be achieved before a policy can be adopted. Any individual, or group of individualls can call for a quorum of the consesus in regards to any issue, or proposal. I alone have the final say as to whether or not a measure is or is not adopted as a matter of policy, and everyone, all thirty two thousand billion of us, has an oportunity to share their views, and engage in dialogue before an attempt is made to achieve the required consesus. Participation in a consesus conference when it is called is mandatory for all persons, as is military training, also copulsory, for all persons at all times. Active combat roles are strictly voluntary, and volunteers for active combat duty must undergo additional training for any and every specific operation. There is no pyramidal command structure in regards to rank. All combat personnel must be fully qualified in all areas of speciallisation in order to make them fully competent as interchangable parts. Command rank is established on a per diem, or per operational basis and is limmited to only duty officer, and officer of the day. All combat personnel must be fully brifed in regards to military intellegence, everyone gets the "Big Picture", and virtually no military intellegence information is restricted on a need to know basis.