is the compilation of discussion during May 97

via AB4EL Web Digests @ SunSITE


>From Thu May  1 01:06 EDT 1997
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 00:04:55 -0600
Subject: SALINITY-L Digest - 28 Apr 1997 to 30 Apr 1997

There is one message totalling 64 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Introduction

Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 06:09:20 -0700 From: "Shabbir Shahid by way of Richard Soppe <>" <sshahid@KISR.EDU.KW> Subject: Introduction WHOY YOU ARE I am Dr. Shabbir Ahmad Shahid, obtained B,Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Hons) majoring in Soil Science from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan in 1977 and 1980 respectively. Joined the UAF as Research Officer in 1980 and later as Lecturer (1982). Proceeded for Ph.D degree to the Univerity College of North wales Bangor UK, obtained the Ph.D degree in 1989 by working on the salt-affected soils of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The thesis was first of its nature on the Soils of Pakistan describing the nature, type and extent of these soils, physical and chemical aspects, mineralogical (sand, silt, clay), one chapter on the salt efflorescences, surface and subsurface sealing and crusting due to brackish water,simulation of soil profiles and HC measurement. The thesis was submitted in two volumes 750 pages. I was promoted to the post of Assistant Professor (1990), to associate Professor (1995)at UAF. What part of the world I am from I am now working as Associate Research Scientist since Nov. 1996 at the Aridland Agriculture Department Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O.Box 24885 Safat 13109 Kuwait Why I am interested in Salinity Since I obtained my Msc degree (comparison of gypsum requirement methods on saline-sodic and sodic soils), I am engaged in teaching and research in soil salinity. Produced 47 researcgh papers, supervised 17 M.Sc students for their thesis research, supervised 1 Ph.D student for his Ph.D degree. Most of my publications are on salinity and sodicity. If someone is interested I can send list of publications. So and so only seven papers are published on the salt-mineraly of the salt-affected soils of Pakistan, all are my publications (pioneer effort). My recent publication is Shahid S. A. and D. A. Jenkins 1994. Mineralogy and micromorphology of salt-crusts from the Ounjan Pakistan Development in Soil Science 22, pp.799-810 Currently I am engaged in the project Soil Survey and associated Activities for the state of Kuwait, and coming across by the first time to the salt-affected soils of Kuwait. Specific topics and questions General understanding on the salt-affected soils of the world, genesis, classification, management and reclamation. I am also interested to develop a project on biosaline researc in Kuwait. Knowledge of salinization/sodification I gained about salinity/sodicity through my graduation studies 23 years before, taught courses on soil chemistry, salin-sodic soils, and salt-affected soils at postgraduate level, obtained degree in soil salinity, supervised students at M.,Sc and Ph.D levels, pioneer in publishing salt mineralogical statusd of the soils of Pakistn. Pioneer in presenting the idea of thenardite (Na2SO4)and mirabilite (Na2SO4.10H2O)in the soils of Pakistan and received the very first National award.
End of SALINITY-L Digest - 28 Apr 1997 to 30 Apr 1997 *****************************************************

>From Sat May 10 01:03 EDT 1997
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 00:02:33 -0600
Subject: SALINITY-L Digest - 30 Apr 1997 to 9 May 1997

There is one message totalling 25 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Amelioration of Salt-Affected Soils

Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 11:43:57 -0700 From: Soil Tech <soiltech@LISCO.COM> Subject: Amelioration of Salt-Affected Soils Hi everyone! I am new to this list and I want to introduce myself. My name is Jimmie Schaefer. I am an agronomist and I have a farm in Southeastern Iowa. I have developed a technoogy for amelioration of salt-affected soils. It is based on salt tolerant microorganisms which produce polysaccharides, organic acids, growth stimulating hormones and nitrogen from nitrogen fixation. Test results show reduction in soil pH and exchangeable sodium, increase in soil aggregation, significant increase in the level of carbon and nitrogen, and the availability of phosphorus. If you are interested in my method, I am willing to discuss it! Looking forward to your replies! Jimmie Schaefer
End of SALINITY-L Digest - 30 Apr 1997 to 9 May 1997 ****************************************************

>From Tue May 13 01:04 EDT 1997
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 00:03:06 -0600
Subject: SALINITY-L Digest - 9 May 1997 to 12 May 1997

There is one message totalling 22 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Particle Size Analysis: Software?

Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 11:10:52 +0000 From: Tony Dare-Edwards <tdare-edwards@CSU.EDU.AU> Subject: Particle Size Analysis: Software? Hello All! I am hoping I don't have to reinvent the wheel and that out there on the net is a copy of a piece of software that allows me undertake the calculations associated with the hydrometer method of particle size analysis. Does anybody know of any URLs with a simple software routine I can download.? Hopefully yours Tony Dare-Edwards, Wagga Wagga, Australia
End of SALINITY-L Digest - 9 May 1997 to 12 May 1997 ****************************************************

>From Wed May 14 01:03 EDT 1997
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 00:02:14 -0600
Subject: SALINITY-L Digest - 12 May 1997 to 13 May 1997

There is one message totalling 50 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Introducing myself

Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:14:18 -0700 From: Clyde Best <clyde@CAMPBELLSCI.COM> Subject: Introducing myself Colleagues, Being new to the list, I will briefly introduce myself. My name is Clyde Best. I work as an applications engineer in the water resources group of Campbell Scientific, Inc (CSI), in Logan, Utah. I obtained my B.S. Electrical Engineering at the University of Idaho in '83. At several points during my 11-year stint in the Navy I studied water chemistry. Since then, I have worked with users of remote dataloggers for over seven years. I work with water quality researchers and managers on a regular basis. Among my customers, the inexpensive electrical conductivity/temperature probe we make has been immensely popular. Links to customers' web pages may be found on our web page: I would be glad to discuss options for monitoring water quality with list participants. Regards, Clyde Best,, 801-750-9576 "All is born of water; all is sustained by water." Goethe Clyde Best Applications Engineer, Water Resources Group Campbell Scientific, Inc., 815 W 1800 North, Logan, UT 84321-1784 Tel: 801-750-9576 Fax: 801-750-9596 NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: BBS: 801-750-9562 (28.8bps,n,8,1) "All is born of water; all is sustained by water." Goethe (The opinions expressed above are mine, and not of CSI's)
End of SALINITY-L Digest - 12 May 1997 to 13 May 1997 *****************************************************

>From Tue May 20 01:01 EDT 1997
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 00:00:07 -0600
Subject: SALINITY-L Digest - 13 May 1997 to 19 May 1997

There are 2 messages totalling 211 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:


Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 14:14:12 +0000 From: Alfred Heuperman <heupermana@SALTY.AGVIC.GOV.AU> Subject: Re: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Dear Collegues, After some months of subscription to this list I have finally found some time to introduce myself. My name is Alfred Heuperman and I work at the Institute of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture (ISIA) in Tatura, northern Victoria, Australia. My position at the institute is Leader of the Soil&Water Management Section. The institute is run by the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Staff now numbers nearly 200, covering a range of expertise (research/extension, plants/soils/water, marketing, regulation, etc.). Irrigation in northern Victoria is mainly irrigated pastures for dairy and irrigated pome and stone fruits. Our main environmental problems are salinity (caused by a watertable risen from 30 m 100 years ago to about 1-2 m below surface at present) and nutrients in streams, causing increasing algal bloom problems. The soil&water section (about 18 staff) works on issues related to the nutrient problem in irrigation drainage (runoff from border strips), soil management to combat sodicity problems, soil management to overcome structural problems with our soils under intensive systems (orchards, vineyards, tomatoes), wastewater management (increasingly effluent water is disposed to land rather than rivers). I myself have been involved in research into the use of trees for the management of shallow watertables, looking at salt accumulation processes underneath trees tapping these watertables. Two years ago we started a project which we call "Serial Biological Concentration" where we concentrate drainage water (smaller volume, higher salinity) before disposal into a small on-farm evaporation pond system. We are testing the ponds for mariculture (saline fish farming). Last winter we consumed the first inland grown Atlantic Salmon !!! The concentration concept is similar to the agroforestry system tested in California where they apply this to manage toxic high- Selenium drainage effluent. If anybody is interested to discuss bio-management of salinity and shallow watertables or anything else I mentioned above, please contact me. Regards, Alfred Heuperman Senior Resource Management Officer Leader Soil&Water Management Section ISIA Tatura 3616 Ph. 03 5833 5246 Fax 03 5833 5337
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 07:31:06 -0500 From: David Carty <dcarty@KWBES.COM> Subject: Re: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6426.9DAFA4C0 Dr Heuperman - Was pleased to read your introduction to your work. I am a soil chemist = specializing in remediation of salt-affected soils from produced water = (salty water which rises to the surface with oil) from oil and gas = exploration and development. We have large areas of such salt-affected = soils, and one of the possibilities I have been interested in pursuing = has been development of saltwater and brackish water aquaculture in = inland areas. I would also like to find out more about "bio-management = of salinity and shallow water tables." Use of trees to lower water = table, and desalination of salty water are other areas of interest. I = would appreciate information you could provide on these subjects. Thank you, and welcome aboard a great internet newsgroup, Dave Carty ---------- From: Alfred Heuperman Sent: Monday, May 19, 1997 9:14 AM To: Subject: Re: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Dear Collegues, After some months of subscription to this list I have finally found some time to introduce myself. My name is Alfred Heuperman and I work at the Institute of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture (ISIA) in Tatura, northern Victoria, Australia. My position at the institute is Leader of the Soil&Water Management Section. The institute is run by the Victorian Department of Natural Resources = and Environment. Staff now numbers nearly 200, covering a range of expertise (research/extension, plants/soils/water, marketing, regulation, etc.). Irrigation in northern Victoria is mainly irrigated pastures for dairy and irrigated pome and stone fruits. Our main environmental problems are salinity (caused by a watertable risen from 30 m 100 years ago to about 1-2 m below surface at present) and nutrients in streams, causing increasing algal bloom problems. The soil&water section (about 18 staff) works on issues related to the nutrient problem in irrigation drainage (runoff from border strips), soil management to combat sodicity problems, soil management to overcome structural problems with our soils under intensive systems (orchards, vineyards, tomatoes), wastewater management (increasingly effluent water is disposed to land rather than rivers). I myself have been involved in research into the use of trees for the management of shallow watertables, looking at salt accumulation processes underneath trees tapping these watertables. Two years ago we started a project which we call "Serial Biological Concentration" where we concentrate drainage water (smaller volume, higher salinity) before disposal into a small on-farm evaporation pond system. We are testing the ponds for mariculture (saline fish farming). Last winter we consumed the first inland grown Atlantic Salmon !!! The concentration concept is similar to the agroforestry system tested in California where they apply this to manage toxic high- Selenium drainage effluent. If anybody is interested to discuss bio-management of salinity and shallow watertables or anything else I mentioned above, please contact me. Regards, Alfred Heuperman Senior Resource Management Officer Leader Soil&Water Management Section ISIA Tatura 3616 Ph. 03 5833 5246 Fax 03 5833 5337 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6426.9DAFA4C0 eJ8+IgcMAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAPAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUgAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAFNhbGluaXR5LUwgRGlz Y3Vzc2lvbiBMaXN0AFNNVFAAU0FMSU5JVFktTEBjcmN2bXMudW5sLmVkdQAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAU0FMSU5JVFktTEBjcmN2bXMudW5sLmVkdQAAAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAAB0AAAAnU2FsaW5pdHktTCBEaXNjdXNzaW9uIExpc3QnAAAAAAIBCzAB AAAAHwAAAFNNVFA6U0FMSU5JVFktTEBDUkNWTVMuVU5MLkVEVQAAAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAAIB 9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAALlOwEEgAEAHwAAAFJFOiBJTlRST0RVQ1RJT04gT0YgTkVXIE1FTUJFUgAq CAEFgAMADgAAAM0HBQATAAcAHwAGAAEAGQEBIIADAA4AAADNBwUAEwAHABYAFAABAB4BAQmAAQAh AAAAMkY0REEyQkQxN0QwRDAxMTk4MkEwMDAwQzA3RkVGNUYANQcBA5AGAJAKAAAUAAAACwAjAAAA AAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQAAAAAAAwAuAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQAAasWFUGS8AR4AcAABAAAAHwAA AFJFOiBJTlRST0RVQ1RJT04gT0YgTkVXIE1FTUJFUgAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAbxkUIW8vaJNMNAX EdCYKgAAwH/vXwAAHgAeDAEAAAADAAAATVMAAB4AHwwBAAAAFgAAAEFFR0kvQ09MTEVHRVNUQS9D QVJUWQAAAAMABhBbtBUaAwAHEGQKAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABEUkhFVVBFUk1BTi1XQVNQTEVBU0VE VE9SRUFEWU9VUklOVFJPRFVDVElPTlRPWU9VUldPUktJQU1BU09JTENIRU1JU1RTUEVDSUFMSVpJ TkdJTlJFTUVESUFUSU9OT0ZTQUxUAAAAAAIBCRABAAAA/QgAAPkIAAAkEAAATFpGdViqX/b/AAoB DwIVAqQD5AXrAoMAUBMDVAIAY2gKwHNldO4yBgAGwwKDMgPGBxMCg7ozEw19CoAIzwnZOxX/eDI1 NQKACoENsQtgbvBnMTAzFCALChLyDAESYwBAIEQFwEhldTZwBJADgi0KhQqFV2EbBCALUGUcsAmA IHRvqiAWAGEdQHkIYSALgIJ0A2BkdWN0aQIgCx1SHeN3BbBrLiBJiCBhbR/wIHNvAxFZEbBlbQQA BUBzG0Bj6QcxaXoLgGceIR2BB4BmZAcwHrNvZiBAB0B07C1hDdAFkHQdMSBSBCBvA1Ic0B5jHTF3 IoAEkCCKKCMSeSUld2hpEbDvHYAEAAeRHWF0ILAgQAhwfmYA0CdwA/AnUCLQAxApLyREIGIAcB1A ZxyxZXifC1AFsCKEKUINsHZlFZDucAeAAjAfwFcncBHAKuDyIAtgcmcncArAHQEi0+8ekCagIx8k ICwpMwIgJ3CTIuEnUnBvBBBpYgMQ3yggCJAEIB/gK8NiCeEeIu8EkAeQI7Ih8XAIcCeQIbJ/EcAE IDDjKski1iU0KUJiOSoQY2sEACagNGVxdf0A0HUtcAhwJ3Ah8QuAGOH/HUAscx/CH4A2QDcxJCAd cG0hgGsncB1hZguALsF1XwVABGA2gQGgOWIiL+Bv+i0DgWEsQDOpC4AoICXg/ylCNWAHQBWQB+Al NAGRHPDxN5AiIFUR8C8TCdEnA/88kSYyPOguhA2wO4MiiyXmfyxxItAnUUHTLKQxNjepcP8koCFC I7AeIQIQG2Eesx3h5yCQN/MkoXZpDbAu0SdCcz3RJ5BiaiORN5AbzFS5EcBuax3SLoQ+4GwFoP8H gDniCxEgIQnBIoAxJC7wswVALvB3cwnACGBwLoD6RCvSQwrAJdAbzAr0IYAIMTgwAtFpLTE0njQN 8AzQTvMLWTE2CqD/A2AjsB6gG6BRFwqHT8sMMPVQlkYDYTpSHlCWDIITcP5sA1AdMRsXUb9SzQZg AjCLU/9VC00CIGRheS6AYk1bMCAxOS6AW7A5sDcgOTpO8BNwTVbfGVLNVG9ZH1ULU0FMAElOSVRZ LUxAUQUAY3ZtN5B1NvAufQmAdVy/V+5HdF7fVQtSBmVksGDgVFJPRFUAQ1RJT04gT0YJB7BFVwXQ RU1CReZSTR9OIzM2T5cUIgwBPVCWRB0ABcAIUDyAZWf3ClAucBvMQQGAJWEgUEoR6wRgAjBoLLVi BPQexSdQ/wQAOIEg8TB1ORE8cSXgAhD9YdBkCoVtox6wcgIdcB423W3ReRHwVeAfwE0l4DrA/0oR b7FV3ikzN8IfoAqFSwH9J1JJAIAesDZgRMEi4WRA7yDwC3E9Qh/QcgUQKYAjsg5BCcAmgDZFKElT SbZBKJAh8VQigAhwYWxW7m4VoUJRA6BWJoAdYAch3S6AQXfxKhAhgGFzsy+RvzARKlJ2tAuAdzZv sUwdodcEkAqFLyVTIGEmHKAlUr9bcDrHBmAeo0fvfn1yYdB/MNAl4CdSfBYDoGthCrF0/TOmTnqz AyBmkCBQCHAk8GcEIClBCoVFbkaAA2BuPSs0UwGQDdB7cQfgbnV/BtAEkAQgLvAKwHDxAdAw/y6A BaAq4AUQIcEgMCoQGQC/LwIKhSnBBJAesD3RKDFx+2uBEbAvKcAjsACBAiAugNMLUQIwcy8j8y8l My6A/wDAH6ASACGxbFYWAGwQC2DHHrIugBIAYy4pgn14pf8ewiHxe490QgDANuEl4Iig/3jGCrAg 8DZxJDEFsAqFWyD/iKA79JWpSgM8Ih1gLvEDUP8yUEfBZ5AeAZUyKbCIiAdAPwqFJKE9UWGgQeM7 hyhj/mF38B0xhLEgMCUzPTMms/MDoCRTMzA5kFugTpAKhXZ5a4GHsWcnMR1wOfQx/i0SICAQMOA8 kieWSwFEYf2e8XQokClCieAeUAiQjuH/HiFxdj4xIAAucZ1iIbQFALsdAYtzbCmAAyACYG8kdH+c I4J/J3GAsiU0EfAepCj9oUU4mTEjYSiQH4IssTER/wQQbCEdgZFBHTMKhSdSo+b3m+Y2o5MYZCoQ QIEsQY1g/2HQIuAi8CRTBuALIH+nfNH5BSBzKS6AIFM6qR1hSfH+YksBIFAiYCFQJdGb9rJv/60m HXCLMknzfNEekYbjm/f/KBQeASP0cUElYTEyAIEr4d5zc2AjsGGgCoUoBbARsu5kLnFGgC7webvU HWBFQX5vB5CyUSUwMZElNDqpKP+mKHDwjFYN0ApBM8ElNG+x/yJgISAvoB00NwMqEUJSJ1B/A5EF EItBskCSHnNFMIt2/wbwKuAxw412HiInNJ2BPfj/RREnQgqFOq08aj00LoCnQV81QIuCIQEtYR/w YzYwbf+RNZuIh5Em4rmjimEoMT4130RBIbJHBMqpH8BUH4CgaP8KhT7gqwIAIB0xIDAkoUeSfyZV 0kGdYDyAOkAGYocBQvsewBWQZyaAhwEIUKYwK0H9KhQi0dZCUSfx1AHVtydw/6/HJTYAwGvhBcDF 0YnwP8HtJnBnQlI7hikKhTDgRRF/2CHBY4cBxwMgMdlSLtEt9yfAG2ApsHZEQCoGL5A8Iv+6sytz LHGtJjGBz5Xes8hE/4/xeXg7g3CCNWHdsiGxw4D/f1CWUSgBMUJJsQqF14EnkH8iQSdDORAR4EsS NwNMAXe5A6BBdI7CJoAGAWxt8fwgIehAqC/XeR7C14MFMf9vsQCQINAsEScWOtADYNvS/3zRJeC6 pN/5MbRMwCGARRH/AwCeAdcDJ1E78URQcPFvk/cdYTqkHVF456HaQhu2BmD/HPADAInwr7jANpIe IvAAcPp5BuBklYGkYjFXHWHBUf82MAQROm87d3Y2PCnKmiLQ/TSieW+RIcEq8D3RxIErQf8ewdLC BuAq4I6SHQLk2AGQ/1DhB4CoHWaQKYC74mzWVe/f8dUDAAWxhzaBSk8N0CaA/3+nf2SAn4GrkpZ6 IUhmerPNn3A2UGAKhVBoH8AZMJggNTgZQAkAMjQIJthGYXgI2BlANxvMaO9fT5caNVCWYkUYcQAP MAAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwIA6RTE9kvAFAAAgwIA6RTE9kvAEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABS RTogAAAAAAMADTT9NwAA350= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC6426.9DAFA4C0--
End of SALINITY-L Digest - 13 May 1997 to 19 May 1997 *****************************************************


Prepared by Steve Modena, AB4EL
Suggestions and comments to: