From Mon Jul 3 20:38 EDT 1995
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 19:38:34 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Archive AGMODELS-L: file log9409, part 1/1, size 20937 bytes:

------------------------------ Cut here ------------------------------

From Fri Sep 2 12:47:06 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 1994 17:47:06 -0500
From: Dennis C Flanagan <>
Subject: Re: Broccoli crop data? --> CPIDS program availability.

TO: Agricultural Modeling Discussion List

FROM: Dennis Flanagan, USDA-ARS NSERL, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

DATE: September 2, 1994

On August 22, 1994, Richard Soppe requested information on Broccoli
crop growth coefficients:

> .........................................................Where can I find
> data like crop coefficient, stages in crop growth, root development and
> seasonal water use for broccoli?

At the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory we have been
developing the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model to eventually
replace the USLE and RUSLE as the erosion prediction technology for USDA
action agencies. One part of this project has been development of a
Crop Parameter Intelligent Database System (CPIDS) by Lois Deer-Ascough,
which allows users to access a large database of information on crop
growth & other crop parameters gleamed from large searches of the literature.
We need this information to determine input parameter values for erosion
models such as RUSLE and WEPP when trying to apply these models for new
situations and crop types.

The CPIDS program and database is available through anonymous FTP access to
our file server "". It is a Window's based program.
You can also link to our file server through NCSA Mosaic using the URL

To get the CPIDS material via anonymous FTP follow these steps:

1. FTP to our file server: "ftp"
2. Login as anonymous: Name: "anonymous"
3. Enter your name as the password: Password: "yourname"
4. Set the transfer type to binary by typing: "binary"
5. Set for noninteractive transfer by typing: "prompt"
6. Move to the CPIDS directory by typing: "cd CPIDS" or
"cd pub/cpids"
7. Transfer the files to your machine by typing: "mget *.*" and
"get README"
8. Exit the FTP program by typing: "quit"

The files that you should transfer are called: cpinst.exe

Instructions for loading the CPIDS program, database, and documentation on
your DOS PC can be found in the README file. Installation works best with the
current version of CPIDS if you copy the files to floppy disks and install
from the floppies. When installed properly, CPIDS will become a new program
item that you can add to one of your existing program groups in Windows.
The file "cpidoc.exe" is a Replica viewing document which contains more
detailed information on CPIDS installation. If you run this program file
from the Window's Program Manager File options, the Replica viewer will
be installed on your PC and you can then view and print out the CPIDS
installation instructions.

Once CPIDS is installed there is extensive on-line help within the CPIDS

I found 105 records of database entries on broccoli information. Richard,
there may be some information of use to you there.


Sometime in the next week or two I will send a note to the agmodels group
with information on the WEPP model and instructions on how to obtain the
current WEPP model version via the Internet.

From Tue Sep 6 09:39:29 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 14:39:29 -0500
From: Dennis C Flanagan <>
Subject: Correction for NSERL home page address through Mosaic

TO: Agricultural Modeling Discussion List

FROM: Dennis Flanagan, USDA-ARS NSERL, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

DATE: September 6, 1994

The address to link to the National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory's
Mosaic home page was incorrect in the message of September 2, 1994.
The correct URL address is:

From Wed Sep 7 05:27:05 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 10:27:05 -0500
From: Dennis C Flanagan <>
Subject: Re: flow chart tool wanted

On August 23, Michael Knorrenschild wrote:

> We are looking for a software tool that creates and edits flow charts....

I believe that one such tool set could be obtained from McCabe and Associates,
5501 Twin Knolls Road, Suite 111, Columbia, Maryland 21045. Phone number
is (800)638-6316 and FAX (410)995-1528. In Germany, their distributer is
listed as Instrumatic Electronic Systems GmbH (49-89-858-020).

We have been looking into purchasing similar types of tools.
I believe that some of their products will automatically provide
on-screen graphics of program information flow using your source code
- thus you would not have to enter anything by hand. If you are were
referring to more general system flow charting (not referring
to a computer model), I know that those products are available - I have seen
them used here. However, I can't recall the product name or company.

Dennis Flanagan Phone: (317)494-8673
USDA-ARS-NSERL FAX: (317)494-5948
1196 SOIL Building email:
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1196

From Fri Sep 9 19:07:14 1994
Message-Id: <>
From: Dave Favis-Mortlock <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 1994 19:07:14 GMT+1
Subject: Watershed/catchment scale erosion models



GCTE (Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems -- a Core Project of the
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) is preparing to undertake an
evaluation of soil erosion models (both water and wind) as part of its Soil
Degradation Task. The Task Steering Committee consists of:

Dr Christian Valentin (Task Leader), ORSTOM, Niamey, Niger
Dr John Boardman, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Jean Poesen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Dr Arlin Nicks, ARS-USDA, Durant, OK, USA
Dr Ed Skidmore, ARS-USDA, Manhattan, KS, USA

For the evaluation, model developers will be asked to run their models with a
series of common datasets. Further announcements will be made concerning this

Watershed/catchment-scale models

Field-scale models for water erosion have been available for some time and are
well documented. Their watershed/catchment-scale equivalents may however be
considerably more complex (requiring, for example, integration with a GIS) and
therefore of relatively recent development. If you are a developer or user of
such a model, we would like to hear from you; please contact the address


David Favis-Mortlock

Address: Environmental Change Unit
University of Oxford
1a Mansfield Road
Oxford OX1 3TB
e-mail :
fax : (+44) (0)865 281181
phone : (+44) (0)865 281180

From Mon Sep 12 11:43:04 1994
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 09:43:04 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Benoit Gabrielle <>
Subject: Re: flow chart tool wanted
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-Id: <Pine.3.07.9409120900.C1212-9100000@bcgn>

M. Knorrenschild recently asked about software tools for editing flow charts.
We may recommend a product called "ABC Flow Charter" that should meet such
needs. It is made by Micrografx Inc., which must be an US company,
although I don't know its adress there. However it should be easily
available, and I can give you the adress of the french distributor, should
it be of any help.

Benoit Gabrielle

From Mon Sep 12 10:19:20 1994
Message-Id: <>
From: Dave Favis-Mortlock <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 10:19:20 GMT+1
Subject: Watershed/catchment scale erosion models

This message has been cross-posted to several lists. Apologies for multiple



GCTE (Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems -- a Core Project of the
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) is preparing to undertake an
evaluation of soil erosion models (both water and wind) as part of its Soil
Degradation Task. The Task Steering Committee consists of:

Dr Christian Valentin (Task Leader), ORSTOM, Niamey, Niger
Dr John Boardman, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Jean Poesen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Dr Arlin Nicks, ARS-USDA, Durant, OK, USA
Dr Ed Skidmore, ARS-USDA, Manhattan, KS, USA

For the evaluation, model developers will be asked to run their models with a
series of common datasets. Further announcements will be made concerning this

Watershed/catchment-scale models

Field-scale models for water erosion have been available for some time and are
well documented. Their watershed/catchment-scale equivalents may however be
considerably more complex (requiring, for example, integration with a GIS) and
therefore of relatively recent development. If you are a developer or user of
such a model, we would like to hear from you; please contact the address

David Favis-Mortlock

Address: Environmental Change Unit
University of Oxford
1a Mansfield Road
Oxford OX1 3TB
e-mail :
fax : (+44) (0)865 281181
phone : (+44) (0)865 281180

From Mon Sep 12 18:39:07 1994
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 16:39:07 +0200 (DFT)
From: Kovacs Balazs <>
Subject: Re: flow chart tool wanted
In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.07.9409120900.C1212-9100000@bcgn>
Message-Id: <>

On the subject flow charts...

If anybody wants to buy a quite simple flow chart designer with the
abilities of a good technical drawer I would suggest him the RFFlow for

In comparison with the ABC Flowcharter - mentioned today in an
other mail - RFFLOW is simpler (and I think cheaper) but it is only a
drawing tool with several shape of boxes, arrows, electrical and computer
technical objects. ABC has some features on database processing, clicking
an object You can focus on the subprocedures wich are the components of
the object choosed. It means the existance of a relationship between the
charted procedures.

RFFlow has no such ability, You can draw any type of flow charts and they
can be exported via .WMF, bitmap format or clipboard to any other
Windows applications.

The name of the product:
RFFLOW for Windows
Programmed by Roger F. Faaborg
RFF Electronics
Phone: 303-663-5767

Unfortunatly I do not know any further details on that software. It can
be bought in several shops, in Hungary as well.

Balazs Kovacs
University of Miskolc

From Fri Sep 23 21:16:13 1994
Message-Id: <9409230118.AA21738@salt>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 11:16:13 +1000
From: (James Gourley)

get log9408

From Tue Sep 27 19:11:00 1994
Message-Id: <jhaskett.1131073500A@>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 18:11:00 +0100
From: "Jonathan Haskett" <>
Subject: Agronomist Position to be filled internally

Re: the position of Plant Pathologist/Agronomist/Soil Scientist in the
Systems Research Laboratory, Natural Resources Institute Beltsville, MD.

Because of recent organizational changes anticipated within ARS over the
next few months, this posisiton has been targeted to be filled internally
if a qualified candidate is available. Under the circumstances, the
position will not be filled by outside candidates at this time.

From Wed Sep 28 07:11:21 1994
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 11:11:21 -0400
Message-Id: <>
From: (Shane Parson)
Subject: Hello to list members


My name is Shane Parson and I am a graduate student in the Agricultural and
Biological Engineering Department at Penn State. I am currently starting a
masters thesis dealing with the impact uncertainty of parameters has on
decisions made from nonpoint source pollution which are linked to a GIS.
Right know it looks like I am going to be working with a link between the
GRASS GIS and AGNPS. I would be interested in any information anyone might
have on models that already include uncertainty (EPA's QUAL2EU stream model
is the only one I have found so far) or on good sources of information for
distributions of various parameters (especially for different Best
Management Practices). I am hoping to use Monte Carlo simulation on the
inputs to come up with output distributions which then used to evaluate the
statistical differences in alternative BMP's.

I have briefly worked with ANSWERS, SWAT, and SWRB.

I have done Monte Carlo simulations with the DOS version of AGNPS.

I have also worked with GLEAMS, writing code to alter input to reflect
rainfall affected pesticide application. In addition I have worked on code
that would combine GLEAMS with ARC/CAD, a GIS program that works under an
AUTOCAD format.

Shane Parson

Business address: Home address:
Department of Agricultural 840 Cricklewood Dr. #211
and Biological Engineering State College, PA 16803
Penn State University phone : (814) 234-4612
110 Agricultural Engineering Bldg.
University Park,PA 16802
phone: (814) 863-8233

From DON@TIFTON.CPES.PEACHNET.EDU Wed Sep 28 14:23:10 1994
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 18:23:10 EDT
Subject: Re: Hello to list members
In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:54:16 -0500 from <>

On Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:54:16 -0500 Shane Parson said:
>GRASS GIS and AGNPS. I would be interested in any information anyone might
>have on models that already include uncertainty (EPA's QUAL2EU stream model
Interesting background! I believe PRZM now has a MonteCaro module and since
it has a surface water component now it might be of interest...also try
Don Fontaine, Pat Havens and Dennis Laskowski at DowElanco who have done
a lort of work with the variability in GLEAMS...Pat's E-mail is
Don Wauchope

TIFTON, GA 31793
------------------------------ Cut here ------------------------------

Prepared by Steve Modena AB4EL