From modena Sun Oct 8 15:42 EDT 1995
From: Stephen Modena <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L LOG9508
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 15:42:32 -0400 (EDT)

This is the monthly digest of AGMODELS-L for AUGUST 1995.

It was prepared from the "daily" digest mailings. It differs in
certain format details from the previous monthly digests obtained
from the agmodels-l archive at

From Thu Aug 3 03:14 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 95 10:15:11 EDT
Subject: Re: STREAM

On Tue, 1 Aug 1995 08:33:45 -0500 Dr. Helmut Schafer P
>in a report about the Joint Meeting on Pesticides, 1994 the model STREAM was
>mentioned without any additional information. The model seems to be used for
>estimation of environmental concentrations of pesticides in water bodies.
>Has anybody background information about this model? (Who has developed it?
>Any bit of information would help me a lot!
>Thanks in advance!
>Helmut Schaefer
STREAM is a U.S. EPA product which uses HSPF model calculations to predict
pesticide concentrations in particular scenarios, as a function of pesticide
properties. It was a brilliant achievement but ahead of its time. It MAY be
at the ftp site in the epa_ceam/dos subdirectory (you'll have
to explore). The model is documented in an EPA report by Donigian, et. al,
"Stream Transport of Agricultural runoff of Pesticides for Exposure assessment:
A Methodology" EPA Rept. No. EPA/600/3-86/0111a (and there may be a part b)
Don Wauchope

From Thu Aug 3 03:14 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 95 15:34 BST
Subject: Please unsubscribe me!

unsubscribe agmodels-l

From Thu Aug 3 03:14 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 95 09:10:44 PST
From: "John P. Bolte" <>
Subject: Re: Please unsubscribe me! (FAQ)

Remember - to UNSUBSCRIBE from a list, DON'T send mail to the list.
Rather, send it to the list SERVER. For agmodels-l, the list server
is LISTSERV@UNL.EDU. Send a message to this address with

"unsubscribe agmodels-l"

in the body of the message.

- John Bolte

From Thu Aug 3 03:14 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Please unsubscribe me!
Date: 8/2/95 7:37 AM

unsubscribe agmodels-l

From Thu Aug 3 03:14 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 02 Aug 95 19:12:56+0200
From: J.Kaduk <>
Subject: About UNSUBSCRIBE messages

You usually should unsubscribe yourself from a mailing list, just as you
subscribed yourself. Unless its a moderated list, it should not be the
task of the list owner to do things the Listserv can do as well.
As far as I know (un)subscribing from agmodels-l works just as for
soils-l, so follow the instructions below, which are usually send out
whenever to subscribe to a list.
It should be common courtesy that you give your full e-mail address in the
BODY of each message you send out as some Listserv's remove the address
of the originator. people can then respond to you
directly, and do not have to bother the whole list....
Joerg Kaduk *
MPI for Meteorology *****
Bundesstr. 55 Phone + 40 41173 282 ***
D-20146 Hamburg Fax + 40 41173 298 #

* * * * * * * * * *

**** Welcome to the SOILS-L Discussion Group ****

This group is for the discussion of all aspects of Soil Science.
The creation of this list has been sanctioned by the Electronic
Communications Committee of the American Society of Agronomy. At
present, this list is unmoderated. The list owner is Jerome Pier
( As traffic increases, various sub-topics in soil
science will receive their own lists. The following is a "canned"
message describing the features and commands available with the
Listserv software.
Some Features of Listserv:

* To get more information pertaining to using the list server
running this list, send e-mail to "" and place
as the body of the text. This should be the only word in the message.
* To postpone your receiving mail from the group, send mail to
"" and place
set group_name mail postpone
as the body of the message. To start receiving messages after postponing
them, again send mail to "" with
set group_name mail ack > or > set group_name mail noack
as the message. The "ack" tells listserver to send you a copy of messages
you personally posy, "noack" does not send you copies of your posts.
* To get a table of members on the list, and their receiving status, send
e-mail to " and put
recipients group_name
as the message.
* Finally, to unsubscribe from the list, send mail to
"" with
unsubscribe group_name
in the body of the message. You will no long receive mail from the group

From Fri Aug 4 03:16 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 1995 15:18:50 +1100
Subject: Job Advertisment - CSIRO, Australia


Please find below a job advertisment which may be of interest to you.
The advertisment is for a crop adaptation scientist with the CSIRO
Division of Tropical Crops of Pastures in Australia.

Scientists within and outside Australia are encouraged to apply.

Best regards

Ray Shorter



Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures

Townsville, Australia


$44 - 59K

The Division's Tropical Crops Program is a major provider of strategic
research to assist development of internationally competitive cropping
industries in northern Australia. It has a substantial research thrust in
sugarcane and collaborates closely with CSR Ltd. in a sugarcane breeding
program in north Queensland. We are seeking a scientist to operate in a
dynamic environment to conduct research on crop physiology of sugarcane in
the context of a crop improvement program to develop improved varieties.
You will integrate physiological principles with plant breeding to interpret
and exploit genotype x environment interactions for improved crop
adaptation. While the position is focussed on sugarcane, you may also
become involved in similar research for cereal grains improvement.

You will have a PhD or equivalent in crop physiology, a sound knowledge of
plant breeding and a demonstrated capacity for innovative research.
Experience with the development and application of crop simulation models
would be relevant. You must have well developed inter-personal and team
skills, be able to form collaborative alliances with scientists in your own
and other organisations, and be able to communicate effectively with the
scientific community and industry.

Appointment is for an indefinite period. Appointment at higher levels in
the range will be conditional on demonstrated leadership and experience.

Dr Ray Shorter (phone (617) 33770239, fax (617) 33770410, email
ray.shorter@tcp. or Dr Phillip Jackson (phone (6177) 538592, fax
(6177) 538600) can provide more details of the position. The duty statement
and selection criteria can be obtained from Roslyn Gaydon on phone (617)
33770209 and fax (617) 33713946.

Please send your application (+ 3 copies) with the names of at least two
referees to "The Recruitment Officer", CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and
Pastures, 306 Carmody Road, St Lucia Q 4067. You should include details of
your skills, qualifications and work achievements by 25 August 1995, quoting
reference no. PG/112/77.

CSIRO is an equal opportunity employer
Dr Ray Shorter
Program Manager
Tropical Field Crops Program
CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures
306 Carmody Road
St. Lucia, QLD, 4067


From Fri Aug 4 03:16 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 1995 16:11:40 +1000
From: (Brian.Keating)
Subject: job for a crop modeller at ICRISAT, India


Appended below is a job advertisement that I am posting on behalf of my
colleagues in India and Australia. The advertisement is for a crop modeller
to work for ICRISAT in India in collaboration with the group I am involved
with in Australia. For further information please contact :

Dr C.Renard, ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India
[phone:+91(40)596161; fax:+91(40)241239] by 30 September 1995 directly.
Please do NOT respond to the agmodels-l list (reply function), nor to the
sender of this message.

Best regards,
Brian Keating
Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures

[Code no:IAC-04-Z]

The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT) is a nonprofit, autonomous, scientific research and training
institute with regional centers and teams in Asia and Africa. The Institute
is seeking a scientist to support the Institute's research in India and
Africa in cropping system simulation modelling. The Systems Modeller will
be located at the ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru (near Hyderabad), India.

With the support of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research (ACIAR), ICRISAT is collaborating with the Agricultural Production
Systems Research Unit (APSRU) in Australia in a joint project on integrative
systems research. A central objective is a reliable simulator which will
aid RD&E on farmers' management of their crops and croplands, especially
regarding investment in soil fertility and in soil and water conservation,
in the face of highly uncertain seasonal rainfall and yields. The
collaboration brings together ICRISAT's experimental data bases for India
and Africa and APSIM, a cropping systems simulator developed in the
Australian semi-arid tropics and subtropics.

The Systems Modeller's primary responsibility is to expedite the effective
use of APSIM in ICRISAT's research. This will entail the testing of
existing component crop and soil models and the development of new modules
for APSIM. He/she will work with project teams in developing efficient
systems of data collection for models, in using the data to specify and test
models, and in using system simulation to enhance project research. An
important part of this task will be the development of self-reliance within
project teams in using APSIM.

Applicants should have a PhD degree or equivalent qualification in an
agricultural science, substantial experience in soils-oriented agronomic
research, and in using simulation models in such research. Applicants
should be proficient in FORTRAN. Proficiency in oral and written English is
necessary, and a command of French desirable. Experience in international
agricultural research and with semi-arid agriculture will be an advantage.

The appointment will be initially on a two year contractual basis with the
possibility of further contracts. An internationally competitive salary and
benefits package will be provided. ICRISAT is an equal opportunity employer,
and is especially interested in increasing the participation of women on its
staff. ICRISAT is responsive to the needs of dual career couples. A Fact
Sheet on employment possibilities for spouses is available on request.
ICRISAT has a flexible approach to international appointments and welcomes
enquiries from persons interested in working at ICRISAT while on secondment.
Applications, referring to the code number should reach the Chairperson of
the Search Committee, Dr C.Renard, ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, Andhra
Pradesh 502 324, India [phone:+91(40)596161; fax:+91(40)241239] by 30
September 1995. The application should include a current curriculum vitae,
the names and addresses (including fax/telex/e-mail) of three referees, the
date of availability, and a statement on the special qualifications of the
candidate for this position.

Brian Keating
Research Scientist
Div Trops Crops & Past Voice: (07) 3770373
CSIRO Fax : (07) 3770420
306 Carmody Rd
St Lucia Q 4067

From Sun Aug 6 13:26 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 06 Aug 95 18:58:40+0200
From: J.Kaduk <>
Subject: Stop nuclear tests

sorry to send this non subject related message to the list, however I feel it
is important enough and might be of interest for you. You might have heard of
an e-mail chain letter against nuclear tests which was circulating around.
Now, the originator decided it was a better idea to make up a http page
so that people could sign up there directly, without having thousends of
copys of the letter to be circulated. Below I include the letter from
the originator and the WWW-address of the http page.
Thanks for interest and sorry for cross-posting
Best regards
Joerg Kaduk *
MPI for Meteorology *****
Bundesstr. 55 Phone + 40 41173 282 ***
D-20146 Hamburg Fax + 40 41173 298 #
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ###

Subject: The list is terminated

First of all, I have to deeply apologize everyone for my having started a
chain letter. Thank you very much for those of you who have pointed out the
troublesomeness about the chain letter. I have decided to stop collecting
signatures by using chain letter, (ofcourse I will collect the names already
signed on it) but then, I have to use the same method to stop it. So, please
forgive me of my asking you to send this letter to everyone who you have sent
the "Stop Nuclear Tests!" chain letter. I am sending this letter to everyone
who have sent me a letter concering this matter, so some of you might receive
more than one copies of this letter, but again, forgive me of this happening.

> > Now, this is what I would like you to do.

If you have sent a copy of the "Stop Nuclear Tests!" chain letter
to your friends, please send a copy of this letter to each of those
friends as soon as possible.

If you haven't sent a copy of it to anyone and still have the
copy in your hand, please send the list back to me. My e-mail address is

Don't forget to add your name on the list if you do think
the French government, or any other group should not execute
nuclear tests.

Right now, Shimizu Seishi and I are constructing a WWW Homepage
to continue this activity. From now on, We will gather signatures
via WWW, or simply accept signatures sent to us. We would also like to
show the list on WWW, but if you don't want your name to be
open to the public, please tell me so. We will keep your name
on the list that will be sent to Mr. Chirac, the president of
France, anyway.

The WWW homepage will have the follwing contents:
* The objective of this activity
* The list of signatures
* A page to introduce opinions about the Nuclear Tests
* A page to ask for technical advices to make this activity a better one
* Links to related pages
> > The adress is:

> >
> >
> > - --
> > Yuichi Nishihara
> > Physics Department, School of Science, University of Tokyo
> >
> >

From Tue Aug 15 11:24 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 95 10:49 EDT
From: "Rabi H. Mohtar" <RHM8@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Crop modelling question

Hello everyone:
My name is Rabi Mohtar, a research associate at Penn State working on grazing s
ystem modelling. We have developed a computer model GRASIM that simulates the
grazing environment. It includes a grass, soil, water, nitrogen, grazing manag
ement components. GRASIM integrates information available in several existing
models namely: NLEAP (nitrogen model), Johnson and Thornley (grass model), Ritc
hie (evapotranspiration). We are continually updating the model and are workin
g on field testing and validation at this stage.

My question to the group is: does anyone has data or leads on data on the parti
oning of photosynthetic material between leaf and stem for cool season grasses.
Thank you in advance for any response.

Rabi H. Mohtar
The Pennsylvania State University phone: (814) 865-2971
208 Agricultural Engineering Building fax: (814) 863-1031
University Park, PA 16802 "change begins with me"

* * *

From Thu Aug 17 09:22 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 07:51:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jim Meade <>
Subject: Re: Crop modelling question (fwd)

Jim - Farmer - Iowa City, IA,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 07:39:30 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Jerry W. Stuth <>
>To: Jim Meade <>
>Subject: Re: Crop modelling question (fwd)

To get info on partitioning contact

Mort Kothmann
Department of Rangeland Ecology
and Management
Texas A&M Univeristy
College Station, TX 77843-2126

He has been working on a cool season annual growth model in conjunction
with a group of Isreal scientists (Noy-meir).

We are in the final stages of a hydrologic based OOD plant growth model
for use in mixed rangeland situations called PHYGROW.

got to our web page and click on the ranching systems group icon
and then the phygrow icon.

Hope this helps
Jerry Stuth
phone 409-845-5548
fax 409-845-6430

From Fri Aug 25 07:51 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 13:39:14 -0300
Subject: Lettuce plant breeding


Is there anybody that has worked, or has some information to help
me in the field of lettuce plant breeding? My project at the Federal University
of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) is about it.

Thank you!

Claudiane Brusa Toniolli./

From Mon Aug 28 04:02 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 02:38:51 -0500
From: Michael J Sears <>
Subject: EI calc by AGNPS 5.00


Was wondering if anyone could tell me how AGNPS 5.00 calulates an
EI value. In other words, how is the amount of rainfall
distributed over the length of the storm (I guess I'm looking for
a table of numbers that show % of rainfall fallen vs. % of storm time
which has passed) - in particular for a Type II storm. Any suggestions?
I calcualted some by hand based upon a USDA publication - Agr. handbook
#537 - and the values I came up with weren't quite the same.


| ___ | Michael J. Sears, Graduate Student |
| ( __ __ __ __ | INTERNET: |
| `-- |--'| || (_ | Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
| ___) `-- `--|| __) | Purdue University |
| | West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1146 USA |
| | Home Page: |

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 95 08:36:43 EST
Subject: re: EI calc by AGNPS 5.00

Michael J Sears <> Wrote:
| Hello,
| Was wondering if anyone could tell me how AGNPS 5.00
| calulates an
| EI value. In other words, how is the amount of rainfall
| distributed over the length of the storm (I guess I'm looking
| for
| a table of numbers that show % of rainfall fallen vs. % of
| storm time
| which has passed) - in particular for a Type II storm. Any
| suggestions?
| I calcualted some by hand based upon a USDA publication -
| Agr. handbook
| #537 - and the values I came up with weren't quite the
| same.

Check out "Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the Midwest" (1992)
by Huff and Angel, Midwestern Climate Center, Champaign IL.

Chapter 4 "Time Distributions of Rainfall in Heavy Storms"

gives a detailed analysis and tables by storm type.
Includes data from recent years. Other pubs I have seen
are much older than this one.
Ken Scheeringa
State Climatologist

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 28 Aug 1995 11:17:11 GMT
From: "John P. Carbone," <>
Subject: European Soil and Climataological Data

Toxicology, Bldg. 9A, Rm 109c
(215)641-7489; FAX (215)619-1621, INTERNET RSYJPC@ROHMHAAS.COM

I am attempting to run detailed PRZM2 groundwater simulations of the
vineyard regions in France. Because I am interested in simulating
a "reasonable worst case" I am most interested in modeling the south central
region of France. I have not been able to uncover detailed soils nor
climatological data for the region of interest. I have relied on the weather
data and soils data outlined in Chapter 5, European Scenarios for Leaching
Models, M. Klein and H Knoche (authors) in the recently published FOCUS
Report on Leaching Models and EU registration.

Unfortunately I have found these data lacking, particularly with regard
to horizon specific soils characteristics. I have also investigated
obtaining soil characterization data from the GISCO Office in Luxembourg
with little success to date.

My inquiry then is several-fold.

1. Do detailed soil characterization data exist for Europe, and in this case
particularly south central France? If so, how and where can the data be

2. Do detailed climatalogical data exists for specifc regions in Europe and
if so, where can those data be accessed.

Thank you

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 95 12:04:41 EST
Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data

"John P. Carbone," <> Wrote:
| I am attempting to run detailed PRZM2 groundwater simulations
| of the
| vineyard regions in France. Because I am interested in
| simulating
| a "reasonable worst case" I am most interested in modeling
| the south central
| region of France. I have not been able to uncover detailed
| soils nor
| climatological data for the region of interest. I have relied
| on the weather
| data and soils data outlined in Chapter 5, European Scenarios
| for Leaching
| Models, M. Klein and H Knoche (authors) in the recently
| published FOCUS
| Report on Leaching Models and EU registration.
| Unfortunately I have found these data lacking, particularly
| with regard
| to horizon specific soils characteristics. I have also
| investigated
| obtaining soil characterization data from the GISCO Office in
| Luxembourg
| with little success to date.
| My inquiry then is several-fold.
| 1. Do detailed soil characterization data exist for Europe,
| and in this case
| particularly south central France? If so, how and where can
| the data be
| accesed?
| 2. Do detailed climatalogical data exists for specifc regions
| in Europe and
| if so, where can those data be accessed.
| Thank you

For climate data, you might try the National Climatic Data Center,
Asheville NC. They have worldwide climate databases.

or e-mail specific questions to:

Can't help you with the soils question.
Ken Scheeringa
State Climatologist for Indiana

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 14:05:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data

"John P. Carbone," <> Wrote:

> 1. Do detailed soil characterization data exist for Europe ... ?

We have not found any source for detailed soil characterization data
that is easily obtainable. There is a database/information system
called SEISMIC that contains only UK soils (412 soil series). Some
limited climate and crop info is also included. Available from the
Soil Survey and Land Research Centre, Cranfield University, UK.
A yearly fee is charged.

> 2. Do detailed climatalogical data exist for specifc regions
> in Europe ... ?

The National Climatic Data Center does have data for over 8000
stations globally. Historical data must be purchased from them
on mag tape only. Data less than a year old is available online

or by ftp at: ; then cd /pub/data/globalsod

For PRZM-II Monte Carlo runs, the cost is very expensive (multiple sites
x ~30 years of weather/site).
Karl Schnelle

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 95 18:27:13 EDT
Subject: Re: European Soil and Climataological Data

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995 10:26:34 -0500 John P. Carbone, said:
>Toxicology, Bldg. 9A, Rm 109c
>(215)641-7489; FAX (215)619-1621, INTERNET RSYJPC@ROHMHAAS.COM
>I am attempting to run detailed PRZM2 groundwater simulations of the
>vineyard regions in France. Because I am interested in simulating
>a "reasonable worst case" I am most interested in modeling the south central
>region of France...

You might try contacting CEMAGREF, which I guess could be thought of as the
French USDA/ARS (?). Anyway, I have the E-mail address of Veronique Guoy who
has done some water quality modelling in vineyards and has probably had the
same question. Her interest is in runoff (and by the way, I would like to
know if you are also considering runoff?) and she has been running CREAMS, but
she may be able to help:
Don Wauchope

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 09:39:52 -0500
From: "Mellissa Lunney" <>
Subject: TOPCROP and MEY-Check systems

Could anyone provide me with information about the TOPCROP system in New South
Wales, or the MEY-Check system in Victoria, Australia.

I am particularly interested in the way wheat data in collected for these

I believe there are short (~1 page) questionnaire the grower fills in at
harvest time.

If anyone could clarify the way these systems operate and provide examples of
the data collection questionnaires it would be most appreciated.

Could you please email directly to me.

Thanks in advance.
Melissa Lunney
Scientific Officer
Resource Management Institute
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
80 Meiers Road,
Indooroopilly. 4068.

From Tue Aug 29 04:07 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 17:02:04 EST
From: (Chris Bell)
Subject: Pasture water-use models

I have a colleague who is looking for a pasture water-use model. Specifically,
he wants to be able to predict when the soil surface under a pasture is wet
(and hence likely to be dissolving fertiliser granules), and when not.

Does anyone know of any relevant models? There are many models for crops which
include soil evaporation as well as crop water use, but I know of none for

Chris Bell

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 29 Aug 1995 07:55:07 GMT
From: "RSYJPC@ROHVM1" <>
Subject: Re: European Soil and Climataological Data

*** Reply to note of 08/28/95 19:16
>FROM: John P. Carbone, Ph.D.
Toxicology, Bldg. 9A, Rm 109c
(215)641-7489; FAX (215)619-1621, INTERNET RSYJPC@ROHMHAAS.COM
>Subject: Re: European Soil and Climataological Data
Thanks for the response. With regard to runoff, we are presently
interested in the ground water issue to support some internal inquiries.
However, when we get around to writing the risk assessment for the
compound runoff will become important. Should you care to offer any
suggestions in this regard feel free to do so.

Thank you

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 29 Aug 1995 07:56:07 GMT
From: "RSYJPC@ROHVM1" <>
Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data

*** Reply to note of 08/28/95 15:35
>FROM: John P. Carbone, Ph.D.
Toxicology, Bldg. 9A, Rm 109c
(215)641-7489; FAX (215)619-1621, INTERNET RSYJPC@ROHMHAAS.COM
>Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data

Thank you for the response!

Thank you

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: 29 Aug 1995 07:56:07 GMT
From: "RSYJPC@ROHVM1" <>
Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data

*** Reply to note of 08/28/95 13:30
>FROM: John P. Carbone, Ph.D.
Toxicology, Bldg. 9A, Rm 109c
(215)641-7489; FAX (215)619-1621, INTERNET RSYJPC@ROHMHAAS.COM
>Subject: re: European Soil and Climataological Data
Thank you for the response!

Thank you

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 13:43 EDT
From: "Rabi H. Mohtar" <RHM8@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Pasture water-use models

Dear Chris:
The real challenge is in estimating the grass/legume canopy under grazing. I h
ave used various water budget models that were developed for row crop including
Ritchie's and others and I was quite pleased. Beside from the fact the canopy
(Leaf Area Index) changes irrotically according to growth and animal intake,
I can not see any reason not to use the abundant water budget models already av
There are several models that will predict grass canopy under grazing. If that
is of interest I can suggest some and I am sure many of the colleques on the n
et know of others.

Rabi Mohtar
Rabi H. Mohtar
The Pennsylvania State University phone: (814) 865-2971
208 Agricultural Engineering Building fax: (814) 863-1031
University Park, PA 16802 "change begins with me"

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 95 09:50:32 EST
From: (Wayne Hall)
Subject: Re: Pasture water-use models

>>I have a colleague who is looking for a pasture water-use model.
>>he wants to be able to predict when the soil surface under a pasture is wet
>>(and hence likely to be dissolving fertiliser granules), and when not.
>>Does anyone know of any relevant models? There are many models for crops
>>include soil evaporation as well as crop water use, but I know of none for
>>Chris Bell

The QLD DPI have a GRASs Production (GRASP) model which is run over the
entire state simulating pasture production. The model's usage has been
published in a number of articles although I'm not sure whether the code has
been documented (fortran). The water balance model in GRASP is based (I
think) on the WatBal model of Ken Rickert. This was
originally developed from a wheat water balance model. I think the same
water balance model may have appeared in a model called PROBE (an early
version of GRASP) of which I
think there may be some documentation. I'm sorry I can't be of more use, if
you have trouble finding literature on these models let me know and I will
see what I can do.

Wayne Hall BVSc e-mail:
Drought Research Group, QLD DPI, AUSTRALIA

From Wed Aug 30 04:06 EDT 1995
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 10:24:14 +1000
From: (Tivi Theiveyanathan)
Subject: Irrigation scheduling model for trees

I am planning to develop an irrigation scheduling model to irrigate tree
plantations using waste water. My proposal is specific to saline drainage
waters and municipal and industrial effluent. This model will give users
the various options of scheduling irrigation, ranging from using simple
guidelines of using regional long-term pan evaporation data to complex
models of using complete local climatic data (i.e Penman-Monteith

Do you know any of such models I could use or start with?

Please reply to my email address

S. Tivi
CSIRO Division of Forestry
ACT Canberra

Prepared by Steve Modena AB4EL