SALINITY-L digests for AUGUST 1996

To AGRONOMY homepage @ SunSITE

From Sun Sep 1 00:01 EST 1996
From: Stephen Modena <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: SALINITY-L LOG9608
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 1996 00:01:00 -0500 (EST)

This is the compendium of SALINITY-L digests for August 1996.

It was prepared from the daily digest mailings. Some digests
may be missing, because occasional mailings are lost en route.

From Wed Aug 7 18:04 EDT 1996
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 16:53:04 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 76



Date: Wed, 07 Aug 1996 14:25:43 +0930 From: Subject: I'm interested in establishing a database of key centres with strong interests in research using higher salinity irrigation water, and/or developing halophytes for agriculture. Does such a database exist? Could key centres indicate their special areas of expertise? ( I noticed that Narayana Bhat of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research asked a similar question recently. ) For example, my organisation, Primary Industries South Australia, has undertakes irrigation (especially micro for horticulture) research, development and extension projects including the development of commercial services and the development of education programs; and to a lesser extent have developed management strategies for salt tolerant forage grasses, especially Puccinellia. <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Thu Aug 8 19:54 EDT 1996
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 18:43:26 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 77

Re: phil coles list (Mike Schulz .<>.)


Date: Fri, 09 Aug 1996 09:32:59 +0000 From: Mike Schulz .<>. Subject: Re: phil coles list phil i'd respond to you directly but i'd like to encourage some movement on this list. obviously you can include the Institute of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture at Tatura on your list. Our work covers potential halphytes, salt tolerance in conventional forage crops, and the use of saline groundwater in conjunction with channel water. Mike Schulzzzzzzz.................................................. Inst. of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture - Tatura Agriculture Victoria Division Natural Resources & Environment Department Government of Victoria Australia <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Wed Aug 14 14:12 EDT 1996
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 13:00:51 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 78

Bicarbonate testing of soil extraction. ( (Amanda))


Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 11:07:04 -0800 From: (Amanda) Subject: Bicarbonate testing of soil extraction. Is this analysis done on soils? If so what protocols are labs using? I understand that the Western States Program has drop bicarbonate testing from the program. The issue I've encountered is that the soil extracts are darkly colored and the indicators do not show. amanda lewis <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Fri Aug 16 02:40 EDT 1996
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 01:28:32 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 79

Database (


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 15:33:15 +0930 From: Subject: Database A week or so ago I sent the attached message, seeking to establish a database of key salinity research locations. To my surprise, I have to assume there are only two of these - because I only received two replies. I'm resending the message - and if you know of key centres even if not personally involved, I'd appreciate that advice also. Date: 8/07/1996 2:25 pm (Wednesday) From: PHIL COLE To: AARNET:"" I'm interested in establishing a database of key centres with strong interests in research using higher salinity irrigation water, and/or developing halophytes for agriculture. Does such a database exist? Could key centres indicate their special areas of expertise? ( I noticed that Narayana Bhat of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research asked a similar question recently. ) For example, my organisation, Primary Industries South Australia, has undertakes irrigation (especially micro for horticulture) research, development and extension projects including the development of commercial services and the development of education programs; and to a lesser extent have developed management strategies for salt tolerant forage grasses, especially Puccinellia. <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Sat Aug 17 02:40 EDT 1996
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 01:28:38 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 80

Re: Database ( (- - - -))
Salinity Institutions ( (Michael  Shannon))
Re: Database (Earle Cummings .<>.)


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 17:44:54 +0800 From: (- - - -) Subject: Re: Database Hi there I'm David Chen, a PhD student at the University of Technology, Sydney. We are working on the physiological and genetci mechanisms of salt adaptation in Eucalyptus microcorys. regards david Chen University of Technology, Sydney Department of Environmental Biology and Horticulture PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 >A week or so ago I sent the attached message, seeking to establish a >database of key salinity research locations. > >To my surprise, I have to assume there are only two of these - because I only >received two replies. > >I'm resending the message - and if you know of key centres even if not >personally involved, I'd appreciate that advice also. > > > Date: 8/07/1996 2:25 pm (Wednesday) > From: PHIL COLE > To: AARNET:"" > > >I'm interested in establishing a database of key centres with strong >interests in >research using higher salinity irrigation water, and/or developing halophytes >for agriculture. > >Does such a database exist? Could key centres indicate their special areas of >expertise? ( I noticed that Narayana Bhat of Kuwait Institute for Scientific >Research asked a similar question recently. ) > >For example, my organisation, Primary Industries South Australia, has >undertakes irrigation (especially micro for horticulture) research, development >and extension projects including the development of commercial services and >the development of education programs; and to a lesser extent have >developed management strategies for salt tolerant forage grasses, especially >Puccinellia. > > <------------------------------>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 09:55:11 -0500 From: (Michael Shannon) Subject: Salinity Institutions Phil, You've got to put more than one line in the water before you decide that there are no fish in the lake. There is, of course the USDA, ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory in Riverside and we have a LARGE list of institutions interested in salinity research. Too many for me to list here. We are setting up a list on our Home page and it should be available in a week or two at http:\\ The ARid Lands group in Texas also maintains a list, as does FAO, UNEP, the subcommission A (Salt-affected soils). Good luck with your project and don't give up too soon, we are a big and busy group! Best regards <------------------------------>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 07:44:55 -0700 From: Earle Cummings .<>. Subject: Re: Database At 01:22 AM 8/16/96 -0500, you wrote: >A week or so ago I sent the attached message, seeking to establish a >database of key salinity research locations. >California Department of Food and Agriculture's Vashek Cervinka at (916)653-7640 is engaged in irrigatiuon with saline water. Years ago, the University of California was experimenting with barley and tomatos grown with sea water at their Bodega Marine Lab. I don't know the number, but the University of California Information number is 510-987-0700. I know very little about this subject, but you sounded desperate! Best wishes. Earle Cummings (916)327-1656 DWR's San Joaquin Valley Drainage Relief/Land Retirement Program POB 942836 Sacramento CA 94236-0001 <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Mon Aug 19 12:43 EDT 1996
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 11:31:37 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 81

Re: Bicarbonate testing of soil extraction. ("J.D. Oster" .<>.)


Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 11:25:55 -0500 From: "J.D. Oster" .<>. Subject: Re: Bicarbonate testing of soil extraction. I have forwarded your message, by e-mail to He is working on protocols, including bicarbonate, for the Western States with another researcher from Utah State University. There are methods to measure bicarbonate concentrations in the presence of dispersed organic matter in extracts obtained from sodic soils. I have relayed your message to Dr. Chris Amrhein ( in our department because he knows how to do it. At 12:59 PM 8/14/96 -0500, you wrote: >Is this analysis done on soils? If so what protocols are labs using? I >understand that the Western States Program has drop bicarbonate testing >from the program. The issue I've encountered is that the soil extracts are >darkly colored and the indicators do not show. > >amanda lewis > > > J.D.(Jim) Oster Dept. of Soil & Env. Sciences University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Phone (909)787-5100 FAX (909)787-5522 <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Tue Aug 20 21:41 EDT 1996
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 20:29:07 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 82



Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 20:23:46 -0500 From: (Evan Christen) Subject: ADVERTISING POSITION - IRRIGATION LECTURER/RESEARHER Charles Sturt University is one of Australia's leading regional universities and has a reputation for providing quality education. The University comprises of campuses at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Wagga Wagga and the Australian Graduate School of Police Management in Sydney. The University seeks to employ academic staff who will contribute to its growth and development. FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ENGINEER/SCIENTIST LOCATION Associate Lecturer/Lecturer Wagga Wagga Fixed Term This is a joint appointment by Charles Sturt University and the CSIRO Division of Water Resources in Griffith NSW. The position will be based at the CSU campus, however, it is envisaged that the appointee will spend significant amounts of time in Griffith. The successful applicant will lecture and conduct research in irrigation management systems applicable to Australian conditions. Responsibilities include assisting with the development and delivery of subjects, on-going consultation with the irrigation industry and the development of a research project which complements existing research at CSU and CSIRO. The appointee will also provide leadership in the use of computer based simulation and assisted learning programs relevant to irrigated agriculture students. Applicants must possess a PhD or equivalent in agriculture or civil engineering, with specialist training in irrigation system design and management; a teaching qualification or a demonstrated propensity to teach; experience with crop growth and water use models. Applicants must also demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in a team; ability to develop networks with a range of clients, academic staff and researchers; the ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. Research and/or teaching experience in more than one agricultural/climatic irrigated region and an understanding of soil, crop and water management principles as they relate to irrigated areas would be advantageous. Further information is available from Professor Wayne Meyer, School of Agriculture, telephone (069) 60 1562, fax (069) 60 1600, email SALARY DETAILS Lecturer $43042 - $51113 Associate Lecturer $30130 - $40889 NB: Appointment level will depend on qualifications and experience, with commencement salary being negotiable within the range. APPLICATION DETAILS Application forms and position information material are available from the Wagga Wagga Personnel Office, telephone (069) 33 2230, fax (069) 33 2886, email Applications Close: 6 September 1996. Equal Employment Opportunity is University policy. Internet Address: Dr Evan Christen Irrigation and Drainage Management for Horticulture CSIRO Division of Water Resources Griffith Laboratory Griffith NSW 2680 Australia Tel # 61 69 601586 Fax # 61 69 601600 <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Thu Aug 22 03:48 EDT 1996
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 02:36:58 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 83

origin of SAR ( (Moutier =?iso-8859-1?Q?Maryl=E8ne?= ))


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 08:47:42 +0100 From: (Moutier =?iso-8859-1?Q?Maryl=E8ne?= ) Subject: origin of SAR Hi everyone, I would like to know who originally defined the term "Sodium Adsorption Ratio". Could anyone give me more information about it ? Thanks for your help. MOUTIER Marylene Universite Catholique de Louvain faculte des Sciences Agronomiques Dep. Sciences du Milieu et Amenagement des Territoires Unite de Genie Rural Place Croix du Sud 2, Bte 2 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve BELGIQUE Tel : +32.10/47.37.12 Fax : +32.10/47.38.33 E-Mail : MOUTIER@GERU.UCL.AC.BE <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Fri Aug 23 03:49 EDT 1996
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 02:37:28 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 84

 Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SHANNON .<>.)


Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 07:57:00 -0700 From: SHANNON .<>. Subject: Sodium Adsorption Ratio To Marylene MOUTIER: An easy one! Gapon (1933), Mattson and Wiklander (1940), Davis (1945) and Schofield (1947) put together components of the concept, which was eloquantly stated in USDA Handbook 60, Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils (Richards et USSL Staff, 1954). Gapon EN. Theory of exchange adsorption in soils. Zhur. Obshch. Khim. 3:144-152. Davis, LE. Simple kinetic theory of ionic exchange for ions of unequal charge. J. Phys. Chem. 49:473-479. Mattson S, Wiklander L. The laws of colloidal behavior: XXI. A. The amphoteric points, the pH, and the Donnan equilibrium. Soil Sci. 49:109-134. Schofield RK. A ratio law governing the equilibrium of the cations in the soil solution. Intnl Cong Pure and Appl Chem (London), Proc (11) 3:257-261. <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************

From Mon Aug 26 13:11 EDT 1996
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 11:59:55 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 85

Re: Database  ((Sarah Katherine Lord) .<>.)


Date: Mon, 26 Aug 96 10:47:31 -0600 From: (Sarah Katherine Lord) .<>. Subject: Re: Database This is a message in response to Cole's database question: >I'm interested in establishing a database of key centres with strong interests in research using higher salinity irrigation water, and/or developing halophytes for agriculture. . . . .< I can't say that we have a big center for salinity research here at Colorado State University, but we do work with some salt tolerant plants - and salinity in irrigation research here. Good people to contact might be Reagan Waskom ( Dr. Parvis Soltanpour ( Good luck. Sarah Lord Masters candidate Water Quality Engineering Department of Chem and Bioresource Engineering Colorado State University <------------------------------>
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From Tue Aug 27 21:27 EDT 1996
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 20:15:42 -0500
Message-Id: .<>.
Subject: SALINITY-L digest 86

Introducing Me (Andrew J Brown .<>.)


Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:14:25 +1000 (EST) From: Andrew J Brown .<>. Subject: Introducing Me My name is ANdrew Brown. I'm a second year education student at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. (usq) The reason that I subscribed to this list is that I'm doing an environment education assignment on salinity. I hope that I will be able to gain some usefull info from this group. =================================================== = Andrew Brown == = == =================================================== = "Everywhere's walking distance if you have == = enough time" == =================================================== <------------------------------>
End of Digest ************************
To AGRONOMY homepage @ SunSITE

Prepared by: Steve Modena AB4EL
Comments and suggestions to: