**** Welcome to the AGMODELS-L Discussion Group ****

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This group is for the discussion of Agricultural Simulation Models. The creation of this list has been sanctioned by the Electronic Communications Committee of the American Society of Agronomy. At present, this list is unmoderated. The list owner is Jerome Pier (jp@unl.edu).

Any and all simulation models which pertain to agriculture or the environment may be discussed. In the future, I hope to be able to make a FAQ (frequently asked questions) file available which would contain a brief description of all the simultion models in existance.

In order to get subscribers talking, I would like to request that each new subscriber introduce themself as far as name, affiliation, areas of interest models worked with and one 'burning' issue which could serve as a focal point of discussion. This introduction, though helpful, is voluntary.

The list is archived. See below how to gain access to the archive files.

Some Features of Listserv:

To get a listing of the archives available for agmodels-l send a one line command to listserv@unl.edu which contains:

index agmodels-l

then get a copy of the archive by sending another mail message:

get agmodels-l logyymm (for example, get agmodels-l log9501)


Jerome Pier jp@unl.edu

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Document created 04-Jul-95 by Steve ModenaAB4EL modena@SunSITE.unc.edu