From Mon Jul 3 20:38 EDT 1995
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 19:38:37 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Archive AGMODELS-L: file log9408, part 1/1, size 50566 bytes:

------------------------------ Cut here ------------------------------

From Tue Aug 2 04:03:32 1994
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 18:06:42 JST
Message-Id: <>
From: (Takuro Shinano)

SIGNOFF agmodels-l Takuro Shinano
Takuro Shinano
Internet ID:
Smail: Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060, JAPAN
Tel: +11-716-2111 (ex. 3845)
Fax: +11-716-0879

From Wed Aug 3 17:57:03 1994
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 1994 15:57:03 +0200 (EET)
From: Tapio Salo <>
Subject: introduction
Message-Id: <01HFH85IZU429FPVV7@hylk.Helsinki.FI>


My name is Tapio Salo and I am working as a researcher in
the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, in Jokioinen. At the moment
I am dealing with nitrogen balances of vegetable fields. Crops included
in my experiments are cabbage, carrot and onion.

Now I have been interested in using dynamic simulation models, in order
to generalize effects of different fertilization treatments in different
soil and weather conditions. I am also hoping to use these model applications
in my doctor thesis.

My knowledge of simulation models, which have been dealing with vegetables
is as follows:

de Visser 1994: Alcepas, an onion growth model based on SUCROS87..
J. Hort. Sci. 69:501-518

Work done by Greenwood, Scaife et al. in Wellesbourne, England.

2Dsoil-model by Pachepsky,Timlin, Acock, Lemmon & Trent.

Olesen et al. 199? Simulated effects of climate change on vegetable crop
production in Europe. In: The effect of climate change on agricultural and
horticultural potential in Europe.

Concerning with my own work with models, I have simulated growth of onion crop
using Swedish SOIL-SOILN model. I am also going to learn to use GLEAMS
in the near future.

If there are scientists, who are working with modelling of vegetables,
I would be very pleased to have contact with them.

with regards

Tapio Salo
Institute of Crop and Soil Science
Agricultural Research Centre
31600 Jokioinen

phone: 358 16 188420


From Wed Aug 3 11:13:28 1994
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 15:13:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rae Dubois <>
Subject: Research Database Inquiry
Message-Id: <>

This inquiry has been cross-posted to other listservs. My apologies for

May 16, 1994

The Electronic Research Database Committee of the National
Agricultural Library (NAL) requests the favor of your
participation in a brief survey to increase our knowledge of the
nature and location of agricultural research databases in
government, academic, and other non-profit research centers world

This survey is a part of the NAL Electronic Information
Initiative which is seeking to increase NAL's ability to make
data in various electronic formats available to the agricultural
community. At present we are seeking only basic information
but may contact you at a later time for additional details.

*NOTE: The information in the database should be primarily of a
research nature rather than bibliographic; for example, genetic
sequences, germplasm inventories, crop testing results, soil
analysis data and expert systems rather than citations or

1. Name/Content of Database:

2. Format: On-line:

3. Size:

4. Producer:

5. Contact Name:
Phone No:
Internet Address:

6. Are there access or other use restrictions?

7. If unrestricted, is the database available on Internet?
Internet address:

Thank you very much for your time.

Rae E. Dubois
Electronic Research Database Committee
National Agricultural Library

From Wed Aug 3 10:29:58 1994
From: (jerome pier)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Research Database Inquiry
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 15:29:58 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Rae Dubois" at Aug 3, 94 02:08:43 pm

Dear Modelers,

NOTE: Please DO NOT Reply to this post!!!!! It will go to
the discussion list! Forward your response to the following
> This inquiry has been cross-posted to other listservs. My apologies for
> duplication.
> May 16, 1994
> The Electronic Research Database Committee of the National
> Agricultural Library (NAL) requests the favor of your
> participation in a brief survey to increase our knowledge of the
> nature and location of agricultural research databases in
> government, academic, and other non-profit research centers world
> wide.
> This survey is a part of the NAL Electronic Information
> Initiative which is seeking to increase NAL's ability to make
> data in various electronic formats available to the agricultural
> community. At present we are seeking only basic information
> but may contact you at a later time for additional details.
> *NOTE: The information in the database should be primarily of a
> research nature rather than bibliographic; for example, genetic
> sequences, germplasm inventories, crop testing results, soil
> analysis data and expert systems rather than citations or
> abstracts.
> 1. Name/Content of Database:
> 2. Format: On-line:
> Diskette:
> Other:
> 3. Size:
> 4. Producer:
> 5. Contact Name:
> Phone No:
> FAX No:
> Internet Address:
> 6. Are there access or other use restrictions?
> 7. If unrestricted, is the database available on Internet?
> Internet address:
> Thank you very much for your time.
> Rae E. Dubois
> Electronic Research Database Committee
> National Agricultural Library

From Sun Aug 7 22:35:54 1994
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 1994 21:35:54 --100
From: bb@pgsun01.Uni-Trier.DE (Bodo Bernsdorf )
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Soilerosion Discussionlist

> The E-mail based Soil Erosion Discussion List at the University of Trier,
> Germany
> Introduction
> As a participant in some of the e-mail (electronic mail) based discussion lists
> which deal with Geographic Information Systems (e.g. GIS-L, IDRISI--L, etc) the
> author supposed that there must be an equivalent for themes related to soil
> erosion. However, after putting out an Internet 'request for information', none
> of the worldwide 'netlanders' could give any hints as to where to find such a
> discussion list.
> So it seemed a good idea to establish such a list. The University of Trier is
> well placed to act as host in two respects: firstly, a geo-information service
> using e-mail and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) has already been set up;
> secondly, the head of the Department of Physical Geography, Prof. Dr. G.
> Richter, is one of the founder members of the ESSC (European Society for Soil
> Conservation). Subsequent discussion with other erosion workers at the
> University of Oxford, UK, indicated enthusiastic support for such a list.
> The Intention of the Discussion List
> The list should be a forum for all geographers, geomorphologists or soil
> scientists interested in soil erosion or soil conservation. This might include
> field workers, laboratory workers, or modellers. In some cases discussion
> might be more practically-based, for example concentrating on the relative
> efficiency of different conservation systems, or the practicalities of various
> rainfall simulators. Other themes might be centred on the use of GIS with
> erosion models, on geostatistics, or on modelling erosion under changed
> climates. The list could even be used to advertise vacant posts! In the
> somewhat nucleated world of erosion researchers, such a discussion list could
> be a great aid in stimulating the interchange of knowledge concerning soil
> erosion. Let us build a worldwide list for a worldwide problem!
> How to get on the list
> To become a participant in the soil erosion discussion list, you must have
> access to e-mail. To join, send your address (including your e-mail address!)
> to the author via e-mail, fax or post (for details see below). You will then be
> placed on the distribution list, and the author will send confirmation of your
> registration by e-mail.
> After receiving this confirmation, each member of the discussion list will
> automatically receive all information sent to the list. Thus, after browsing
> this material at your leisure, you can choose to participate in discussion
> which concerns a theme you are interested in, and to ignore themes which are of
> no interest. Similarly, you can choose whether or not to ask questions that
> affect your business, or to help other participants by answering their
> questions. Note however, that only by reading some discussions without taking
> part will you learn about things which are new to you. Note also that a
> personal correspondance with people you have met by means of the
> discussion list is only possible by by-passing the list; all other
> communication is automatically sent to all list members.
> Acknowledgements
> The project 'Soil Erosion Discussion List' would not be possible without
> the help of the University Computer Centre in Trier.
> Thanks to Dave Favis-Mortlock, Oxford (UK) for the help setting up this text.
> ================================================================
> ]]]] ] ] ] ] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]]] ]]]]
> UNIVERSITY ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
> OF ]]]] ]]]]] ]] ]]] ] ]] ]]]] ] ]
> TRIER ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
> ] ] ] ] ]]]] ]]] ]]]]] ]]]]
> =================================================================
> Dipl.-Geogr. Phone : +49 (0)651/201-4524
> Bodo Bernsdorf FAX : +49 (0)651/201-3976
> Applied Physical Geography E-Mail:
> University of Trier or:
> D-54286 Trier/Germany GPS: +49.744453 +006.684998
> ================================================================
> Geographer... with the world in our heads

From Mon Aug 8 03:49:23 1994
From: Luis J Olivieri <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Soilerosion Discussionlist
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 7:49:23 EDT
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Bodo Bernsdorf" at Aug 7, 94 4:11 pm

Please subscrive me to the Soil erosion discusion list. All the infromation
is in my signature. Thanks!

Luis J. Olivieri E-Mail: or
Real Estate and Land Management
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Tel: (614)265-6781
1939 Fountain Square Ct. FAX: (614)262-2064
Columbus, OH 43224 Home: (614)764-4997

From Mon Aug 8 13:04:03 1994
From: Feliks M Landa <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Feliks Landa,Ohio State Uni,USA
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 17:04:03 EDT
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Bodo Bernsdorf" at Aug 7, 94 3:58 pm

Dear List Originator,

Please subscribe me to the Soil erosion discusion list.
Thank you.

|Dr. Feliks Landa |Phone: (614)292-8893 |
|The Ohio State University, | |
|Department of Agricultural Engineering|Fax: (614)292-9448 |
|590 Woody Hayes Drive | |
|Columbus,OH 43210-1057 ||

From Sat Aug 9 01:38:28 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: 9 Aug 1994 07:38:28 -0600
From: "Ted Zobeck" <>
Subject: Wind Erosion Listserve

Subject: Time: 5:09 PM
OFFICE MEMO Wind Erosion Listserve Date: 8/8/94

Ted Zobeck of the USDA, ARS has started a new discussion on wind erosion.
This discussion list will be similar to Agmodels-L in that it initially will
be unmoderated. I hope we can encourage discussion of any aspect of wind
erosion science, including but not limited to modeling, climatic influences,
soils, agricultural and non-agricultural aspects of wind erosion, physics,
economics, environmental impacts, etc.
To subscribe send the following message to
subscribe wind_erosion (your name). Your will receive a confirmation of
your subscription and will be issued a password. Please reset your password
as instructed in the return message. NOTE: The underline between the words
'wind' and 'erosion' must be present. You will be automatically be added to
the list from the address from which your message is sent.
Correspondence to the list will may be sent to:
Further information may be sent to list owner Ted M. Zobeck at

From Tue Aug 9 10:09:45 1994
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 14:09:45 -0400
Message-Id: <>
From: (James Byron Houser)
Subject: Re: Soilerosion Discussionlist

>> I would like to subscribe to your discussion list. My name is James Houser
>>and I'm am a doctorate student at Cornell in Ithaca NY, in the department of
>>Ag and bio engineering. I am studying the modelling of soil degradation. My
>>E.mail address is

The E-mail based Soil Erosion Discussion List at the University of Trier,
>> Germany
>> Introduction
>> As a participant in some of the e-mail (electronic mail) based discussion
>> which deal with Geographic Information Systems (e.g. GIS-L, IDRISI--L, etc)
>> author supposed that there must be an equivalent for themes related to soil
>> erosion. However, after putting out an Internet 'request for information',
>> of the worldwide 'netlanders' could give any hints as to where to find such a
>> discussion list.
>> So it seemed a good idea to establish such a list. The University of Trier
>> well placed to act as host in two respects: firstly, a geo-information
>> using e-mail and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) has already been set up;
>> secondly, the head of the Department of Physical Geography, Prof. Dr. G.
>> Richter, is one of the founder members of the ESSC (European Society for Soil
>> Conservation). Subsequent discussion with other erosion workers at the
>> University of Oxford, UK, indicated enthusiastic support for such a list.
>> The Intention of the Discussion List
>> The list should be a forum for all geographers, geomorphologists or soil
>> scientists interested in soil erosion or soil conservation. This might
>> field workers, laboratory workers, or modellers. In some cases discussion
>> might be more practically-based, for example concentrating on the relative
>> efficiency of different conservation systems, or the practicalities of
>> rainfall simulators. Other themes might be centred on the use of GIS with
>> erosion models, on geostatistics, or on modelling erosion under changed
>> climates. The list could even be used to advertise vacant posts! In the
>> somewhat nucleated world of erosion researchers, such a discussion list could
>> be a great aid in stimulating the interchange of knowledge concerning soil
>> erosion. Let us build a worldwide list for a worldwide problem!
>> How to get on the list
>> To become a participant in the soil erosion discussion list, you must have
>> access to e-mail. To join, send your address (including your e-mail
>> to the author via e-mail, fax or post (for details see below). You will then
>> placed on the distribution list, and the author will send confirmation of
>> registration by e-mail.
>> After receiving this confirmation, each member of the discussion list will
>> automatically receive all information sent to the list. Thus, after browsing
>> this material at your leisure, you can choose to participate in discussion
>> which concerns a theme you are interested in, and to ignore themes which are
>> no interest. Similarly, you can choose whether or not to ask questions that
>> affect your business, or to help other participants by answering their
>> questions. Note however, that only by reading some discussions without taking
>> part will you learn about things which are new to you. Note also that a
>> personal correspondance with people you have met by means of the
>> discussion list is only possible by by-passing the list; all other
>> communication is automatically sent to all list members.
>> Acknowledgements
>> The project 'Soil Erosion Discussion List' would not be possible without
>> the help of the University Computer Centre in Trier.
>> Thanks to Dave Favis-Mortlock, Oxford (UK) for the help setting up this text.
>> ================================================================
>> ]]]] ] ] ] ] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]]] ]]]]
>> UNIVERSITY ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
>> OF ]]]] ]]]]] ]] ]]] ] ]] ]]]] ] ]
>> TRIER ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
>> ] ] ] ] ]]]] ]]] ]]]]] ]]]]
>> =================================================================
>> Dipl.-Geogr. Phone : +49 (0)651/201-4524
>> Bodo Bernsdorf FAX : +49 (0)651/201-3976
>> Applied Physical Geography E-Mail:
>> University of Trier or:
>> D-54286 Trier/Germany GPS: +49.744453 +006.684998
>> ================================================================
>> Geographer... with the world in our heads

From J13@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Fri Aug 12 03:11:00 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 94 07:11 EDT
From: "John A. Shaffer" <J13@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: New listserver on Nutrient Mgmt.

Dear fellow netters,
I have been asked by Dr. Peter Bohn of the Penn State Agronomy
Dept. to pass along the following info:

Nutrient Management Planning Listserver

I have established a listserver to facilitate information transfer
on the topic of nutrient management. The listserver invites papers
on the topic relative to the management of fertilizers, manures and
composts in agriculture. Also welcome are announcements of conferences
meetings on the topic of nutrient management.

I will serve as 'editor' of the listserver and my chief responsibility
will be to screen postings to the listeserver to ensure that the
articles posted are of potential interest to all subscribers.

Anyone may subscribe to the listserver in the following manner.

The address of the listserver: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU

The name of the listserver is NuMP-L.

To subscribe send a note to the listserver address. In the body of
the note type


I will add your name to the subscription list. If you have any
questions about the list feel free to contact me at PJB8@PSUVM.PSU.EDU.


Peter J. Bohn

From Wed Aug 13 19:34:45 1994
From: (jerome pier)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Soilerosion Discussion List: How to Join
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 00:34:45 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <> from "James Byron Houser" at Aug 9, 94 01:10:05 pm

Dear List Subscribers,

Recently, several advertisements for new lists have
appeared on this discussion list. This is a very exciting
development as we see the increase of the number of specialized
mail list discussion groups pertaining to agricultural and
natural resource topics. This tells me that the e-mail listserver
is a very useful tool for the dissemination of information and
the exchange of ideas.

I would just like to remind subscribers that when these
announcements are posted to the discussion list, please think
about where your reply will go. I ask you not to send specific
requests to join mail lists to the AGMODELS-L discussion list but
to the individual who is advertising the list. These are
individual requests and are should not be broadcast to the
discussion group as a whole.

Thank you for your cooperation and for exploring this
important media of information exchange.

Jerome Pier

> >> I would like to subscribe to your discussion list. My name is James Houser
> >>and I'm am a doctorate student at Cornell in Ithaca NY, in the department of
> >>Ag and bio engineering. I am studying the modelling of soil degradation. My
> >>E.mail address is
> The E-mail based Soil Erosion Discussion List at the University of Trier,
> >> Germany
> >>
> >> How to get on the list
> >>
> >> To become a participant in the soil erosion discussion list, you must have
> >> access to e-mail. To join, send your address (including your e-mail
> >>address!)
> >> to the author via e-mail, fax or post (for details see below). You will then
> >>be
> >> placed on the distribution list, and the author will send confirmation of
> >>your
> >> registration by e-mail.
> >> =================================================================
> >> Dipl.-Geogr. Phone : +49 (0)651/201-4524
> >> Bodo Bernsdorf FAX : +49 (0)651/201-3976
> >> Applied Physical Geography E-Mail:
> >> University of Trier or:
> >> D-54286 Trier/Germany GPS: +49.744453 +006.684998

From Mon Aug 15 04:41:16 1994
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 11:41:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Hodges <>
Subject: nitrogen uptake
Message-Id: <>

Dear modeling netters:

I am helping the developers of the 2d-Soil model (Dennis Timlin,
Yakov Pachepsky) connect the plant growth portion of the SIMPOTATO
model to their model. Some questions are coming up regarding
nitrogen uptake and active/passive uptake. Are ammonium or urea
taken up directly by potato (I assume ammonium only), and is that
active or passive uptake? Are they taken up from the soil solution
or is ammonium coming off of soil mineral or organic particles? How
important is active uptake of nitrate for potato?


Tom Hodges Cropping Systems Modeler ___ ___
USDA-ARS / \_/ \
Rt. 2, Box 2953-A Telephone: 509-786-9207 | |
Prosser, WA 99350 Fax: 509-786-4635 \______/^\/
USA potato tuber
============= ========================
...photosynthesis makes the world go around... Mr. Potato Head

--------End of Unsent Message

From Mon Aug 15 04:18:00 1994
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 11:18:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Craul, Timothy A." <>
Subject: Soils boundaries
Message-Id: <>

I am doing my masters on the confidence of soil bounderies in GIS. I need to
find some articles on statistical representation, or search criteria for soil
boundaries. I have some papers by Burrough, Webster, and Oliver.

Does anyone have any ideas, or references to help? Anything would be of great

| Timothy Craul |
| 116 ASI Building |
| University Park, PA 16802 |
| (814) 865-2279 |

From Tue Aug 16 07:17:00 1994
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 11:17:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: GRAY HENDERSON 503-754-4739 <>
Subject: RE: Soils boundaries
Message-Id: <>

To Tim Craul:

Kim Lowell <> at the Universite' Laval has
done such work with "fuzzy" boundaries for forest type mapping
and has published on the subject. It has direct relationship to
soil boundary problems.

Gray Henderson

From DON@TIFTON.CPES.PEACHNET.EDU Tue Aug 16 07:57:06 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 11:57:06 EDT
Subject: Re: Research Database Inquiry
In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 3 Aug 1994 14:12:00 -0500 from

>Thank you very much for your time.
>Rae E. Dubois
>Electronic Research Database Committee
>National Agricultural Library
MS. Dubois:

Would you please contact me by phone or by e-mail? I have an interest and
partial "ownership" in several data bases and other information that I have
been struggling to get on-line. This is information that ARS folks in the
past have pledged to make public but it isn't happening, to the detriment of
our agency. It looks like your interest and mine might be very mutually

Don Wauchope

TIFTON, GA 31793

From Tue Aug 16 07:05:09 1994
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 13:05:09 MDT
From: Ken Rojas 303-490-8326 <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: nitrogen uptake

> Dear modeling netters:
> I am helping the developers of the 2d-Soil model (Dennis Timlin,
> Yakov Pachepsky) connect the plant growth portion of the SIMPOTATO
> model to their model. Some questions are coming up regarding
> nitrogen uptake and active/passive uptake. Are ammonium or urea
> taken up directly by potato (I assume ammonium only), and is that
> active or passive uptake? Are they taken up from the soil solution
> or is ammonium coming off of soil mineral or organic particles? How
> important is active uptake of nitrate for potato?


In RZWQM we have gone around and around on this question of NH4 uptake.
The final outcome is that only NO3 will be taken up NOT NH4. You'll get a
different answer from just about everyone you talk to. The general
feeling is that NH4 availability is governed by two processes and thusly
limited by them.

1) NH4 is absorbed, so it will not be readily available for passive
uptake. Active uptake will be the alternative uptake mechanism, but by
the time it can have effect the nitrification will have taken place.

2) NH4 nitrifies quickly into NO3, so relatively it will have a very
small effect on total uptake even it was uptaken. Therefore, just leave
it out, since it is difficult to quantify.



Ken Rojas
Hydrologist / Environmental Physicist / FORTRAN GOD : Hydrology--
Great Plains System Research Unit :
USDA - Agricultural Research Service . The
301 S. Howes St. P.O. Box E . . Ecologically
Fort Collins, CO 80522 . . Correct
phone: (303) 490-8326 // fax : (303) 490-8310 . . Science
ATTmail: A03KROJAS ..... aka: TECS

From Thu Aug 18 18:55:35 1994
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 22:55:35 EDT
From: "Ching-pin Tung" <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Planting Date Criteria?

I am courious what the criteria for determining planting dates for corn,
spring wheat, and soybean are. If you have any idea about these or know any
book or paper discussing this kind of topic, please let me know. Thanks in

Chingpin Tung
Cornell University

From rsoppe@CATI.CSUFresno.EDU Mon Aug 22 08:24:26 1994
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 15:24:26 -0700
From: Richard Soppe <rsoppe@CATI.CSUFresno.EDU>
Message-Id: <199408222224.PAA09831@CATI.CSUFresno.EDU>
Subject: Broccoli crop data?


I'm working with the two dimensional water flow model SWMS_2D, Version 1.2
(Simunek, Vogel and Van Genuchten, 1994, U.S. Salinity Laboratory) and I'm
trying to simulate a situation where broccoli is grown. The model needs the
soil evaporation and the transpiration as separate inputs. Therefore I need
some crop data. However, my handbook for general crop data (Yield response
to water, FAO irrigation and Drainage paper 33) does not have data for
Broccoli. It seems that it is not comparable with cabbage. Where can I find
data like crop coefficient, stages in crop growth, root development and
seasonal water use for broccoli?

To separate evaporation and transpiration from the potential evapotrans-
piration, the model SWAP93 (Work Group SWAP, 1994, Wageningen, The
Netherlands) needs the Leaf Area Index. The Leaf-Area-Index (LAI) - Soil
Cover (SC) function is used to determine the

LAI= (a * SC) + (b * SC^2) + (c * SC^3)

a, b and c are coefficients.

The manual states that this is a very important equation for the partitioning
of pot. evapotranspiration in evaporation and transpiration. It also says
that the equation varies greatly for different crops.

So once again; Is there someone who can give me a clue about this relation
for Broccoli?


Richard Soppe
USDA/ARS/Water Management Research Lab
Fresno, CA

E-mail: RSoppe@Asrr.ArsUsda.Gov
or: RSoppe@Cati.CsuFresno.Edu

From Tue Aug 23 12:47:45 1994
From: (Michael Knorrenschild)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: flow chart tool wanted
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:47:45 +0200 (MET)

We are looking for a software tool that creates and edits flow charts.
Our area of application is in modelling (Forester diagrams e.g.):
ideally the user would feed the name of a process, a list of input-
and output variables of this process into the tool and repeat this for a
number of processes. The tool would then design a flow chart based on
the input showing boxes (processes) and the network of their relations
(by input- resp. output variables).
Is anyone aware of such a tool? The platforms it works on would not
matter right now. However we would want to use this tool in a larger
tool for model documentation, so we probably would need to get hands
on the source code.
Thanks for any pointers.

We are working towards an information system of ecological models
(agricultural simulation models included of course). One thing we need
is a device that enables convenient input of model documentations
along a standardized documentation scheme that we have developped.

Michael Knorrenschild
GSF environmental research centre / PUC
Neuherberg, Postfach 1129 Phone: +49-89-3187-2953
85758 Oberschleissheim FAX: +49-89-3187-3369
Germany e-mail:

From Tue Aug 23 00:27:00 1994
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 06:27:00 -0600
From: Ted Zobeck <>
Subject: Re: flow chart tool wanted
Message-Id: <>

Reply to: RE>flow chart tool wanted
There are a couple of programs available that create flow charts and assist
in modeling dynamic processes. A pc-based product is called Vensim, by
Ventana Systems, Inc USA (phone 617-489-5249; FAX 617-489-5316). They have
various levels of the program depending upon your need. Another program for
Mac machines is called Stella. This program is made by High Performance
Systems, Inc (phone 603-643-9636;FAX 603-643-9502). This is not an
endorsement but for information only. Best Wishes.
Ted Zobeck
Date: 8/23/94 2:53 AM
To: Zobeck, Ted

Received: by with SMTP;23 Aug 1994 02:52:59 -0600
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id <>; Tue, 23 Aug 1994 03:50:00 CST
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(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Tue, 23 Aug 1994 03:44:44 -0500
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 03:44:44 -0500
From: (Michael Knorrenschild)
Subject: flow chart tool wanted
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We are looking for a software tool that creates and edits flow charts.
Our area of application is in modelling (Forester diagrams e.g.):
ideally the user would feed the name of a process, a list of input-
and output variables of this process into the tool and repeat this for a
number of processes. The tool would then design a flow chart based on
the input showing boxes (processes) and the network of their relations
(by input- resp. output variables).
Is anyone aware of such a tool? The platforms it works on would not
matter right now. However we would want to use this tool in a larger
tool for model documentation, so we probably would need to get hands
on the source code.
Thanks for any pointers.

We are working towards an information system of ecological models
(agricultural simulation models included of course). One thing we need
is a device that enables convenient input of model documentations
along a standardized documentation scheme that we have developped.

Michael Knorrenschild
GSF environmental research centre / PUC
Neuherberg, Postfach 1129 Phone: +49-89-3187-2953
85758 Oberschleissheim FAX: +49-89-3187-3369
Germany e-mail:

From Tue Aug 23 04:20:05 1994
From: (jerome pier)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Broccoli crop data?
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 09:20:05 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <199408222224.PAA09831@CATI.CSUFresno.EDU> from "Richard Soppe" at Aug 22, 94 05:22:18 pm

[stuff deleted]
Have you looked in "Irrigation of Agricultural Crops"
B.A. Stewart and D.R. Nielsen (eds.) Agronomy monograph No. 30
1990.? Also I believe that J. Letey and R. Beverly have worked
with broccoli as far as N and irrigation interactions are
concerned. Refer to:

Letey, J., W.M. Jarrell, N. Valoras and R. Berverly. 1983.
Fertilizer application and irrigation management of broccoli
production and fertilizer use efficiency. Agron J.

also you could refer to:

Erie, L.J., O.F. French, D.A. Bucks and K.Harris. 1981.
Consumptive use of water by major crops in the
southwestern United States. U.S.D.A., Cons. Res. Rep. No.
29, p 23.

Good Luck!


Jerome Pier
List Owner Agmodels-L

> So once again; Is there someone who can give me a clue about this relation
> for Broccoli?
> Thanks,
> Richard Soppe
> USDA/ARS/Water Management Research Lab
> Fresno, CA
> E-mail: RSoppe@Asrr.ArsUsda.Gov
> or: RSoppe@Cati.CsuFresno.Edu

From Tue Aug 23 18:31:16 1994
Message-Id: <>
From: Dave Favis-Mortlock <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 18:31:16 GMT+1
Subject: In UK on 31st August?

For those of you who will be in the UK on the 31st August, here is some advance
information about a seminar which is to be held at Oxford University's School
of Geography (Mansfield Road, Oxford) at 11am on that day.

All are welcome. Particularly for those interested in climate change, this
promises to be a very interesting session. Details follow.


The sensitivity of yield and
soil erosion in the US corn
belt to changes in climate
and CO2

A seminar by Jeff J Lee

US Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Research Laboratory
Corvallis, Oregon, USA

The US Environmental Protection Agency has recently completed an ambitious
study to quantify the potential effects of temperature, precipitation (volume
and frequency) and CO2 both individually and interactively on regional mean
crop yield and soil erosion for the US corn belt.

The EPIC (Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator) model was used on 100 sites
randomly selected from 11 231 eligible National Resource Inventory sites in the
corn belt. The model was run for 100 years under 20 assumed climate and CO2
regimes at each site. Alternative climates were produced using EPIC's
stochastic weather generator. For the current climate, the management practices
(i.e. cultivar selection, fertilizer use, planting and harvest dates) used at
each site in 1987 were maintained. Adaptation to higher temperatures at each
site was accomplished by using cultivar selection and planting and harvest
dates typical of more southerly (i.e. warmer) sites within the corn belt.

Among the study's findings, results indicate that an increase in precipitation
or CO2 would offset the negative effect of increased temperature on yield, and
that there could be an interactive effect of temperature, precipitation, and
CO2 on soil erosion.


If anyone requires more details, please contact me.

David Favis-Mortlock

Address: Environmental Change Unit
University of Oxford
1a Mansfield Road
Oxford OX1 3TB
e-mail :
fax : (+44) (0)865 281181
phone : (+44) (0)865 281180

From Tue Aug 23 08:48:38 1994
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 13:48:38 CDT
From: (Gordon Couger)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: In UK on 31st August?

Where can I get the stocastic weather generator. I wrote a simple one
a long time ago. I would like to see what is being done in this feild.
I may need to do it again.

From Tue Aug 23 08:10:29 1994
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 14:10:29 -0600
From: (Ralph M Hirst)
Message-Id: <>

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Prepared by Steve Modena AB4EL