Keywords: abander,tag,control,tag editor,mp3,ogg,vorbis,wma,asf,tag,rename,ogg,tag,editor,wma,tag,editor,CDDB,videotag,tag,and,rename,organizer,music,playlist,winamp,export,converter,encoder,viewer,image,album,art,allmusic.com.id3v1,id3v2,.ogg,.wma,.asf,.mp3,.ape,monkey
Abander TagControl is an easy to use and powerful .mp3 .ogg .wma .ape .asf .mpc .aac .flac tag editor with lyrics, album art, CDDB, Allmusic.com support. You can easily organize your music collection, rename files according to their tag information, find tag information on CDDB, easily create Playlists, export tag and mpeg information to HTML or CSV files, synchronize ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, convert wav to mp3.