is the compilation of discussion during Mar 96

via AB4EL Web Digests @ SunSITE


>From Thu Mar  7 11:19 EST 1996
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 10:10:46 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 39

Intermittent leaching ("Mahmoud.Al-Sibai" <>)

Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 14:08:06 +0000 (GMT) From: "Mahmoud.Al-Sibai" <> Subject: Intermittent leaching Hello.. Is there anyone have field experience in leaching of saline soils by intermittent ponding. I like some data to verify my model. I will appreciate any help. M. Al-Sibai Dep. of Agric. and Enviro. Sci. King George VI building Newcastle university Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU. U.K e-mail:
End of Digest
>From Mon Mar 11 05:43 EST 1996
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 04:33:28 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 40


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 10:31:52 GMT From: "BAHMAN PANAHI" <> Subject: RE: SUBSCRIBE SALINITY-L BAHMAN PANAHI ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Dear Sir / Madam, I would like to introduce myself to the Salinity Discussion List. Please, Could you kindly find my details: - Who are you: My name is Bahman Panahi. - What part of the world are you from: Iran. - Why you are interested in salinity: Because my research is about salinity. - What your experience with salinity problems are: Physiology of salt tolerance. - Your specific questions or topics that you would like to see discussed: Mechanisms of salt tolerance, uptake, exclusion in plants. - Your knowledge on salinization / sodification: I am a Ph.D. student in Wye College, University of London, U.K. Thank you for kind co-operation. Yours faithfully, Bahman Panahi.
End of Digest
>From Tue Mar 19 06:57 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 05:49:24 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 41

Re: Introducing GIUSEPPINA CRESCIMANNO  (Giuseppina Crescimanno <>)

Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 12:55:34 +0100 (MET) From: Giuseppina Crescimanno <> Subject: Re: Introducing GIUSEPPINA CRESCIMANNO My name is Giuseppina Crescimanno, I work at the Agricultural University of Palermo (Italy) as associate professor of agro-hydrology. I am interested in the salinity list as part of my research activity focus on problems of salinization/sodication as well as on the effects of saline/sodic waters on soil structural and hydraulic characteristics. I list some of my papers that are related with the topic of salinity: Crescimanno G. and Giordano G. (1989a). Evaluating the quality of reservoir irrigation water in the Sicilian environment. Proc. of the Third Scientific Assembly of IAHS, Baltimore (Maryland). Crescimanno G. and Giordano G. (1989b). A criterion for evaluating quality of irrigation water. Proc. of the 11th International Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Dublin. Crescimanno G. and Iovino M. (1995) Parameter estimation by inverse method based on outflow one-step and multistep outflow experiments. Geoderma 68: 257-277 Crescimanno G. and Iovino M. (1995). Evaluating the effects of saline-sodic waters on the hydrological characteristics of soil. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Quality Modeling. Orlando, Florida, 2-5 April.rescimanno G., Iovino M. and E. Marcone (1995). Irrigation with saline-sodic waters: water and salt balance in a Sicilian field. International Symposium on Salt-Affected Lagoons Ecosystems, Valencia, September. Crescimanno G., Iovino M and G. Provenzano (1995). Influence of salinity and sodicity on soil structural and hydraulic characteristic. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 59, n.6: 1701-1708 I am intersted in the salinity list as I believe it can be very useful for discussing these problems with people who are working in the same field. I am ready to provide some further information about me and my activity.Yours sincerely, Giuseppina Crescimanno
End of Digest

Prepared by Steve Modena, AB4EL
Suggestions and comments to: