is the compilation of discussion during Dec 96

via AB4EL Web Digests @ SunSITE


>From Mon Dec  2 00:00 EST 1996
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 22:47:36 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 665

Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields (Rodney Ruskin <>)

Date: Sun, 01 Dec 1996 08:18:35 -0800 From: Rodney Ruskin <> Subject: Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields At 11:01 AM 11/30/96 -0600, grapegrower wrote: >I don't understand all the discussion... contact Purdue university. They >developed the STANDARD on football feild type installations 15 years ago >and have been perfecting it since. Everyone else is just guessing or >firing in the dark. More information please - department, titles of publications, names, phone numbers etc. Thank you, Rodney Ruskin
End of Digest
>From Tue Dec  3 00:01 EST 1996
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 22:48:16 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 666

Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 (
RE: Trickle on athletic fields ("Bradley M. M. Smith (512) 245-7846" <>)
Re: Water Conditioners ?? ("J.D. Oster" <>)
Re: On Farm performance (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)
Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 02:17:11 -0500 From: Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 thompson.tony, Our company has been successful in helping numerous growers in California "condition" or treat their water used for drip irrigation. The preventative approach of pre- treating water to address water quality issues such as you have listed is viable. If you would want more information concerning our activities, please e-mail me your address and I will be glad to send you a package. Tom AG H2O
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 08:00:51 -0600 (CST) From: "Bradley M. M. Smith (512) 245-7846" <> Subject: RE: Trickle on athletic fields We considered SDI for our athletics fields because we live in an area of Texas that is experiencing severe drought. The main field that we were considering for installation was the one that requires the most water... the sand based field. Unfortunately, that is also the one that you would expect the least amount of lateral movement of water from a drip system. We looked at some of the newer solutions to the lateral movement problem (Vector Flow) but, in the end, it was simply cost prohibitive (for now). Nevertheless, I was still concerned about even distribution of the water in a sand based field. Brad Smith
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 10:28:16 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: Re: Water Conditioners ?? I have not heard of any research based information generated in California which supports the statements made by salepersons. My own position on these products is that unless they add something to the water or remove something from the water, they do nothing to the water. As for magnetizing water, water molecules return very quickly -- micoseconds or less --- to their original random orientations after having been exposed to magnetic fields. Check with your local operator of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine if your interested in how magnets affect water. As for magnetic effects on dissolved ions in the water, the effects would be less than for water. These ions are much larger and are 'coated' with water molecules. In scientific jargon, they have a hydration shell. Be wary of testimonials. Comparisons of the effects of 'treated' water to 'untreated' water would require exactly the same water management for both -- same time, location, water treatments, water use, crops irriated, etc, etc, and etc. At 10:54 PM 11/27/96 -0600, you wrote: > >Internet Survey: Water Conditioners ? > >What are the experiences of Discussion Group Members with using Water >Conditioners ? >In South Australia the "Carefree" product (where water passes through tubes >made from an alloy similar to German Silver and containing Nickel 25%, >Copper 40%, Zinc 22% Tin 16%) has been marketed for at least 15 years. >Two additional products have been marketed more recently: > one passes water between permanent magnets > the other passes water through electo magnets. >Marketers of these products do not provide scientific literature which supports >their claims that the products solve every imaginable water quality problem. >I have been told that scientific papers written in Polish and Russian have been >published. Can anyone supply english translations of any reputable papers ? >I have heard that water research establishments exists in Sussex England >(Emerson College), Jarna Sweden and Basle Switzerland where work is being >done on "flow forms" which were first proposed by Rudolf Steiner. >In 1984 the South Australian State Water Laboratory and The Australian >Mineral Development Laboratory (AMDEL) carried out chemical analyses of >water flowing into and and then out from the Carefree conditioner and detected >no changes in the water. >Electron microscope studies showed no change in the water. >The anecdotal evidence reported by many users of water conditioners >contrasts with the scientific analyses. >Many (but not all) irrigators who try water conditioners report observing useful >results: > removal of white staining (salt) on nursery potted plants > on leaf surfaces and on soil surfaces > avoiding the total loss of a salt affected lettuce crop > increasing the water infiltration rate into soil > solution to algae blocking problems > in tubes hydraulically controlling solenoid valves > (CSIRO Wagga Wagga) > solution to iron and iron bacteria problems with drippers. >If these products do solve water quality problems the water industry should be >promoting their correct use: if the products are only preying on gullible >purchasers the water industry should be actively discouraging their sale. >Regards > > > > > > J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 17:26:43 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: Re: On Farm performance We have measured the performance of many farm irrigation systems. You may contact me for specific information. Don Pitts University of Florida Ph 941-657-5221 Fax 941-657-5224 At 07:51 PM 11/27/96 -0600, you wrote: >A colleague of mine, Mark Skewes, at the Loxton Research Centre in Australia had enquired about any people undertaking the >measurement of irrigation performance. We are particularly interested in people and organsiations which are or have undertaken >on farm performance measurement of irrigation practices. We are therefore interested in such measures as yield/vol of water >applied, amount of drainage/unit water applied, the cost of a unit of water etc. > >At Loxton we are undertaking such a project to measure on farm irrigation performance. In particular we are looking at such >horticultural crops such as oranges and wine grapes. We have already gathered data on oranges and have performance values >ranging from 2 tonnes/hectare to 12.5 t/ha. Our intention is to visit a number of places if there is some benefit to be gained. This >would take place in April-June of 1997. > >We are also interested in people who are promoting best management practices for on farm irrigation management. The >techniques of communicationg this to the irrigator and the rates of adoption, how you measure this are also of interest to us. We >have already gathered some information already from South Africa, Israel and the US, but we are looking for other contacts either >within the countries mentioned or other countries such as Chile, Italy, Spain etc. Our particular interest is in semi-arid areas but >other climatic areas would also be of interest. > >If you are involved in any of these activities or know of colleagues who are, please email me at the address below giving contact >information (fax, phone, email). > > >Tony Meissner >Senior Research Scientist (Irrigation) >Primary Industries, South Australia, >Loxton Research Centre >Loxton SA Australia 5333 >Tel: +61 85 959 146 >Fax: +61 85 959 180 >email: > > >
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 17:30:12 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 Please send information packet. Don Pitts At 01:28 AM 12/2/96 -0600, you wrote: >thompson.tony, > >Our company has been successful in helping numerous growers in California >"condition" or treat their water used for drip irrigation. The preventative >approach of pre- treating water to address water quality issues such as you >have listed is viable. If you would want more information concerning our >activities, please e-mail me your address and I will be glad to send you a >package. > >Tom >AG H2O > >
End of Digest
>From Wed Dec  4 00:01 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 22:48:30 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 667

Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 ("Ted W. Tyson" <>)
Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields (
DI for wastewater (Paul Reynolds <>)
Re: DI for wastewater (
Re: DI for wastewater (Rodney Ruskin <>)

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 08:06:01 -0600 (CST) From: "Ted W. Tyson" <> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 Tom, AG H20: what is your e-mail address to send snail mail address to receive info packet? twt On Mon, 2 Dec 1996, Don Pitts wrote: > > Please send information packet. > > Don Pitts > > At 01:28 AM 12/2/96 -0600, you wrote: > >thompson.tony, > > > >Our company has been successful in helping numerous growers in California > >"condition" or treat their water used for drip irrigation. The preventative > >approach of pre- treating water to address water quality issues such as you > >have listed is viable. If you would want more information concerning our > >activities, please e-mail me your address and I will be glad to send you a > >package. > > > >Tom > >AG H2O > > > > > >
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 12:03:45 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields Richard, Thank you and all who responded to my request for information on SDI. I will pursue the sources given and provide Stockton State College with the info so they can proceed. Geoflow, GroAire, and Netafim have contacted through e-mail, as well as others who have offered discussion and contacts. I'll keep you informed of results. Regards, MaryBeth Sorrentino Natural Resources Conservation Service
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 13:55:19 -0600 From: Paul Reynolds <> Subject: DI for wastewater I would like input from readers pertaining to soil requirements for DI systems for the disposal of municipal wastewaters in flood plain areas. Basically, I am interested in recommended requirements for monitoring, application rates for various soil types (by USDA Classification), soil depths below dripper lines, water tables, and any other information that may be helpful in evaluating these sites. Typically, areas of the state that are of major concern have moderate to very shallow soil depths, such as the hill country in central Texas. I am not well versed in sub-surface systems, such as drip, and would appreciate feed back from any and all. thanks, preynold Agronomist TNRCC
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 19:40:41 -0500 From: Subject: Re: DI for wastewater In a message dated 96-12-03 15:40:13 EST, you write: >From: (Paul Reynolds) >Sender: >Reply-to: >To: (Multiple recipients of list) > >I would like input from readers pertaining to soil requirements for DI >systems for the disposal of municipal wastewaters in flood plain areas. >Basically, I am interested in recommended requirements for monitoring, >application rates for various soil types (by USDA Classification), soil >depths below dripper lines, water tables, and any other information that >may be helpful in evaluating these sites. The use of soil moisture measuring devices such as tensiometers, resistance blocks,neutron probes, etc., have been extensively used for monitoring the movement of water within the the soil area occupied by the active root system of a "crop" grown on the land treatment site, as well as the area below that point for purposes of keeping track of water thus applied which has been lost to deep percolation. We manufacturer such devices. If you would like to have more specific information sent directly contact me at: Regards, Bill Pogue, Irrometer Company, Inc.
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 18:41:46 -0800 From: Rodney Ruskin <> Subject: Re: DI for wastewater At 02:13 PM 12/3/96 -0600, Paul Reynolds wrote: >I would like input from readers pertaining to soil requirements for DI >systems for the disposal of municipal wastewaters in flood plain areas. >Basically, I am interested in recommended requirements for monitoring, >application rates for various soil types (by USDA Classification), soil >depths below dripper lines, water tables, and any other information that >may be helpful in evaluating these sites. > >Typically, areas of the state that are of major concern have moderate to >very shallow soil depths, such as the hill country in central Texas. I am >not well versed in sub-surface systems, such as drip, and would >appreciate feed back from any and all. > >thanks, > >preynold >Agronomist >TNRCC > We have a lot of reports of successful use of SDI for wastewater disposal as well as our design and installation manual for this application. This manual is widely used in Texas and other states and accepted by many county and state regulators as being both conservative and usable. Please send me your snail mail address and I will send this information to you. Rodney Ruskin
End of Digest
>From Thu Dec  5 00:36 EST 1996
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 23:22:31 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 668

Re: Water Conditioners ?? ( (Blake Sanden))
Re[2]: TRICKLE-L digest 662 ("Jerry Neufeld" <>)
DI for wastewater -Reply ("Joseph C. Henggeler" <>)

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 09:12:16 +0000 From: (Blake Sanden) Subject: Re: Water Conditioners ?? Water Conditioners Trickle-L ers, As usual, Jim Oster has hit the nail on the missing head of this issue. The "Carefree" conditioner salesmen made their way through the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley and coastal farming areas of Calilfornia during the 1989-1993 drought and sold several units. I don't know of any still in use. One strawberry grower on the coast bought one and thought it was great. I talked to the farm foreman who said the only difference was that since the grower spent the $6,000 for this unit on a 20 acre berry field they should use it more to get the most benefit. The field received an extra 6 inches of water and berry size was better than last season -- go figure!! Blake Sanden UCCE Kern County >I have not heard of any research based information generated in California >which supports the statements made by salepersons. My own position on these >products is that unless they add something to the water or remove something >from the water, they do nothing to the water. As for magnetizing water, >water molecules return very quickly -- micoseconds or less --- to their >original random orientations after having been exposed to magnetic fields. >Check with your local operator of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine >if your interested in how magnets affect water. As for magnetic effects on >dissolved ions in the water, the effects would be less than for water. These >ions are much larger and are 'coated' with water molecules. In scientific >jargon, they have a hydration shell. Be wary of testimonials. Comparisons of >the effects of 'treated' water to 'untreated' water would require exactly >the same water management for both -- same time, location, water treatments, >water use, crops irriated, etc, etc, and etc. At 10:54 PM 11/27/96 -0600, >you wrote: >> >>Internet Survey: Water Conditioners ? >> >>What are the experiences of Discussion Group Members with using Water >>Conditioners ? >>In South Australia the "Carefree" product (where water passes through tubes >>made from an alloy similar to German Silver and containing Nickel 25%, >>Copper 40%, Zinc 22% Tin 16%) has been marketed for at least 15 years. >>Two additional products have been marketed more recently: >> one passes water between permanent magnets >> the other passes water through electo magnets. >>If these products do solve water quality problems the water industry should be >>promoting their correct use: if the products are only preying on gullible >>purchasers the water industry should be actively discouraging their sale. >>Regards >> >> >> >> >> >> >J.D.(Jim) Oster >Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences >University of California >Riverside, CA 92521 > >Phone (909)787-5100 >FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 96 08:47:15 PST From: "Jerry Neufeld" <> Subject: Re[2]: TRICKLE-L digest 662 Tom, Please send me a package of information for SDI water pre-treatment. Jerry Neufeld 113 Carson Road, #2 Battle Mountain, NV 89820 ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 Author: <> at smtplink-unscs Date: 12/1/96 11:37 PM thompson.tony, Our company has been successful in helping numerous growers in California "condition" or treat their water used for drip irrigation. The preventative approach of pre- treating water to address water quality issues such as you have listed is viable. If you would want more information concerning our activities, please e-mail me your address and I will be glad to send you a package. Tom AG H2O
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 18:46:11 -0600 From: "Joseph C. Henggeler" <> Subject: DI for wastewater -Reply Paul, Check with Bruce Lesikar with Texas A&M University ( He has been studying constructive wetlands for disposal of wastewater using SDI. There are two demonstration sites in Texas where data is being collected. Joe Henggeler >>> Paul Reynolds <> 12/03/96 02:23pm >>> I would like input from readers pertaining to soil requirements for DI systems for the disposal of municipal wastewaters in flood plain areas. Basically, I am interested in recommended requirements for monitoring, application rates for various soil types (by USDA Classification), soil depths below dripper lines, water tables, and any other information that may be helpful in evaluating these sites. Typically, areas of the state that are of major concern have moderate to very shallow soil depths, such as the hill country in central Texas. I am not well versed in sub-surface systems, such as drip, and would appreciate feed back from any and all. thanks, preynold Agronomist TNRCC
End of Digest
>From Fri Dec  6 00:35 EST 1996
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 23:22:58 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 669

Rodney Ruskin (
Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields (grapegrower <>)
Re: Rodney Ruskin (Rodney Ruskin <>)

Date: Fri, 06 Dec 1996 10:01:58 +0930 From: Subject: Rodney Ruskin Rodney You offered a manual. I have had no success with EMAIL address What is your correct EMAIL ADDRESS ? Thanks
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 96 19:11:58 -0800 From: grapegrower <> Subject: Re: Drip Irrigation on Athletic Fields >At 11:01 AM 11/30/96 -0600, grapegrower wrote: >>I don't understand all the discussion... contact Purdue university. They >>developed the STANDARD on football feild type installations 15 years ago >>and have been perfecting it since. Everyone else is just guessing or >>firing in the dark. > >More information please - department, titles of publications, names, phone >numbers etc. > >Thank you, >Rodney Ruskin > don't have more. All I know is that they tore out the artificial turf and installed a state of the art football field that irrigates by way of SDI and also removes excess water during rain or melting snow periods. I've played on it. U of M also recentaly decided to install a simular field and remove the artificial turf. I'm sure the Athletic Dept. can steer you at Perdue. An IBM user once told me that he has seen the light, and the IBM is better. I told him he must be confused...The only light he saw was the glow of the overheating pentium in the darkness of ignorance. -SenorJuan (me)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 21:00:59 -0800 From: Rodney Ruskin <> Subject: Re: Rodney Ruskin At 07:14 PM 12/5/96 -0600, wrote: >Rodney >You offered a manual. >I have had no success with EMAIL address >What is your correct EMAIL ADDRESS ? >Thanks > > > > My correct e-mail address is Rodney Ruskin
End of Digest
>From Sat Dec  7 01:29 EST 1996
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 23:23:33 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 670

Drip on athletic fields ("Bradley M. M. Smith (512) 245-7846" <>)
Re: SDI AND CORN,  Reply from F. R. Lamm ( (Freddie Lamm))

Date: Fri, 06 Dec 1996 08:19:42 -0600 (CST) From: "Bradley M. M. Smith (512) 245-7846" <> Subject: Drip on athletic fields Senor Juan, I couldn't find the file with the info (I have it around here somewhere...) so I don't know if it was Purdue that came up with this or if we're even talking about the same thing or not. However, the Prescription Athletic Turf system is one that was devised for athletic fields, sand based fields I imagine, and does add or remove water as needed and is underground. However, I never thought of this as an SDI system. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong but, from what I have heard/read about the two systems, I thought that there is a difference in philosophy behind the two. The PAT system is not necessarily concerned with anything but growing grass whereas SDI has a concern for using water efficiently. I, also, thought the two systems were constrructed very differently but I've never installed either so I have no first hand knowledge. Perhaps someone can set me straight... Brad Smith
Date: 06 Dec 96 14:38:00 CST From: (Freddie Lamm) Subject: Re: SDI AND CORN, Reply from F. R. Lamm Sorry, this message is dated, but I set a filter on my email to divert trickle-l material and I didn't know it was working so well. I really don't know the answer why Israel doesn't use SDI for corn. I would have assumed they didn't grow much field corn or do you mean sweet corn???? Maybe, their limited water might be better diverted to higher value crops. If you are wanting info on using SDI for field corn, we have quite a bit of info at KSU. If so send me a request. Send m EARLIER MESSAGE FROM ROD ENNOR SDI ON CORN IS NOT A NORMAL PRACTICE IN ISRAEL AND I CANT FIND OUT WHY. PERHAPS SOMEONE OUT THERE CAN PROVIDE SOME POSSIBLE REASONS OR IDEAS FOR THIS SITUATION. ISRAEL GROWS LARGE QUANTITIES WITH LIMITED WATER SUPPLY SO I WOULD ASSUME THAT SDI WOULD BE IDEAL FOR A REDUCTION IN EVAPORATION FROM THE SOIL SURFACE, GIVEN THE HOT DRY CLIMATE. OBVIOUSLY I AM IN ERROR. ANY IDEAS????? ROD ENNOR ------------------------------------------------------------------- Freddie Lamm * Research Agricultural Engineer *** o KSU Northwest Research-Extension Center ***** /|\ 105 Experiment Farm Road *******\\ Colby, Kansas 67701-1697 ********* Ph. 913-462-6281 *********** FAX 913-462-2315 ************* It's all downhill from here. ------ THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ, THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ. ------
End of Digest
>From Sun Dec  8 00:36 EST 1996
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 23:23:54 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 671

SDI perf. - after off time ( (Michael Buescher))
Re: SDI perf. - after off time (Jed Waddell <>)
CFP: Tunisian Water Forum (TWF) (Jomaa Ben-Hassine <>)

Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 12:09:00 +0100 (MEZ) From: (Michael Buescher) Subject: SDI perf. - after off time Hallo trickle-l SDI systems in a country with seasons like Germany are used only for 1-3 month. Will a shut-off time of 9 month influence the performance of a SDI system? What can be done on the maintainance side to prevent failiures? Will a winter period with frost, which 'works' soil damage a SDI-tape system (14 mil)? Thank you very much for your comments Michael Buescher
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 96 11:51:25 -0600 From: Jed Waddell <> Subject: Re: SDI perf. - after off time Michael and Trickle-L, I installed a few rows of 15 mil turbulent flow drip tape 25 cm deep in the spring of 1994. We inflated the tape with water to insure no leaks and that the system performed adequately. In the spring of 1995 I planted sweet corn for the Soil Science Department's picnic. The corn was irrigated and fertilized solely with the drip tape and got rave reviews by the faculty, staff and students. This was in Minnesota when winter air temperatures were below -40 C. The study was completed in 1995 so I don't have an idea of the longevity of use of SDI in this manner over many years. Try it. Jed At 04:57 AM 12/7/96 -0600, you wrote: >Hallo trickle-l > >SDI systems in a country with seasons like Germany are used only for 1-3 month. >Will a shut-off time of 9 month influence the performance of a SDI system? >What can be done on the maintainance side to prevent failiures? >Will a winter period with frost, which 'works' soil damage a SDI-tape system (14 mil)? > > >Thank you very much for your comments > > >Michael Buescher > > **************************************************** * Jed T. Waddell * * Graduate Research Assistant * * University of Minnesota * * Department of Soil, Water, and Climate * * St. Paul, MN 55108 * * office (612) 625-1968 * * fax (612) 625-2208 * ****************************************************
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 02:05:31 +0000 From: Jomaa Ben-Hassine <> Subject: CFP: Tunisian Water Forum (TWF) Sorry for Cross-posting! Call For Papers - Tunisian Water Forum (TWF) Water specialists, researchers and graduate students are invited to submit papers for publication in the proceedings and/or presentation at the Tunisian Water Forum, planned for July 16, 17 and 18, 1997 in Tunis. Abstracts Deadline: January 15, 1997 Paper Deadlie: April 15, 1997 For more information, please visit the TWF Home Page at or contact: ITES TSC-Tunisian Water Forum 85 Avenue de la Libert=E9 P. O. Box 13238 Tunis 1002 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tunisia OR USA Fax +216 (1) 802 377 Fax +1 (612) 624-5230 (Att. Khaled Sellami) (Att. Salim Khemakhem) Email: Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jomaa Ben-Hassine................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
End of Digest
>From Mon Dec  9 00:37 EST 1996
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 23:24:05 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 672

 Re: SDI AND CORN,  Reply from F. R. Lamm ("M. Meron" <>)
C.I.I. 1997 Meeting Announcement ( (Richard Mead))
SDI perf. - after off time -Reply ("Joseph C. Henggeler" <>)
[ADV] Distributors / Installers required for irrigation system ("Colin Austin" <>)

Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 13:41:35 GMT+0200 From: "M. Meron" <> Subject: Re: SDI AND CORN, Reply from F. R. Lamm Irrigated corn in Israel is grown for forage or sweet-corn. Both need sprinkler irrigation for "rooting" - allowing adventitious roots to establish in wet soil, so the irrigation season will be too short to justify deploying a surface drip system with laterals etc., after a sprinkling system is already there. There are some water savings and yield gain in drip irrigated sweet corn, but not enough to worth the extra investment and effort. SDI in field crops is not widely used in Israel in general and in sweet corn. Surface drip systems already cover most of suitable crops and fields and farmers know how to operate them successfuly, reaping world record yields in some of their crops. They will need some extremely seducing evidence (or very strict environmental regulation of reclaimed water use) to switch to other irrigaiton methods in field crops. M. Meron ========================================================================= MIGAL Galilee Technology Center Crop Ecology Laboratory Kiryat Shmona PO Box 90 000 Rosh Pina 12 100 ISRAEL Phone +972-6-953559 Fax: +972-6-944980 Email: =========================================================================
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 16:04:44 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: C.I.I. 1997 Meeting Announcement The California Irrigation Institute would like to invite interested individuals to partake in the upcoming 1997 C.I.I. meeting. If you are interested in the management, technical or public policy perspective of irrigation, the California Irrigation Institute's next meeting on January 28th and 29th, should be of interest. The upcoming meeting will host speakers of regional and international prominence. Sessions will include: Computers in Water Management, Irrigation Management:Response to Water Costs and Availability, Irrigation District Modernization, Making Irrigation Systems Pay, Electric Power Deregulation, Agricultural Drainage, and an extensive section covering Crop Response to Water. California is internationally known for its water delivery systems and ongoing quest to balance urban, industrial and agricultural water interests. This meeting is for all individuals willing to obtain insight into the future of water in California and other similar regions. The 1997 C.I.I. Meeting will be in Fresno, California at the Holiday Inn-Centre Plaza. Fresno is within 90 minutes of three national parks. For registration, hotel and map information, check out the on the web. If you would like a flyer sent to you via snail mail or fax, contact me at Feel free to also contact me by phone at (209) 453-3109. Richard Mead Trickle-L owner C.I.I. Co-Director
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 1996 06:22:47 -0600 From: "Joseph C. Henggeler" <> Subject: SDI perf. - after off time -Reply Michael, Growers in West Texas "put their systems to bed" over the winter with a light chlorination into the system, which they do not flush out. This is for suppression of any biological growth (e.g., algae) that may form during the off-season. Secondly, extended periods of down-time in Texas appears to be associated with increased gopher- and insect-damage activity. Joe Henggeler Ft. Stockton, TX >>> Michael Buescher <> 12/07/96 05:13am >>> Hallo trickle-l SDI systems in a country with seasons like Germany are used only for 1-3 month. Will a shut-off time of 9 month influence the performance of a SDI system? What can be done on the maintainance side to prevent failiures? Will a winter period with frost, which 'works' soil damage a SDI-tape system (14 mil)? Thank you very much for your comments Michael Buescher
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 15:59:31 +1000 From: "Colin Austin" <> Subject: [ADV] Distributors / Installers required for irrigation system Irrigation consultants / installers wanted. Aerogation is a pulsed, sub surface irrigation system designed for both broad acre applications, and row cropping. Aerogation offers significant productivity increases, with a substantially reduced water usage. This system has been successfully installed in a number of key sites in the Kerang and Albury areas, and it provides an economic alternative to flood irrigation, as well as an environmentally acceptable method of disposing of effluent water. Cohort International are seeking to establish a network of licensed installers. We are seeking energetic persons with a knowledge of the vineyard or dairy industry, and irrigation techniques. In return, Cohort offers full technical backup, and a national marketing campaign. Further information is available on the Internet at or by contacting Cohort International 7 Belfast Road Montrose, Vic, 3765 Australia ph: (03) 9761 9922 fax: (03) 9761 9944 email: --------------------------------------------------------- Cohort International 7 Belfast Road, Ph: +61 3 9761 9922 Montrose, Vic, 3765 Fax: +61 3 9761 9944 Australia Email: ---------------------------------------------------------
End of Digest
>From Tue Dec 10 00:37 EST 1996
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 23:24:55 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 673

Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)
Re: Carefree filtration (

Date: Mon, 09 Dec 1996 08:10:49 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 662 Don Pitts University of Florida, SWFREC PO Box 5127 Immokalee, FL 34143 At 07:57 AM 12/3/96 -0600, you wrote: >Tom, AG H20: what is your e-mail address to send snail mail address to >receive info packet? twt > >On Mon, 2 Dec 1996, Don Pitts wrote: > >> >> Please send information packet. >> >> Don Pitts >> >> At 01:28 AM 12/2/96 -0600, you wrote: >> >thompson.tony, >> > >> >Our company has been successful in helping numerous growers in California >> >"condition" or treat their water used for drip irrigation. The preventative >> >approach of pre- treating water to address water quality issues such as you >> >have listed is viable. If you would want more information concerning our >> >activities, please e-mail me your address and I will be glad to send you a >> >package. >> > >> >Tom >> >AG H2O >> > >> > >> >> > >
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 22:47:43 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Carefree filtration I have been reading the discussion on water conditioners and especially the notes on the use of Carefree systems. We used a small Carefree system on a small drip field where we could not get a major filter system in place because of cost. We used a single disk filter, that in past years had to be cleaned almost daily. After installing a Carefree system, ahead of the filter we were able to length the time between cleaning to as long as 5 days. Granted the system was not cheap, but it cut down our maintaince considerably. We will were not able to compare it to a check block for other improvements they claim. Next year we will put a small system in another field, where we will be able to compare it to a check plot. As an added note, I installed a Carefree system in our swimming pool and saw some dramatic reductions in chlorine use and the quality (appearance) of the water was greatly enhanced. Leslie ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- >From Mon Dec 9 18:38:50 1996 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id SAA06594 for <>; Mon, 9 Dec 1996 18:38:35 -0500 Received: (from uucorum@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.6.10) id PAA07616 for; Mon, 9 Dec 1996 15:38:22 -0800 (PST) X-Authentication-Warning: uucorum set sender to LESLIE_ROY using -f From: V1.efcom! (Leslie Roy) Reply-To: V1.efcom! To: Subject: Fwd: re:water conditioners Date: 09 Dec 1996 15:42:46 GMT Message-Id: <4064804830.17118410@efcom.uucp> Organization: efcom
End of Digest
>From Wed Dec 11 00:38 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 23:25:15 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 674

Dealing with high Ca-sulfate waters ("Grant Cardon" <>)

Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 11:21:03 +0000 From: "Grant Cardon" <> Subject: Dealing with high Ca-sulfate waters I have a few questions for the group concerning the handling of gypsum saturated water. An individual with a 5000 TDS water of mostly calcite and gypsum compositiion, is looking to sprinkle-irrigate a fescue turf and some trees and shrubs, particularly Aspen and Lilac. First of all, does anyone have a good idea of how much the precipitation of gypsum and calcite is going to affect the soil solution EC and is there going to be a real salinity effect on the above mentioned plants? (this question is probably not directly pertinent to this discussion group, but thanks for your ideas). Secondly, since most of you are constantly dealing with the plugging of irrigation systems by salts, what are some of the best ways for this individual to prevent salt precip in-line on his delivery system? Is the lowering of pH going to be sufficient/effective in preventing the plugging of his systems? Thanks for the help. Grant E. Cardon Asst. Professor, Irrigation/Water Quality Management Colorado State University Department of Soil and Crop Sciences Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1170 (970) 491 6235 (voice) (970) 491 0564 (fax)
End of Digest
>From Thu Dec 12 00:46 EST 1996
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 23:33:24 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 675

FW: Phone Scam ("Thurston, Anna" <>)
HIGH CA WATER ("J.D. Oster" <>)
TRICKLE-L assessment ( (Richard Mead))
Re: TRICKLE-L assessment (Jerome Pier <>)

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 96 11:02:00 PST From: "Thurston, Anna" <> Subject: FW: Phone Scam F.Y.I. Please recall a previous warning regarding a phone scam that urges people to make an "emergency" call to a phone number with an 809 area code. Area code 809 will change to area code 242 in March of 1997. This may help or hinder the phone scam, if it has not already been disabled. Best wishes to everyone during the holiday season!
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 14:59:57 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: HIGH CA WATER GRANT: GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU. I have a few questions for the group concerning the handling of=20 gypsum saturated water. An individual with a 5000 TDS water of=20 mostly calcite and gypsum compositiion, is looking to=20 sprinkle-irrigate a fescue turf and some trees and shrubs,=20 particularly Aspen and Lilac.(NO SALT TOLERANCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE. SEE PAGE 284 AND 285 IN ASCE MANUALS AND REPORTS ON ENGINEERING PRACTICE #71 =96 AGRICULTURAL SALINITY ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT.=20 First of all, does anyone have a good idea of how much the=20 precipitation of gypsum and calcite is going to affect the soil=20 solution EC and is there going to be a real salinity effect on the=20 above mentioned plants? WATSUIT ( see chapter 22 in the above manual) IS A COMPUTER PROGRAM WHICH ACOUNTS FOR SALT PRECIPITATION EFFECTS ON SOIL SALINITY. IF YOU NEED A COPY, I CAN ARRANGE TO HAVE A COPY SENT TO YOU. (this question is probably not directly=20 pertinent to this discussion group, but thanks for your ideas). Secondly, since most of you are constantly dealing with the plugging=20 of irrigation systems by salts, what are some of the best ways for=20 this individual to prevent salt precip in-line on his delivery=20 system? Is the lowering of pH going to be sufficient/effective in=20 preventing the plugging of his systems? ADJUSTING THE PH TO ABOUT 6.5 WITH AN ACID WOULD PREVENT PRECIPITATION OF CALCITE. BUT IT WOULD NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON GYPSUM PRECIPITATION. PERHAPS GYPSUM PRECIPITATION WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM. WATSUIT WOULD PROVIDE USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POTENTIAL PROBLEM. =20 J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 23:58:03 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: TRICKLE-L assessment Dear Trickle-L group: I am working with a journalist who will soon write a short story about Trickle-L in the ARS monthly magazine. She has asked me a specific question which I thought should be posed to all of you. Only you as subscribers have a sense of how effective this discussion group is, so please ponder the following question: >What are examples of instances in which TRICKLE-L has helped people solve >problems?< Maybe there are no instances, but if any of you have some positive comments of how this discussion group has benefited you or your organization, please post a reply. It wouldn't be a bad idea to state negative aspects too, if there are any. Richard Mead Trickle-L owner/manager
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 09:35:11 -0800 From: Jerome Pier <> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment Richard Mead wrote: > >What are examples of instances in which TRICKLE-L has helped people solve > >problems?< I have repeatedly FAXED, emailed, etc. a thread on chlorination which occurred a while ago to numerous growers who have found it very useful. I also recommend to any growers I encounter who are connected to the internet that Trickle-L is *the* most useful Internet source of information available to me professionally. The fact that Richard has archived the useful threads on the Micro-Irrigation Forum Web Site makes the list even more useful. Growers, reknowned, academic, irrigation experts and industry representatives giving their view points on one of the most exciting technological advances in agriculture in some time; that is useful! Thanks again Richard Jerome Pier Soil Scientist/Agronomist Netafim Irrigation, Inc.
End of Digest
>From Fri Dec 13 00:49 EST 1996
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 23:36:38 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 676

Re: TRICKLE-L assessment (
listservice uses ("J.D. Oster" <>)
injection of compressed sulfur dioxide (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)
Re: TRICKLE-L assessment ("Thurston, Anna" <>)

Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 01:42:53 -0500 From: Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment Tricle L is a great forum giving all of us an opportunity to observe the industry from afar. Personally I have recruited great people and ideas from the "page" . I believe in the years to come it will become a "source" for our industry. Great stuff, lets all contribute to it's longevity! Robin.
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 10:30:29 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: listservice uses Richar:I use trickle-l and other listservers as a Cooperative Extension Specialist to provide scientific information on various topics related to irrigation: irrigation water quality, water management for control of soil salinity, reclamation techniques for saline and sodic soils, chemical effects on soil physical properties, influences of soil salinity on crop growth, methods to measure soil physical and chemical properties, and chemical amendments to modify soil and water quality. J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 12:19:39 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: injection of compressed sulfur dioxide Trickle-L Does anyone have information or experience on techniques for the injection of compressed sulfur dioxide into micro irrigation systems? The purpose is for pH reduction to dissolve scale and reclaim plugged emitters. Don Pitts
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 12:14:21 -0600 From: Subject: HIGH CA WATERS GRANT: GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU. I have a few questions for the group concerning the handling of=20 gypsum saturated water. An individual with a 5000 TDS water of=20 mostly calcite and gypsum compositiion, is looking to=20 sprinkle-irrigate a fescue turf and some trees and shrubs,=20 particularly Aspen and Lilac.(NO SALT TOLERANCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE. SEE PAGE 284 AND 285 IN ASCE MANUALS AND REPORTS ON ENGINEERING PRACTICE #71 =96 AGRICULTURAL SALINITY ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT.=20 First of all, does anyone have a good idea of how much the=20 precipitation of gypsum and calcite is going to affect the soil=20 solution EC and is there going to be a real salinity effect on the=20 above mentioned plants? WATSUIT ( see chapter 22 in the above manual) IS A COMPUTER PROGRAM WHICH ACOUNTS FOR SALT PRECIPITATION EFFECTS ON SOIL SALINITY. IF YOU NEED A COPY, I CAN ARRANGE TO HAVE A COPY SENT TO YOU. (this question is probably not directly=20 pertinent to this discussion group, but thanks for your ideas). Secondly, since most of you are constantly dealing with the plugging=20 of irrigation systems by salts, what are some of the best ways for=20 this individual to prevent salt precip in-line on his delivery=20 system? Is the lowering of pH going to be sufficient/effective in=20 preventing the plugging of his systems? ADJUSTING THE PH TO ABOUT 6.5 WITH AN ACID WOULD PREVENT PRECIPITATION OF CALCITE. BUT IT WOULD NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON GYPSUM PRECIPITATION. PERHAPS GYPSUM PRECIPITATION WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM. WATSUIT WOULD PROVIDE USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS POTENTIAL PROBLEM. =20
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 96 17:03:00 PST From: "Thurston, Anna" <> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment As a Water Conservation Specialist for a public utility my interest in the Trickle-L forum is to maintain an awareness of the irrigation industry and to learn of new/old water-efficient technologies. I have been able to establish a number of important contacts with people in the industry who can assist me with conservation programming - either directly through the list or indirectly through other people that subscribe. I have also been able to answer some of those obscure questions that never seem to get asked, just by reading the subject threads that interest me. This second benefit allows me to develop a wider perspective on a number of technical horizons, not all of which are irrigation related, but which benefit me nevertheless. Thanks for a great forum. Anna Thurston, Water Conservation Specialist Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Resource Planning PO Box 11007 Tacoma, Washington 98411 USA (206)502-8723 // FAX:(206)502-8694 <> ---------- From: root To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: TRICKLE-L assessment Date: Wednesday, December 11, 1996 5:41PM Dear Trickle-L group: I am working with a journalist who will soon write a short story about Trickle-L in the ARS monthly magazine. She has asked me a specific question which I thought should be posed to all of you. Only you as subscribers have a sense of how effective this discussion group is, so please ponder the following question: >What are examples of instances in which TRICKLE-L has helped people solve >problems?< Maybe there are no instances, but if any of you have some positive comments of how this discussion group has benefited you or your organization, please post a reply. It wouldn't be a bad idea to state negative aspects too, if there are any. Richard Mead Trickle-L owner/manager
End of Digest
>From Sat Dec 14 00:51 EST 1996
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 23:37:38 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 677

Re: TRICKLE-L assessment by F.R. Lamm ( (Freddie Lamm))
Fe removal from irrigation water (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)
Re: Fe removal from irrigation water ("J.D. Oster" <>)
Re: TRICKLE-L assessment (Rodney Ruskin <>)

Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 10:30:22 -0500 (EST) From: LRP@ICON.LAL.UFL.EDU Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment Trickle-L has helped keep me updated on new (and old) developments in the microirrigation field. It has broadened my horizons and given me ideas on where to go to get answers to particular problems. It is a useful forum. Larry Parsons University of Florida
Date: 13 Dec 96 10:14:41 CST From: (Freddie Lamm) Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment by F.R. Lamm Trickle-L has been a very useful tool to me. It's a great place to learn about the different factors affecting microirrigation in a host of different regions. I am sure it has helped many people including myself avoid some pitfalls and knowledge bottlenecks. There are numerous recurring topics, but I read them all, because quite often there is new information or a different perspective given. List-serves can take a lot of time to follow and so this is the only one I belong to at present, but in this case it is time well spent. I have followed Trickle-L since about January of 1995. I have kept nearly all of the raw messages since then, and occasionally I go back and try to summarize the discussion points on a particular issue for my own purposes. Thanks again Richard. Have a happy holiday. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Freddie Lamm * Research Agricultural Engineer *** o KSU Northwest Research-Extension Center ***** /|\ 105 Experiment Farm Road *******\\ Colby, Kansas 67701-1697 ********* Ph. 913-462-6281 *********** FAX 913-462-2315 ************* It's all downhill from here. ------ THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ, THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ. ------
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 16:13:03 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: Fe removal from irrigation water Trickle-L We are attempting to remove iron from irrigation water by injecting chlorine and filter with media filtration. The source is groundwater and Fe levels are about 4 mg/l and pH is 7.3. Does anyone know what factors are critical? Such as: contact time, importance of mixing, and level of filtration required. Don Pitts
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 16:30:12 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water Have you checked with an inorganic chemist familar with oxidation/reduction reactions to determine if the reducing power of chloine is sufficient to reduce iron from the +3 to the +2 valence state? The other question would be: can iron (+3) oxidize chlorine? At 03:06 PM 12/13/96 -0600, you wrote: >Trickle-L > > We are attempting to remove iron from irrigation water by injecting >chlorine and filter with media filtration. The source is groundwater and Fe >levels are about 4 mg/l and pH is 7.3. Does anyone know what factors are >critical? Such as: contact time, importance of mixing, and level of >filtration required. > > >Don Pitts > > J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 18:21:58 -0800 From: Rodney Ruskin <> Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L assessment Trickle -l has been of value to me in the following ways - in approximate order of value. 1) Spreading the gospel of SDI and increasing the credibility of this new technology. 2) Technical support. In particular in writing FACTORS IN THE DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF A SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR PERMANENT CROPS the input from members was invaluable. 3) Making valuable contacts. We are indeed indebted to Richard Mead for this effort. Rodney Ruskin
End of Digest
>From Sun Dec 15 00:52 EST 1996
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 23:38:32 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 678

Re: Fe removal from irrigation water (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Minute/ultra-low microirrigation ( (Richard Mead))
Re: TRICKLE-L digest 677 (
Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation (
test (John Sorge <>)
Trickle-l assessment (Dennis Roll <>)

Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 09:37:57 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water I beleive Jim has it backwards. At pH 7.3, chlorine oxidizes Fe from +2 to +3. Ferrous (+2) is highly soluible, but ferric (+3) will form extremely insoluble ferric hydroxide at pH 7.3 (which of course is what you want). However, the initial size of the ferric hydroxide particles may be so small as to pass through the filter media. Usually, addition of a very small amount of alum will cause sufficient aggregation of the ferric hydroxide to have the filter remove it all. Of course, if the original iron was colloidal feric hydroxide, the chlorine is not necessary. Addition of alum alone will do the trick. Len Ornstein >Have you checked with an inorganic chemist familar with oxidation/reduction >reactions to determine if the reducing power of chloine is sufficient to >reduce iron from the +3 to the +2 valence state? The other question would >be: can iron (+3) oxidize chlorine? At 03:06 PM 12/13/96 -0600, you wrote: >>Trickle-L >> >> We are attempting to remove iron from irrigation water by injecting >>chlorine and filter with media filtration. The source is groundwater and Fe >>levels are about 4 mg/l and pH is 7.3. Does anyone know what factors are >>critical? Such as: contact time, importance of mixing, and level of >>filtration required. >> >> >>Don Pitts >> >> >J.D.(Jim) Oster >Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences >University of California >Riverside, CA 92521 > >Phone (909)787-5100 >FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 18:07:38 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation I would like to thank all who responded to my request of Trickle-L assessment. All comments were forwarded to the inquiring journalist. She was more than impressed with the unexpected deluge of text, and also with the quality of comments. Now that I've finished blushing from all your praise, lets move on to discuss microirrigation. All of us on this discussion list know the challenging aspects of sustainable use of water in agriculture (or landscaping for that matter) in the future. Not only will there be other interests for water but it is possible if not probable that prime agricultural land could be gobbled by urban encroachment. We 'might' be farming on foothills instead of valleys, and in intensive greenhouses instead of open gardens. Thus the potential for microirrigation technology will undoubtedly help in the efficient use of water. Israel has always been on the cutting edge of microirrigation research and implementation. A new aspect of microirrigation has been researched in Israel for the past half decade. Known as "minute or ultra-low rate" irrigation, this new idea involves applying water at a very low rate, even lower than the natural soil infiltration rate. This process is accomplished by using spitters or pulsating drippers. I have never seen this technology with my own eyes, but I envision it as a microspray system which applies water in to a large area with low flow via thousands of pulses per hour (as low as 0.5 ml/hr). Drip emitters could be attached to the pulsator to apply water at a low rate also. As a rule of thumb, flow from minute or ultra-low irrigation is usually 10 times less than common emitters (i.e. 0.2 l/hr). The advantages of this system include: 1) No run off on heavy soils. 2) No water loss through the root zone on very sandy soils. 3) Water could be applied efficiently on shallow soils in hilly areas. 4) Volume size of containers in greenhouses could be substantially reduced. I have posted this not only introduce the topic, but also ask those in the industry (especially in Israel) to discuss the pros/cons of this rather new idea or extension to microirrigation. Questions I have concerning this topic are: 1) What happens during very high evaporative demand when using this technology..won't a large percentage of water be loosed through evaporation in mid day? 2) How could this technology be implemented in subsurface drip irrigation (SDI)? 3) If this technology requires the system to be engaged for long periods of time, would this save or increase energy costs? Looking forward to your comments! Richard Mead Trickle-L owner
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 16:40:56 -0500 From: Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 677 Some of the reasons I like Trickle-L 1) It's a great way to keep up with current research, right from the horse's mouth - especially since I am not a researcher. 2) I have run into old friends from time to time on this list. 3) Whenever I encounter something I've never seen I can throw out my question and instantly have five salesmen ready to sell me their product and / or service! Randall Merriott Abernathy, Texas
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 20:41:20 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation A key ingredient is "Just exactly what yield for a given volume of water is reasonable and practical". The ability to produce low water requiring/high yielding varieties will play possibly a bigger role than the engineering. Variety response to applied water has been well demostrated in cotton and tomatoes. Tricle -l is a great resource, it is creating a better industry! Robin.
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 22:40:45 -0600 (CST) From: John Sorge <> Subject: test This is a test 12-14-96
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 21:41:31 -0800 From: Dennis Roll <> Subject: Trickle-l assessment I have subscribed since early 1995 and find the discussions informative and helpful. Of particular interest are developments and experience in other areas of the world. When I first subscribed I was searching for some data on acres of trickle irrigation in different countries and was able to obtain the information right away! I find the discussions on SDI and effects of water quality on system performance especially useful. Keep up the good work. Dennis Roll Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
End of Digest
>From Mon Dec 16 00:57 EST 1996
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 23:44:33 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 679

Microirrigation Forum update ( (Richard Mead))
Re: Fe removal from irrigation water (

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 16:14:07 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: Microirrigation Forum update The Best of Trickle-L section within the Microirrigation Forum web site* has been updated. It now includes five archived discussions which occurred in October. Those discussions include: -Blackberries on drip -Iron-phosphate scale -Do you have rodent damage? -Suction lysimeter tubes -Water Use Efficiency I'm still working on the digital drip directory listings for all companies associated with the industry. Please drop me a note if your company is not somewhere within the 12 categories. Finally, I'm still looking for volunteers to send me digital photos of anything related to microirrigation. Attached files to your email is the simplest way to send digital pictures. I am willing to give full credit to any contributor. Richard Mead Trickle-L & MF owner *
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 23:36:51 -0600 From: Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water Oxy/redox: I've always had trouble with this subject. So chlorine is an oxidizing agent. Len is likely right: But why wouldn't one want to keep the Fe in the +2 state until the water leaves the emitter. Adding a reducing agent may be able to do that if it can counteract the effect of exposing the water to the oxygen in the atmosphere. But being 'backwards' once is an indicator that the 'less said the better. At 08:48 AM 12/14/96 -0600, you wrote: >I beleive Jim has it backwards. > >At pH 7.3, chlorine oxidizes Fe from +2 to +3. Ferrous (+2) is highly >soluible, but ferric (+3) will form extremely insoluble ferric hydroxide at >pH 7.3 (which of course is what you want). However, the initial size of the >ferric hydroxide particles may be so small as to pass through the filter >media. Usually, addition of a very small amount of alum will cause >sufficient aggregation of the ferric hydroxide to have the filter remove it >all. Of course, if the original iron was colloidal feric hydroxide, the >chlorine is not necessary. Addition of alum alone will do the trick. > >Len Ornstein > >>Have you checked with an inorganic chemist familar with oxidation/reduction >>reactions to determine if the reducing power of chloine is sufficient to >>reduce iron from the +3 to the +2 valence state? The other question would >>be: can iron (+3) oxidize chlorine? At 03:06 PM 12/13/96 -0600, you wrote: >>>Trickle-L >>> >>> We are attempting to remove iron from irrigation water by injecting >>>chlorine and filter with media filtration. The source is groundwater and Fe >>>levels are about 4 mg/l and pH is 7.3. Does anyone know what factors are >>>critical? Such as: contact time, importance of mixing, and level of >>>filtration required. >>> >>> >>>Don Pitts >>> >>> >>J.D.(Jim) Oster >>Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences >>University of California >>Riverside, CA 92521 >> >>Phone (909)787-5100 >>FAX (909)787-5522 > > > >
End of Digest
>From Tue Dec 17 00:58 EST 1996
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 23:45:08 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 680

Re: TRICKLE-L digest 652 (
unsubscribe ( (Stefano Ferraris))
Unsubscribing ( (Richard Mead))
Re: Fe removal from irrigation water ("Alan S. Wicks" <>)
Re: Fe removal from irrigation water (Richard Mead <>)
Irrigation Engineer Available ("Craig A. Storlie" <storlie@AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU>)
Re: Unsubscribing (Charles Kome <>)
Re: Fe removal from irrigation water (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Fe treatment in irrigation water (Casper du Plessis <>)

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 02:58:25 -0500 From: Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 652 How do I unsubscribe this list? eric
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 14:53:55 +0100 From: (Stefano Ferraris) Subject: unsubscribe unsubscribe
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 15:16:02 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: Unsubscribing For all of those just dying to unsubscribe, either contact me "personally" or send the following command: unsubscribe trickle-l to the address of: R. Mead Trickle-L owner
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 09:11:13 -0800 From: "Alan S. Wicks" <> Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water Greetings, "J.D. Oster" <> Wrote: >if the reducing power of chloine is sufficient to >reduce iron from the +3 to the +2 valence state? and Leonard Ornstein <> responded with. >Usually, addition of a very small amount of alum will cause >sufficient aggregation of the ferric hydroxide to have the filter remove it >all. Interesting difference in viewpoints. The first, from Jim, is to keep the iron soluble so that the material will simply pass through the system. The second idea, from Leonard, is to remove the iron at the filter station. Both interesting ideas. I suspect that which option to take may be dependent on other considerations. I understand that in some areas one can have problems with iron slime bacteria clogging the emitters. What levels of iron are necessary for this to occur? What other conditions need to be taken into account to decide on which methodology is best for the particular situation? One question of Leonard: Alum is a bit of a generic term. There is more than one compound that is referred to as 'Alum'. Will you please give us the actual chemical name of the compound and also, could you be a bit more specific as to what is a 'very snall amount' of alum? For instance, grams per cubic meter per ppm of iron? Alan S. Wicks
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 18:39:25 GMT From: Richard Mead <> Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water To add to the discussion of iron problems in water, but not chemical treatment per se, Nakayama et al.(1991) stated that total iron should not be higher than <0.2, 0.2-1.5 , and >1.5 mg/l for minor, moderate and severe problems, respectively. All this information (and more on clogging) can be found on the web page entitled "Clogging Factors for microirrigation systems" at Richard Mead Trickle-L and MF owner
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 15:18:48 -0800 From: Charles Kome <> Subject: Re: Unsubscribing
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 16:33:50 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Fe removal from irrigation water Alan: Alum usually refers to Aluminum Sulfate or Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate. Either, added in a few moles excess of the contaminating iron, (in Don Pitts' case, a few times his 4 mg/l, at the stated pH of 7.3) will form a mixed Ferric and Aluminum Hydroxide flocculating gel, which is easily removed by a typical sand filter. If the solution is too acid, the alum won't work. At such low levels, the residual added sulfate should cause no trouble. This is part of standard water-purification technology, dating back to the end of the last century. It's used in sewage treatment, drinking water supplies,swimming pools and irrigation supplies.. Len Ornstein >Greetings, > > "J.D. Oster" <> >Wrote: >>if the reducing power of chloine is sufficient to >>reduce iron from the +3 to the +2 valence state? > >and > >Leonard Ornstein <> responded with. > >>Usually, addition of a very small amount of alum will cause >>sufficient aggregation of the ferric hydroxide to have the filter remove it >>all. > >Interesting difference in viewpoints. The first, from Jim, is to keep >the iron soluble so that the material will simply pass through the >system. The second idea, from Leonard, is to remove the iron at the >filter station. Both interesting ideas. I suspect that which option to >take may be dependent on other considerations. > >I understand that in some areas one can have problems with iron slime >bacteria clogging the emitters. What levels of iron are necessary for >this to occur? What other conditions need to be taken into account to >decide on which methodology is best for the particular situation? > >One question of Leonard: Alum is a bit of a generic term. There is >more than one compound that is referred to as 'Alum'. Will you please >give us the actual chemical name of the compound and also, could you be >a bit more specific as to what is a 'very snall amount' of alum? For >instance, grams per cubic meter per ppm of iron? > >Alan S. Wicks
End of Digest
>From Wed Dec 18 00:58 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 23:45:44 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 681

Fe treatment in irrigation water (Casper du Plessis <>)
Re: Fe treatment in irrigation water (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Re: Fe treatment in irrigation water (Casper du Plessis <>)
Job Opening -- California Pest Control Advisor ("Warren E. Clark" <>)

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 18:59:27 -0800 From: Casper du Plessis <> Subject: Fe treatment in irrigation water Len, The method for removal of iron with oxidation and flocculation is as you wrote old and accepted. We found it to be impracticable in irrigation were large volumes have to be treated in short periods of time. the reasons being: 1. In most cases were iron causes problems the pH of the water will be acidic and for flocculants to be effective the pH has to be raised. 2. By filtering the iron out we found that the maintenance on these filters is very high. the back flush cycle must also be very short to prevent pressure losses. 3. With the addition of chlorine and not getting enough contact time before the filters the iron will oxidise in the emmiter lines and worsen the problem. 4. This type of treatment can not be done together with fertigation as Calcium Sulphate forms and precipitate out in the emmiter lines. We have experienced very good results with water conditioners made up of mainly copper and zinc coupled to an electron booster. In certain cases the water still oxidises but will stay in suspension and leave the system through the emitter. The further advantages are that large volumes of water can be treated and it is low in maintenance. Unfortunately it also has its disadvantages: 1. The water might still discolour which is a problem with micro orrogation. With trickle irrigation this is acceptable. 2. With water high in sulphate, Hydrogen Sulphide might form if the booster charge is set to high. This can cause serious burning of the roots and leaves. 3. With the improved leaching properties of the water, nutrients can be leached out of the root zone if the scheduling is not correct. 4. Where the water is acidic chemical treatment might still be required to raise the pH. We also use the Nakayama table as a guide line, but found that the lower the alkalinity of the water the more severe the problem will be with iron clogging emitters. Casper du Plessis
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 13:33:54 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Fe treatment in irrigation water Casper: Your clarification will be helpful to those who may have thought I was making a general recommendation about managing iron in irrigation supplies. I was responding to Jim Oster's response to Don Pitts' original question, and then to Alan Wicks further queries. Alum MAY work for Pitts' 4mg/l iron, pH 7.3 chlorinated water, but, as you explain so well, would hardly be generally appropriate. Thanks: Len Ornstein >Len, > >The method for removal of iron with oxidation and flocculation is as you >wrote old and accepted. We found it to be impracticable in irrigation >were large volumes have to be treated in short periods of time. The >reasons being: > >1. In most cases where iron causes problems the pH of the water will be >acidic and for flocculants to be effective the pH has to be raised. > >2. By filtering the iron out we found that the maintenance on these >filters is very high. the back flush cycle must also be very short to >prevent pressure losses. > >3. With the addition of chlorine, and not getting enough contact time >before the filters, the iron will oxidise in the emmiter lines and worsen >the problem. > >4. This type of treatment can not be done together with fertigation as >Calcium Sulphate forms and precipitate out in the emmiter lines. > >We have experienced very good results with water conditioners made up of >mainly copper and zinc coupled to an electron booster. In certain cases >the water still oxidises but will stay in suspension and leave the >system through the emitter. The further advantages are that large >volumes of water can be treated and it is low in maintenance. >Unfortunately it also has its disadvantages: > >1. The water might still discolour which is a problem with micro >irrigation. With trickle irrigation this is acceptable. > >2. With water high in sulphate, Hydrogen Sulphide might form if the >booster charge is set too high. This can cause serious burning of the >roots and leaves. > >3. With the improved leaching properties of the water, nutrients can be >leached out of the root zone if the scheduling is not correct. > >4. Where the water is acidic, chemical treatment might still be required >to raise the pH. > >We also use the Nakayama table as a guide line, but found that the lower >the alkalinity of the water the more severe the problem will be with >iron clogging emitters. > >Casper du Plessis
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 21:55:30 -0800 From: Casper du Plessis <> Subject: Re: Fe treatment in irrigation water Len, Thank you for stressing the point that there is no general rule for treating water. Each water should be analised for potential problems were micro irrigation is involved and a recommended treatment prescribed. There is no general rule! Maybe this is a good medium to discuss problems with emitter blockages, but based on a water analyses containing the elements that might be responsable for causing problems. Thanks: Casper du Plessis > Casper: > > Your clarification will be helpful to those who may have thought I was > making a general recommendation about managing iron in irrigation supplies. > > I was responding to Jim Oster's response to Don Pitts' original question, > and then to Alan Wicks further queries. Alum MAY work for Pitts' 4mg/l > iron, pH 7.3 chlorinated water, but, as you explain so well, would hardly > be generally appropriate. > > Thanks: > > Len Ornstein
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 19:14:31 -0800 From: "Warren E. Clark" <> Subject: Job Opening -- California Pest Control Advisor PEST CONTROL ADVISOR-Growing crop protection services company located in the Salinas Valley of California wants career oriented individual. Primary responsibilities include monitoring client fields, providing pest control recommendations and coordinating pesticide applications with cultural opperations. Minimum requirements are the B.S. Degree in agricultural or biological science and a California Pest Control Advisors License or the ability to obtain. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Tom Shannon General Manager Kleen Globe, Inc. P.O. Box 1125 Castroville, CA 95012 Tel: (408)633-2043 Fax:(408)633-2185 E-mail:
End of Digest
>From Thu Dec 19 01:00 EST 1996
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 23:46:37 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 682

FE and Drip ("Craig A. Storlie" <storlie@AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU>)
Trickle-L Archive Web Site Address? ("Warren E. Clark" <>)
Re: Trickle-L Archive Web Site Address? ( (Richard Mead))

Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 12:28:31 -0500 From: "Craig A. Storlie" <storlie@AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: FE and Drip ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBECF3.A9F78680 High iron content is one of the only problems encountered by New Jersey = drip irrigators. In most cases, growers are NOT treating waters which = contain as much as 2 ppm of Fe. Fortunately, our groundwater pH ranges = from 4-5 and the Fe remains in solution (interesting pollution note: I = have measured NJ rain pH each year and it has ranged from 2-4 - ouch!). = I have never seen evidence of iron bacteria in this state. However, I have seen drip lines clogged with precipitated (ferric) = iron. This information might be important for those of you hoping to = avoid iron problems by injecting acid to keep Fe in solution. Iron in = solution which sits in lines may precipitate due to changes in water = temperature, pH, pressure, and oxygen content. If this happens, it is = possible that emitters will clog. I have seen this happen. ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBECF3.A9F78680 eJ8+IiMTAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AHwCAAACAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgEAAAACAf8PAQAAAHEAAAAAAAAAtTvCwCx3EBqhvAgA KypWwhUAAAAzB2IhWA3QEbm2REVTVAAApIAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAENyYWln IFN0b3JsaWUAU01UUABzdG9ybGllQGFlc29wLnJ1dGdlcnMuZWR1AAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNN VFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAc3RvcmxpZUBhZXNvcC5ydXRnZXJzLmVkdQAAAAMAFQwCAAAAAwD+ DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABAAAAAnQ3JhaWcgU3RvcmxpZScAAgELMAEAAAAfAAAAU01UUDpTVE9STElF QEFFU09QLlJVVEdFUlMuRURVAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoAAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAwwAAAAD AAAwBAAAAAsADw4AAAAAAgH/DwEAAABtAAAAAAAAALU7wsAsdxAaobwIACsqVsIVAAAAMwdiIVgN 0BG5tkRFU1QAAISAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDdAQ9UAgAAAAB0cmlja2xlLWxAdW5sLmVkdQBT TVRQAHRyaWNrbGUtbEB1bmwuZWR1AAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAASAAAA dHJpY2tsZS1sQHVubC5lZHUAAAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAMAAAAJ1RSSUNLTEUt TCcAAgELMAEAAAAXAAAAU01UUDpUUklDS0xFLUxAVU5MLkVEVQAAAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAAIB 9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAASudwEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNyb3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQSAAQAM AAAARkUgYW5kIERyaXAAjQMBBYADAA4AAADMBwwAEgAMABwAHwADADsBASCAAwAOAAAAzAcMABIA DAAIABAAAwAYAQEJgAEAIQAAADMwOUE1NDVDQ0U1OEQwMTFCOUI2NDQ0NTUzNTQwMDAwAN4GAQOQ BgBsBAAAEgAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AKCSmuMI7bsBHgBw AAEAAAAMAAAARkUgYW5kIERyaXAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAbvtCOOJXFSaMljOEdC5tkRFU1QAAAAA HgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABoAAABzdG9ybGllQGFlc29wLnJ1dGdlcnMuZWR1 AAAAAwAGEK/lbJoDAAcQmgIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAEhJR0hJUk9OQ09OVEVOVElTT05FT0ZUSEVP TkxZUFJPQkxFTVNFTkNPVU5URVJFREJZTkVXSkVSU0VZRFJJUElSUklHQVRPUlNJTk1PU1RDQVNF UyxHUk9XRVJTQVJFTk9UVFIAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAD5AgAA9QIAACUEAABMWkZ1bWFC1P8ACgEPAhUC qAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMz9wLkBxMCgH0KgAjP CdkCgAcKgQ2xC2BuZzEwMz8UUAsKFFEL8QMwAZEgSOBpZ2ggaQNgA6AFoK8CMAnwBUAEACACIGUa 8BBmIHRoGyFubHn6IBNQbwJgE+AEIAnwBaBmdRpxFhEgYhvgB8JKdwSQEbAb4GQFERnxBRBnBGF0 BbBzLiAgSS8DoARgE8AaQGERsHMs0iAJwG93HdEgCsAbIHhOT1QbYBYQHtALgGeMIHce0CCCd2hp EXDPGkMLcSCwBCBtdSJxIyGREeBwcG0bMkZlHyH+RhWxHNAh4RvQICAIYSAyjRzQZCHTG/BIIHIX scMHkQNSIDQtNSCwJgB/G2MkYCagE+ALcQQgIvFz7QbwdSGAGiEoC4Ac8hPATSGScAbwKTVubxPQ OvUfQCARgHYbIAeAH+AIcPkdIU5KJqEi8SaBIWAice55IWAFwCeyaQVAEYAEIAcmsx0wJyMyLTQg LfMlcRFwISkfIiuEGxArsM8FwBGwCfAcgHZpDbAcoPsbIxoDYgDQHPEHMCjSG3D3GtETwCHhLgqF CoYZcyBh3zCxICArdTDzHjNsC4AHkfpjFaBnLqID8BtwG/EFkM8FIC4AIeEdMChmBJAFEMxjKRnz HyEgVDMiC4BtAhByAMApU20ZwQVAYv8bIAdwKnAAIABwBUA6ERth2x+QGyN5CGArgG84ECGh8x7g ILB2bzFgGfQcBx1RfQuAagWQIYMA0D3BPWFr/wngHmAoMSjpHyIaEijqIkT9AJB0KMM2lADAG+I3 5x4gfwpQPVIRcSbTIvEmJBPRcP8EkB7QLCEgICaARwEp8SwS4yAgJ7JveHkm4Bo3HyL/G1Ia0RGA I/AJ8CARLgEa0fsqcAQQaRwxG2Ee0ByAOrD/AkAiAwMQAyA28i/4MPNJiRcfIQqFFTEAT0AAAAAD ABAQAAAAAAMAERABAAAAQAAHMAA1Cw8G7bsBQAAIMAA1Cw8G7bsBHgA9AAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAHk+ ------ =_NextPart_000_01BBECF3.A9F78680--
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 19:35:08 -0800 From: "Warren E. Clark" <> Subject: Trickle-L Archive Web Site Address? Is there a trickle-l archive at a web site location someone might point me toward? Regards, Warren E. Clark Clark Consulting International, Inc. Cattle Offerings Worlwide, Inc. Association of Agricultural Computing Companies
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 05:57:10 GMT From: (Richard Mead) Subject: Re: Trickle-L Archive Web Site Address? >Is there a trickle-l archive at a web site location someone might point >me toward? >Regards, >Warren E. Clark Warren, The main reason the Microirrigation Forum at was created was to have a database for Trickle-L archives. A "Best of" section is at Raw archives were at one time at gopher:// s/trickle-l, yet I tried that link and it was down at the time. Hope this helps! R. Mead Trickle-L owner/manager >Clark Consulting International, Inc. > >Cattle Offerings Worlwide, Inc. > >Association of Agricultural Computing Companies >
End of Digest
>From Fri Dec 20 01:00 EST 1996
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 23:47:32 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 683

Re: Fe treatment in irrigation water (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)

End of Digest
>From Sat Dec 21 01:00 EST 1996
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 23:47:45 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 684

Positioning of  tensiometers ( (Jochen Eberhard))
Viticulturist Position Open (
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers ("OSU Malheur Exp. Station" <>)
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers (Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU>)
Re: TRICKLE-L digest 673 (
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers ("Alan S. Wicks" <>)
new member intro ("Buchanan, Joe" <>)
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers ("J.D. Oster" <>)
New member intro (Ravi Narayanan <>)
Re: Typical numbers from Joe Buchanan ( (Freddie Lamm))
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers (Jed Waddell <>)
Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation (

Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 10:46:04 -0800 From: (Jochen Eberhard) Subject: Positioning of tensiometers Hallo everybody, :-)) the following question gives me the opportunity to wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :-)) (I know, if everybody on the list would do this, everyone of us would recieve some hundred mails). Now my question: Recently I red something about the Richard equation for estimating water distribution in the wetted volume of a drip-irrigated soil. The result of this calculation is, that the worst place to put a tensiometer is right under the emitter. I grew up (the last two years) with the idea, that means, everybody is saying so, that the best place to monitor soil moisture with a tensiometer to schedule irrigation is right under the emitter. Now I am a little confused. My own experiance is that with placing the tensiometer under the emitter, it is more difficult to avoid overirrigation when the evaporative demand is low. It is sufficient to place the tensiometers between the emitters (lateral) when the crop is established, and it is easier to keep soil moisture at the desired level. Any comment will help me to celebrate a unconfused Christmastime :-) Thanks and best wishes Jochen Eberhard, Germany email:
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:14:17 -0500 From: Subject: Viticulturist Position Open Viticulturist postion open for Fresno, California based agricultual consulting firm. Work includes advising growers in water and nutrition management and pest control for wine, rasin, and table grape vineyards. About one-half of work will be with premium wine grapes along the Central Coast and half in the San Joaquin Valley. Person must have strong background in Integrated Pest Managment, valid PCA licence, and minimum of BS degree. Prefer minimum of five years of field experience in on-farm operations or pest control advising. Send resume to: Crop Care Services, Inc. 4323 N Golden State Fresno, CA 93722 Or e-mail to: Contact: Ron Brase or Dan Rodrigues 209/275-8095
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 07:24:39 -0700 From: "OSU Malheur Exp. Station" <> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers To Jochen Eberhart and interested parties, Positioning of tensiometers or other soil water monitoring devices depends on several factors that include: 1. Drip line and emmitter spacing, 2. Root distribution of the crop, 3. Problems with salinity if any, 4. Soil properties and the wetting pattern of the soil. Since these factors vary from crop to crop and site to site, so tensiometer placement should vary. My preference is to place soil water monitoring devices at locations that are representative of the wetted soil volume in the crop root zone because our primary concerns is to irrigate to attend plant needs --- and thereby assure crop yield and quality. Clint -- Dr. Clinton C. Shock Malheur Experiment Station Oregon State University 595 Onion Ave. Ontario, Oregon 97914 telephone (541) 889-2174 Fax (541) 889-7831
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:48:27 -0500 (EST) From: Don Pitts <djp@ICON.IMOK.UFL.EDU> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers Dear Jochen, Placement of tensiometers is very important both in respect to the depth of the root zone and in respect to the emitter and plant. For vegetable crops (line source emitter) we generally place the tensiometer in the plant row. For tree crops we place the tensiometer within the tree drip-line and within the emitter wetted area. Placement of tensiometers with respect to crop root depth is also critical. For very shallow rooted (less than 1 ft) vegetable crops, only one tensiometer may be required. It should be placed centrally in the crop root zone, but at least 4 to 6 inches below the surface. For moderately rooted crops, such as drip-irrigated tomatoes, two tensiometers (6 and 12 inch) should be used at each measurement site. For citrus and tree crops we often recommend three tensiometers (6,12, and 18 inch) at each site. The tensiometer should not be placed directly under the emitter (dripper), but it should be totally in the area wetted by the emitter. The distance from the emitter will vary with soil texture and hydraulic properties. Regards, Don Pitts E-mail At 04:29 AM 12/20/96 -0600, you wrote: >Hallo everybody, :-)) > > >the following question gives me the opportunity to wish everybody Merry >Christmas and a Happy New Year. :-)) (I know, if everybody on the list >would do this, everyone of us would recieve some hundred mails). > >Now my question: Recently I red something about the Richard equation for >estimating water distribution in the wetted volume of a drip-irrigated >soil. The result of this calculation is, that the worst place to put a >tensiometer is right under the emitter. I grew up (the last two years) >with the idea, that means, everybody is saying so, that the best place to >monitor soil moisture with a tensiometer to schedule irrigation is right >under the emitter. Now I am a little confused. >My own experiance is that with placing the tensiometer under the emitter, > it is more difficult to avoid overirrigation when the evaporative demand >is low. It is sufficient to place the tensiometers between the emitters >(lateral) when the crop is established, and it is easier to keep soil >moisture at the desired level. > >Any comment will help me to celebrate a unconfused Christmastime :-) > >Thanks and best wishes >Jochen Eberhard, Germany >email: >
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 11:41:01 -0500 From: Subject: Re: TRICKLE-L digest 673 Don Pitts, My e-mail address is I apologize to you and others for my slow response for information. I am back in the office and should have time to catch up on everything over the next few days. Tom Ag H20
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 09:25:50 -0800 From: "Alan S. Wicks" <> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers Greetings, My philosophy of placing tensiometers is to put one in the area of the active root zone and generally to one side of the irrigation line. The chosen root zone is midway between emitters. This area is used to indicate when to start irrigating since it has the highest concentratin of active roots and the water content will decrease the fastest. I also place a tensiometer below the root zone between the emitters. I watch this one during irrigation so that I know when the root zone is nearly full. Additional irrigation simply wastes water and fertilizer. This second tensiometer does not have to reach zero since there will be some drainage into that area after the water is turned off. The exact cut off point is a function of soil but this methodology has worked well for me in vegetables with SDI as well as for grapes with above surface emitters. Best of the holidays to you all, Alan S. Wicks Kennewick, WA
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 96 10:58:00 PST From: "Buchanan, Joe" <> Subject: new member intro Greetings. Please allow me to introduce myself to fellow Trickle-L subscribers. My name is Joe Buchanan. I am a mech engr who developed controls for fossil power production for the past 15 years. Two years ago, I relocated to Central Washington (Yakima) to try my hand at developing instrument based control systems for irrigated agriculture. Primary crops of interest here include hops, grapes (wine & concord), mint, and tree fruits. Primary method of application is surface drip, as growers are as yet uncomfortable with soil moisture monitoring instruments, and prefer to view the wetted surface pattern to confirm operation. Water quality here in the PNW is generally good, except for suspended solids in well and canal-supplied systems. Media filters are common, though some growers are applying disc-style filters to eliminate the cost of filter media. Today I am working on a contract with the Washington State Dept. of Ecology to develop a spreadsheet-based cost-benefit analysis tool for local growers to use to asses the financial impact of converting furrow-irrigated crops to drip. The system design references I'm using include ASAE's Des. & Opr. of Farm Irrigation Systems, NRCS's Nat'l Engr Handbook Section 15, and the State of Washington Irrigation Guide. I'm interested in adding to my library and would appreciate recommendations on other design references. To conclude the task at hand, I am in need of information on the following topics: - I need to assume a typical emitter flow exponent and design pressure for non-compensating, turbulent flow. Are x = 0.8 and P = 15 psig fairly typical numbers? - Can anyone provide quantifiable information on the yield impact of furrow to drip conversion on grapes, hops, mint? Is it strictly a function of improved fertilizer management, or does improvement in water management by reducing over-watering contribute to yield increases? - Here in the PNW, drip reduces the costs of hop production as weed growth is decreased, thereby decreasing soil tillage requirments during the growing season. Do similar cultivation labor decreases occur in grapes (i.e. is weed growth a significant challenge in vineyards, or are sufficient herbicides available for control)? Re current discussions on soil moisture monitoring, I've got some info on a newly introduced soil moisture probe which measures electro-magnetic wave propigation rate (rate of propigation is directly proportional to soil moisture content). Send an e-mail note if you'd like to discuss the efficacy of such an instrument. Send e-mail to either or to
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 16:34:05 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers The highest concentration of roots do not necessarily occur between emitters. It depends a bit on the amount of water applied relative to ET, soil hydraulic characteristics, emitter spacing, plant distribution along the drip line, the rooting characteristics of the crop, and the salinity level in the soil. For example, for the situation where there is a the same number of plants and emitters per row, the plant and emitter are at the same location, and more water infiltrates into the soil than the plant transpires, the edge of the two rootzones, beneath the drip line, occurs midway between the emitters. The highest salinities would than also occur midway between the emitters reflecting water uptake that occurs between the emitter and the edge of the rootzone located between the emitters. But the water uptake distribution, i.e. root activity, could decrease expotentially with distance from the emitter which would result in a salinity distribution which increases expotentially with distance from the emitter. Sorry for the 'complicated' sentences: Including a sketch would be helpful but the time is too limited today to learn how that could be done. At 11:59 AM 12/20/96 -0600, you wrote: >Greetings, > >My philosophy of placing tensiometers is to put one in the area of the >active root zone and generally to one side of the irrigation line. The >chosen root zone is midway between emitters. This area is used to >indicate when to start irrigating since it has the highest concentratin >of active roots and the water content will decrease the fastest. I also >place a tensiometer below the root zone between the emitters. I watch >this one during irrigation so that I know when the root zone is nearly >full. Additional irrigation simply wastes water and fertilizer. This >second tensiometer does not have to reach zero since there will be some >drainage into that area after the water is turned off. The exact cut >off point is a function of soil but this methodology has worked well for >me in vegetables with SDI as well as for grapes with above surface >emitters. > >Best of the holidays to you all, > >Alan S. Wicks >Kennewick, WA > J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 17:01:37 -0600 (CST) From: Ravi Narayanan <> Subject: New member intro Dear Trickle-l members, I am Ravi Narayanan and i am happy to become a member of trickle-l. I am a graduate student in Ag & Biosystems engg in North Dakota State University. I am currently working on Economics of using Drip Irrigation for speciality crops (Carrot, Cabbage, and Onions) in North Dakota. North Dakota has only about 100 acres irrigated with drip. One of the reason for the low use of drip irrigation in North Dakota is found to be lack of information on the cost involved for using drip irrigation. So my study would involve the use of engineering, agronomy, and economic aspects to determine the benefit-cost of using Drip irrigation. I would need help in getting a model which i can use for the optimization of drip irrigation design. My advisor is helping me in contacting people and we are yet to receive any positive reply. So it will be very helpful if any of you could send me any information on this. To tell more about my background, I did my bachelors in Ag Engg in India and worked for an Irrigation firm in Tamil Nadu for two years. In Tamil Nadu we use mostly surface drip and major crops(trees) irrigated are coconut, mango, pomegranate, guava, citrus, and grapes. One private timeshare company uses drip irrigation for Teak. Subsurface Drip is used in some places for sugarcane. The temperature ranges from 20 deg C to 42 deg C (approx) in this part of India. The water source used for drip is usually a open well or a bore well. Power source for the pump is either a diesel engine or electricity. The major constraint for using drip in this place is due to the high investment cost of the irrigation system although Indian government offers subsidies up to 50 percent for farmers. NABARD a nationalized bank for agricultural development offers loans for the farmers to purchase drip irrigation equipment. I think there is a lot of potential for the use of subsurface drip irrigation in sugarcane and for the use of micro sprays in orchards in the future. I thank everyone for giving me this opportunity and I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy 1997. Ravi. N ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Date: 20 Dec 96 17:01:50 CST From: (Freddie Lamm) Subject: Re: Typical numbers from Joe Buchanan Joe Wrote: - I need to assume a typical emitter flow exponent and design pressure for non-compensating, turbulent flow. Are x = 0.8 and P = 15 psig fairly typical numbers? Freddie responded: I would think if "typical" is the word, an emitter exponent of 0.5 is more typical and then **maybe** P=10 psig. Of course there's a bunch of products out there and "typical" may be a hard animal to shoot. Freddie * ------------------------------------------------------------------- Freddie Lamm * Research Agricultural Engineer *** o KSU Northwest Research-Extension Center ***** /|\ 105 Experiment Farm Road *******\\ Colby, Kansas 67701-1697 ********* Ph. 913-462-6281 *********** FAX 913-462-2315 ************* It's all downhill from here. ------ THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ, THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ. ------
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 96 18:18:23 -0600 From: Jed Waddell <> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers Jochen and Trickle-L, The Richards equation is used to calculate transient water flow. It is simply the conservation equation (In-Out+Storage=0) or a change in water flux over some distance is equal to a change in water content over some time (neglecting water uptake for a moment). If the soil is dry, water flow will be controlled by the matric potential gradient (like a dry sponge soaking water) in x,y and z directions. When the soil is moist, the water flow will be dominated by gravity which occurs in the downward (z)direction. Therefore, if the soil is kept moist with frequent irrigations (and depending on soil properties) an exceedingly high water content may appear directly under the emitter. The solution to this problem can be solved with knowledge of the wetting pattern under the emitter and the root distribution. The total amount of water accessible for plant uptake can be estimated from the Richards equation by knowing the water input and root water uptake. Having one tensiometer reading placed anywhere within the wetting pattern should be enough to quantify the amount of available water. Solving the Richards equation for one dimension is tough because it's a partial derivative (based both on changes in distance and time). Also, soil properties may change with depth increasing the complexity of solving the equation. In my opinion, experience can be as good if not better as a finite element model that simulates water flow under drip. By placing a tensiometer directly under the emitter or slightly away should be OK for predicting when to irrigate as long as you put it in the same place always and watch the crop response. Jeeze, I didn't know what I was getting into trying to answer this question. I have used the Richards equation for 2 dimensional flow under surface and buried drip lines. My home page should have some data on wetting patterns under drip soon but as yet doesn't. I'll probably have some results of my work up tomorrow as I just created the home page today: Check it out. Jed At 04:25 AM 12/20/96 -0600, you wrote: Recently I red something about the Richard equation for >estimating water distribution in the wetted volume of a drip-irrigated >soil. The result of this calculation is, that the worst place to put a >tensiometer is right under the emitter. I grew up (the last two years) >with the idea, that means, everybody is saying so, that the best place to >monitor soil moisture with a tensiometer to schedule irrigation is right >under the emitter. Now I am a little confused. **************************************************** * Jed T. Waddell * * Graduate Research Assistant * * University of Minnesota * * Department of Soil, Water, and Climate * * St. Paul, MN 55108 * * office (612) 625-1968 * * fax (612) 625-2208 * ****************************************************
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 23:34:29 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation The concept of "Minute" irrigation is not necessarily new but has been impractical until approximately three years ago. The idea is to apply water at a very slow rate. To achieve this we would require a drip emitter with extremely small passages and considerably higher filter requirements. This emitter would be highly susceptible to clogging. To date there is no emitter or tape product that is capable of delivering water at a rate which approaches that considered to be minute irrigation. However, there are a few individual components that when used together can create this minute irrigation. I consider minute irrigation to be in the range of 100 - 400 cc per hour. The heart of this system is a pulsating device which contains a silicone sleeve seated upon a specially designed piston. As this sleeve or bladder swells with water it reaches a critical point where the stored water is released and then the process repeats itself. This continual action creates the pulsing effect. The rate of flow through the pulser is determined by either a compensated or non-conpensated emission device. It is when this pulser is connected to a secondary emission device that we are able to achieve minute irrigation. In Israel when using the term minute irrigation they are referring only to the use of drip emitters. Pulsated micro-sprinklers or jets is a different concept. Most applications of this system have been used in green houses. There are two types of systems of minute irrigation. One system connects about 20 individual pot type drippers (stakes with a labyrinth) to one single pulser. If the pulser has a discharge rate of 4 LPH or 4,000 cc/hour we divide this number by the number of outlets and have an individual discharge rate of 200 cc/hour/pot. The second system uses our (Drip In) 1/4" (6mm) soaker dripline with emitters spaced anywhere from 15cm to 30cm connected to the same pulser. We can not use a dripline with a larger ID because the line will always be partially filled with air. The 1/4" because of its small ID is constantly charged with water. This system is either stretched on top of the pots or laid directly on the bed. The number of emitters varies but is generally not more than 60. I recently installed a system where I used an 8 LPH pulser with 60 emitters or an individual discharge rate per emitter of 133 cc/hour. These emitters normally are 2 LPH. The beauty here is that we are able to reduce the flow per emitter to minute amounts of water and yet maintain large passageways and relative clog resistance. Like any new technology there are advantages and disadvantages. In fact this technology is considered by some to be revolutionary. Similar to what drip was 20 years ago. Most pots are irrigated by spray stakes or some type of emitter. Water applied at a rate of 2 LPH will form a sausage near the middle of the pot and drainage will begin within a few minutes. Irrigation will continue approximately 7-15 minutes. During this time water will begin to move upwards closer to the sides of the pot pushing the salts further into the root zone. This mandates frequent flushing and an additional waste of water and nutrients. With the pulsated drip system the water will move almost twice as fast laterally until the upper area is completely wetted. Then the movement will be downward as a front until drainage occurs. When the first drops drain the pot is at pot capacity and the irrigation can be shut off. This movement is constantly washing the salts downward. Additional flushing of the salts is only required when the EC of the drainage water exceeds the established limits. Specific advantages of this system include: 1. Water and fertilizer savings up to 40-50% 2. Optimum growing conditions due to the ability to maintain an optimum balance of air, water and nutrients in the soil. 3. Better utilization of available space; plant density can be increased. 4. Quicker turn around of plant material; reduced growing cycles. 5. Higher yields 6. Better quality 7. Lower system costs; smaller PVC sizes, reduced horsepower requirements.... This system poses significant challenges and requires us to change our way of thinking. For one, the discharge rate of the emitters at the end of the lateral is higher than the rate at the begining. This is completely opposite from what we expect with conventional drip technology. Second, we are talking about using up to 40-50% less water then existing drip systems. If this is true than we need to reevaluate crop requirements. We applied this technology on a small scale to 40 almond trees in the Sacramento Valley this summer. From mid june through October we applied 1 GPH/tree. The dripline was our 1/4" soaker dripline with emitters spaced at 12". The water was never shut off except for one day at harvest. The surface wetted area was on average 1 foot wide and there was no runoff. These trees received no more than 24 gallons per day. These were mature trees with a full crop. Visual inspection indicated good growth and yields comparable to the rest of the orchard. We intend to expand this system and do a small area of grapes in 1997. We do not have all the answers to these questions yet. Actually we are not sure what questions we should be asking. While the concept has broad applications the technology to apply this on a large scale to field crops is in its infancy. For the present we will be promoting this minute irrigation technology to the greenhouse industry and evaluating its application in the broader agricultural market. We would like to invite those interested in this technology to explore the possibilities and ramifications along with us. A few papers have been written on the subject in Israel. They have been translated into english and are available in Israel by contacting Jacob Levin at Lego Irrigation or contacting me at Drip In Irrigation. I hope that I have been able to answer a few of the questions. Philip Lubars Drip In Irrigation 2836 N. Larkin Ave. Fresno, CA 93637 Tel: (209) 294-8008 Fax: (209)294-8809 e-mail
End of Digest
>From Sun Dec 22 01:01 EST 1996
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 23:48:39 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 685

Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Re: Positioning of  tensiometers (Trevor Finch <>)
Determining DU for existing SDI systems (
Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems (

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 13:23:25 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation >The concept of "Minute" irrigation is not necessarily new but has been >impractical until approximately three years ago.> Well, this gives me an oportunity to introduce Trickle-L list members to a drip technology, the use of moisture-sensitive, self-regulating irrigation valves,Irristats, (typically, but not necessarily, one to a plant, bush or tree) for delivering water at rates which exactly match evapotranspioration, and therefore is as "Minute" as you would want to get! Like other forms of "Minute", it typically uses a water-supply continuosly pressurized at up to 15 lbs/in^2, and requires quality filtration. But it has a lot more to offer. As indicated below, I had planned to delay this "announcement" until my Web site is ready, (in about two weeks), but this discussion cries out for this respons: X-Sender: Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 13:58:15 -0400 To: From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Measuring Evapotranspiration/Lysimeters Sender: Precedence: bulk Greetings to all: On Nov. 20, Dean Reynolds initiated a thread on methods that might be useful for updating crop-ET numbers. Because of the expense of lysimeters and lysimetry, he was interested in the pros and cons of using neutron probes and TDR as alternatives for such purposes. Terry Howell quickly responded with a very helpful discussion. He correctly noted that since evapotranspiration modifies the moisture content of the air above soil and foliage, strictly speaking, lysimetry, neutron probe measurements and TDR only provide an indirect measures of ET, whereas eddy correlation can measure ET directly. However he indicated that it probably wasn't a practical alternative at this time. He neatly reviewed the hazards of crop-ET assessment; rain, deep percolation, etc. On Nov. 22, Dean replied with thanks to all for their contributions to the discussion, and revealed just why he had raised the subject; namely the economic factors that governmental bodies, like the State of California face as farmers choose to sell their State-assigned water rights to one another (and municipalities). To oversimplify, it appears the allowed selling price depends upon a State-approved estimate of crop-ET and acreage. If the estimated crop-ET is too high, the State essentially is giving away (and wasting) valuable public resources. What Dean in fact wants to assess is the crop water consumption, which of course results mainly from ET, but THAT is directly measurable by lysimetry. Dean believes, for the reason reviewed above, that updating crop-ET with lysimetry would have substantial desirable economic consequences, but apparently judges that the costs of the equipment and labor for the job will be unacceptable to the officials of the California Department of Water Resources for whom he works. The problems he raises are rather universal. I believe I can offer an inexpensive solution: I am the inventor and manufacturer of the Irristat, a moisture-sensitive, self-regulating valve, designed to control the delivery of water to a "drip emitter". The Irristat is a device with which few if any of the SOWACS List's members will be familiar. Although the Irristat was developed as an automated irrigation-scheduling device, it also works fine as an alternative to a lysimeter to "measure" evapotranspiration: It was introduced in: The Irristat: A Moisture-Sensitive, Self-Regulating, Water Valve for Drip Irrigation Systems: Drip/Trickle Irrigation in Action Vol. 2 ASAE Pub. 10-85, St. Joseph, Mich., pp.623-629; (Proceedings. of the Third International Drip/Trickle Irrigation Congress, Nov. 18-21, 1985, Fresno, CA). The article contains a description of the Irristat and a general discussion of its applications in agriculture and horticulture, including a description of an installation for 60 mature cherry trees at Washington State Uniersity Irrigated Agriculture Research Center, Prosser, WA (WSU). Temporarily, an Abode Acrobat version of that publication, irrst2.pdf, as well as another document, irrist1.pdf, which describes the Irristat technology in greater detail, can be read and/or downloaded (thanks to Bruce) from: <> Adobe Acrobat Readers for PC, Unix or Mac platforms can be downloaded FREE from: <> I am in the midst of preparing a Web Page which will describe the technology briefly and will contain URL's for downloading these two papers as well as four others, including an unpublished paper by Robert G. Evans, documenting the performance of the Irristats that I installed for him and Ed Proebsting for the 60 mature cherry trees at WSU. I had expected to introduce the Irristat to SOWACS and Trickle-L when my Web Page is ready. That should be before the new year. And I will post its address here as soon as possible. Briefly, this is how the Irristat works: The Irristat uses a uniquely formulated, synthetic polyacrylamide gel as its moisture-sensing element. The valve is buried near a plant's roots, in intimate contact with the soil,. Water is conducted by capillary tubing from a water supply, through a thin-walled rubber tube within the body of the Irristat and then through another attached length of capillary tubing to, or near to the soil surface. On its way past the roots, the water spreads by gravity and capillarity through the soil, passes through the Irristat's porous polyester fiber membrane, and reaches the moisture-sensing element, the gel. As the gel becomes more moist, it swells, pushing the Irristat's piston against the rubber tube. When the moisture in the soil surrounding the Irristat reaches a predetermined set-point, (typically -0.15 bars) the swollen gel causes the piston to pinch the rubber tube closed, cutting off the supply of water. As the plant draws moisture from the soil, the gel shrinks, reversing the cycle. As the moisture level falls below the Irristat's set-point, the piston moves back, relieving the pressure on the rubber tube, and water begins to flow. Buried in the soil, Irristats will function reliably for many years, PROVIDING AUTOMATED DRIP/TRICKLE IRRIGATION. The Irristat itself is about 2 cubic centimeters in volume. It, and its connections, are usually encased in a protective polypropylene shell in the form of a spear-tip, which simplifies insertion into the soil. The body parts and piston of the Irristat are molded of polypropylene; the internal water conduit is made of silicone rubber; the semi-permeable membrane, of Dacron-like polyester fibers; and the moisture-sensitive gel, of slightly-cross-linked polyacrylamide. All are chemically, biologically and physically durable. With 0.125-inch inside-diameter capillary tubing, and a water supply at 15 pounds per square inch, an Irristat can deliver up to about 1.7 liters of water per minute. Therefore, one Irristat can service any plant, up to a medium-size tree; a few Irristats, in parallel, can service a large tree. The Irristat delivers to its plant, EXACTLY THE AMOUNT OF WATER NEEDED TO REPLACE LOSSES DUE TO EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, (plus any additional amount incorporated into new growth). If it is set up with a gravity-feed water supply from a tank, after it has been working for a few days, the measured amount of water drawn from the tank per unit time (e.g., per 24 hours) is an accurate measure of evapotranspiration plus "growth water". Alternatively, if the water supply is a typical drip-lateral, a second Irristat can be installed in parallel with, and directly adjacent to the first, with an outlet capillary line of the same inside diameter and length as the first, delivering its output at the same point. After they have been working together for a few days, the outlet of either one can then be placed into a container, and the amount of water delivered per unit time will be an accurate measure of the evapotranspiration associated with that plant, bush or tree. (The Irristat has a time-constant of about 2 hours, so an "instantaneous measurement" usually reflects the evapotranspiration that occurred 2 hours earlier.) Of course, this description of how to use Irristats to measure evapotranspiration is a bit oversimplified; (e.g., if the bottom of the root ball is at the water table, if it has just rained or if the plant is growing in such coarse sand that, at -0.15 bars matric potential, a substantial portion of the delivered water percolates down past the roots), my method works poorly. With two tensiometers; one beside the Irristat in the root ball, and the other inserted to a depth somewhat below the root ball, you can easily check whether the water table is too high or the irrigation water is perciolating too deep. You will of course wonder why I have kept this a "secret" so long? In order to compete with pressure-compensating emitters, we had planned to manufacture the Irristat at a unit cost of under $1.00, with most of the cost coming from the labor of manual assembly. But that depended upon essentially 100% manufacturing-yield of correctly functioning Irristats. And over the years, the best we've been able to do is a bit better than 90%. That means that EACH finished Irristat needs to be checked by cycling it a few times between wet and dry states, and this turns out to be quite expensive. We (and others) judged that the resulting $6.00 unit selling price, for a spear-tip mounted Irristat, would severely restrict the range of its application. With rather limited resources, we have been (very inadequately) trying to enter markets, like landscaping, which might tolerate the higher, cost. I hope the Web will help us change this. But, clearly, for use as an ET-measuring tool, our current manufacturing cost should pose no problem!. I'll be happy to discuss various other details of use and performance, in this forum, or privately. Hope you find this useful. Leonard Ornstein, Ph.D. Irristat International Inc. >The concept of "Minute" irrigation is not necessarily new but has been >impractical until approximately three years ago. The idea is to apply water >at a very slow rate. To achieve this we would require a drip emitter with >extremely small passages and considerably higher filter requirements. This >emitter would be highly susceptible to clogging. To date there is no emitter >or tape product that is capable of delivering water at a rate which >approaches that considered to be minute irrigation. However, there are a few >individual components that when used together can create this minute >irrigation. I consider minute irrigation to be in the range of 100 - 400 cc >per hour. > >The heart of this system is a pulsating device which contains a silicone >sleeve seated upon a specially designed piston. As this sleeve or bladder >swells with water it reaches a critical point where the stored water is >released and then the process repeats itself. This continual action creates >the pulsing effect. The rate of flow through the pulser is determined by >either a compensated or non-conpensated emission device. It is when this >pulser is connected to a secondary emission device that we are able to >achieve minute irrigation. In Israel when using the term minute irrigation >they are referring only to the use of drip emitters. Pulsated >micro-sprinklers or jets is a different concept. > >Most applications of this system have been used in green houses. There are >two types of systems of minute irrigation. One system connects about 20 >individual pot type drippers (stakes with a labyrinth) to one single pulser. > If the pulser has a discharge rate of 4 LPH or 4,000 cc/hour we divide this >number by the number of outlets and have an individual discharge rate of 200 >cc/hour/pot. The second system uses our (Drip In) 1/4" (6mm) soaker dripline >with emitters spaced anywhere from 15cm to 30cm connected to the same pulser. > We can not use a dripline with a larger ID because the line will always be >partially filled with air. The 1/4" because of its small ID is constantly >charged with water. This system is either stretched on top of the pots or >laid directly on the bed. The number of emitters varies but is generally not >more than 60. I recently installed a system where I used an 8 LPH pulser >with 60 emitters or an individual discharge rate per emitter of 133 cc/hour. > These emitters normally are 2 LPH. > >The beauty here is that we are able to reduce the flow per emitter to minute >amounts of water and yet maintain large passageways and relative clog >resistance. Like any new technology there are advantages and disadvantages. > In fact this technology is considered by some to be revolutionary. Similar >to what drip was 20 years ago. Most pots are irrigated by spray stakes or >some type of emitter. Water applied at a rate of 2 LPH will form a sausage >near the middle of the pot and drainage will begin within a few minutes. > Irrigation will continue approximately 7-15 minutes. During this time water >will begin to move upwards closer to the sides of the pot pushing the salts >further into the root zone. This mandates frequent flushing and an >additional waste of water and nutrients. With the pulsated drip system the >water will move almost twice as fast laterally until the upper area is >completely wetted. Then the movement will be downward as a front until >drainage occurs. When the first drops drain the pot is at pot capacity and >the irrigation can be shut off. This movement is constantly washing the salts >downward. Additional flushing of the salts is only required when the EC of >the drainage water exceeds the established limits. > >Specific advantages of this system include: >1. Water and fertilizer savings up to 40-50% >2. Optimum growing conditions due to the ability to maintain an optimum >balance of air, water and nutrients in the soil. >3. Better utilization of available space; plant density can be increased. >4. Quicker turn around of plant material; reduced growing cycles. >5. Higher yields >6. Better quality >7. Lower system costs; smaller PVC sizes, reduced horsepower >requirements.... > >This system poses significant challenges and requires us to change our way of >thinking. >For one, the discharge rate of the emitters at the end of the lateral is >higher than the rate at the begining. This is completely opposite from what >we expect with conventional drip technology. Second, we are talking about >using up to 40-50% less water then existing drip systems. If this is true >than we need to reevaluate crop requirements. We applied this technology on >a small scale to 40 almond trees in the Sacramento Valley this summer. From >mid june through October we applied 1 GPH/tree. The dripline was our 1/4" >soaker dripline with emitters spaced at 12". The water was never shut off >except for one day at harvest. The surface wetted area was on average 1 foot >wide and there was no runoff. These trees received no more than 24 gallons >per day. These were mature trees with a full crop. Visual inspection >indicated good growth and yields comparable to the rest of the orchard. We >intend to expand this system and do a small area of grapes in 1997. > >We do not have all the answers to these questions yet. Actually we are not >sure what questions we should be asking. While the concept has broad >applications the technology to apply this on a large scale to field crops is >in its infancy. For the present we will be promoting this minute irrigation >technology to the greenhouse industry and evaluating its application in the >broader agricultural market. We would like to invite those interested in >this technology to explore the possibilities and ramifications along with us. > A few papers have been written on the subject in Israel. They have been >translated into english and are available in Israel by contacting Jacob Levin >at Lego Irrigation or contacting me at Drip In Irrigation. > >I hope that I have been able to answer a few of the questions. > >Philip Lubars >Drip In Irrigation >2836 N. Larkin Ave. >Fresno, CA 93637 >Tel: (209) 294-8008 >Fax: (209)294-8809 >e-mail
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 96 10:51:54 +1100 (EST) From: Trevor Finch <> Subject: Re: Positioning of tensiometers We use an excellent programme that runs various models (including Richardsons) to predict water flow through soil profiles with different irrigation regimes. It allows for varying... soil layers the model assumptions the application regime (volume and frequency) It was designed for graduate students, so has an excellent help system/tutorial, but we find it very usefull for commercial design. It certainly beats solving Richardson's equation ever again. Their site is at: ---- Trevor Finch Research Services New England 8/16 Nicholson St, Balmain NSW 2041 Australia email: tel: +61 (2) 9810 3563 fax: +61 (2) 9810 3323 ----
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 20:01:33 -0500 From: Subject: Determining DU for existing SDI systems I was recently asked by a prospective client how to determine Distribution Uniformity for an installed SDI system. I know how to calculate the theoretical DU. The only way I know how to find out actual DU would be to dig up the tape in several places and measure the flow rates as the system is operating. Any other ideas? Randall Merriott Abernathy, Texas
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 22:05:43 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems One of my favorite methods to estimate EU (or DU) for SDI is called the "Vandergulik Swag" technique: If half your field is brown and ugly then you have a 50% DU. You can also reverse it and say if half your field is a swamp........... you get the idea. Or if half your field is a swamp and the other half is brown and dry then you have a 0% DU Hope this helps :)
End of Digest
>From Mon Dec 23 01:02 EST 1996
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 23:49:28 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 686

Determining DU for existing SDI systems (
Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems (
Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation ( (Emmett Shields))

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 13:31:46 -0800 From: Subject: Determining DU for existing SDI systems Actual system DU can be estimated in the field as you mentioned, by digging and measuring. (The "Vandergulik Swag" technique mentioned by someone else is even less than a swag.) It's a lot of work which is why most people don't bother with it but sometimes you can be amazed by what you find (great to poor hydraulic design and sometimes plugging from all sorts of sources). I recommend the Cal Poly method of evaluation with a few tips: 1. Do not take less measurements than the program calls for (there are very specific reasons for the number of measurements taken at which locations) 2. If digging up tape, be careful to not wipe the mud off it (you just might artifically plug the outlets) 3. I make little washers out of rubber hose to prevent water from running along the hose (and not into the measuring cups). 4. On drip tape systems I make one recommended change to the Cal Poly procedure and that is the first location of flow measurements. The Cal Poly procedure calls for the first flow measurements to be taken in the middle of a hose hydraulically closest to the pump. The reason for the middle of the hose is you need to be able to take all 16 flows at the same pressure (no significant friction loss in the middle of the hose if emitters are spaced far apart). To get a more accurate ectimate of the actual application rate with tape systems, I take those measurements at the beginning of the hose where the pressure is the highest. A NEW WINDOWS VERSION OF THE MICRO-IRRIGATION SYSTEM EVALUATION PROGRAM CAN BE ORDERED FROM THE CAL POLY / ITRC (805)756-2434. >I was recently asked by a prospective client how to determine >Distribution >Uniformity for an installed SDI system. I know how to calculate the >theoretical DU. The only way I know how to find out actual DU would >be to >dig up the tape in several places and measure the flow rates as the >system is >operating. Any other ideas? >Randall Merriott >Abernathy, Texas
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 17:16:32 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems Randall: I may be missing something, (or are the Cal Poly "measurements", tensiometer measurements)? Granted it's nice to know the degree of distribution uniformity, but what really counts is uniformity of available water for the crop. And you monitor that quite directly with tensiometer readings of matric potential. Now, for those readings to be uniform not only must the water-delivery be uniform, but so must the soil-profile. But if that's very variable, a uniform delivery of water will probably be inadequate anyway. So properly programmed tensiometer readings can really tell you what's important to your crop; warn you of the consequences of clogged emitters, breaks in tape, too large pressure-drops in long runs and/or non-uniform soil profiles. Len Ornstein >Actual system DU can be estimated in the field as you mentioned, by >digging and measuring. (The "Vandergulik Swag" technique mentioned by >someone else is even less than a swag.) It's a lot of work which is >why most people don't bother with it but sometimes you can be amazed by >what you find (great to poor hydraulic design and sometimes plugging >from all sorts of sources). > >I recommend the Cal Poly method of evaluation with a few tips: > >1. Do not take less measurements than the program calls for (there are >very specific reasons for the number of measurements taken at which >locations) > >2. If digging up tape, be careful to not wipe the mud off it (you just >might artifically plug the outlets) > >3. I make little washers out of rubber hose to prevent water from >running along the hose (and not into the measuring cups). > >4. On drip tape systems I make one recommended change to the Cal Poly >procedure and that is the first location of flow measurements. The Cal >Poly procedure calls for the first flow measurements to be taken in the >middle of a hose hydraulically closest to the pump. The reason for the >middle of the hose is you need to be able to take all 16 flows at the >same pressure (no significant friction loss in the middle of the hose >if emitters are spaced far apart). To get a more accurate ectimate of >the actual application rate with tape systems, I take those >measurements at the beginning of the hose where the pressure is the >highest. > >A NEW WINDOWS VERSION OF THE MICRO-IRRIGATION SYSTEM EVALUATION PROGRAM >CAN BE ORDERED FROM THE CAL POLY / ITRC (805)756-2434. > > >>I was recently asked by a prospective client how to determine >>Distribution >>Uniformity for an installed SDI system. I know how to calculate the >>theoretical DU. The only way I know how to find out actual DU would >>be to >>dig up the tape in several places and measure the flow rates as the >>system is >>operating. Any other ideas? >>Randall Merriott >>Abernathy, Texas
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 19:33:07 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems Just in case there are a lot of engineers out there without a sense of humor, the "Vandergulik Swag" technique was a joke, that's J-O-K-E. I hope I won't be kicked off the List for being so brash.
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 22:17:05 -0500 (EST) From: (Emmett Shields) Subject: Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation
End of Digest
>From Tue Dec 24 01:04 EST 1996
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 23:50:57 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 687

Merry Christmas (Hortech Services Pty Ltd <>)
Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems (
Something is screwy with TRICKLE-L digest 686 (
Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU (
Re: Comments on uniformity ( (Freddie Lamm))

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 16:24:39 +1000 From: Hortech Services Pty Ltd <> Subject: Merry Christmas Please circulate this and perhaps by the time Christmas comes, everyone will have read it. A sobering poem. DEATH OF AN INNOCENT I went to a party, Mum, I remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mum, so I drank coke instead. I really felt proud inside, Mum, the way you said I would. I didn't drink and drive, Mum, even though the others said I should. I know I did the right thing, Mum, I know you are always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mum, as everyone is driving out of sight. As I got into my car, Mum, I knew I'd get home in one piece. Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, Mum, but as I pulled out into the road, the other car didn't see me, Mum, and hit me like a load. As I lay there on the pavement, Mum, I hear the policeman say, the other guy is drunk, Mum, and now I'm the one who will pay. I'm lying here dying, Mum. I wish you'd get here soon. How could this happen to me, Mum? My life just burst like a balloon. There is blood all around me, Mum, and most of it is mine. I hear the paramedic say, Mum, I'll die in a short time. I just wanted to tell you, Mum, I swear I didn't drink. It was the others, Mum. The others didn't think. He was probably at the same party as I. The only difference is, he drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mum? It can ruin your whole life. I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking, Mum, and I don't think it's fair. I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare. Tell my brother not to cry, Mum. Tell Daddy to be brave. And when I go to heaven, Mum, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave Someone should have told him, Mum, not to drink and drive. If only they had told him, Mum, I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mum. I'm becoming very scared. Please don't cry for me, Mum. When I needed you, you were always there. I have one last question, Mum, before I say good bye. I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die? ************************ Someone took the effort to write this poem. So please, forward this to as many people as you can. And see if we can get a chain going around the world that will make people understand that drinking and driving don't mix. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, so please forward this letter to as many people as you can. -Anonymous Merry Christmas to all on the trickle list. Regards Peter Broomhall Horticulural Consultant Hortech Services Pty Ltd a.c.n. 060 406 957 P.O. Box 370 Kallangur QLD 4503 Australia P: +61 418 708 573 F: +61 7 3886 0389
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 07:29:18 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Determining DU for existing SDI systems > One of my favorite methods to estimate EU (or DU) for SDI is called the > "Vandergulik Swag" technique: If half your field is brown and ugly then you > have a 50% DU. You can also reverse it and say if half your field is a > swamp........... you get the idea. Or if half your field is a swamp and the > other half is brown and dry then you have a 0% DU > Hope this helps :) > Very funny, Tim, but I was hoping to be able to find out what the DU was before the output from these "sensors" was able to be observed. Randall P.S. who is/was Vandergulik Swag?
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 09:54:17 -0500 From: Subject: Something is screwy with TRICKLE-L digest 686 In a message dated 96-12-23 01:03:07 EST, you write: The last TRICKLE-L digest shows me as writing this message. Someone else wrote it, not me. And how did my name get attached to it? > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 13:31:46 -0800 > From: > Subject: Determining DU for existing SDI systems > > Actual system DU can be estimated in the field as you mentioned, by > digging and measuring. (The "Vandergulik Swag" technique mentioned by > someone else is even less than a swag.) It's a lot of work which is > why most people don't bother with it but sometimes you can be amazed by > what you find (great to poor hydraulic design and sometimes plugging > from all sorts of sources). > > I recommend the Cal Poly method of evaluation with a few tips: > > 1. Do not take less measurements than the program calls for (there are > very specific reasons for the number of measurements taken at which > locations) > > 2. If digging up tape, be careful to not wipe the mud off it (you just > might artifically plug the outlets) > > 3. I make little washers out of rubber hose to prevent water from > running along the hose (and not into the measuring cups). > > 4. On drip tape systems I make one recommended change to the Cal Poly > procedure and that is the first location of flow measurements. The Cal > Poly procedure calls for the first flow measurements to be taken in the > middle of a hose hydraulically closest to the pump. The reason for the > middle of the hose is you need to be able to take all 16 flows at the > same pressure (no significant friction loss in the middle of the hose > if emitters are spaced far apart). To get a more accurate ectimate of > the actual application rate with tape systems, I take those > measurements at the beginning of the hose where the pressure is the > highest. > > A NEW WINDOWS VERSION OF THE MICRO-IRRIGATION SYSTEM EVALUATION PROGRAM > CAN BE ORDERED FROM THE CAL POLY / ITRC (805)756-2434. > > > Here is the message that I actually wrote after quoting Tim's joke (I got it). > One of my favorite methods to estimate EU (or DU) for SDI is called the > "Vandergulik Swag" technique: If half your field is brown and ugly then you > have a 50% DU. You can also reverse it and say if half your field is a > swamp........... you get the idea. Or if half your field is a swamp and the > other half is brown and dry then you have a 0% DU > Hope this helps :) > Very funny, Tim, but I was hoping to be able to find out what the DU was before the output from these "sensors" was able to be observed. Randall P.S. who is/was Vandergulik Swag?
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 09:54:21 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU In a message dated 96-12-23 01:03:07 EST, you write: > Granted it's nice to know the degree of distribution uniformity, but what > really counts is uniformity of available water for the crop. And you > monitor that quite directly with tensiometer readings of matric potential. > Now, for those readings to be uniform not only must the water-delivery be > uniform, but so must the soil-profile. But if that's very variable, a > uniform delivery of water will probably be inadequate anyway. So properly > programmed tensiometer readings can really tell you what's important to > your crop; warn you of the consequences of clogged emitters, breaks in > tape, too large pressure-drops in long runs and/or non-uniform soil > profiles. > > Len Ornstein Len, I think you're right. The uniformity of available water is what really counts. As long as the readings on the tensiometers are uniform, there's probably no need to dig up the tape and measure the DU. (I am curious how accurate tensiometers would be in estimating DU. Have any of the researchers out there planted a good number of tensiometers, taken readings, then dug up the tape at the same location, measured flows and then compared the two? It would be interesting to know what the DU was based on the tensiometers vs. that based on the flow measurements alone, and I guess the accuracy would depend a lot on the uniformity of the soil conditions.) But what if the tensiometer readings aren't uniform? Is it because of emitter clogging? Is it because of poor design? Is it because of the soil or other factors? I would assume that there would be a certain amount of variability between the tensiometers themselves. The tensiometers are going to tell me I have a problem, but once I know I have a problem, I need to figure out what it is and how I can solve it. I have calculated actual EU with microsprinkler systems using the ASAE method. Because of the nature of these systems you can also easily measure the pressure at each point, thus allowing you also to calculate the hydraulic uniformity. This helps make it easier to determine if the problem lies with the system design or with clogged emitters. I don't know how you can do this with tape without punching a hole in it. I just basically want to be able to let the customer "see" that his system is working properly, and if it's not, be able to quickly figure out why not. Randall Merriott Abernathy, Texas
Date: 23 Dec 96 12:10:22 CST From: (Freddie Lamm) Subject: Re: Comments on uniformity Someone wrote: > Granted it's nice to know the degree of distribution uniformity, but what > really counts is uniformity of available water for the crop. Freddie Lamm replied: Yes, that is partially true. But you miss the point if you ignore the system aspects. After all, you may not be able to exchange your land and soil, but you may be able to buy a more uniform system. Conversely, the most uniform system may not be of much use on some land areas, so why bother with the best system. System, crop, soil, and climate, plus a host of other things need to be "matched" to make it all work. DU, EU, US and the other types of system uniformity terms are just some of the tools in the toolbox. Someone wrote: It would be interesting to know what the DU was based on the tensiometers vs. that based on the flow measurements alone, and I guess the accuracy would depend a lot on the uniformity of the soil conditions. Freddie Lamm replied: That method may give you a more "global" estimation of irrigation performance by integrating the system aspects with the soil aspects, but it may tell you less about what's causing what. If used properly, with other tools it might be a good tool for the toolchest. Sometimes knowing what performance a component aspect might be causing might then point you to look to the next possible problem, while if it is all integrated, you may have to split it back into components. Someone wrote: I have calculated actual EU with microsprinkler systems using the ASAE method. I don't know how you can do this (pressure measurements) with tape without punching a hole in it. Freddie Lamm replied: Depending on what information you want to obtain or what problems you want to isolate, you may be able to avoid measuring the pressures. ASAE EP-458 can be used to just measure US (the statisical uniformity of the emitter discharge rate ) without measuring the pressures. Obviously, you can't isolate some of the problems without measuring the pressures. But if US turned out to be extremely high, the hydraulic uniformity, USH and the emitter performance variation may be moot points. I have also been told, you can repair the holes punched in the tape with goof plugs. A pressure gauge with a relatively large diameter hypodermic needle can be used for the pressure determinations, Someone wrote: I just basically want to be able to let the customer "see" that his system is working properly, and if it's not, be able to quickly figure out why not. Freddie Lamm replied: This may be too simplistic for your needs, But The pressure and flows along the system can OR should be determined by the system design. I know some of the manufacturers have design programs to calculate theoretical EUs or DUs, etc. The cumulative flows for the system and the pressures at the system inlet and the distal flushline could be measured on a regular basis (daily, weekly etc.). These values could be plotted with time and compared to the design values. If the deviations in flows or pressures change, the producer could then look for problems. The changes may be normal or maybe require immediate attention. If the performance characteristics are significantly different than the design values immediately after installation, the producer and contracter should probably work together to find the cause, and that might mean much more rigorous procedures such as ASAE EP-458 or the Cal-Poly DU technique. The complexity of the procedure is sometimes altered by the difficulties of making the system measurements. IE, deep SDI systems with low flow tape products are more difficult than surface systems with higher flow emitters. Freddie * ------------------------------------------------------------------- Freddie Lamm * Research Agricultural Engineer *** o KSU Northwest Research-Extension Center ***** /|\ 105 Experiment Farm Road *******\\ Colby, Kansas 67701-1697 ********* Ph. 913-462-6281 *********** FAX 913-462-2315 ************* It's all downhill from here. ------ THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ, THERE'S NO DOMAIN LIKE OZ. ------
End of Digest
>From Wed Dec 25 01:04 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 23:51:26 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 688

Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Fwd: Small Fruits Program Set For Ohio Growers Congress (
Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU ("OSU Malheur Exp. Station" <>)
Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU (Leonard Ornstein <>)
Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU ("J.D. Oster" <>)

Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 02:24:37 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Minute/ultra-low microirrigation >Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 13:23:25 -0400 >To: <> >From: Leonard Ornstein <> >Subject: Re:ultra-low microirrigation & Irristats >Cc: >Bcc: >X-Attachments: > Tricle-L and SOWACS list members: The WebSite I promised to launch (below), though still under construction, is now online as of this evening: <> It conects to my Irristat page and, at present, 4 down-loadable Acrobat documents on the Irristat technology. Len Ornstein >>The concept of "Minute" irrigation is not necessarily new but has been >>impractical until approximately three years ago.> > >Well, this gives me an oportunity to introduce Trickle-L list members to a >drip technology, the use of moisture-sensitive, self-regulating irrigation >valves,Irristats, (typically, but not necessarily, one to a plant, bush or >tree) for delivering water at rates which exactly match >evapotranspioration, and therefore is as "Minute" as you would want to >get! Like other forms of "Minute", it typically uses a water-supply >continuosly pressurized at up to 15 lbs/in^2, and requires quality >filtration. But it has a lot more to offer. > >As indicated below, I had planned to delay this "announcement" until my >Web site is ready, (in about two weeks), but this discussion cries out for >this respons: > >X-Sender: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 13:58:15 -0400 >To: >From: Leonard Ornstein <> >Subject: Measuring Evapotranspiration/Lysimeters >Sender: >Precedence: bulk > >Greetings to all: > >On Nov. 20, Dean Reynolds initiated a thread on methods that might be >useful for updating crop-ET numbers. Because of the expense of lysimeters >and lysimetry, he was interested in the pros and cons of using neutron >probes and TDR as alternatives for such purposes. > >Terry Howell quickly responded with a very helpful discussion. He correctly >noted that since evapotranspiration modifies the moisture content of the >air above soil and foliage, strictly speaking, lysimetry, neutron probe >measurements and TDR only provide an indirect measures of ET, whereas eddy >correlation can measure ET directly. However he indicated that it probably >wasn't a practical alternative at this time. He neatly reviewed the hazards >of crop-ET assessment; rain, deep percolation, etc. > >On Nov. 22, Dean replied with thanks to all for their contributions to the >discussion, and revealed just why he had raised the subject; namely the >economic factors that governmental bodies, like the State of California >face as farmers choose to sell their State-assigned water rights to one >another (and municipalities). > >To oversimplify, it appears the allowed selling price depends upon a >State-approved estimate of crop-ET and acreage. If the estimated crop-ET is >too high, the State essentially is giving away (and wasting) valuable >public resources. > >What Dean in fact wants to assess is the crop water consumption, which of >course results mainly from ET, but THAT is directly measurable by lysimetry. > >Dean believes, for the reason reviewed above, that updating crop-ET with >lysimetry would have substantial desirable economic consequences, but >apparently judges that the costs of the equipment and labor for the job >will be unacceptable to the officials of the California Department of Water >Resources for whom he works. > >The problems he raises are rather universal. > >I believe I can offer an inexpensive solution: > >I am the inventor and manufacturer of the Irristat, a moisture-sensitive, >self-regulating valve, designed to control the delivery of water to a "drip >emitter". The Irristat is a device with which few if any of the SOWACS >List's members will be familiar. Although the Irristat was developed as an >automated irrigation-scheduling device, it also works fine as an >alternative to a lysimeter to "measure" evapotranspiration: > >It was introduced in: > >The Irristat: A Moisture-Sensitive, Self-Regulating, Water Valve for >Drip Irrigation Systems: Drip/Trickle Irrigation in Action Vol. 2 >ASAE Pub. 10-85, St. Joseph, Mich., pp.623-629; (Proceedings. of the >Third International Drip/Trickle Irrigation Congress, Nov. 18-21, 1985, >Fresno, CA). > >The article contains a description of the Irristat and a general >discussion of its applications in agriculture and horticulture, >including a description of an installation for 60 mature cherry trees at >Washington State Uniersity Irrigated Agriculture Research Center, >Prosser, WA (WSU). > >Temporarily, an Abode Acrobat version of that publication, irrst2.pdf, >as well as another document, irrist1.pdf, which describes the Irristat >technology in greater detail, can be read and/or downloaded (thanks to >Bruce) from: > > <> > >Adobe Acrobat Readers for PC, Unix or Mac platforms can be downloaded FREE >from: > > <> > >I am in the midst of preparing a Web Page which will describe the >technology briefly and will contain URL's for downloading these two >papers as well as four others, including an unpublished paper by Robert G. >Evans, documenting the performance of the Irristats that I installed for >him and Ed Proebsting for the 60 mature cherry trees at WSU. I had expected >to introduce the Irristat to SOWACS and Trickle-L when my Web Page is >ready. That should be before the new year. And I will post its address here >as soon as possible. > >Briefly, this is how the Irristat works: > >The Irristat uses a uniquely formulated, synthetic polyacrylamide gel as >its moisture-sensing element. The valve is buried near a plant's roots, in >intimate contact with the soil,. > >Water is conducted by capillary tubing from a water supply, through a >thin-walled rubber tube within the body of the Irristat and then through >another attached length of capillary tubing to, or near to the soil >surface. On its way past the roots, the water spreads by gravity and >capillarity through the soil, passes through the Irristat's porous >polyester fiber membrane, and reaches the moisture-sensing element, the gel. > >As the gel becomes more moist, it swells, pushing the Irristat's piston >against the rubber tube. When the moisture in the soil surrounding the >Irristat reaches a predetermined set-point, (typically -0.15 bars) the >swollen gel causes the piston to pinch the rubber tube closed, cutting off >the supply of water. > >As the plant draws moisture from the soil, the gel shrinks, reversing >the cycle. As the moisture level falls below the Irristat's set-point, >the piston moves back, relieving the pressure on the rubber tube, and >water begins to flow. > >Buried in the soil, Irristats will function reliably for many years, >PROVIDING AUTOMATED DRIP/TRICKLE IRRIGATION. The Irristat itself is >about 2 cubic centimeters in volume. It, and its connections, are >usually encased in a protective polypropylene shell in the form of a >spear-tip, which simplifies insertion into the soil. The body parts and >piston of the Irristat are molded of polypropylene; the internal water >conduit is made of silicone rubber; the semi-permeable membrane, of >Dacron-like polyester fibers; and the moisture-sensitive gel, of >slightly-cross-linked polyacrylamide. All are chemically, biologically >and physically durable. With 0.125-inch inside-diameter capillary >tubing, and a water supply at 15 pounds per square inch, an Irristat can >deliver up to about 1.7 liters of water per minute. Therefore, one Irristat >can service any plant, up to a medium-size tree; a few Irristats, in >parallel, can service a large tree. > >The Irristat delivers to its plant, EXACTLY THE AMOUNT OF WATER NEEDED >TO REPLACE LOSSES DUE TO EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, (plus any additional amount >incorporated into new growth). > >If it is set up with a gravity-feed water supply from a tank, after it >has been working for a few days, the measured amount of water drawn from >the tank per unit time (e.g., per 24 hours) is an accurate measure of >evapotranspiration plus "growth water". > >Alternatively, if the water supply is a typical drip-lateral, a second >Irristat can be installed in parallel with, and directly adjacent to the >first, with an outlet capillary line of the same inside diameter and length >as the first, delivering its output at the same point. After they have been >working together for a few days, the outlet of either one can then be >placed into a container, and the amount of water delivered per unit time >will be an accurate measure of the evapotranspiration associated with that >plant, bush or tree. (The Irristat has a time-constant of about 2 hours, so >an "instantaneous measurement" usually reflects the evapotranspiration that >occurred 2 hours earlier.) > >Of course, this description of how to use Irristats to measure >evapotranspiration is a bit oversimplified; (e.g., if the bottom of the >root ball is at the water table, if it has just rained or if the plant is >growing in such coarse sand that, at -0.15 bars matric potential, a >substantial portion of the delivered water percolates down past the roots), >my method works poorly. With two tensiometers; one beside the Irristat in >the root ball, and the other inserted to a depth somewhat below the root >ball, you can easily check whether the water table is too high or the >irrigation water is perciolating too deep. > >You will of course wonder why I have kept this a "secret" so long? > >In order to compete with pressure-compensating emitters, we had planned to >manufacture the Irristat at a unit cost of under $1.00, with most of the >cost coming from the labor of manual assembly. But that depended upon >essentially 100% manufacturing-yield of correctly functioning Irristats. >And over the years, the best we've been able to do is a bit better than >90%. That means that EACH finished Irristat needs to be checked by cycling >it a few times between wet and dry states, and this turns out to be quite >expensive. We (and others) judged that the resulting $6.00 unit selling >price, for a spear-tip mounted Irristat, would severely restrict the range >of its application. With rather limited resources, we have been (very >inadequately) trying to enter markets, like landscaping, which might >tolerate the higher, cost. I hope the Web will help us change this. > >But, clearly, for use as an ET-measuring tool, our current manufacturing >cost should pose no problem!. > >I'll be happy to discuss various other details of use and performance, in >this forum, or privately. > >Hope you find this useful. > >Leonard Ornstein, Ph.D. >Irristat International Inc. > > > > > >>The concept of "Minute" irrigation is not necessarily new but has been >>impractical until approximately three years ago. The idea is to apply water >>at a very slow rate. To achieve this we would require a drip emitter with >>extremely small passages and considerably higher filter requirements. This >>emitter would be highly susceptible to clogging. To date there is no emitter >>or tape product that is capable of delivering water at a rate which >>approaches that considered to be minute irrigation. However, there are a few >>individual components that when used together can create this minute >>irrigation. I consider minute irrigation to be in the range of 100 - 400 cc >>per hour. >> >>The heart of this system is a pulsating device which contains a silicone >>sleeve seated upon a specially designed piston. As this sleeve or bladder >>swells with water it reaches a critical point where the stored water is >>released and then the process repeats itself. This continual action creates >>the pulsing effect. The rate of flow through the pulser is determined by >>either a compensated or non-conpensated emission device. It is when this >>pulser is connected to a secondary emission device that we are able to >>achieve minute irrigation. In Israel when using the term minute irrigation >>they are referring only to the use of drip emitters. Pulsated >>micro-sprinklers or jets is a different concept. >> >>Most applications of this system have been used in green houses. There are >>two types of systems of minute irrigation. One system connects about 20 >>individual pot type drippers (stakes with a labyrinth) to one single pulser. >> If the pulser has a discharge rate of 4 LPH or 4,000 cc/hour we divide this >>number by the number of outlets and have an individual discharge rate of 200 >>cc/hour/pot. The second system uses our (Drip In) 1/4" (6mm) soaker dripline >>with emitters spaced anywhere from 15cm to 30cm connected to the same pulser. >> We can not use a dripline with a larger ID because the line will always be >>partially filled with air. The 1/4" because of its small ID is constantly >>charged with water. This system is either stretched on top of the pots or >>laid directly on the bed. The number of emitters varies but is generally not >>more than 60. I recently installed a system where I used an 8 LPH pulser >>with 60 emitters or an individual discharge rate per emitter of 133 cc/hour. >> These emitters normally are 2 LPH. >> >>The beauty here is that we are able to reduce the flow per emitter to minute >>amounts of water and yet maintain large passageways and relative clog >>resistance. Like any new technology there are advantages and disadvantages. >> In fact this technology is considered by some to be revolutionary. Similar >>to what drip was 20 years ago. Most pots are irrigated by spray stakes or >>some type of emitter. Water applied at a rate of 2 LPH will form a sausage >>near the middle of the pot and drainage will begin within a few minutes. >> Irrigation will continue approximately 7-15 minutes. During this time water >>will begin to move upwards closer to the sides of the pot pushing the salts >>further into the root zone. This mandates frequent flushing and an >>additional waste of water and nutrients. With the pulsated drip system the >>water will move almost twice as fast laterally until the upper area is >>completely wetted. Then the movement will be downward as a front until >>drainage occurs. When the first drops drain the pot is at pot capacity and >>the irrigation can be shut off. This movement is constantly washing the salts >>downward. Additional flushing of the salts is only required when the EC of >>the drainage water exceeds the established limits. >> >>Specific advantages of this system include: >>1. Water and fertilizer savings up to 40-50% >>2. Optimum growing conditions due to the ability to maintain an optimum >>balance of air, water and nutrients in the soil. >>3. Better utilization of available space; plant density can be increased. >>4. Quicker turn around of plant material; reduced growing cycles. >>5. Higher yields >>6. Better quality >>7. Lower system costs; smaller PVC sizes, reduced horsepower >>requirements.... >> >>This system poses significant challenges and requires us to change our way of >>thinking. >>For one, the discharge rate of the emitters at the end of the lateral is >>higher than the rate at the begining. This is completely opposite from what >>we expect with conventional drip technology. Second, we are talking about >>using up to 40-50% less water then existing drip systems. If this is true >>than we need to reevaluate crop requirements. We applied this technology on >>a small scale to 40 almond trees in the Sacramento Valley this summer. From >>mid june through October we applied 1 GPH/tree. The dripline was our 1/4" >>soaker dripline with emitters spaced at 12". The water was never shut off >>except for one day at harvest. The surface wetted area was on average 1 foot >>wide and there was no runoff. These trees received no more than 24 gallons >>per day. These were mature trees with a full crop. Visual inspection >>indicated good growth and yields comparable to the rest of the orchard. We >>intend to expand this system and do a small area of grapes in 1997. >> >>We do not have all the answers to these questions yet. Actually we are not >>sure what questions we should be asking. While the concept has broad >>applications the technology to apply this on a large scale to field crops is >>in its infancy. For the present we will be promoting this minute irrigation >>technology to the greenhouse industry and evaluating its application in the >>broader agricultural market. We would like to invite those interested in >>this technology to explore the possibilities and ramifications along with us. >> A few papers have been written on the subject in Israel. They have been >>translated into english and are available in Israel by contacting Jacob Levin >>at Lego Irrigation or contacting me at Drip In Irrigation. >> >>I hope that I have been able to answer a few of the questions. >> >>Philip Lubars >>Drip In Irrigation >>2836 N. Larkin Ave. >>Fresno, CA 93637 >>Tel: (209) 294-8008 >>Fax: (209)294-8809 >>e-mail > > >
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 09:25:49 -0500 From: Subject: Fwd: Small Fruits Program Set For Ohio Growers Congress Thought I would pass this along in case some may not be aware of this. Randall Merriott Abernathy, Texas --------------------- Forwarded message: From: Date: 96-12-23 12:15:06 EST COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- A growers roundtable discussion on disease control, in brambles and blueberries, and a business and marketing update are just some of the items on the agenda for the Small Fruits program at the 1997 Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress and Roadside Marketing Conference. The congress, which will be held Feb. 5-8 at the SeaGate Centre in Toledo, Ohio, is a joint effort between the Ohio Fruit Growers Society (OFGS), Ohio Vegetable and Potato Growers Association (OVPGA), the Ohio State University (OSU), and the Direct Agricultural Marketing Association (DAMA). This is the first year the Growers Congress and Ohio Roadside Marketing conference are being held together. By combining the two conferences producers and marketers are exposed to the strongest educational event of its kind in the country. A Strawberry Roundtable will start the program on Wednesday evening. Representatives from OSU will be on-hand to provide pesticide updates. Also featured that evening, the 1996 Strawberry Cultivars- growers discussion on frost, fruit rot, yield and other topics that impact the industry. Dr. Joseph Fiola of Rutgers, will be on hand during the Strawberry Short Course to discuss information on the high yield plasticulture system and its feasibility in the east. Dr. Fiola will also discuss information on new bramble releases. Also, the basics of blueberry production and maintaining post harvest quality are topics that will be covered. Dr. Winston Bash, OSU Food Industry Center, will be on hand to discuss the progress on ellagic acid research. Rick and Susan Lynn, Lynn's Market, Mt. Pleasant, Pa., will be discussing marketing issues. A new item for the Small Fruits program is the five minute blitz, presented by Dr. Dick Funt, OSU, and Tom Wall, OSU-Piketon. Topics to be covered include: increasing strawberry yields, trickle irrigation design facts, and blueberry cultivars. The five minute blitz is a short presentation with a handout for the participants to take home. For more information on the Small Fruit program for the 1997 Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress and Roadside Marketing Conference, or registration information contact Mike Pullins, Executive Director, at 614-249-2424. CO: Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress ST: Ohio IN: AGR SU: To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles. For all of today's news, go to keyword News.
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 07:55:04 -0700 From: "OSU Malheur Exp. Station" <> Subject: Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU Friends, In using tensiometers to estimate the distribution uniformity of a drip irrigation system, Randall Merriott correctly mentions that there will be some error among the tensiometers. In studying optimal potato irrigation (not a series of drip irrigation trials) we dug up many paired tensiometers and paired Watermark soil moisture sensors and compared their readings with the soil water contents in the immediate proximity of the instruments. Much of the variability in instrument readings was related to spot to spot variability in soil water. Clint -- Dr. Clinton C. Shock Malheur Experiment Station Oregon State University 595 Onion Ave. Ontario, Oregon 97914 telephone (541) 889-2174 Fax (541) 889-7831
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 12:06:51 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU In studying optimal potato >irrigation (not a series of drip irrigation trials) we dug up many >paired tensiometers and paired Watermark soil moisture sensors and >compared their readings with the soil water contents in the immediate >proximity of the instruments. Much of the variability in instrument >readings was related to spot to spot variability in soil water. Which MUST have been due to variability in local soil hydraulic conductivity. With putatively uniform application of irrigation water, such variabilty (if it is of large enough magnitude) means that the crop DOES NOT uniform AVAILABILITY of water. In such soil profiles, what's needed in NON-UNIFORM application of water to yield uniform availability to the crop! The only technology that can provide that, automatically, is the Irristat. See: <> and go to the Irristat page. Len Ornstein > >Clint >-- >Dr. Clinton C. Shock >Malheur Experiment Station >Oregon State University >595 Onion Ave. >Ontario, Oregon 97914 >telephone (541) 889-2174 >Fax (541) 889-7831 >
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 11:14:21 -0600 From: "J.D. Oster" <> Subject: Re: Tensiometers to estimate DU At 10:57 AM 12/24/96 -0600, you wrote: > In studying optimal potato >>irrigation (not a series of drip irrigation trials) we dug up many >>paired tensiometers and paired Watermark soil moisture sensors and >>compared their readings with the soil water contents in the immediate >>proximity of the instruments. Much of the variability in instrument >>readings was related to spot to spot variability in soil water. > >Which MUST have been due to variability in local soil hydraulic conductivity. Wouldn't spatial variability in where the roots are located by another factor?> >With putatively uniform application of irrigation water, such variabilty >(if it is of large enough magnitude) means that the crop DOES NOT uniform >AVAILABILITY of water. In such soil profiles, what's needed in NON-UNIFORM >application of water to yield uniform availability to the crop! > >The only technology that can provide that, automatically, is the Irristat. > >See: <> and go to the Irristat >page. > >Len Ornstein > >> >>Clint >>-- >>Dr. Clinton C. Shock >>Malheur Experiment Station >>Oregon State University >>595 Onion Ave. >>Ontario, Oregon 97914 >>telephone (541) 889-2174 >>Fax (541) 889-7831 >> > > > > J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522
End of Digest
>From Thu Dec 26 01:05 EST 1996
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 23:52:25 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 689

Root vs Water distribution? ( (Marty Grogan))
Re: Root vs Water distribution? (Leonard Ornstein <>)

Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 15:00:32 -0800 From: (Marty Grogan) Subject: Root vs Water distribution? I have read with much interest the discussion of a need for water uniformity in the root zone, but can't the roots do some catching up if the distribution is lacking? Has anyone seen research on the optimal point between the dynamics of water delivery and root growth? It would no doubt vary with different crops and could greatly impact the level of investment required for an irrigation system. No point in redoing what Nature already does better. M. G. Marty Grogan, BSAE, MSEE Grogan Engineering Services 1328 Rathwood Ave. Richland, WA 99352 (509)627-3083 (voice and FAX) Specializing in Systems Integration Services for Agriculture: Automation, Telemetry, Programming, Maintenance, Remote Sensing and Project Delivery. GES--The technology buckstopper.
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 22:41:45 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Root vs Water distribution? Marty: I presume your trying to make the following point: If water is delivered uniformly, but the soil profile variability results in non-uniform availability (locally variable matric potential), if the local storage capacity is adequate to hold the locally deliver uniform aliquot of irrigation water, then most plants will be able to compensate for the variable availability by expending more or less (photosynthetic) energy to extract the required amount of water. The impact of this variability is usually moderated by plants developing somewhat different root-distributions and densities in the different soil profiles. Thus, well established perennial crops manage such non-uniformity of available water quite well, whereas new plantings can be substantially compromised. Since most plants can SURVIVE at matric potentials from about 0 to -15 bars, they have a lot of adaptability. But the work to pull water from drier soil usually comes at the cost of less than optimal growth rates. And the magnitude of the cost is different from crop to crop and from one stage of development to another. This is all anecdotal. Is there crop-specific literature on these subjects which can be used to manage irrigation? Len Ornstein >I have read with much interest the discussion of a need for water uniformity >in the root zone, but can't the roots do some catching up if the >distribution is lacking? > >Has anyone seen research on the optimal point between the dynamics of water >delivery and root growth? It would no doubt vary with different crops and >could greatly impact the level of investment required for an irrigation >system. No point in redoing what Nature already does better. > >M. G. >Marty Grogan, BSAE, MSEE >Grogan Engineering Services >1328 Rathwood Ave. >Richland, WA 99352 >(509)627-3083 (voice and FAX) > > >Specializing in Systems Integration Services for Agriculture: Automation, >Telemetry, Programming, Maintenance, Remote Sensing and Project Delivery. > > GES--The technology buckstopper.
End of Digest
>From Fri Dec 27 01:06 EST 1996
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 23:52:58 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 690

Root vs Water distribution? -Reply ("Joseph C. Henggeler" <>)
SDI alfalfa and other forage crops ("Joseph C. Henggeler" <>)
Psychology of buried tape (
Re: Psychology of buried tape (Leonard Ornstein <>)

Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 10:03:06 -0600 From: "Joseph C. Henggeler" <> Subject: Root vs Water distribution? -Reply Marty: In regards to your question: ++++++++++++++ ... but can't the roots do some catching up if the distribution is lacking? +++++++++++++++ Goldhammer, et al. (pg 851 in Proc of 3rd Inter Drip/Trickle Congress) presented an excellent paper on micro-sprinkler irrigation, in which uniformity was measured on the soil surface, and then at various depths below. They also measured uniformity changes over time. In short, uniformity improved with depth and time. Both soil potential gradients and enhanced root activity into more "favorable" areas (be it due to water content, salinity, aeration, etc.) allow the plant to compensate, to a degree, as you alluded to. This is also the reason that the protocol for evaluating uniformity in mircro-irrigation evaluations incorporates the concept of how many emitter points service a plant. Another practical observation on micro-scale uniformity is that the majority of studies I have seen on SDI cotton show that when lateral lines are buried between every-other row pair, as opposed to under every row, yields are as good, if not better. However, the soil moisture uniformity would have been better on the closer spaced lateral widths. However, this is on the micro-scale level. When uniformity is on the macro-scale, like the bottom of the field getting significantly less water than the top, it is another story, and the roots are not able to compensate for these gross uniformity differences. Joe Henggeler Ft. Stockton, TX
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 13:43:07 -0600 From: "Joseph C. Henggeler" <> Subject: SDI alfalfa and other forage crops Dear Trickle-L Users, I am interested in getting information from growers, irrigation dealers, researchers, etc. on Sub-surface drip irrigated alfalfa (and other forages) for inclusion in an article on the same. I am aware of the USDA/ARS work at Brawley, CA, U of NE work in Reno, and NMSU work at Artesia. Information on yields, historic items, costs, problems, comparisons, acreages installed, etc. would all be of interest to me. Thanks and Happy New Year! Joe Henggeler Ft. Stockton, TX
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 18:38:28 -0500 From: Subject: Psychology of buried tape I mentioned earlier that I want to let the customer "see" that his system is working. I asked about how to determine DU for a buried system, but I really asked the wrong question. What I am really trying to get at, and probably didn't communicate well, is that one constraint that keeps some people from adopting SDI is the fact that it is buried; you can't see it. That is one thing that may be keeping this technology from being adopted more quickly. Microsprinklers took off like hotcakes in Florida in the 80's. I think one reason was that it was easy to see (and hear) them. There are even some people who won't run their lawn sprinklers before dawn even though it's more efficient, because they want to see the system run. We need to come up with some ways to let people "see" their (and their neighbor's) system running, just to make people psychologically more comfortable with the technology. One of my favorite books is "Diffusion of Innovations" by Everett Rogers which was used in a Technology Transfer class I took in school. I know all the extension types probably have heard all this stuff before, but in the book there are listed five characteristics of innovations that affect their rate of adoption: 1) Relative advantage - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as better than the idea it supersedes. I think SDI has many advantages over other methods of irrigation, but let's not forget these other characteristics. 2) Compatibility - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as being consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters. Most peoples' past experiences with irrigation includes "seeing" the water actually being applied. 3) Complexity - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as difficult to understand and use. I think we can all agree that we have some work to do in this area. 4) Trialability - the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis. This is one advantage of SDI. 5) Observability - the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others. Long term results are easy to see. Better yields, etc. Short term - how do you "see" that the system is actually watering the crop? How do you "see" if the system is stopping up? Randall Merriott Abernathy, Texas
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 20:29:43 -0400 From: Leonard Ornstein <> Subject: Re: Psychology of buried tape Randall: Now your question is quite clear, and unfortunately, my answer, of installing an array of tensiometers, which could work, is completely impractical for the average potential user of SDI; unless someone invents a very cheap (<$1.00), durable tensiometer, which never needs to be degassed or refilled! I tried to, with the gel-sensor of the Irristat, but it turned out to be too expensive,--or in a cheap design, unreliable. Len Ornstein Irristat International Inc. >I mentioned earlier that I want to let the customer "see" that his system is >working. > >I asked about how to determine DU for a buried system, but I really asked the >wrong question. What I am really trying to get at, and probably didn't >communicate well, is that one constraint that keeps some people from adopting >SDI is the fact that it is buried; you can't see it. That is one thing that >may be keeping this technology from being adopted more quickly. > Microsprinklers took off like hotcakes in Florida in the 80's. I think one >reason was that it was easy to see (and hear) them. There are even some >people who won't run their lawn sprinklers before dawn even though it's more >efficient, because they want to see the system run. We need to come up with >some ways to let people "see" their (and their neighbor's) system running, >just to make people psychologically more comfortable with the technology. > >One of my favorite books is "Diffusion of Innovations" by Everett Rogers >which was used in a Technology Transfer class I took in school. I know all >the extension types probably have heard all this stuff before, but in the >book there are listed five characteristics of innovations that affect their >rate of adoption: > >1) Relative advantage - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as >better than the idea it supersedes. I think SDI has many advantages over >other methods of irrigation, but let's not forget these other >characteristics. > >2) Compatibility - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as being >consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential >adopters. Most peoples' past experiences with irrigation includes "seeing" >the water actually being applied. > >3) Complexity - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as difficult >to understand and use. I think we can all agree that we have some work to do >in this area. > >4) Trialability - the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with >on a limited basis. This is one advantage of SDI. > >5) Observability - the degree to which the results of an innovation are >visible to others. Long term results are easy to see. Better yields, etc. > Short term - how do you "see" that the system is actually watering the crop? > How do you "see" if the system is stopping up? > >Randall Merriott >Abernathy, Texas
End of Digest
>From Sat Dec 28 01:06 EST 1996
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 23:53:03 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 691

Re: Psychology of buried tape (Rod Ennor <>)

Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 20:32:37 +0200 From: Rod Ennor <> Subject: Re: Psychology of buried tape HELLO RANDALL, WE ALL KNOW THAT THE SYSTEM WORKS WHEN WE TURN ON THE CORRECT VALVES AND SWITCHES, BUT, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A BIT OF VERIFICATION IS THERE. PERHAPS SOMEONE FROM NETAFIM CAN COMMENT ON THEIR NEW "FLAG" WHICH IS AVAILABLE (IN ISRAEL ANYWAY), AND SEEMS TO BE THE IDEAL SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM. IT IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OF THE HIGH TEC OPTIONS. REGARDS, ROD ENNORAt 05:37 PM 12/26/96 -0600, you wrote: >I mentioned earlier that I want to let the customer "see" that his system is >working. > >I asked about how to determine DU for a buried system, but I really asked the >wrong question. What I am really trying to get at, and probably didn't >communicate well, is that one constraint that keeps some people from adopting >SDI is the fact that it is buried; you can't see it. That is one thing that >may be keeping this technology from being adopted more quickly. > Microsprinklers took off like hotcakes in Florida in the 80's. I think one >reason was that it was easy to see (and hear) them. There are even some >people who won't run their lawn sprinklers before dawn even though it's more >efficient, because they want to see the system run. We need to come up with >some ways to let people "see" their (and their neighbor's) system running, >just to make people psychologically more comfortable with the technology. > >One of my favorite books is "Diffusion of Innovations" by Everett Rogers >which was used in a Technology Transfer class I took in school. I know all >the extension types probably have heard all this stuff before, but in the >book there are listed five characteristics of innovations that affect their >rate of adoption: > >1) Relative advantage - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as >better than the idea it supersedes. I think SDI has many advantages over >other methods of irrigation, but let's not forget these other >characteristics. > >2) Compatibility - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as being >consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential >adopters. Most peoples' past experiences with irrigation includes "seeing" >the water actually being applied. > >3) Complexity - the degree to which an innovation is "perceived" as difficult >to understand and use. I think we can all agree that we have some work to do >in this area. > >4) Trialability - the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with >on a limited basis. This is one advantage of SDI. > >5) Observability - the degree to which the results of an innovation are >visible to others. Long term results are easy to see. Better yields, etc. > Short term - how do you "see" that the system is actually watering the crop? > How do you "see" if the system is stopping up? > >Randall Merriott >Abernathy, Texas > > >
End of Digest
>From Tue Dec 31 13:36 EST 1996
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 12:22:55 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TRICKLE-L digest 692

introduction (jlsylves <>)

Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 13:21:15 -0500 (EST) From: jlsylves <> Subject: introduction Having just received the welcome message, which encourages us newbies to introduce ourselves, I thought I ought to comply. I scanned over the introductory questions that we are encouraged to answer, and all I can say is, I am bringing up the rear of this parade. I am a home flower gardener. I have changed over the years from landscaping to production gardening. Not for profit, just in order to maximize output, and focus my efforts more. So I have now long beds of all one type of plant, and when that plant dies or goes dormant, the whole bed does so also. I have separate beds of daffodils, irises, peonies, roses, daylilies, lilium, gladiolus, and a bed of annuals. I started using the black spongy soaker hoses for irrigation, and discovered that I was not placing them quite correctly, was not using enough of them, and the plants were not getting enough water. So that is why I joined this List; to learn more about the whys and wherefores of watering techniques. Judy Sylvester
End of Digest

Prepared by Steve Modena, AB4EL
Suggestions and comments to: