

In the last version 2, it is possible to generate the shop online within a simple click and in few seconds, not in minutes


EASYSTORE is powerful, easy, communicant, ergonomic, international, customizable and securised

EASYSTORE is a powerful application for commercial company and Point of Sale, particulary is easy and simple to use, intended to all activities sector, trading, small and medium companies...

It generates your shop online and catalogue online within a simple click and various template and multi-languages,....


EASYSTORE  allows to realize an easy, simple and complet management of your commercial activity: Customers, products, services, orders, quotation, inventory, and more...


EASYSTORE  is communicating, it can be used within barcode reader, even wireless reader. The reports can be exported in Excel, HTML, PDF, TXT files and sent by Email.



EASYSTORE is very ergonomic, you don't need a special training to used it, it is multi languages, within a product label and desciption in various languages, and those will be included directly in Invoice according the customer language. It allows to associate various documents to the product(pictures, drawing, technical documents,..). Within each list of an entity you have a permanent search bar to filter and order the data.
It allows to print barcode label in various languages and various format, with or without price,...


EASYSTORE  is international, user interface is in multi languages (French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish), and is full customizable. In the Address field, there is a country list in the user language, and the city will be reached according the zip code for 22 countries (Europe and United states). Les VAT rate and others
taxes fixed or in percent are totally customizable.


EASYSTORE  allows to customize a lot of list, fields, and their labels of the user interface depending the user language, their business and their needs.


EASYSTORE  is an software compatible within the various operatng system windows, it is securised with a user password and Administrator password, each user has access rights that allow him to have an partial or full access to the application, those access rights are defined by the Administrator.

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